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Both the specific similarity of test items to study items and the grammaticality of test items were found to be major determinants of performance under task conditions common in the literature. Results bearing on the issue of how item-specific effects are coordinated with knowledge pooled across items are: (1) Better item memory resulted in smaller rather than larger effects of specific similarity on judgments of grammaticality, suggesting that items can be too well differentiated to support transfer to new items. (2) Variation in the effect of specific similarity did not result in compensatory variation in grammaticality, suggesting that any scheme that tightly links the effects of the 2 variables is insufficient. (3) Differential reliance on the 2 knowledge resources was not under good instructional control, which poses a problem for accounts that use functional task analyses to coordinate functionally different memories. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Ss were trained on letter pairs or letter strings in an artificial grammar learning paradigm to determine the extent to which implicit learning is driven by simple associative knowledge. Learning on strings resulted in sensitivity to violations of grammaticality and in transfer to a changed letter set. Learning on letter pairs resulted in less sensitivity and no transfer. Discrepancies in performance were later reduced, but not eliminated, by equating the task demands of the conditions during learning. A direct test of associative knowledge showed that training on letter pairs resulted in knowledge of legal bigrams, but this knowledge was only weakly related to violation sensitivity. The experiments demonstrate that knowledge of isolated associations is sufficient to support some learning, but this knowledge cannot explain the more abstract knowledge that results from learning on complete exemplars. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In two experiments, subjects were exposed for 12 hr to a sequence of frames containing a target, and their task was to search for the target in each frame. The sequence was divided into logical blocks of seven trials each. Locations of the target in the seventh trial of each block were predictable on the basis of the specific sequences of target locations in four out of the previous six trials. Pilot studies and extensive postexperimental interviews indicated that none of the subjects noticed anything even close to the real nature of the manipulation (i.e., the pattern). However, the predicted patterns of latency of their responses to the critical trials indicate that they had, in fact, acquired some intuitive (unconscious) knowledge about how the pattern of prior trials was related to the critical trial. The phenomenon is discussed as a ubiquitous unconscious process involved in the development of both elementary and high-level cognitive skills. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

When exposed to a regular stimulus field, for instance, that generated by an artificial grammar, subjects unintentionally learn to respond efficiently to the underlying structure (G. A. Miller [1958]; A. S. Reber [see PA, Vol 42:8911]). We explored the hypothesis that the learning process is chunking and that grammatical knowledge is implicitly encoded in a hierarchical network of chunks. We trained subjects on exemplar sentences while inducing them to form specific chunks. Their knowledge was then assessed through judgments of grammaticality. We found that subjects were less sensitive to violations that preserved their chunks than to violations that did not. We derived the theory of competitive chunking (CC) and found that it successfully reproduces, via computer simulations, both Miller's experimental results and our own. In CC, chunks are hierarchical structures strengthened with use by a bottom-up perception process. Strength-mediated competitions determine which chunks are created and which are used by the perception process. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) have been shown to be impaired on some nondeclarative memory tasks that require cognitive skill teaming (perceptual-motor sequence learning, probabilistic classification). To determine what other skill-based tasks are impaired, 13 patients with PD were tested on artificial grammar learning, artificial grammar learning with transfer to novel lettersets, and prototype learning. Patients with PD performed similarly to controls on all 3 tests. The intact learning exhibited by PD patients on these tests suggests that nondeclarative cognitive skill learning is not a single entity supported by the neostriatum. If learning the regularities among visual stimuli is the principal feature of artificial grammar learning and prototype learning, then these forms of skill learning may be examples of perceptual learning, and they may occur in early visual cortical processing areas. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Participants judged whether pairs of target words were associated or not-associated in meaning (association judgment task). Target pairs were preceded by a brief (200 ms) related or unrelated (prime) word presented to the nondominant eye. Each participant performed 2 blocks of association judgment task trials: 1 with primes that were legible, and 1 with primes that were masked by a pattern simultaneously presented to the dominant eye. Across 2 experiments, significantly larger masked priming effects were observed for participants who could not detect priming words (low-d′ participants) than for participants who could partially see priming words (high-d′ participants). This result suggests that undetectable masked primes can activate word meaning and that conscious attempts to process masked primes may inhibit unconscious activation. Additionally, evidence is presented that supports claims that spreading activation is the crucial mechanism responsible for unconscious priming. