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The laminar unsteady natural convection in a cubic cavity is comprehensively studied here using a high accuracy temporal-spatial pseudospectral method. In this study, the cavity is filled with air and one of its sidewalls is submitted to sinusoidally varying temperature, while constant lower temperature is imposed on the opposing sidewall and other sidewalls are adiabatic. Computations are performed to explore the effects of several influential factors on the fluid flow patterns and heat transfer performances within the cavity, including Rayleigh number and the amplitude and period of pulsating sidewall temperature. Numerical results reveal that the heat transfer enhancement is complexly determined by the above influential factors, and the heat transfer resonance is observed in the case of a large Rayleigh number and amplitude of pulsating sidewall temperature. The three-dimensional effects on fluid flow patterns and heat transfer are discussed. Finally, the backward heat transfer is quantitatively studied.  相似文献   

In the present work, enhancement of convective heat transfer rate in three-dimensional U-shaped enclosures using nanofluids is numerically investigated. Two different types of nanoparticles, namely, Cu, and Al2O3, with pure water, are the considered single-phase nanofluids. Natural convection and geometric parameter effects on the averaged Nusselt numbers are investigated. Velocity vectors and isotherm fields for the Al2O3/H2O nanofluid are presented at various Rayleigh numbers. The governing dimensionless equations are solved using the commercial finite-volume-based computational fluid dynamics code, FLUENT. Our results are consistent with previously published predictions. In particular, heat transfer enhancement is found to increase with increasing nanoparticles volume fractions, Rayleigh numbers, as well as cooled wall length extensions.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a numerical study on natural convection heat transfer in an inclined enclosure filled with a water-CuO nanofluid. Two opposite walls of the enclosure are insulated and the other two walls are kept at different temperatures. The transport equations for a Newtonian fluid are solved numerically with a finite volume approach using the SIMPLE algorithm. The influence of pertinent parameters such as Rayleigh number, inclination angle, and solid volume fraction on the heat transfer characteristics of natural convection is studied. The results indicate that adding nanoparticles into pure water improves its heat transfer performance; however, there is an optimum solid volume fraction which maximises the heat transfer rate. The results also show that the inclination angle has a significant impact on the flow and temperature fields and the heat transfer performance at high Rayleigh numbers. In fact, the heat transfer rate is maximised at a specific inclination angle depending on Rayleigh number and solid volume fraction.  相似文献   

Entropy generation of an Al2O3–water nanofluid due to heat transfer and fluid friction irreversibility has been investigated in a square cavity subject to different side‐wall temperatures using a nanofluid for natural convection flow. This study has been carried out for the pertinent parameters in the following ranges: Rayleigh number between 104 and 107 and volume fraction between 0 and 0.05. Based on the obtained dimensionless velocity and temperature values, the distributions of local entropy generation, average entropy generation, and average Bejan number are determined. The results are compared for a pure fluid and a nanofluid. It is totally found that the heat transfer, and entropy generation of the nanofluid is more than the pure fluid and minimum entropy generation and Nusselt number occur in the pure fluid at any Rayleigh number. Results depict that the addition of nanoparticles to the pure fluid has more effect on the entropy generation as the Rayleigh number goes up.  相似文献   

This paper presents a numerical investigation of the entropy generation and heat transfer in a ferrofluid (water and 4% Fe3O4 nanoparticles) filled cavity with natural convection using a two phase mixture model and control volume technique. The effect of applying a nonuniform magnetic field on the entropy generation and heat transfer in the cavity and also the interaction of magnetic force and the buoyancy force are investigated. Based on the obtained results, applying a magnetic field will enhance the heat transfer mechanism. Furthermore, by applying the nonuniform magnetic field on the ferrofluid filled cavity with natural convection, the total entropy generation is decreased considerably at higher Rayleigh numbers. Therefore, applying a magnetic field can be considered as a suitable method for entropy generation minimization in order to have high efficiency in the system.  相似文献   

The current work investigated, numerically, enhancement of heat transfer in natural convection using CuO-water nanofluid in the presence of a magnetic field. The governing equations were discretized using the control volume method and solved numerically via the SIMPLE algorithm. For the case of absence of a magnetic field and for low Rayleigh number, the heat transfer was almost insensitive to the presence of nanoparticles. For moderate and high Rayleigh numbers, the presence of nanoparticles had an adverse effect on heat transfer at high volume fraction of nanoparticles. The highest reduction in heat transfer was registered for the case of Ra = 105. Contour maps are generated for the normalized Nusselt number (Nu*) to determine the optimum selection of volume fraction of nanoparticles and magnetic field that gives maximum heat transfer enhancement. The results demonstrated the effectiveness and practicality of using high values of magnetic field in enhancing heat transfer using nanofluids.  相似文献   

