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<正> 一、布线要求当前国际上机电一体化仪器发展极其迅速,特别是以微机为中心的智能仪器以每年35%的速度递增,国内也在大力开发智能仪器,以满足使用要求。作为一种产品来讲,直接使用市售的单板机作仪器中的专用微机是不合适的,研制智能仪器需要设计专用微机。设计正确的电路连接专用微机系统是一回事,而使设  相似文献   

用户对智能仪器产品的可靠性要求已经提升到了前所未有的高度,智能仪器的研发制造维护过程中,通过采用现代可靠性设计技术、可靠性分析及试验技术、嵌入式计算机技术及计算机软件可靠性技术,保证研发工作卓有成效,开发出可靠度高的产品.  相似文献   

水文仪器的主要使用特点是全部或部分在水下长期工作,且要不受影响地连续测得可靠的水文数据,稳定性能要求相当高。近年水文仪器也在向传感器化、智能化、集成化、网络化等自动测站方向发展,对水文仪器的工业设计提出更高要求。工业设计的内容很庞杂,水文仪器的工程易用性设计是研究的目的,通过一体化遥测水位计的设计改进,如可拆装式结构、防水线缆插头设计等,探讨在保证可靠性的前提下,提升产品的工程易用性设计水平,通过野外安装试验,设计改进达到设计预期,可以满足野外使用要求。  相似文献   

我厂与江苏省计算所合作从事温度仪器的研究和生产,通过近20年的努力。积累了很多温度仪器的设计和生产经验。下面介绍我厂几个主要测、控温产品,欢迎广大新、老  相似文献   

美国ZTEC仪器公司是VXI、PXI的主要联盟商。作为先进的仪器设计和制造商,ZTEC提供具有独特优势的VXI、PXI、PCI模块。为了确保您测试测量的成功,ZTEC为您提供具有完整功能、集成了先进技术的产品和完善的技术服务。  相似文献   

张念东  贺伟 《物联网技术》2015,(1):25-26,29
介绍了核测井仪器密封接头体的结构,对其存在的问题进行了详细分析。阐述了一种新型小直径核测井仪器密封接头体的结构设计,对其密封塞、自密封充排气管进行了可靠性试验。通过实验结果给出了合理选用零件参数的方法及连接头及密封塞螺纹的强度计算公式。对新设计的新型小直径核测井仪器密封接头体进行了包括高压密封试验,气密性试验和电绝缘性能试验的验证。该设计有效地解决了核测井仪器密封接头体气密性差的问题,提高了产品可靠性。  相似文献   

介绍能对水泵产品九个物理参数进行智能测试的仪器系统的技术性能,设计思想、硬件结构和软件设计,给出相应的结构框囹和主要程序流程框图。  相似文献   

虚似仪器是指在通用计算机平台上,用户根据自己的需求定义和设计仪器的测试功能。LabVIEW(美国NI公司的产品)主要用于仪器控制、数据采集、数据分析等领域,是一个很好的虚拟仪器开发环境;它使用图形编程语言(G语言),具有形象、直观、集成度高等特点:LabVIEW包含丰富的函数库和子程序库,同时完整地集成了GPIB、VXI、RS-232、RS  相似文献   

随着FPGA技术的不断发展,该产品的集成度和性能不断提高,因而,该产品广泛应用于数据处理、仪器、工业控制、军事及航天航空等领域。文章介绍了同步电话与异步电路的基本概念、FPGA现场集中常见的问题和同步逻辑电路设计中的.基本技巧。  相似文献   

南京电讯仪器厂日前制成一种新型频率计数器并已批量生产。该仪器是中国技术进出口总公司国际招标公司招标中标产品,各项主要指标达到设计要求,测  相似文献   

现代设计囊括了视觉设计、嗅觉设计、听觉设计等诸多方面。当现代设计还主要从视觉角度分析设计,理解设计时,日本却早已开始了新一轮由触觉体验引发的设计变革。本文将对触觉体验设计的发展和现状进行分析,概括地提出了关注触觉体验设计的新概念,辅以实例说明这种设计方法是如何开展的,得出了良好的触觉体验设计的判断标准。最后,对本文将对关注触觉体验的产品设计方法的发展趋势进行预测,以期对现代设计有所裨益。  相似文献   