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"Each subject was presented with his own photograph in a stereoscope, together with that of a stranger, so that a single composite face was seen… . subjects who did not recognize themselves under these conditions were then asked to rate this self-composite for degree of attractiveness, and each subject's rating was compared with one that he made on a control composite consisting of two strange faces. Confirmation was obtained for the hypothesis that the self-composite would be rated higher than the control, thus lending support for the theory of the favorableness of unconscious self-judgments." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate an unconscious or implicit mood-congruent memory (MCM) bias in clinical depression. Many studies have shown an explicit memory bias, but no study has yet found an implicit MCM bias in clinical depression. The authors compared depressed and control group participants on a conceptually driven implicit memory test. After studying words of positive, neutral, and negative affective valences, participants produced free associations to various cues. Implicit memory or priming was demonstrated by the production of more studied than unstudied words to the association cues. Depressed participants showed more priming of negative words, whereas controls showed more priming of positive words, thus supporting the MCM pattern. Also, no implicit memory deficit was found in depressed participants. These findings are discussed in the context of several prominent theories of cognition and depression. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Today, it is generally accepted that unconscious stimuli can activate a response code, which leads to a response congruency effect (RCE) on a subsequent target. However, it is not yet clear whether this is due to the semantic processing of the primes or to the formation of direct stimulus-response (S-R) associations bypassing the semantic system. Recently, it was shown that even novel primes, for which no direct S-R links exist, can also evoke an RCE that is in line with the activation of response codes through semantics. In these experiments, the authors examined 3 alternatives for this RCE from novel primes and report a novel effect in unconscious priming. First, the authors show that this effect is not limited to a small set of numerical stimuli but also extends to letter stimuli (Experiments 1-3). Second, the authors show that the RCE is not a side effect of the prime-target distance effect, as has been reported before (Experiments 1-2). Third, the authors found that, for RCE to occur, overlap at the motor level but not at the semantic level was crucial (Experiments 2-3). Finally, in addition, the results showed a category match priming effect independent of RCE. This last result is evidence that novel unconscious primes activate their semantic category prior to the target and might be considered a good marker for semantic processing. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, The Sciences of the Artificial, 2nd Edition by Herbert A. Simon (1981), stating that Simon suggests the commonalities between psychology, computer science, engineering, economics and architecture as stemming from the fact that they all deal with the "artificial." They all deal in design issues for complex systems that are adaptive. In this updated version of earlier edition (see record 1969-14952-000), Simon has interleaved two themes, the sciences of the artificial and the sciences of design, that formed the core of two invited lecture series. The strength of this set of seven essays is that it provides a "full-width" perspective on psychology and other social sciences such as economics and systems design. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article examines the etiological role of incest as unconscious fantasy and incest as social fact in producing psychopathology. It reevaluates the importance of the Freudian theory of fantasy for an understanding of father-daughter incest, with particular attention to the relationship between fantasy and memory and between conscious and unconscious fantasy. Although the importance of acknowledging the social fact of incest is affirmed, I maintain that an analysis of the mental representation of the incest experience in fantasy is as crucial to the treatment of incest victims as is an acknowledgment of the primary etiological role of real victimization in producing pathological states. Case material is presented to illustrate the ways in which the reality of incest may combine with stage-specific fantasies to determine the nature and extent of the incest victim's pathology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Conscious perception is substantially overestimated when standard measurement techniques are used. That overestimation has contributed to the controversial nature of studies of unconscious perception. A process-dissociation procedure (L. L. Jacoby; see record 1992-07943-001) was used for separately estimating the contribution of conscious and unconscious perception to performance of a stem-completion task. Unambiguous evidence for unconscious perception was obtained in 4 experiments. In Exp 1, decreasing the duration of a briefly presented word diminished the contribution of both conscious and unconscious perception. In Exps 2–4, dividing attention reduced the contribution of conscious perception while leaving that of unconscious perception unchanged. Discussion focuses on the measurement of awareness and the relation between perception and memory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated cryptomnesia (unconscious plagiarism) and source memory using a word-search puzzle task in 3 experiments. Ss first alternated with a "computer partner" in locating words from 4 puzzles. They then attempted to recall their previously generated items as well as to locate additional new words. Substantially more plagiarism was committed in these tasks than was observed in a study by A. S. Brown and D. R. Murphy (1989), in which Ss generated category exemplars. Manipulations of retention interval (Exp 1) and degree of encoding (Exps 2a and 2b) reliably influenced plagiarism rates. Source confusions from a modified recognition memory task (Exp 3) were used as the basis for a unitary relative strength model to explain both source and occurrence (item) forgetting. