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In addition to hydrolysing RNA, bovine pancreatic ribonucleasesplits esters of pyrimidine nucleoside 3'-phosphates, includingdinucleotides. For a series of 3':5'-linked dinucleotides ofgeneral structure CpN, where N is a 5' linked nucleoside, kcalfor the release of N varies enormously with the precise structureof N. Structural studies have been interpreted to indicate thatthe group N interacts with a subsite, B2, on the enzyme thatcomprises Gln69, Asn71 and Glulll. We report studies by site-directedmutagenesis that indicate that Gln69 is not involved in productiveinteractions with any of the dinucleotide substrates and thatAsn71 is an important component of subsite B2 for all dinucleotidesubstrates tested. Glulll appears to be functionally involvedin catalysis for dinucleotide substrates solely when N is guanosine.  相似文献   

Lysl8, Arg86, Asn283, Ser286, Thr288 and Glu292 of glutathionesynthetase from Escherichia coli B are presumed to be highlyconcerned with the substrate, -L-glutamyl-L-cysteine (-Glu-Cys),binding by X-ray crystallography and affinity labeling studies.Using site-directed mutagenesis, we investigated functionalroles of those residues for -Glu-Cys binding. The mutant enzymesof Arg86 and Asn283 altered their kinetic parameters, especiallythe Michaelis constants of -Glu-Cys. In the case of Asn283,the residue is not likely to have an essential role in -Glu-Cysbinding but its side chain would extend to make a van der Waalscontact with bound -Glu-Cys. Chemical modification of a cysteineresidue with 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoate) (DTNB) showed Arg86would not only be much responsible for -Glu-Cys binding butwould also have a role in maintaining the structural integrityof the enzyme. The other mutant enzymes showed little defectin their kinetic parameters of -Glu-Cys.  相似文献   

Elongation factor Tu from Escherichia coli was mutated separatelyat positions Asp86 and Arg58, in order to shed light both onthe GTPase mechanism of elongation factor Tu and on the bindingof aminoacyl-tRNA. In addition, the binding of guanine nucleotideswas investigated by determination of the dissociation and associationrate constants. The results imply that Arg58 is unimportantfor the intrinsic GTPase mechanism and the binding of guaninenucleotides, whereas it is strongly involved in the bindingof aminoacyl-tRNA and of the ribosome. Asp86 appears to be essentialfor the regulation of guanine-nucleotide affinities, and itmay also play a role in the intrinsic GTPase mechanism.  相似文献   

A new phosphoglycerate kinase over-expression vector, pYE-PGK,has been constructed which greatly facilitates the insertionand removal of mutant enzyme genes by cleavage at newly introducedBamtHI sites. This vector has been used to prepare mutant proteinin appreciable (100 mg) quantities for use in kinetic, crystaUographicand NMR experiments. Aspartate 372 is an invariant amino acidresidue in genes known to code for a functionally active PGK.The function of this acidic residue appears to be to help desolvatethe magnesium ion compfexed with either ADP or ATP when thissubstrate binds to the enzyme. Both crystallographk and nuclearmagnetic resonance experiments show that the replacement ofthe residue with asparagine has only minimal effects on theoverall structure. The substitution of the charged carboxylgroup with that of the neutral amide affects the binding ofthe nucleotide substrate as predicted but not, as might havebeen expected, the binding of 3-phospho-glycerate. The overallvelocity of the enzymic reaction (Vmax) is reduced 10-fold bythe substitution of aspartic acid 372 by an asparagine residue(D372N). This reduction in Vmax is considerably less than onewould expect from its known position within the structure ofthe enzyme. This result therefore poses questions about ourunderstanding of charged groups at the active centres of enzymesand of the reason for their apparent conservation.  相似文献   

The evolutionally conserved aspartyl residues (Asp57, Asp98and Asp152) in human glutathione S-transferase P1-1 were replacedwith alanine by site-directed mutagenesis to obtain the mutants(D57A, D98A and D152A). The replacement of Asp98 with alanineresulted in a decrease of the affinity for S-hexyl-GSH-agarose,a 5.5-fold increase of the KmGHS and a 2.9-fold increase ofthe I50 of S-hexyl-GSH for GSH–CDNB conjugation. Asp98seems to participate in the binding of GSH through hydrogenbonding with the -carboxylate of the -glutamyl residue of GSH.The kcat of D98A was 2.6-fold smaller than that of the wild-type,and the pKa of the thiol group of GSH bound in D98A was {smalltilde}0.8 pK units higher than those in the wild-type. Asp98also seems to contribute to the activation of GSH to some extent.On the other hand, most of the kinetic parameters of D57A andD152A were similar to those of the wild-type. However, the thermostabilitiesof D57A and D152A were significantly lower than that of thewild-type. Asp57 and Asp152 seem to be important for maintainingthe proper conformation of the enzyme.  相似文献   

