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21世纪的新能源——海洋能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海洋能通常是指海洋本身所蕴藏的能量 ,它包括潮汐能、波浪能、海流能、温差能、盐差能和化学能 ,不包括海底或海底下储存的煤、石油、天然气等化石能源和“可燃冰” ,也不含溶解于海水中的铀、锂等化学能源。海洋能有如下特点 :(1)可再生性 ,由于海水潮汐、海流和波浪等运动周而复始 ,永不休止 ,所以 ,海洋能是可再生能源 ;(2 )属于一种洁净能源 ;(3)能量多变 ,具有不稳定性 ,运用起来比较困难 ;(4)总量巨大 ,但分布分散、不均 ,能流密度低 ,利用效率不高 ,经济性差。海洋总面积有 3 6 1亿km2 ,约占全球总面积的71% ,海洋储水量约为全球…  相似文献   

Despite abundant supplies of fossil fuels in the Soviet Union, electricity from nuclear power increased dramatically in the 1970s. Plans for future expansion are also optimistic. The institutions of central planning theoretically allow coordination of different sectors and facilitate policy decisions of such magnitude. The inefficiencies of the planning process in practice, however, have meant failure to meet targets. Pressure groups have not influenced policy decisions and safety and environmental protection standards are lower than in the West. There is little overt disagreement with the decision to expand the nuclear sector but some scientists advocate new siting policies. For the moment, however, the expansion of the nuclear industry in the Soviet Union is secure.  相似文献   

W.Kenneth Davis 《Energy》1979,4(6):1053-1062
The historical trend toward increasing electrification is expected to continue, requiring substantial increases in U.S. electric power generating capacity. Nuclear power and coal are expected to be the only alternatives capable of making a major contribution to meeting this demand for the next several decades. This paper examines what nuclear could do to assure the United States of adequate supplies of energy at reasonable prices through the turn of the century and beyond. The approach used was to determine how rapidly nuclear generating capacity could be expanded if a national commitment was made to solve the licensing, regulatory and political problems which are currently discouraging utilities from making further nuclear commitments. It was concluded that a total of 550 GWe of nuclear capacity could be in operation by the year 2000. Achieving this desirable goal would require a strong commitment by government and industry to work together to replace the current adversary relationship with one of mutual cooperation.  相似文献   

谭征 《太阳能》1999,(2):29
自从20世纪科学巨人———阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦推导出了那个著名的公式“E=mc2”,用以阐述质能互变的原理之后,整个世界发生了巨大的变化。人类从此明白了物质与能量之间的关系,认识到任何物质都可变成能量;反过来,能量也可变为物质。换言之,人类掌握了核能的...  相似文献   

We present an overview of likely sources of needed United States energy supplies for the 21st century.  相似文献   

21世纪的新能源—生物质能   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
生物包括动物、植物和微生物。生物质能是指生物质能源。它是太阳能的另一种形式 ,也是一种可再生能源。可作为能源加以利用的生物 ,主要有树木、农作物、水生植物、农林产品加工残余物、有机废弃物 ,以及人畜粪便等。1 生物质能蕴藏丰富 ,使用历史最长生物质能是绿色植物通过光合作用将太阳辐射的能量转化为储存的化学能 ,以生物质的形式固定下来的能源。据估算 ,地球上的绿色植物储存的总能量大约相当于 8× 10 12 t标煤 ,比目前地壳内已知可供开采的煤炭总储量还多 11倍。地球上绿色植物一年固定的太阳能大约为 3× 10 2 1J,相当于人…  相似文献   

New forms of energy are required to solve the future problems of the world energy market, especially as regards the substitution of mineral oil. High-temperature reactors can make an important contribution towards this goal. The prerequisite is a temperature availability of approx. 950°C, which has been demonstrated in the AVR reactor at Jülich for 3 years. The 300-MW THTR is being constructed as a continuation of the German HTR programme. At present some processes for coal modification are being promoted by the Development Programme of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). The most ideal application of the high-temperature reactor could be the production of hydrogen from water with the aid of thermochemical methods and hybrid processes.  相似文献   

