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Charlie Q L Xue 《世界建筑导报》1996,(2)
Housing problem was one of the prominent issues which would triggered revolution in the modem history, especially in 19th century Europe. This article is divided to three parts, policy of public housing, a historic view; built form of public housing and people's co-operation. 相似文献
Charlie Q L Xue 《世界建筑导报》1996,(2)
The United States is among the few countries which have the highest percentage of private housing ownership. This article is divided to three parts to tackle the various aspects of private housing: finance and market; design and construction. The figures of new construction house become the thermostat of American economy, and the home building is seen as the locomotive of US national economy. Measured by the housing price and annual income ratio (PIR) 相似文献
Adrian Moreno María Samaniego Jorge Durán María Gracia Borja Andrea Cisneros Bicubik Sebastián Crespo Andrés Fernández 《世界建筑导报》2019,(2)
<正>时间:2014年-2017年地点:厄瓜多尔基多建设单位:Ruales Izurieta家庭结构设计:Cesar Izurieta, Franklin Quisalema施工单位:Milton Chávez场地面积:2 480平方米建造面积:372平方米该项目中的房屋设计是在建造过程中逐渐形成的,在施工中确定当前的结构,而最终用途还未确定。客户家庭期待建成的建筑物,可让他们在周末的时候享受这个风景秀丽 相似文献
AfterthreeverysoftyearstheU.S.roofingindustryappearstobegainingstrengthasitheadsinto2004.IntheU.S.thehousingmarkethasbeenrobustforthelastseveralyearswithhousingstartsexceeding1.5millionperyearandre-saleofexistinghomesatrecordlevelsmostlybecauseofverylowinterestrates.Thecommercialindustrialcon-structionsectorhoweverhasbeenverysluggishasaresultofseveralim-portantfactors.Oneisageneralslow-ingoftheU.S.economythatbeganinthefirstquarterof2000andisonlynowshowingsignsofrevival.Anotheristheafter-sho… 相似文献
谢培河 《中国建筑装饰装修》2023,(14):43-49+42
<正>项目背景突破当下城市的别墅空间与居住环境的传统范式,艾克建筑在这个建筑室内一体化设计的项目中,尝试重新构建边界,试探城市人群对于当代居住语境的底线。同时,在城市心脏中营造一种自然、和谐、放松的状态,这也是艾克建筑对豪宅的重新审视。 相似文献
卤乙酸分析方法(U.S.EPA)的改进 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对U.S.EPA Method552.3卤乙酸分析方法进行了改进。参照原方法中液-液微萃取、酸化甲醇衍生化技术,研究了以高纯水代替MTBE作溶剂配制贮备标准液、气相色谱/质谱联用的适宜检测分析条件和控制过程。结果表明,在所确立的检测条件下,样品运行时间短,内标、HAAs组分峰在谱图上能够得到很好的分辨。低、中、高三个浓度水平水样的HAAs回收率为82%~103%,方法检测限:二氯乙酸为0.72μg/L、三氯乙酸为0.44μg/L。用水作溶剂配制的贮备标准液4℃下贮存时间为两个月。 相似文献
本住宅位于日本东京.面对东京高昂的房价,设计师提出了一个既能满足自住需求,又能出租,从而获得一部分利润的商住混合型住宅的想法.同时,住宅所在的居民区虽然交通便利,但由于居民区内建筑密度较大,周围环境相对嘈杂.于是,在保持较高私密性的同时又不牺牲与自然接触的通道,也就成为设计需要考量的重点.基于这些考虑,设计师最终构思了... 相似文献
Richard Campbell 《Fire Technology》2018,54(2):461-477
Firefighting is a hazardous occupation and the fireground is the location for many firefighter injuries, making information about firefighter injury events critical for injury prevention efforts. This study uses data collected through the National Fire Incident Reporting System and the National Fire Protection Association’s annual survey of municipal fire departments to profile U.S. firefighter injuries occurring on the fireground from 2010 to 2014. The research estimates that firefighters experienced an annual average of 30,290 fireground injuries per year in this 5-year period. The findings also indicate that most injuries occurred at residential fires, that one-third resulted in lost work time and that the leading cause of injury was overexertion or strain. Other leading causes of injury were slip/trip, contact with object, falls, and struck or assaulted by person, animal, or object. The study also provides data on primary injury symptoms, place of injury, activity when injured, factors involved in the injury, and injuries by month. Efforts to reduce injury should include providing and requiring the use of appropriate personal protective equipment, establishing and enforcing stringent safety practices, providing firefighters with ongoing health and safety training opportunities, and maintaining fitness, flexibility, and other programs that reduce injury risk. 相似文献
这个由旧建筑改造而成的酒店,可以为顾客提供一切想得到的服务,让顾客有宾至如归感觉的同时,体验到五星级酒店的入住感受。设计师的目标是为顾客打造一个真正的千里之外的家。让他们的一切,在这里都变得有意义。酒店的设计采用了古典与现代相结合的方法。公共空间的用色高贵、雅致,一下 相似文献
正事务所简介先进建筑实验室[AaL]致力于成为一个开放的设计学知识共享平台,关注多元建筑学知识的生成并在实践中加以应用;先进建筑实验室[AaL]尝试将建筑学作为认知世界的方式,以"跨界"的姿态串联教学研究和项目实践,通过带有个人理想主义色彩的工作方式为学生、建筑师和有独立思考能力的研究者提供享受建筑设计的可能。主创简介穆威——华科优建工程信息发展有限公司(ACID)副总经理、总建筑师,华中科技大学先进建筑实验室[AaL]主持人,中国数字建筑设计专业委员会(DADA)委员、联合发起人毕业于华中科技大学建筑学院,先后在西班牙和挪威从事建筑实践和建筑教育,挪威注册建筑师协会会员(Ark MNAL)。穆威同时在西班牙、挪威、英国等多所建筑学院兼任客座教师。并于2010年回国任教并开始建筑实践,在华中科 相似文献
ABSTRACTAdvocates argue that urban manufacturing holds potential to promote locally distinctive enterprises, quality employment and more socially-inclusive forms of urban development. However, little is known how urban policy actually supports manufacturing. This paper documents the policy response to urban manufacturing in the U.S. and Australia. We determine how policy documents conceptualise manufacturing and define goals and strategy around land use, business development and workforce development. The analysis demonstrates that manufacturing policy is situated between entrenched visions of deindustrialisation and emerging notions of a renewed, advanced manufacturing sector and that most cities struggle to address the inherent challenges of this condition. 相似文献