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林伟容 《石油商技》2004,22(6):50-50
在紧急情况下,战略石油储备是保护一个国家可能发生的短期石油供应波动的最有效的途径。美国、日本和德国的石油储备期分别达到净进口量的158天、161天和127天。作为仅次于美国的世界第二大石油消费国,中国对石油的需求量正随着中国经济的快速增长而不断上升。为维护国家石油安全,中国正有计划地建立石油储备制度,逐步发展和完善符合中国国情的战略石油储备体系。  相似文献   

范秋芳 《河南石油》2000,14(2):50-52
美国是世界上第一大石油消费国,也是最大的能源进口国,为了确保石油的稳定供应它建立了适合本国国情的战略石油储备体系,本文介绍了美国的石油储备情况,并针对我国的实际情况,借鉴美国经验,提出了建立中国石油储备体系的一些想法和建议。  相似文献   

高度集中的美国战略储备   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
经过近30年的运作,美国建立了相对完善和成熟的战略石油储备体系,作为政府直接管理型的运作方式,美国的做法很具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

借鉴美国经验 搞好石油储备   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
美国是世界上第一大石油消费国,也是最大的能源进口国,为了确保石油的稳定供应,它建立了适合本国国情的战略石油储备体系、本文介绍了美国的石油储备情况,并针对我国的实际情况(国情),借鉴美国经验,提出了建立中国石油储备体系的一些想法和建议。  相似文献   

国家战略石油储备真正操作是近几年的事情。要建立起完备的国家战略石油储备体系,还需加速立法进程,构建多层次储备主体,并对战略石油储备的动用条件等加以明确规定。  相似文献   

介绍了西方经济大国的战略石油储备体系,对世界有关国家的石油储备成本和效益做了分析和比较,总结了世界上主要采用的石油储备技术,从经济规模和石油消费量的角度指出了中国建立和完善战略石油储备的必要性,从石油储备技术的角度分析了中国建立战略石油储备的可行性。  相似文献   

镇海国家战略石油储备基地的建成投产,意味着我国酝酿了10年之久的石油战略储备体系即将正式启用。“浙江镇海国家战略石油储备基地8月底全面竣工,并将在10月交付使用。”国家发改委日前正式宣布的这条消息,再次引起各方的关注和猜测。镇海基地是我国第一期战略石油储备基地中规模最大、工程进度最快的一个,它的建成投产意味着我国酝酿了10年之久的战略储备体系即将正式启用。  相似文献   

战略石油储备正在世界各国悄然发展.一些起步较早的发达国家已形成一套完整的体系和措施,而发展中国家也在结合自身实际需要,逐步加大战略石油储备的力度.无论是发达国家还是发展中国家,无论是实施战略石油储备较早的国家还是较晚的国家,无论是石油储备量较大的国家还是储量较小的国家,都有着各种不同的储备体制、机制、方法和措施,如能结合自身国情,借鉴、吸纳其中有益的、精华的部分,对于石油储备工作健康、高效地推进是大有裨益的.美德日法四国的经验做法,就有许多可取之处.  相似文献   

我国战略石油储备的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叙述了建立战略石油储备的意义,介绍了我国战略石油储备的现状,并在参考国外研究方法的基础上,结合我国的具体情况,从战略石油法制建设、储备模式、储备规模、储备品种和储备资金来源等方面提出了建立战略石油储备体系的构想。  相似文献   

近日,中国已正式成立国家石油储备中心,负责战略石油储备的收储和动用,防止原油储备质量下降,对原油进行轮换,规范石油储备运作,并加快石油储备设施的建设等。  相似文献   

大型储罐设计技术的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国经济的快速发展,能源问题已成为制约我国经济快速发展的瓶颈。特别是最近几年,我国已成为石油净进口国,为了应对国际石油市场的波动和战略储备,国家原油战略储备库工程已陆续启动和建成,同时随着石油化工工业的发展,油罐的大型化已经成为发展的必然趋势,因此开发设计大型储罐势在必行。  相似文献   

An important decision for policy makers is selecting strategic petroleum reserve sites. However, policy makers may not choose the most suitable and efficient locations for strategic petroleum reserve (SPR) due to the complexity in the choice of sites. This paper proposes a multi-objective programming model to determine the optimal locations for China’s SPR storage sites. This model considers not only the minimum response time but also the minimum transportation cost based on a series of reasonable assumptions and constraint conditions. The factors influencing SPR sites are identified to determine potential demand points and candidate storage sites. Estimation and suggestions are made for the selection of China’s future SPR storage sites based on the results of this model. When the number of petroleum storage sites is less than or equals 25 and the maximum capacity of storage sites is restricted to 10 million tonnes, the model’s result best fit for the current layout scheme selected thirteen storage sites in four scenarios. Considering the current status of SPR in China, Tianjin, Qingdao, Dalian, Daqing and Zhanjiang, Chengdu, Xi’an, and Yueyang are suggested to be the candidate locations for the third phase of the construction plan. The locations of petroleum storage sites suggested in this work could be used as a reference for decision makers.  相似文献   

从国内市场和外部环境两个:方面阐述了加快推进中国石油储备体系建设的紧迫性,从九个方面提出建立和完善中国石油储备体系的建议:建立和健全石油储备相关的法律法规;建立符合国情的石油储备模式;循序渐进确保石油储备规模;促进石油储备品种多样化;培育多元化的石油储备主体;科学规划石油储备基地;建立多层次的石油储备筹资模式;因地制宜选择经济、安全的储备方式;积极参与石油储备国际合作。  相似文献   