A brief overview is given which identifies and predicts some issues that will impact the use and development of cables over the next decades. Reliability of such cable systems will continue to be extremely important and will moderate the rate at which new technologies are introduced. The architecture of the distribution and transmission networks may change, for example, a wider use of DC cables would be one factor. A number of issues are identified and will require attention over the first part of the 21st Century. This will lead to more extensive use of underground and undersea cable systems. The following topics are covered: HVDC transmission; AC distribution and transmission cables; monitoring/diagnostic systems; multifunctional cables; and superconducting cables  相似文献   

21世纪的新能源——天然气水合物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周善元 《江西能源》2002,(2):45-46,44
天然气水合物 (GasHydrates)是天然气和水在特定条件下所形成的一种透明的冰状结晶体 ,又称“可燃冰”、“气冰”、“固体瓦斯” ,是一种清洁高效、使用方便的新能源 ,被誉为 2 1世纪能为人类提供电力的燃料。越来越多的科学家相信 ,未来洁净能源的最大一部分也许就藏在海底或高纬度永冻区。1 天然气水合物的构成和性能1 1 构成天然气水合物与天然气的成分相近似 ,且更为纯净。简单地说 ,天然气水合物就是天然气 (甲烷类 ,是细菌分解有机物和原油热解时所产生的 )被包进水分子中 ,在海底低温和很高压力下形成的一种冰状的固态…  相似文献   

《Energy Policy》2006,34(17):3334-3341
Deregulation and new environmental requirements combined with the growing scarcity of fossil resources and the increasing world energy demand lead to a renewal of the debate on tomorrow's energies. Specifically, nuclear energy, which has undeniable assets, faces new constraints. On the one hand, nuclear energy is very competitive and harmless to greenhouse effect. From this point, it seems to be an ideal candidate to reach future objectives of sustainability, availability and acceptability. On the other hand, its technology of production — based on fission — remains imperfect and generates risks for environment and health. In this respect, it is less desirable. Therefore, world researchers turn today towards another type of nuclear technique, fusion, on which the project ITER is founded. This worldwide project is interesting for our analysis because, as a technological revolution, it takes into consideration all the global challenges of nuclear energy for the future, and particularly its capacity to meet the increasing energy needs of developing countries. It is the example par excellence of a successful international scientific collaboration oriented towards very long-run energy ends that involve huge technological, economic and political stakes. Focusing on this project, we thus have to reconsider the future place of nuclear energy in a more and more demanding world. Considering the magnitude of the efforts undertaken to implement ITER, this paper aims at analysing, in a detailed way, its goals, its challenges and its matter.  相似文献   

Michael Dittmar 《Energy》2012,37(1):35-40
The status of nuclear energy today and its potential evolution during the next 10–20 years is discussed. Nuclear energy contributes only about 14% of the world’s electric energy mix today, and as electric energy contributes itself only about 16% to the end energy use, its contribution is essentially negligible. Still, nuclear energy is plagued already with a long list of unsolved problems. Among the less known problems one finds the difficulties that nuclear plants cannot provide power according to needs, but have to be operated at full power also during times of low demand and regions with large contributions from nuclear power need some backup hydropower storage systems. The better known problems, without solutions since at least 40 years, are the final safe storage of the accumulated highly radioactive nuclear waste, that uranium itself is a very limited and non renewable energy resource and that enormous amounts of human resources, urgently needed to find a still unknown path towards a low energy future, are blocked by useless research on fusion energy. Thus, nuclear energy is not a solution to our energy worries but part of the problem.  相似文献   

