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The magnetic susceptibility, NMR spectra, nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate (T 1 ?1)α and the echo-decay rate (T 2 ?1) of 63Cu were measured for the electron-doped infinite-layer superconductor Sr0.93La0.07CuO2/T c onset = 42.4 K). The results obtained revealed a clear tendency toward frustrated phase separation in this nominally underdoped high-T c material. Above T c the 63Cu Knight shift is found to decrease upon cooling giving an evidence for a pseudogap-like decrease of the spin susceptibility. It is shown that unusual anisotropy of the 63Cu Knight shift in the electron-doped CuO2 layer can be understood as a “compensation effect” between the isotropic hyperfine coupling, mediated by the 4s Fermi-contact and 3d core-polarization exchange interactions, and the anisotropic on-site spin-dipolar hyperfine interaction of the Cu nuclei with the itinerant carriers, whose states near the Fermi energy have a sizeable admixture of Cu(4pz) and/or Cu(3dz 2) orbitals.  相似文献   

Thermoelectric power (TEP) of high-T C superconductors has been investigated in a wide range of temperature (T C < T < 700 K) for La2–x Sr x CuO4. TEP of La2–x Sr x CuO4 shows different temperature dependences in three temperature regions. In the low-temperature region, a positive broad TEP peak is observed near T p, which shifts to lower temperature upon doping. As temperature increases, TEP decreases linearly at intermediate temperature. In the high-temperature region, TEP deviates from the linear temperature dependence at a certain temperature, T h showing a saturation behavior. As the doping concentration increases, the characteristic temperatures, T C, T p, and T h, show systematic changes. In comparison with pseudogap temperature estimated from other experiments, the large pseudogap behavior in TEP at high temperature has been discussed and distinguished from the small pseudogap observed at lower temperature. A possibility of bound pairs formation in the normal state opening the pseudogap at high temperature is discussed briefly. The coexistence of bound pairs and the normal independent carriers for T C < T < Th could be the origin of the intrinsic inhomogeneity.  相似文献   

The in-plane optical conductivity and dc resistivity of La1.875Ba0.125–YSr Y CuO4 with y = 0.085 was measured from 30 to 20,000 cm–1 and from 295 to 8 K. A strong extra-Drude absorption at finite frequency is detected both in the normal and superconducting state, and remains unchanged when the free carriers condensate. The present results confirm and extend recent infrared data on La2–xSrxCuO4.  相似文献   

We compare and contrast the polarizability of a d-wave superconductor in the pseudogap regime, within the precursor pairing scenario (dPG), and of a d-density-wave (dDW) state, characterized by a d-wave hidden order parameter, but no pairing. Our study is motivated by STM imaging experiments around an isolated impurity, which may in principle distinguish between precursor pairing and dDW order in the pseudogap regime of the high- superconductors. In both cases, the -dependence of the polarizability is characterized by an azimuthal modulation, consistent with the d-wave symmetry of the underlying state. However, only the dDW result shows the fingerprints of nesting, with nesting wave vector , albeit imperfect, due to a nonzero value of the hopping ratio in the band dispersion relation. As a consequence of nesting, the presence of hole pockets is also reflected by the dependence of the retarded polarizability.  相似文献   

Polarization-dependent X-ray-absorption fine-structure (XAFS) measurements on the local structure of the La2CuO4-based high-T c superconductors La2–x Sr x CuO4, La2–x Ba x CuO4, and La1.6–x Sr x Nd0.4CuO4 find, among others, orientation disorder induced in the Cu–O2 planes by doping Sr, Ba, and alloying Nd atoms, all such atoms residing in La-sites. The orientation disorder is of two types: mostly static-buckling disorder, and dynamic disordering of the tilt angles of the Cu–O6 octahedra correlated in nanoscale regions, with respect to neighboring nanoscale regions. Buckling disorder in the Cu–O2 planes has the greatest detrimental effect on T c and conductivity for such foreign atoms.  相似文献   