Product concept generation and evaluation in a product development environment has been identified as the two major activities needed for obtaining an optimal design scheme. Product conceptual design is of critical importance in design through customer involvement for the systematic and simultaneous consideration on the impact of design decisions on manufacturing and assembly leads to repeated and excessive changes in design and processes. This paper introduces a novel knowledge support approach for the organization and ranking of design feature knowledge towards an integrated product model that incorporates a feature-based representation scheme targeted to evaluate the impact of design on subsequent activities in the conceptual design phase, taking into account the presence of design information and user preferences. An uncertain linguistic multi-attribute decision-making evaluation model is proposed and discussed for obtaining an optimal design scheme during the evaluation and selection of product design alternatives in conceptual design. The focus of this paper is on the development of a knowledge-intensive support design scheme and a comprehensive systematic fuzzy evaluation methodology for product conceptual design generation, evaluation, and selection. A case study and the corresponding scenario of knowledge support for design alternatives generation, evaluation and selection are provided for illustration.  相似文献   

船舶产品设计(SPD)系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为打破国外船舶设计系统对我国船舶设计的垄断,提高我国船舶设计、建造的创新能力,开发具有我国自主知识产权的船舶产品设计(Shipping Product Design, SPD)系统. 该系统基于OpenGL开发具有自主知识产权的三维CAD图形平台,具有船体结构设计、管系设计、风管设计、电气设计、铁舾件设计和涂装生产设计等功能. SPD系统具有如下特点:能保持三维模型与二维图纸的高度一致;通过生成完整的加工制造信息实现CAD/CAPP/CAM集成,基本打通"壳、舾、涂一体化"的数字化生产线;通过生成壳、舾、涂完整的制造和管理信息,为实现船舶"设计、制造、管理一体化"奠定基础;通过实体和参数化技术为建立具有完整拓扑关系的船舶产品模型提供有力手段;并通过与其他系统的数据接口实现异构CAD的数据和信息集成,为厂、所协同设计创造技术条件等. SPD系统推广应用表明它有助于现代造船模式的推进和数字化造船目标的实现.  相似文献   

随着管理信息系统的广泛使用,其人机交互的问题日渐突出。试图将交互设计的理念引入到管理信息系统的设计和开发中去。从交互设计的概念入手,明确设计目标,并结合管理信息系统的本质,阐明了进行管理信息系统交互设计的意义。同时结合现行的管理信息系统的分析设计现状,提出了基于流程的交互设计的方法(Process based Interaction Design)。流程设计是管理信息系统的核心部分,将交互设计和流程设计结合起来,能使系统获得更好的交互性。  相似文献   

绿色设计被称为是"工业生产的又一次效率革命",绿色设计反映了人们对于现代科技文化所引起的环境及生态破坏的反思。因此绿色设计也成为近年来现代设计技术研究的一个热点问题。绿色设计对工业设计而言,不应该仅仅停留在技术层面上,更应该体现在设计的思维和原则上。本文论述了"绿色设计"方法及其发展、未来"绿色设计"的风格和趋势、绿色设计中设计师的职责等几个问题。  相似文献   

Shoe-last design innovation for better shoe fitting   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Shoe-last, a 3D mould used for making footwear, influence the shape, size and fitting of footwear. Current shoe-last design software has focused mainly on reverse engineering of existing shoe-last and modification. Shoe-last designers have generally preferred to design the shoe-last manually due to limitations of design software. In order to solve these problems, a new software based on CATIA platform was developed. The shoe-last model is based on foot shape measurement data and foot biomechanics. Using the existing shoe-last design standards and the sections from existing shoe-lasts, design tables and relationship equations enables the design of shoe-last with different toe type, heel height and custom shoe-last. The design includes comfort and fit aspects as well as design aspect, therefore enables design of aesthetical comfortable shoes. Since the design can be modified instantaneously, the designers could visualize design changes leading to a reduction in shoe-last design cycle.  相似文献   