China is leading the recent revival of nuclear energy programs; it is building not one but four nuclear power plants at a time. The government is determined to expand nuclear energy programs and the general public supports the efforts. China also has the financial and human resources to achieve the desired objective—building 40 GW generation capacity by 2020. The politics surrounding nuclear energy expansion, however, is fluid and competition for influence is vibrant. Nuclear energy issues have become openly contested between general economic and specific industry interests and between international and domestic perspectives and designs. This article examines the political dynamics in China to show how the rival players and their competing interests shape the strategy of nuclear energy development.  相似文献   

Energy is a vital input for economic and social development of any country. With increasing industrial and agricultural activities in the country, the demand for energy is also rising. Solar, wind and biomass are accepted as dependable and widely available renewable sources of energy. Development of an energy model will help in the proper allocation of these renewables in meeting the future demand of energy in India. The present work deals with the development of an Optimal Renewable Energy Model (OREM) for the effective utilisation of renewable energy sources in India for the year-2020-21. The objective of the Optimal Renewable Energy Model (OREM) was minimising cost/efficiency ratio based on social acceptance, reliability, demand and potential constraints. The OREM model allocated renewable energy sources for different end-uses such as lighting, cooking, pumping, heating, cooling and transportation for the year 2020-21.  相似文献   

Current energy needs are nearly totally dependent on fossil fuels. This is causing global warming and exhaustion of resources; it is important to switch to more efficient and effective energy use. These circumstances are expanding the role of secondary batteries. Non-fossil fuels such as photovoltaic cells and wind energy are unstable, but combining them with secondary batteries improves their stability as electric power sources. If electrical load leveling between day and night can be achieved by storing electric power, it will be possible to achieve a high capacity utilization rate for generating facilities that have high generating efficiency and produce little CO2. Depending on the generating mix, the practicalization of electric vehicles will serve not only to alleviate air pollution, but also to limit CO2 emissions. There are hopes for the development of large-capacity lithium secondary batteries with long cycle life, high energy density, high power density, and high energy efficiency.  相似文献   

Energy is the most abundant and valuable natural resource of Central Asia and northwest China1 and includes oil, gas, coal, electricity, and renewables. Kazakhstan has large reserves of oil and coal. Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan have significant reserves of gas. Kyrgyzstan produces significant amounts of hydroelectric power. Xinjiang, China has significant coal resources and an uncertain, although generally promising, potential for oil in the Tarim basin. These energy reserves form the basis for future economic growth and development in the region, and energy exports are beginning to generate important foreign exchange revenues. Although Central Asia enjoys vast energy development potential, there are obstacles to exploiting these resources, including limited infrastructure for transporting energy—notably oil and gas pipelines and electric transmission lines—in the region, political turmoil, payment difficulties, and inadequate energy policies. Despite these challenges, however, with appropriate government planning Central Asia is poised to become a significant world supplier of energy, especially in the oil and gas sectors, and the region is likely to diminish OPEC's influence of the global oil market over the long term.  相似文献   

为繁殖甲鱼营造适宜的温室水温,2002年,浙江省绍兴县绿神特种水产养殖有限公司在省、县农村能源部门的指导下,兴建了2400m~2太阳热水工程,产生了良好的经济、生态和社会效益。 绍兴县绿神特种水产养殖有限公司是绍兴县无公室野育甲鱼养殖、名特优特种水产品苗种生产与  相似文献   

Lack of domestic fossil fuel resources has forced France to pin its hopes on nuclear power. This paper describes the French nuclear programme, the structure of the nuclear industry, progress made and future objectives. Some cost estimates for nuclear power relative to other fuel sources are presented and the effects of the nuclear programme on France's import dependency considered.  相似文献   

“Solar Chemistry and Solar Materials Research” is one important task of the “Solar Energy Association North Rhine–Westphalia, Germany”. Numerous individual projects have been carried out which address the construction and operation of a high-flux solar furnace, solar chemical engineering, and solar materials research. Almost 10 years of research and development have led to significant progress. This paper reviews the scope of work in solar chemistry and summarizes the results. The authors present perspectives for commercialization and address open questions and needs for further research and development.  相似文献   

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