A mutational study was performed on the corepressor (Ltryptophan)binding site of the trp repressor of Escherichia coli. Threonine81, one of the residues forming the hydrophobic pocket of thebinding site, was replaced with Ser, Cys and Met by cassettemutagenesis. Biochemical characterization showed that all thesemutations caused a moderate decrease in tryptophan binding activity(free energy change 1 kcal/mol). The results suggested thatthe binding pocket is rather flexible in the vicinity of Thr81.On the other hand, the mutations produced a discernible decreasein the repressor activity in vivo, apparently by weakening oreliminating the hydrogen bond between Thr81 and the operatorDNA, as well as by introducing possible side-chain rearrangement.  相似文献   

Site-specific mutagenesis has been used to probe amino acidresidues proposed to be critical in catalysis by Escherichiacoli asparaginase II. Thr12 is conserved in all known asparaginases.The catalytic constant of a T12A mutant towards L-aspartk acidß-hydroxamate was reduced to 0.04% of wild type activity,while its An, and stability against urea denaturation were unchanged.The mutant enzyme T12S exhibited almost normal activity butaltered substrate specificity. Replacement of Thr119 with Alaled to a 90% decrease of activity without markedly affectingsubstrate binding. The mutant enzyme S122A showed normal catalyticfunction but impaired stability in urea solutions. These dataindicate that the hydroxyl group of Thr12 is directly involvedin catalysis, probably by favorably interacting with a transitionstate or intermediate. By contrast, Thr119 and Ser122, bothputative target sites of the inactivator DONV, are functionallyless important.  相似文献   

The location of the first seven residues of the regulatory chainof Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamoylase has been identifiedby X-ray crystallography to be near the binding site of theregulatory nucleotides. In order to determine the function ofthe N-terminus of the regulatory chain of aspartate transcarbamoylasein heterotropic regulation, alanine scanning mutagenesis wasused. Specifically, Thr2r, His3r, Asp4r, Asn5r, Lys6r and Leu7rwere each replaced with alanine. Analyses of these mutant enzymesindicate that none of these substitutions significantly alterthe catalytic properties of the enzyme. However, three of themutant enzymes, Asp4r Ala, Lys6r Ala and Leu7r Ala, exhibitednotable changes in their response to the regulatory nucleotides,while mutations at Thr2r, His3r and Asn5r exhibited only minorchanges in their heterotropic responses. For the Asp4r Alaenzyme, the responses to ATP and CTP were reduced 30 and 40%respectively, compared with the wild-type enzyme. For the Lys6r Ala enzyme, the response to ATP was reduced 70%, while theCTP response was reduced 50%. In the case of the Leu7r Alaenzyme, a 30 and 20% reduction in response to ATP and CTP respectively,was observed. The synergistk inhibition by UTP in the presenceof CTP for the Lys6r Ala enzyme was reduced 40% compared withthat of the wild type enzyme. For the Leu7r Ala enzyme, thesynergistic inhibition was abolished. In addition, UTP decreasedthe CTP binding affinity of the Leu7r Ala enzyme. Analysisof the kinetic data from these mutant enzymes suggests thatresidues Thr2r, His3r and Asn5r have little effect on the heterotropicmechanism, while residues Asp4r, Lys6r and Leu7r play a moresignificant role in the heterotropic response of the enzymetoward the nucleotides. Furthermore, residue Leu7r appears tobe directly involved in the mechanism for synergistic inhibitionof aspartate transcarbamoylase. In this study alanine scanningmutagenesis has provided a rapid method of identifying thoseresidues in the N-terminal region of the regulatory chain ofaspartate transcarbamoylase important for heterotropic regulation.  相似文献   

To understand the functional roles of Cys residues in the subunitof tryptophan synthase from Escherichia coli, single mutantsof the subunit, in which each of the three Cys residues wassubstituted with Ser, Gly, Ala or Val, were constructed by site-directedmutagenesis. The effects of the substitutions on the functionof tryptophan synthase were investigated by activity measurements,calorimetric measurements of association with the ßsubunit and steadystate kinetic analysis of catalysis. Althoughthe three Cys residues are located away from the apparentlyimportant parts for enzymatic activity, substitutions at position81 by Ser, Ala or Val caused decreases in the intrinsic activityof the subunit. Furthermore, Cys81Ser and Cys81Val reducedstimulation activities in the and ß reactions dueto formation of a complex with the ß subunit. Thelower stimulation activities of the mutant proteins were notcorrelated with their abilities to associate with the ßsubunit but were correlated with decreases in kcat. The presentresults suggest that position 81 plays an indirectly importantrole in the activity of the subunit itself and the mutual activationmechanism of the complex.  相似文献   

