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Forty couples and their 5-month-old infants participated in a study investigating the relationships between parental attitudes and fathers' behavioral and affective involvement with their children during a brief home-based observation. Attitudinal measures included fathers' and mothers' views on the role of the father, fathers' sex role orientation, empathic tendencies, and social desirability scores. The fathers' sex role orientation and both parents' views concerning the role of the father were found to be significantly correlated with observed levels of paternal activity. Implications for paternal support programs are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The prospective relations between five types of parental reactions to children’s negative emotions (PRCNE) and children’s psychological adjustment (behavioral problems and social competence) were examined in a two-wave longitudinal study of 425 school-age children in China. Parents (mostly mothers) reported their own PRCNE. Parents, teachers, and children or peers reported on children’s adjustment. Parental punitive reactions positively predicted externalizing problems (controlling for baseline), whereas emotion- and problem-focused reactions were negatively related to internalizing problems. Parental minimizing and encouragement of emotion expression were unrelated to adjustment. Concurrent relations were found between PRCNE and parents’ authoritative and authoritarian parenting dimensions. However, PRCNE did not uniquely predict adjustment controlling for global parenting dimensions. The findings have implications for cultural adaptation of parent-focused interventions for families of Chinese origin. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Intermittent catheterisation is suitable for a range of patients and has a high level of patient satisfaction. Careful education is required to minimise the risk of complications and nurses should be aware of the various types of catheter available.  相似文献   

Most of the 1,400,000 men currently locked up in American prisons would have become tax-paying neighbors had they been switched in the hospital nursery and sent home with a mature, self-supporting, married couple. The parent with whom they did go home would in most instances not have been fit to adopt someone else's baby. It is argued that perhaps the only effective way to reduce crime and the other pathologies of the growing American underclass-apart from building still more prisons-would be to require from persons wishing to birth and rear a child of their own those same minimal criteria usually expected in adoptive parents. For evolutionary reasons, human beings are reluctant to interfere with the procreational rights of any person, no matter how immature, incompetent, or unsocialized he or she might be. In consequence, human beings tend not to think about the right of the child to a reasonable opportunity for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

学校由于学生来自不同的家庭,接受着不同的思想教育和社会环境的影响,存在着先进、中间和落后三种不同学习成绩和思想品质的学生.学校中的后进生虽然是暂时的、相对的,但教育方法不对或教育转化不及时,不仅会使其永远落伍为"后进生",同时也给学校其他同学和社会带来一系列的负面影响.因此,及时教育和转化这些"后进生",是学校和教育工作者的一项重要工作."后进生"的形成固然有社会、家庭和学生本人的原因,但还有教师的认识和偏见等原因,归根结底,还是教育方法不对.本文,从心理学教育的角度谈谈"后进生"的教育转化方法.  相似文献   

Associations between histories of family disruption (residential moves and separations from parent figures) and adolescent adjustment (including educational, internalizing, externalizing, and sexual behavior outcomes) were examined in a random sample of 267 African American girls from 3 urban poverty neighborhoods. Higher numbers of residential moves and parental separations significantly predicted greater adolescent adjustment problems after household demographic characteristics were controlled. Adolescents' perceptions of their current relationships and neighborhoods were significantly associated with adolescent adjustment but did not mediate the effects of family disruption. Associations between parental separations and adolescent outcomes were strongest for externalizing problems and were found for both male and female caregivers, for long-standing and more temporary caregivers, and for separations in early childhood, middle childhood, and adolescence. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

An 11-item, one-page questionnaire was mailed to 1800 parents chosen at random in the Henrico County, VA public school system. Parents were asked questions such as "who should be responsible for mouthguard wear?" "what sports should require mouthguards?" and "has [their] child ever sustained an oral or facial injury?" The parental responses indicate that mouthguard enforcement is the responsibility of both parents and coaches. Of the total injuries reported, 19% were sustained in basketball, 17% in baseball, and 11% in soccer. Despite these high injury rates, however, there was a lack of perceived need for mouthguard use in these sports. When asked which sports should require a mouthguard rule, the sports that generated the most responses were, in decreasing order, football, boxing, ice hockey, wrestling, field hockey, and karate. Parents were more likely to require mouthguards for their sons than daughters, and more likely to require them for their children who participated in a mandatory mouthguard sport, a contact sport, or who had been previously injured. The authors conclude that because parents view themselves as equally responsible as coaches for maintaining mouthguard use, both groups should be targeted and approached as a possible source for the recommendation of mandatory mouthguard rules in basketball, baseball, and soccer.  相似文献   

Studied whether abusing parents differ from nonabusing parents in personality variables by administering the Michigan Screening Profile of Parenting to 6 groups of mothers: (a) adjudicated abusers, (b) spouses of adjudicated abusers, (c) mothers convicted of child neglect, (d) nonabusing mothers from a college student population, (e) nonabusing mothers from a middle socioeconomic level, and (f) nonabusing mothers from a lower socioeconomic level. 107 Ss were studied, all of whom had at least one child under 5 yrs of age. Major differences occurred when comparison was made of 1 or more of the 1st 3 groups with 1 of the latter 3 groups. The groups differed significantly on 6 factor-analyzed cluster categories: (a) relationship to one's own parents, (b) tendency to becoming upset and angry, (c) tendency toward isolation and loneliness, (d) expectations of one's own children, (e) inability to separate parental and child feelings, and (f) fear of external threat and control. In all of the cases, the 1st 3 groups scored at levels of higher risk than did the latter 3 groups, whereas the abusers scored at the highest risk levels throughout. It is suggested that a therapist who helps a parent develop the ability to maintain equanimity under stress, by helping reduce deviations from the norm in characteristics related to abuse potential, is ultimately helping to reduce actual abusive behavior. (20 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol synthase (CDP-diacylglycerol:myo-inositol 3-phosphatidyl-transferase, EC is a 24-kDa membrane-bound enzyme. It is present in all mammalian cells and is localized predominantly to the endoplasmic reticulum. The enzyme performs the last step in the de novo biosynthesis of the phospholipid phosphatidylinositol by catalyzing the condensation of CDP-diacylglycerol and myo-inositol to form the products phosphatidylinositol and CMP. Phosphatidylinositol, apart from being an essential membrane phospholipid, is involved in protein membrane anchoring and is the precursor for the second messengers inositol-tri-phosphate and diacylglycerol.  相似文献   

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