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study assessed the functional organization of action semantics by asking subjects to categorize pictures of an actor holding objects with a correct or incorrect grip at either a correct or incorrect goal location. Overall, reaction times were slower if the object was presented with an inappropriate posture, and this effect was stronger for goal violations compared with grip violations (Experiment 1). In addition, the retrieval of action semantics was found accompanied by the implicit activation of motor representations. Body-related objects (e.g., cup) were classified faster when a movement toward the subject’s body was required, whereas world-related objects (e.g., pincers) were responded to faster with a movement in the opposite direction (Experiments 2 and 3). In contrast, when subjects were required to retrieve only visual semantics (Experiment 4), no interference effects of postural information were observed, and motor representations were only partially activated. These findings suggest that action semantics can be accessed independently from visual semantics and that the retrieval of action semantics is supported by functional motor activation reflecting the prototypical use of an object. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Within analytic and psychoanalytic psychotherapies, the unconscious process and communication between patient and psychotherapist is central to the therapeutic work. Unconscious communication may manifest in a variety of ways including through synchronicity. Synchronicity is an acausal yet meaningful connection between an internal mental object and an external event originally described by Carl Jung and his contemporaries. Previous literature has discussed the relationship between synchronicity and psychotherapy but there has been limited attention to synchronistic events linking the patient and psychotherapist. Relational viewpoints that emphasize the therapeutic dyad and the creation of meaning in the therapeutic context provide a contemporary framework for understanding and utilizing synchronicity as it surfaces in psychotherapy. Concepts from psychoanalytic psychotherapy including intersubjectivity, the therapeutic container, transference, and countertransference are explored in relation to synchronicity. Guidance for integrating and utilizing synchronicity in relationally oriented psychotherapy is provided. A clinical case study is presented to illustrate these ideas. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Mood-congruent memory (MCM) bias in depression was investigated using 4 different implicit memory tests. Two of the implicit tests were perceptually driven, and 2 were conceptually driven. Depressed participants and nondepressed controls were assigned to 1 of 4 implicit memory tests after studying positive and negative adjectives. Results showed no MCM bias in the perceptually driven tests. MCM was demonstrated in 1 of the conceptually driven tests, but only for adjectives that were conceptually encoded. Results support the theory that mood-congruent processes in depression are limited to conceptual processing. However, activation of conceptual processes may not be sufficient for demonstrating mood congruency. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Recent findings of dissociations between direct and indirect tests of memory and perception have renewed enthusiasm for the study of unconscious processing. The authors argue that such findings are heir to the same problems of interpretation as are earlier evidence of unconscious influences, namely, one cannot eliminate the possibility that conscious processes contaminated the measure of unconscious processes. To solve this problem, the authors define unconscious influences in terms of lack of conscious control and then describe a process dissociation procedure that yields separate quantitative estimates of the concurrent contributions of unconscious and consciously controlled processing to task performance. This technique allows one to go beyond demonstrating the existence of unconscious processes to examine factors that determine their magnitude. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Developmental studies on heuristics and biases have reported controversial findings suggesting that children sometimes reason more logically than do adults. We addressed the controversy by testing the impact of children's knowledge of the heuristic stereotypes that are typically cued in these studies. Five-year-old preschoolers and 8-year-old children were tested with a card game version of the classic base-rate task. Problems were based on stereotypes that were familiar or unfamiliar for preschoolers. We also manipulated whether the cued stereotypical response was consistent (no-conflict problems) or inconsistent (conflict problems) with the correct analytic response that was cued in the problem. Results showed that an age-related performance decrease on the conflict problems was accompanied by an age-related performance increase on the no-conflict problems. These age effects were most pronounced for problems that adopted stereotypes that were unfamiliar for the 5-year-old preschoolers. When preschoolers were familiar with the stereotypes, their performance also started being affected. Findings support the claim that previously reported age-related performance decreases on classic reasoning tasks need to be attributed to the increased need to deal with tempting heuristics and not to a decrease in analytic thinking skills per se. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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