The present article reports numerical results of natural convection within an air filled square cavity with its horizontal walls submitted to different heating models. The temperature of the bottom horizontal surface (hot temperature) is maintained constant, while that of the opposite surface (cold temperature) is varied sinusoidally with time. The remaining vertical walls are considered adiabatic. The parameters governing the problem are the amplitude (0 ≤ a ≤ 0.8) and the period (τ ≥ 0.001) of the variable temperature, the Rayleigh number (103 ≤ Ra ≤ 7 × 106), and the Prandtl number (Pr = 0.71). In constant cooling conditions (a = 0), up to three different solutions (monocellular flow MF, bicellular vertical flow BVF, and bicellular horizontal flow BHF) are obtained. Their existence ranges are delineated and, in the limits of the existence range of each solution, the transitions observed are identified and described. In the variable cooling conditions, the effect of the amplitude and the period of the exciting temperature on fluid flow and heat transfer is examined in the case of the MF, and BHF for specific values of Ra. Results are presented in terms of Ψ max (t), Ψ min (t), Nu(t) and streamlines, heatlines, and isotherms during the evolutions of selected flow cycles. In comparison with the constant heating conditions, it is found that the variable cooling temperature could lead to a drastic change in the flow structure and the corresponding heat transfer, especially at specific low periods of the cold variable temperature. This leads to a resonance phenomenon characterized by an important increase in heat transfer by about 46.1% compared to the case of a constant cold temperature boundary condition.  相似文献   

Natural convection in water-filled square cavities inclined with respect to gravity, having one wall cooled at 0°C and the opposite wall heated at a temperature ranging between 4°C and 30°C, is studied numerically for cavity widths spanning from 0.02 m to 0.1 m in the hypothesis of temperature-dependent physical properties, with the main aim to determine the optimal tilting angle for maximum heat transfer. A computational code based on the SIMPLE-C algorithm is used to solve the system of the mass, momentum and energy transfer governing equations. Once the vertical configuration, in which the cavity is differentially heated at sides, is identified by the zero tilting angle, and positive angles denote configurations with the heated wall facing upwards, it is found that the optimal tilting angle is positive if the heating temperature is equal or higher than 8°C, whereas it is negative whenever the heating temperature is lower than 8°C. Moreover, the optimal tilting angle is found to increase as the cavity width is decreased and the temperature of the heated wall is either decreased or increased, according as it is higher or lower than 8°C. Sets of dimensionless correlating equations are developed for the prediction of both the optimal tilting angle and the heat transfer rate across the enclosure.  相似文献   

In this paper, the influence of a small heating source, positioned in the lateral walls of a square cavity, is investigated. Numerical and experimental analyses are performed to investigate natural convection heat transfer in a square cavity heated by hot strips in the side walls. The H side square cavity is filled with air and heated by two hot strips with heights of H/4. The effect of placing the hot strips at two different positions is evaluated. The temperature distribution and the Nusselt numbers at different Rayleigh numbers are experimentally measured using both real-time and double-exposure holographic interferometry. The isothermal patterns obtained through the holographic interferometry are compared with the temperature and velocity fields from a numerical study performed using the finite-volume code Fluent.  相似文献   

This article presents a numerical study of natural convection cooling of a heat source mounted inside the cavity, with special attention being paid to entropy generation. The right vertical wall is partially open and is subjected to copper–water nanofluid at a constant low temperature and pressure, while the other boundaries are assumed to be adiabatic. The governing equations have been solved using the finite volume approach, using SIMPLE algorithm on the collocated arrangement. The study has been carried out for a Rayleigh number in the range 103 < Ra < 106, and for solid volume fraction 0 <? <0.05. In order to investigate the effect of the heat source and open boundary location, six different configurations are considered. The effects of Rayleigh numbers, heat source and open boundary locations on the streamlines, isotherms, local entropy generation, Nusselt number, and total entropy generation are investigated. The results indicate that when open boundary is located up, the fluid flow augments and hence the heat transfer and Nusselt number increase and total entropy generation decreases.  相似文献   

以硝酸锂熔融盐为流体介质,对封闭方腔内交叉排布的四根热管间的介质自然对流换热进行了数值模拟,研究了热管不同位置和不同瑞利数对方腔内介质自然对流换热特性的影响。结果表明:管间距ε=0.5时,腔体内温度场和流场的对称性开始打破;ε=0.4和0.5时,下管及左右两管产生的热羽流冲刷上管热边界层,使上管局部Nu_φ分别在圆周角φ=180°、φ=280°和φ=80°处出现增强;ε=0.6时,上管不再受下管羽流影响。随着管间距增大,上管平均Nu_m越来越小,下管Nu_m越来越大;ε=0.4~0.6时,管间距对左右两管Nu_m影响很小,但ε=0.7时,左右两管平均换热均明显增强。  相似文献   

A numerical study has been performed on buoyancy-induced convection in a square porous cavity. The vertical sidewalls of the cavity are maintained with sinusoidal temperature distribution. The finite volume method is used to numerically solve the nondimensional governing equations. The Brinkman Forchheimer extended Darcy model is used in the present study. The results are analyzed over a range of the amplitude ratio, phase deviation, porosity, and Grashof and Darcy numbers. It is found that the heat transfer rate is increased when increasing the amplitude ratio, porosity, and Darcy number. The nonuniform heating on both sidewalls provides higher heat transfer rate than the nonuniform heating of one wall.  相似文献   

