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《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》1981,2(2):28-29
An oxide isolated Integrated Schottky Logic (ISL) gate has been designed and fabricated using 1.25 µm minimum goemetries and a 1 µm thick epitaxy layer. Computer simulations and experimental results show good agreement and demonstrate that this gate structure provides a room temperative gate delay of approximately 0.7ns at a current level of 100 µA. 相似文献
ISE是Xilinx推出的业内领先的设计工具,提供了极佳的设计性能和生产率组合。ISEDesignSuite整合了Xilinx的嵌入式、DSP和逻辑设计的设计工具。它包含:ISEFoundation软件;ISEWebPACK软件;带有ISE仿真器的ISE Foundation软件;Platform Studio和嵌入式开发套件(EDK);Plan Ahead设计和分析工具与Plan Ahead Lite;Chip Scope Pro工具;Chip Scope Pro串行I/O工具套件;System Generator for DSP;AccelDSP综合工具。 相似文献
《Electron Device Letters, IEEE》1986,7(10):564-566
This paper describes advanced Integrated-Schottky-Logic (ISL) circuits featuring double-poly self-alignment, "free" epi-base lateral p-n-p clamp, self-aligned guard ring Schottky barrier diode, and silicon-filled trench isolation. Using a 0.7-µm-thick epitaxial layer and 1.2-µm minimum dimensions, gate delays of 432 ps (fan-out = 1) and 527 ps (fan-out = 3) are obtained at current levels of 183 and 255 µA/gate, respectively; with nonwalled emitter. With walled emitter (two sides), a gate delay of 382 ps is achieved for fan-out of 3 at a current level of 267 µA/gate. 相似文献
《Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of》1982,17(4):687-695
Propagation delay times of high-speed VLSI candidates ISL and STL are calculated analytically. It is shown by calculations and measurements that STL is marginally faster than ISL in oxide-isolated processes, at the cost of higher process complexity. Both logic forms suffer from speed degradation due to fan-in. Measures to obtain delay times that are independent of fan-in are discussed. Fan-out aspects are also considered. It is shown that ring oscillators exhibit a somewhat better speed than logic gates that start to switch from the DC state. This speed difference is expressed in an empirical formula. 相似文献
卫星移动通信系统星间链路设计 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过对现有的卫星移动通信系统星间链路的分析发现 ,不但卫星移动通信系统星间链路的指向具有周期性变化的特性 ,而且星间链路的相对距离也在周期性变化。这种星间链路指向的周期性规律变化 ,为星间通信链路的搜索建立以及星间通信设备的设计制造提供了研究的方向和理论依据。对星间链路的误码率的分析 ,主要探讨了由于卫星星体振动而引起的通信误码与振动的标准偏差 (幅度 )、通信所使用的光波波长、发射到接收的距离以及激光波束半径之间的关系 ,为实际星间链路的设计打下了坚实的理论基础。 相似文献
《Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of》1984,19(2):195-206
Schottky-transistor logic (STL) and integrated Schottky logic (ISL) have been fabricated in both 4-/spl mu/m and 2-/spl mu/m oxide isolated processes and characterized over the military temperature range (-55 to +125/spl deg/C ambient). The temperature coefficient of the average propagation delay (t/spl tilde//SUB pd/) is positive for STL over the entire operating current range. For ISL, the temperature coefficient of t/SUB pd/ is negative at low currents and positive at high currents. Both the 4-/spl mu/m and 2-/spl mu/m ring oscillator designs studied showed this behavior. At 25/spl deg/C, t/SUB pd/ data indicate no difference between STL and ISL for practical purposes. At -55/spl deg/C, the STL has a slight (~0.1 ns) speed advantage over ISL. At 150/spl deg/C (junction), the 2-/spl mu/m STL gates with a 200 /spl Omega///spl square/ base sheet resistance have the lowest minimum t/SUB pd/ of the gates studied (0.9 ns at a total current of 190 /spl mu/A) compared to the best for ISL at 1.0 ns and 150 /spl mu/A. The ISL operates at a lower logic swing than the STL at 105/spl deg/C, and has a speed advantage in the current range useful for VLSI. Additional data are presented which demonstrate the effect of the base resistance, epitaxial resistivity and substrate resistivity on delay. 相似文献
Routing in ISL networks considering empirical IP traffic 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Svigelj A. Mohorcic M. Kandus G. Kos A. Pustisek M. Bester J. 《Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on》2004,22(2):261-272
Next-generation satellite networks are expected to provide a variety of applications with diverse performance requirements, which will call for the development of adaptive routing procedures supporting different levels of services. In this paper, we propose traffic class dependent (TCD) routing, which has the potential to differentiate between traffic classes using different optimization criteria in route calculation. The performance of TCD routing is evaluated for different traffic scenarios using an empirical traffic source model derived from the real backbone Internet traffic trace and compared with results obtained with equivalent Poisson traffic as a reference point. In addition, TCD routing is compared with a simple single service routing procedure, which does not make any distinction between traffic classes. Performance analysis, in terms of average packet delay, normalized data throughput, and normalized link load, reveals improved routing resulting from traffic class differentiation, regardless of the traffic scenario considered. The performance measures based of aggregate traffic flow show no significant difference between routing of empirical and equivalent Poisson traffic. 相似文献