We study the spin fluctuations of pure and Zn-substituted La2 – x Sr x CuO4 using the muon spin relaxation technique. Superconductivity is found to coexist with low-frequency spin fluctuations over a large region of the superconducting phase diagram. The characteristic temperature of spin fluctuations detected by SR decreases with increasing x and vanishes above a critical doping x c 0.19. This value of x c coincides with the doping at which the normal state pseudogap extrapolates to zero. These results are discussed in terms of a quantum transition that separates the superconducting phase diagram of high-temperature superconductors into two distinct ground states.  相似文献   

From structural analysis we have shown in a previous investigation that the series TlBa2Ca n Cu n+1O2n+5 and Tl2Ba2Ca n Cu n+1O2n+6 are composed of superconductor-semiconductor arrays. In this paper, we demonstrate that the unit cell of the Tl2Ba2Ca n Cu n+1O2n+6 series can further be viewed as composed of a composite block of superconductor-metal-semiconductor, where TlBa2CuO5 is the fundamental superconductor, TlO the metallic unit, and CaCuO2 the semiconductor block. It is indicated that theT c of Tl(2201) can be deduced from that of Tl(1201) based on Kresin's model of composite systems.  相似文献   

TheA 1g andB 1g low-energy Raman continua of YBa2Cu3O y (Y123) single crystals, withy=7.0, 6.99, and 6.93, have been investigated. It is found that the peak frequency of theA 1g continuum is equal to 310±10 cm–1 and independent of oxygen concentration fory in the above range. The central frequency of the broad peak in theB 1g continuum, however, shifts from about 470 cm–1 fory7.0 to 550 cm–1 fory6.93. Thus, a relatively small change in oxygen concentration results in a significant redistribution of the states contributing to theB 1g continuum. Assuming the low-energy portions of the continua are electronic in origin, the Raman spectra have been calculated and the results compared to the experimental spectra. It is suggested that the Raman continua arise, at least in part, from scattering across a spin fluctuation-induced pseudogap.  相似文献   

Temperature and spectral dependences of photoinduced changes of resistance were measured in YBa2Cu3O x thin films with oxygen content ranging as 6.35 <x < 6.75. The absolute value of efficiency of initiation of photoinduced changes decreases with increase in oxygen content, but the position of peaks in the spectral dependence does not change with a change ofx. Temperature dependences of efficiency have an anomaly atT220 K, which is present in all the samples studied, and correlates with anomalies observed by other experimental techniques. Qualitatively similar temperature and spectral dependences of efficiency for the samples in both the insulating and metallic phases may be considered as an indication that the persistent photoconductivity effect in YBCO on both sides of the metal-insulator transition has a common origin.  相似文献   

Utilizing atomic layer-by-layer molecular beam epitaxy (ALL-MBE), we have synthesized a series of high-quality superlattices in which ultrathin slabs (one-half unit cell thick) of the high-T c superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 alternate with up to five such layers of the low-T c Bi2Sr2Cu1O6 phase. In all these superlattices we foundT c to be essentially equal to that of the high-T c Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 phase itself, which indicates that this cuprate is a 2D superconductor insofar as the interslab coupling plays at best a secondary role. Furthermore, it is demonstrated thatT c need not be reduced at heterostructure interfaces.  相似文献   

Composite materials have been synthesized by mixing 90% (or 95%) YBa2Cu3O7 and 10% (or 5%) Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2O8 by weight, and firing at 900°C to promote grain growth by inducing a liquid phase (Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2O8) in the system. The influence of the amount of liquid phase on the X-ray diffraction data and electrical properties is reported. Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analyses are also reported. The YBiBa2O6 phase is formed during the heat treatment and introduces additional chemical heterogeneities at the grain boundaries. A previously reported 2212-related superconducting phase, Bi2(Sr,Ba)2(Ca,Y)Cu2O8+y, could also be formed during the synthesis process, and its effect on the electrical resistance versus temperature measurements is discussed. Attempts to substitute RE ions (Dy3+, Er3+, Ho3+) for Y3+ in YBiBa2O6 have been successful and are reported in an appendix section. X-ray diffraction data are also reported. EDX analyses have been performed specifically for a typical ErBiBa2O6 compound and reveal the presence of a new Er2Ba4O7 phase.  相似文献   