Bejan's heatlines approach has been introduced to visualize heat flow during natural convection within a tilted square cavity inclined at an angle of ? = 30°. The enclosure is bounded by hot wall AB (case 1: isothermal heating and case 2: nonisothermal heating), isothermally cooled walls DA and BC in the presence of adiabatic wall CD. The results are presented in terms of streamlines, isotherms, heatlines, and local and average Nusselt numbers. The nonisothermal heating case produces the greater heat transfer rate at the center of the wall AB compared to that of the isothermal heating case, whereas the average Nusselt number shows an overall lower heat transfer rate for the nonisothermal heating case.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional numerical computations are carried out to clarify the effect of Kelvin force on the Rayleigh-Benard natural convection of air in an enclosure under a magnetic field gradient. The computed results suggest that the Kelvin force could be utilized to control the heat transfer rate and the flow of the Rayleigh-Benard natural convection of air having a paramagnetic property. The transient characteristics of magnetothermal convection induced by the Kelvin force are also examined. Various phenomena caused by the Kelvin force are explained by considering the temperature dependence of the air's mass magnetic susceptibility according to Curie's law.  相似文献   

将热阻比拟为等效电阻,采用有限体积元法对超音速燃气喷射管道传热及表面自然对流散热进行数值计算,得到喷射管壁温度分布和表面不同自然对流散热及参数变化对壁温的影响.由于管两端自然对流散热作用,管中部温度高于两端;随着表面自然对流换热增强管壁温度逐渐降低;选用不同材质时,随材质导热系数增大管内外壁温差线性增大.  相似文献   

为研究自然对流情况下矩形散热片基板开孔对换热的影响,采用数值模拟方法对基板开孔的散热片的传热性能进行了分析,讨论了开孔后换热强化的物理机制。结果表明:开孔后发热元件的温度降低;通孔破坏了散热片基板上速度边界层的形成,从而强化了局部表面处的对流换热。  相似文献   

This work is devoted to study the natural convection boundary‐layer flow of nanofluids along a vertical flat plate with the effect of sinusoidal surface temperature variations. The model utilized for the nanofluid incorporates the effects of Brownian motion and thermophoresis. An appropriate set of dimensionless variables is used to transform the governing equations of the problem into a nonsimilar form. The obtained nonsimilar equations have the property that they reduce to various special cases previously considered in the open literature. An adequate and efficient implicit, tri‐diagonal finite difference method is employed for the numerical solution of the obtained equations. Comparison with previously published work is performed and the results are found to be in excellent agreement. A representative set of numerical results for the dimensionless velocity, temperature and nanoparticle volume fraction, as well as the surface shear stress, rates of heat and nanoparticle volume fraction have been presented graphically and discussed to show interesting features of the solutions.  相似文献   


This paper is the first in a two-part study of the pressure-flow characteristics for a range of microchannels. Here, the manufacture of the channels and the resulting quality in terms of the channels' closeness to target dimensions, channel-to-channel variation for each sample, and the difference in area between the assumed perfect rectangular/trapezoidal shape of the channels and their actual cross-section are addressed. Wet etching with KOH produced trapezoidal channels 577 μum wide and 413 μum high. DRIE produced rectangular channels 304 μum wide and 332 μum high. Mechanical sawing produced near rectangular channels in both silicon and plastic. The silicon channels were 52 μum wide and 423 μum deep, and the plastic channels were 203 μum wide × 344 or 382 μum deep. Channel dimensions were measured using a scanning electron microscope. This paper demonstrates the feasibility of producing relatively large microchannels in two materials by three methods.  相似文献   

Laminar natural convection of air in a vertical cavity, of aspect ratio A = 40 with linear temperature profiles on both sidewalls, is studied. Two new situations are explored, both temperature profiles have the same (case I) or opposite (case II) slopes γ, and their averages are at the mid-height of sidewalls. The effect of the Rayleigh numbers Ra m at the mid-height and the slopes on the multicellular flow and heat transfer is investigated. Depending on the values of γ and Ra m , the results may be quite different from those of the classical case corresponding to a zero slope. Two precise correlations which give the average heat transfer as a function of γ and Ra m are also developed for both cases.  相似文献   

This work presents a numerical study of the effect of the radiative heat transfer on the three-dimensional double diffusive convection in a differentially heated cubic cavity for different optical parameters of the medium. This numerical study is conducted for fixed Prandtl, Rayleigh, and Lewis numbers, Pr = 13.6, Ra = 105, Le = 2, and buoyancy ratio N in the range [–2, 0]. The natural convection equations, using the Boussinesq approximation for the treatment of buoyancy term in the momentum equation, are expressed using the vorticity–stream function formulation. These equations and the radiative transfer equation are discretized, respectively, with the control volume finite difference method and the FTn finite volume method. The influences of the optical thickness and the conduction–radiation parameter of the semitransparent fluid on heat and mass transfer are depicted. Results show different transitions of the structure of the main flow when varying the conduction–radiation parameter and the optical thickness.  相似文献   

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