Robert A. Peters 《International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking》1988,6(2):163-171
Burst errors in an optical intersatellite link (ISL) are short term (of the order of a millisecond) degradations of the link due to antenna mistracking. These errors degrade the average bit error rate (BER), decrease coding gain, complicate calculations of tracking accuracy, and give rise to concern about the quality of the link for carrying digital signals. After reviewing previous work on these topics, the digital performance of the link is examined in terms of how these considerations affect the ability of an optical ISL to meet ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) criteria for an ISL. A link with on-board regeneration is assumed. Since no allocation has yet been made for an ISL, an allocation of 25 per cent of the degradation permitted for the satellite link by CCITT Rec. G.821 and CCIR Rec. 614 is assumed here. It is found (1) that if the requirement derived from Rec. 614 is met, the requirements derived from Rec. G.821 are also met and (2) that an optical ISL should have little difficulty in meeting these requirements. 相似文献
卫星移动通信系统星间链路空间参数分析 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
通过对现有的卫星移动通信系统星间链路的分析发现,伴随着卫星座高度的增加,卫星移动通信系统星间链路指向的动态变化范围不断扩大,星间链路的相对距离也不断增大。由此引出对最优化的极轨道卫星移动通信系统星暗链路主要参数的模拟与分析,从中得到了一些规律性的结论,为星间链路的设计与建立提供了理论基础;同昱,卫星移动通信系统星间链路指向性的周期性变化,也为星间链路建立过程中最优化搜索算法的建立提供了探索的方向和 相似文献
针对存在码间干扰ISI的稀疏多径信道,已提出基于压缩感知理论的平滑SL0算法来研究其稀疏特性,然而SL0算法的迭代方向为负梯度方向,存在“锯齿效应”,且其代价函数“陡峭性”性能欠佳,使得信道估计和收敛效果均未达到最优。因此提出利用拉格朗日算子,结合牛顿法来改进和优化SL0算法,获得了快速和高效的信号重构ISL0算法,对稀疏多径信道状态信息进行了相关估计,分析了信噪比SNR和迭代次数等参数对重构信号均方误差MSE的影响。比较了ISL0算法与其他相关算法的迭代时间以及对稀疏信道中ISI均衡效果的差异。算法的优越性通过仿真得到验证,实时仿真结果显示ISL0算法能很好地对稀疏信道进行估计。在同样信道环境条件下,相比CoSaMP、SL0及其他算法,ISL0算法的性能有了较大提高。 相似文献
基于ISL 5416的数字下变频原理及实现 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
介绍了软件无线电中数字下变频的原理和实现过程,以及Intersil公司生产的DDC芯片ISL 5416可编程数字下变频器的结构和工作过程,在此基础上,以多通道相关干涉仪系统作为应用背景,对其中数字下变频器件在不同工作带宽下的输出数据进行了分析,说明了ISL 5416能灵活地实现多种带宽下的信号下变频,为解决软件无线电中的可变带宽数字下变频提供了解决方案。 相似文献
锂电池充电器ISL6294及其应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Joseph Chen 《世界电子元器件》2006,(8):33-36
随着手机、数码相机、MP3、GPS等便携式产品向体积小、厚度薄、轻巧造型方向发展,新颖的个人信息产品不断推陈出新,产量也猛增。这些新产品中儿乎都采用锂离子(或聚合物)电池,因为它能满足小、薄、轻的要求,并且容量大,能延长两次充电的时间间 相似文献
《Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of》1980,15(3):269-276
The minimum propagation delay time of integrated Schottky logic (ISL) made in a standard LS process is determined by saturation of the vertical p-n-p clamp transistor. A performance improvement is obtained by increasing the dope of the substrate to prevent this saturation effect. When using 5 /spl mu/m minimum dimensions the minimum propagation delay is then well below 3 ns over the full temperature range from -55 up to 150/spl deg/C chip temperature. It is shown that a vertical p-n-p clamp transistor is essential to obtain a high speed when relaxed design rules are used. Furthermore, it is shown that ISL can be modeled in a relatively simple manner with one n-p-n transistor and one or two p-n-p transistors, depending on the resistivity of the substrate. 相似文献
Laurent Franck Grard Maral 《International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking》2002,20(6):455-475
This paper presents and evaluates different routing schemes in a constellation of non‐geostationary satellites. Routing decisions may or may not take into account the state of the network. While taking into account the network state is likely to bring an improvement in both the network utilization and the quality of service, it also makes the routing architecture more complex. This paper proposes to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of these different design approaches for routing. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
针对智能照明控制系统中照度检测的问题,提出一种基于ISL29004的多路照度检测方案.介绍一种采用该方案的智能照明控制设备,该设备以单片机P87LPC768为控制核心,采用具有I2C总线接口的ISL29004进行照度检测,使用准双向I2C总线缓冲器P82B96对I2C总线进行驱动扩展,在简化系统设计的同时实现了多路照度检测以及自动照明控制. 相似文献
本文首先讲述了四通道数字下变频器ISL5216的功能特点及设计要点,然后详细介绍了使用其进行FM解调和宽带信号解调的具体设计方法。 相似文献
文章介绍了软件无线电技术的定义和有关概念,并以软件无线电的设计思想为指导,提出了以数字上变频器ISL5217为核心的移动通信系统中宽带数字化中频的实现方案。 相似文献