Recombinant wild-type human IGF-1 and a C-region mutant in whichresidues 28–37 have been replaced by a 4-glycine bridge(4-Gly IGF-1) were secreted and purified from yeast. An IGF-1analogue in which residues 29–41 of the C-region havebeen deleted (mini IGF-1) was created by site-directed mutagenesisand also expressed. All three proteins adopted the insulin-foldas determined by circular dichroism. The significantly raisedexpression levels of mini IGF-1 allowed the recording of two-dimensionalNMR spectra. The affinity of 4-Gly IGF-1 for the IGF-1 receptorwas {small tilde}100-fold lower than that of wild-type IGF-1and the affinity for the insulin receptor was {small tilde}10-foldlower. Mini IGF-1 showed no affinity for either receptor. Notonly does the C-region of IGF-1 contribute directly to thefree energy of binding to the IGF-1 receptor, but also the absenceof flexibility in this region eliminates binding altogether.As postulated for the binding of insulin to its own receptor,it is proposed that binding of IGF-1 to the IGF-1 receptor alsoinvolves a conformational change in which the C-terminal B-regionresidues detach from the body of the molecule to expose theunderlying A-region residues.  相似文献   

Experimental and computational analyses were performed on thecorepressor (L-tryptophan) binding site of the trp-repressorof Escherichia coli to investigate the ligandprotein interactions.Gly 85, one of the residues forming the hydrophobic pocket ofthe binding site, was systematically replaced with Ala, Val,Leu and Trp by cassette mutagenesis. Biochemical characterizationshowed that all these mutations caused significant decreasesin tryptophan binding activity. Free energy perturbation calculationswere performed for the mutants and were consistent with theexperimental results. The lack of a side chain at position 85was concluded to be essential for binding the corepressor; thestructure of the binding pocket was suggested to be tight inthe vicinity of Gly85.  相似文献   

Abstract The crystal structure of a hybrid Escherichia coli triosephosphateisomerase (TIM) has been determined at 2.8 Å resolution.The hybrid TIM (ETIM8CHI) was constructed by replacing the eighthß-unit of E.coli TIM with the equivalent unit of chickenTIM. This replacement involves 10 sequence changes. One of thechanges concerns the mutation of a buried alanine (Ala232 instrand 8) into a phenylalanine. The ETIM8CHI structure showsthat the A232F sequence change can be incorporated by a side-chainrotation of Phe224 (in helix 7). No cavities or strained dihedralsare observed in ETIM8CHI in the region near position 232, whichis in agreement with the observation that ETIM8CHI and E.coliTIM have similar stabilities. The largest CA (C-alpha atom)movements, 3 Å, are seen for the C-terminal end of helix8 (associated with the outward rotation of Phe224) and for theresidues in the loop after helix 1 (associated with sequencechanges in helix 8). From the structure it is not clear whythe kcat of ETIM8CHI is 10 times lower than in wild type E.coliTIM  相似文献   

In addition to hydrolysis of glycerophospholipids, phospholipases D (PLDs) catalyze the head group exchange. The molecular basis of this transphosphatidylation potential, which strongly varies for PLDs from different sources, is unknown hitherto. Recently, the genes of two PLD isoenzymes from white cabbage have been sequenced and expressed in Escherchia coli, yielding the basis for mutational studies. In the present paper, three sequence characteristics of the isoenzyme (PLD2) that corresponds to the often used enzyme isolated from cabbage leaves have been probed for their importance in hydrolysis as well as transphosphatidylation activities: (i) the two HKD motifs, (ii) the C terminus and (iii) the eight cysteine residues. All these regions or amino acids are highly conserved in alpha-type plant PLDs. Based on multiple alignments, predictions of secondary structure and comparisons of hydrophobicity profiles, 35 enzyme variants were created and assayed. All positions tested proved to be very sensitive towards amino acid exchanges with respect to hydrolytic activity in the absence of glycerol as well as to the ratio of hydrolytic and transphosphatidylation activities in the presence of glycerol. A significant increase of total activity and transphosphatidylation activity could be obtained by the substitutions C310S and C625S.  相似文献   