We study the single-particle spectra of a model that shows an incommensurate charge-density wave (CDW) instability arising from the competition between phase separation and long-range Coulomb interactions. Starting from an open Fermi surface, we find that the resulting CDW is oriented along the (1, 0) and (or) (0, 1) direction, which allows for a purely one-dimensional (1D) or a two-dimensional (2D) eggbox type charge modulation. In both cases, the van Hove singularities are substantially enhanced, and the spectral weight of Fermi surface states near the M points tends to be suppressed. Remarkably, a leading edge gap arises near these point, which, in the eggbox case, leaves finite arcs of the Fermi surface gapless.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of the relaxation rate of crystal-field excitations in the high-T c superconductors HoBa2Cu4O8 and HoBa2Cu3O x (6.4 < x < 7) was investigated by inelastic neutron scattering techniques. The data show clear evidence for the opening of an electronic gap in the normal state at T* > T c in the underdoped regime as well as for slightly overdoped samples. For HoBa2Cu4O8 T* increases from 170 to 220 K upon oxygen isotope substitution (16O vs 18O). This huge isotope shift (which is absent in NMR and NQR experiments) suggests that the mechanism leading to an isotope effect on the pseudogap has to involve a time scale in the range 10–8 > 10–13 s.  相似文献   

The effect of interlayer interactions on the electronic specific heat of high-T c layered superconductors has been studied within the framework of the Hirsch model. In the present paper we extend our previous work in order to evaluate the expression for specific heat. It is shown that the inclusion of interlayer interactions suppresses the height of the jump in the specific heat at T c.  相似文献   

The electronic structure of the high-Tc cuprates is worked out by decomposing the orbitals around the Fermi level into large-U and small-U components. The large-U orbitals are treated by the slave-fermion method, the small-U orbitals by a mean-field approach, and the hybridization between them is then worked out. It turns out that hopping energy binds the spin and the charge of the large-U orbitals. The state so obtained is either antiferromagnetic, or paramagnetic with antiferromagnetic fluctuations and with violation of parity. Two types of charge carriers are predicted: (i) spinless polarons with a very small bandwidth, explaining the anomalous thermoelectric power, the mid-infrared peak, lattice anomalies, etc.; (ii) anomalous carriers of both charge and spin, explaining marginal-Fermi-liquid behavior and deviations from it, anomalous relaxation time, the systematic behavior of the resistivity, the Hall constant, the Hall angle, etc.  相似文献   

The high-temperature superconductor glass state in the Josephson weak-link model is studied. Reversibility phenomena in weak magnetic fields are outlined.  相似文献   

XPS core level spectra of Y123 compounds doped by C, B, S, P, and Se elements are presented. It is found that the C1s, E1s, S2p, P2p, and Se3d binding energies of doped compounds are close to those of CaCO3, FeBO3, CuSO4, NaH2,PO4, and SeO2, reference compounds. It is concluded that these impurity elements form oxyanion groups in Y123 compounds.  相似文献   

We have expanded our studies on illuminated YBa2Cu3O x grain boundary Josephson junctions (GBJJ) which show both dc Josephson properties (Fraunhofer pattern) and ac Josephson properties (Fiske resonance). Illuminating GBJJs with visible light changes the Josephson coupling. This change is characterized by an increase of the critical current and a large shift in the voltage position of the Fiske resonances. This effect is due to persistent photoinduced superconductivity (PPS) of the oxygen-depleted YBa2Cu3O x barrier, similar to the PPS found in illuminated oxygen-deficient YBa2Cu3O x thin films. From Fiske resonance experiments in GBJJs of different lengths, it is possible to study the velocity of the electromagnetic wave in the barrier and its change after illumination. Information on the parameters of the barrier, before and after illumination, is obtained from this study.  相似文献   

We argue that the collective mode as observed in angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) on a large class of cuprates can be associated with dynamic incommensurate CDW fluctuations present in these materials. This scenario is substantiated by a comparison of calculated spectra with experimental ARPES data where we obtain a mode frequency which decreases towards optimal doping thus strongly supporting the existence of a quantum critical point around this concentration. Moreover we extract the temperature dependence of the associated bosonic spectrum from ARPES data where it turns out that there is a continuous evolution from mode-type behavior below T c to a marginal Fermi liquid structure well above T c.  相似文献   

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