With the rapid and continual growth of national economy, the gap between oil demand and supply keeps widening in China, therefore China will increasingly depend on imported oil. However, the world's oil and gas resources are unevenly distributed; global world's oil prices remain high; and over 70 percent of China's imported oil has to be shipped through the Malacca Strait. There are various ways to ensure China's oil security today, and the practical and feasible strategic option is to increase the discovery and production of domestic oil, raise energy efficiency and develop petroleum substitutes. Scientific and technological innovation is crucial both in new oil reserves discovery and production,energy conservation, and in the development of petroleum substitutes, establishment of a strategic oil reserve system and for environment protection. This indicates that China should take effective measures in investment strategy, fiscal policies, financing instruments, intellectual property protection, fostering talents and professionals, so as to establish its own scientific and technological innovation system in the petroleum industry and be better able to ensure oil security.  相似文献   

世界海洋油气资源勘探潜力及利用前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界海洋油气资源非常丰富。随着经济快速发展和陆上油气勘探的日趋成熟,对海洋油气资源的勘探与开发已逐步成为全球油气利用的热点。通过对美国地质调查局(USGS)和美国IHS公司等石油机构的数据库资料分析,认为目前世界海洋油气探明可采储量为13 215亿桶(约1 802.53×108t)油当量,占全球含油气盆地总储量的35.8%;主要分布在全球近海的12个区域。海洋待发现的常规油气资源分布很不均匀。通过对全球海洋重点盆地待发现油气规模与勘探状况分析,认为具有一类勘探潜力级别和二类勘探潜力级别的盆地或区带共16个;处于中等勘探程度的10个盆地待发现油气资源占全球海域油气资源总量的42%,展现出很好的勘探前景。  相似文献   

China is accelerating the build-up of its oil reserves to avoid the economic dislocations the country suffered in 2008 from fluctuations in the world oil price.China will,in addition to the current four strategic petroleum reserve bases,build eight new ones by 2011.The program will increase China's strategic crude reserve capacity to 44.6 million cubic meters,or 281 million barrels.The country will also increase its oil products reserve to 10 million tons by 2011."China's attentiveness to its oil reserve capacity has grown in tandem with its rising dependence on imported oil," said Pan Jiahua,an expert with the Chinese petroleum society.  相似文献   

This paper investigates Central Asia's oil and gas resources, special geopolitics and energy competition, and approaches, challenges and prospects in cooperation between China and Central Asia. The objective is to propose measures for oil and gas cooperation between China and Central Asia. Central Asia is rich in oil and gas resources. Its remaining recoverable reserves of crude oil and natural gas account for 1.9% and 10.6 %, respectively, of the world's total reserves. Moreover, there is great exploration and development potential. As a strategic channel connecting Eurasia, Central Asia has a prominent geopolitical status. Many powerful countries such as the United States, Russia and China, as well as Europe, have an intense energy competition in Central Asia. In the oil and gas cooperation with Central Asia, the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) focuses on establishing a coordination group, promoting overall oil and gas business opportunities and sustainable development, innovating and applying specialty engineering technology and improving project economic benefits. Through its efforts over the last nearly two decades, the China National Petroleum Corporation has completed a 50-million-tonne a year oil and gas production centre in Central Asia and oil and gas pipelines passing through multiple countries, becoming an important channel for securing China's energy imports. If appropriate measures are taken in the 'Thirteenth Five-Year Plan' period or later, the China National Petroleum Corporation will develop a 100-million-tonne p.a. oil and gas production centre in Central Asia and a strategic oil and gas import channel exceeding this amount of production. This cooperation between China and Central Asia is however faced with the following challenges: increasing multinational competition uncertainty, potential risks in the political systems of Central Asian countries, frequently occurring violence and also resource policy tightening in Central Asia. To further oil and gas cooperation w  相似文献   

在中国石油工业的发展历史上,一个前人不曾想到、今人格外关注的新丰碑,2015年就将在中国西部的新疆大地高高竖起。2012年,中国石油天然气集团公司(下称中国石油)继"海外大庆"建成、"西部大庆"在握的当口,再次为国家能源安全战略布局—加快建设"新疆大庆"。2015年,中国石油在疆3个油田油气当量达到5000万吨。如今,"新疆大庆"建设如火如荼,一个能源新高地正在中国大西部惊世隆起。  相似文献   

含油气系统理论在中国盆地研究中的应用与发展   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
含油气系统(petroleum system)概念提出后的20多年里,世界油气勘探业走过了一条搏奕—理性、随机—系统、盲从—高效之路,它的诞生和应用"明显地提高了勘探成功率","已经成为一种重要的勘探工具"。我国的石油地质家和勘探家在20世纪60年代总结和提出了"成油系统"的思想,并在此后的20年间又相继发展和提出了"源控论"、"定凹选带"等几乎和含油气系统"等效"的认识和理论体系,在指导我国东部相对简单盆地的油气勘探中发挥了重要作用。从20世纪80年代后期开始,中国石油人在对西部和南方多旋回叠合或改造盆地的"求知"中,在中国盆地的"土壤"上,创新性地提出了"复合含油气系统"、"复式含油气系统"、"油气保存单元"等更贴近"中国型"盆地风格和特点的含油气系统概念,并取得了在这一领域油气勘探的重大发现和突破。中国的几辈石油人在"接力棒"式的探索和实践中不断沉淀和积累,促进了含油气系统思想和中国盆地的"融合",在含油气系统理论体系中添上了浓浓的中国色彩。   相似文献   

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