Design rules are an essential interface to facilitate the information exchange between designers and experts. Despite many innovations in Knowledge-Based Engineering and Knowledge Management, unstructured design rules documents are still widely used in the manufacturing industry. Due to the complexity of the design process, these documents often contain hundreds of design rules, applicable in varying design contexts. Searching for the right rules according to a design context is demanding in time and cognitive resources. In this paper, we propose a Context-Aware Cognitive Design Assistant (CACDA) to capture the design context and perform tasks such as the recommendation of design rules, the verification of design solutions, or the automation of design routines. Contrary to existing works in model quality testing, the CACDA uses a proactive approach of design rules application and helps designers to provide error-free designs on first attempt. In this paper, we present the design rules recommendation system of the CACDA, its capabilities and its implementation. Then, to measure the impact of design rules recommendations on the design process, we compare our approach with the use of traditional design rules documents. Results show that the use of the CACDA’s design rules recommendations lower the perceived difficulty of design rules retrieval from 75 to 43.5 on a scale of 100. On average, participants that used the demonstrator successfully applied 8.6 design rules on the 25 applicable design rules of our set. Participants that used unstructured documentation correctly applied 4.3 design rules. The global cognitive weight of the design activity as well as the design rules retrieval performances appear to be unchanged. These results demonstrate the usability of the demonstrator and show a positive impact on the design process and on the quality of CAD models. Future works will focus on the overcome of the main limitations of our current experiments, with a panel of professional designers, a lager design rules set and the implementation of several lacking features of the CACDA into the demonstrator.  相似文献   

Product appearance is one of the crucial factors that influence consumers’ purchase decisions. The attractiveness of product appearance is mainly determined by the inherent aesthetics of the design composition related to the arrangement of visual design elements. Hence, it is critical to study and improve the arrangement of visual design elements for product appearance design. Strategies that apply aesthetic design principles to assist designers in effectively arranging visual design elements are widely acknowledged in both academia and industry. However, applying aesthetic design principles relies heavily on the designer’s perception and experience, while it is rather challenging for novice designers. Meanwhile, it is hard to measure and quantify design aesthetics in designing artefacts when designers refer to existing successful designs. In this regard, this study aims to introduce a method that assists designers in applying aesthetic design principles to improve the attractiveness of product appearance. Furthermore, formulas for aesthetic measurement based on aesthetic design principles are also developed, and it makes an early attempt to provide quantified aesthetic measurements of design artefacts. A case study on camera design was conducted to demonstrate the merits of the proposed method where the improved strategies for the camera appearance design offer insights for concept generation in product appearance design based on aesthetic design principles.  相似文献   

基于组合原理的概念创新设计   总被引:30,自引:2,他引:28  
创新设计技术研究是近几年先进制造与自动化技术领域-热点问题,实现创新的关键阶段是设计早期的概念设计过程,当前,关于创新设计,概念设计技术的研究还处于初级阶段,本文在自身研究基础上,通过深入分析概念设计过程中的创新思维和各类创新技法,提出了一种基于组合原理的概念创新设计方法,并阐述其具体的实现技术。  相似文献   

在设计实践中,我们如何去发挥设计批评的作用,从而不断规范、引导和促进中国的设计实践活动,关键是要发挥设计批评的批判精神。本文对当下出现的商业主义设计、技术主义设计、形式主义设计和西方垄断式设计话语等等问题,进行了一番理性的分析、批评与判断;通过这些设计现象的揭示,以期把握中国当代设计健康的发展方向。  相似文献   

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