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4制品加工 Miraflex纤维可以采用梳棉法、气辅法、针刺法、混棉法、湿法等多种方式加工.为了评价Miraflex的可加工性,OCF科研与技术中心和Albany国际研究公司进行了一项合作研究,并撰文对Miraflex在三种主要加工工艺(梳棉,气铺,针刺)中的可加工性作了介绍.  相似文献   

为了便于各方对JC/T1089《高硅氧连续玻璃纤维纱》标准的理解和使用,文章对该类产品的特点进行了介绍;并对标准颁布时间、产品代号、产品技术性能指标、产品测试方法进行了详细阐述,且将技术性能指标与国外同类产品做了对比和分析。  相似文献   

罗帆 《水泥》2007,(3):42-44
0 引言JC/T734《水泥原料易磨性试验方法》颁布实施近20年来,几经修订,应用日趋普及。2005年再次进行的修订,更注重了对各种原料的适应性和试验结果  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of the glass fiber reinforced Polyamide (PA6) composites made by prepreg tapes and commingled yarns were studied by in‐plane compression, short‐beam shear, and flexural tests. The composites were fabricated with different fiber volume contents (prepregs—47%, 55%, 60%, and commingled—48%, 48%, 49%, respectively) by using vacuum consolidation technique. To evaluate laminate quality in terms of fiber wet‐out at filament level, homogeneity of fiber/matrix distribution, and matrix/fiber bonding standard microscopic methods like optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used. Both commingled and prepreg glass fiber/PA6 composites (with Vf ∼ 48%) give mechanical properties such as compression strength (530–570 MPa), inter‐laminar shear strength (70–80 MPa), and transverse strength (80–90 MPa). By increasing small percentage in the fiber content show significant rise in compression strength, slight decrease in the ILSS and transverse strengths, whereas semipreg give very poor properties with the slight increase in fiber content. Overall comparison of mechanical properties indicates commingled glass fiber/PA6 composite shows much better performance compared with prepregs due to uniform distribution of fiber and matrix, better melt‐impregnation while processing, perfect alignment of glass fibers in the composite. This study proves again that the presence of voids and poor interface bonding between matrix/fiber leads to decrease in the mechanical properties. Fractographic characterization of post‐failure surfaces reveals information about the cause and sequence of failure. POLYM. COMPOS., 36:834–853, 2015. © 2014 Society of Plastics Engineers  相似文献   

近几年来,河北省丰润县出现了水泥熟料生产和水泥粉磨分离经营的局面,水泥熟料由半成品变成了可在市场上流通的商品。早在1995年我县技术监督局就已认识到影响水泥产品质量的主要因素在熟料质量,为此,局领导责成专业技术人员进行广泛调查和深入研究,于1996年初帮助企业按照国家标准的格式制订了Q/RSL01-1996《硅酸盐水泥熟料》标准,并经过唐山市技术监督局标准处和有关专家审定后备案,现已在我县水泥熟料生产企业中执行。为了适应水泥熟料贸易的需要,规范水泥熟料质量,国家建材局已于1999年6月15日批准了…  相似文献   

1标准制订的依据和原则 1.1国内外标准情况 我们收集了国际标准国外产品样本国家标准和行业标准,这些标准主要有: ISO 2078:1993<玻璃纤维-纱-代号>、GB/T 4202-1984<玻璃纤维纱代号>、GB/T 4204-1984<玻璃纤维布、带、管代号>、GB/T 17470-1998<玻璃纤维短切原丝毡>、JC 561-1994<玻璃纤维网布>、JC/T 572-1994<耐碱玻璃纤维无捻粗纱>、JC/T 1984<玻璃纤维涂覆制品代号>、JC 839-1998<玻璃纤维土工格栅>.  相似文献   

In discontinuous fiber-reinforced composites, the shear strength at the fiber–matrix interface plays an important role in determining the reinforcing effect. In this paper, a method was devised to accurately determine this shear strength, taking the strength distribution of glass fiber into consideration. Calculated strength values based on the shear strenght obtained by the method were in better agreement with the experimental observations than those calculated by employing the shear strength obtained on the assumption that the fiber strength was uniform. The tensile strength of composites increases with increasing aspect ratio of the reinforcing fibers. This trend is almost the same regardless of the kind of matrix, the nature of interfacial treatment, and the environmental temperature. When composites are reinforced with random-planar orientation of short glass fibers of 1.5 times the mean critical fiber length, the tensile strength of composite reaches about 90% of the theoretical strength of composites reinforced with continuous glass fiber. Reinforcing with glass fibers 5 times the critical length, the tensile strength reaches about 97% of theoretical. However, from a practical point of view, it is adequate to reinforce with short fibers of 1.5–2.0 times the mean critical fiber lenght.  相似文献   

Summary In a Glass Fiber Reinforced (GFR) polymer, the coefficient of volumetric thermal expansion CVTE (determined as a sum of the coefficients of linear thermal expansion CLTE’s for the three principal directions) is sometimes much smaller than the value predictable on the basis of well acquainted models, such as Chow model, taking into account fibers anisotropy and aspect ratio. A detailed investigation of the CVTE of unfilled and GFR thermoplastics (polyethyleneterephthalate PET, polybuthyleneterephthalate PBT, polyamide 6 PA6, polyamide 4,6 PA46, polycarbonate PC) was performed through Pressure-Volume Temperature (PVT) measurements. In particular, it was found that CVTE is always much lower than the zeroth order “expected value”, defined according to the “rule of mixture”. The aspect ratio plays a major role, since in the case of polymers filled with glass spheres the rules of mixtures applies for the resulting CVTE. Finally, the nature of the matrix is of paramount importance: a GFR polymer with an amorphous matrix (PC) strictly follows the rule of mixture for CLVE even for highly anisotropic fillers exhibiting large aspect ratios (20 to 30).  相似文献   

世界热塑性玻璃钢发展概况   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
玻璃纤维增强热塑性塑料(简称热塑性玻璃钢,英文缩写GRTP)最早出现于20世纪50年代,比热固性玻璃钢问世更晚.经过多年的发展,现今国际上热塑性玻璃钢已占玻璃钢总产量的四分之一以上,而且增长速度很快.据资料报道,在过去几年中,热塑性玻璃钢市场增长稳定,平均年增率为5%~6%.从现在到2007年,美国等国家对热塑性玻璃钢需求量的增长率将超过热固性玻璃钢.  相似文献   

3玻璃纤维涂层织物 玻璃纤维织物可以涂上各种有机和无机涂层,制成涂层织物,用于各种用途.下面是近几年开发成功的几种玻璃纤维涂层织物.  相似文献   

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