An alkaline cellulase ß-1,4-endoglucanase; NK1) froman alkalophilk Bacillus sp. shows great similarity in aminoacid sequence to a neutral cellulase (BSC) from Bacillus subtilis,despite a considerable difference in their pH activity profiles.Multiple amino acid exchanges by site-directed mutagenesis,using BSC as the reference, were performed on the residues inregion 5 of NK1, which was previously shown to be responsiblefor the high enzyme activity of this alkaline cellulase in abroad alkaline pH range. Two amino acid residues, Ser287 andAla296, were identified as being responsible for the activityin the alkaline range. The double mutation, Ser287 to Asn andAla296 to Ser, of NK1 made its pH activity profile almost thesame as that of BSC. On the other hand, the pH activity profilein the acidic range was not significantly affected by variousamino acid replacements including these two positions in region5. This observation, together with the information availableon other endoglucanases, suggests that the above two amino acidsubstitutions caused a profound effect through rearrangementof the hydrogen bond network forming the substrate-binding siteor the catalytic site.  相似文献   

The strictly conserved active site residue, Asp222, which formsa hydrogen-bonded salt bridge with the pyridine nitrogen atomof the pyridoxal 5' phosphate (PLP) co-factor of aspartate aminotransferase(AATase), was replaced with alanine (D222A) in the Escherichiacoli enzyme. The D222A mutant exhibits non–hyberbolicsaturation behavior with amino acid substrates which appearas apparent negative eooperativity in steady–state kineticanalyses. Single turnover progress curves for D222A are welldescribed by the sum of two exponentials, contrasting with themonophasic kinetics of the wild-type enzyme. An active/inactiveheterodimer containing the D222A mutation retains this biphasickinetic response, proving that the observed eooperativity isnot the result of induced allostery. The anomalous behavioris explained by a hysteretic kinetic model involving two slowlyinterconverting enzyme forms, only one of which is catalyticallycompetent. The slow functional transition between the two formshas a half–life of 10 mins. Preincubation of the mutantwith the dicarboxylk inhibitor maleate shifts the equilibriumpopulation of the enzyme towards the catalytically active form,suggesting that the slow transition is related to the domainclosure known to occur upon association of this inhibitor withthe wild-type enzyme. The importance of Asp222 in the chemicalsteps of transamination is confirmed by the l05fold decreasein catalytic competence in the D222A mutant, and by the largeprimary C–deuterium kinetic isotope effect (6.7 versus2.2 for the wild–type). The transamination activity ofthe D222A mutant is enhanced 4– to 20–fold by reconstltutionwith the co-factor analog N–methylpyridoxal–5–phosphate(N–MePLP), and the C–proton abstraction step isless rate determining, as evidenced by the decrease in the primarykinetic isotope effect from 6.7 to 2.3. These results suggestthat the conserved interaction between the protonated pyridinenitrogen of PLP and the negatively charged carboxylate of Asp222is important not only for efficient C–proton abstraction,but also for conformational transitions concomitant with thetransamination process  相似文献   

Bovine ß-1, 4-galactosyltransferase (ß-1,4-GT; EC [EC] ) belongs to the glycosyltransferase familyand as such shares a general topology: an N-terminal cytoplasmictail, a signal anchor followed by a stem region and a catalyticdomain at the C-tenninal end of the protein. cDNA constructsof the N-terminal deleted forms of ß-1, 4-GT wereprepared in pGEX-2T vector and expressed in E.coli as glutathione-S-transferase(GST) fusion proteins. Recombinant proteins accumulated withininclusion bodies as insoluble aggregates that were solubilizedin 5 M guanidine HCl and required an ‘oxido-shuffling’reagent for regeneration of the enzyme activity. The recombinant(ß-1, 4-GT, devoid of the GST domain, has 30–85%of the sp. act. of bovine milk ß-1, 4-GT with apparentKms for N-acetylglucosamine and UDP-galactose similar to thoseof milk enzyme. Deletion analysesshow that both (ß-1,4-GT and lactose synthetase activities remain intact even inthe absence of the first 129 residues (pGT-dl29). The activitiesare lost when either deletions extend up to residue 142 (pGT-dl42)or Cysl34 is mutatedto Ser (pGT-dl29C134S). These results suggestthat the formation of a disulfide bond involving Cysl34 holdsthe protein in a conformation that is required for enzymaticactivity.  相似文献   

The amino acids that are required for the cytotoxic activityof recombinant human tumor necrosis factor- (TNF) were investigatedby chemical modification and oligonucleotide-directed site-specificmutagenesis. TNF contains three histidine residues, locatedat positions 15, 73 and 78. The histidine-specific reagent diethylpyrocarbonate(DEP) was used to chemically modify TNF. The chemical inactivationof the in vitro cytotoxic activity of this lymphokine (usingmurine L929 target cells) was found to be time- and dose-dependent.Inactivated TNF failed to compete with fully bioactive [125I]TNFfor human MCF-7 target cell receptors. Mutant polypeptides ofTNF were genetically engineered by oligonucoleotide-directedsite-specific mutagenesis. The cytotoxicity of a double histidinemutant, in which histidine-73 and histidine-78 were replacedwith glutamine, was not altered and was chemically inactivatedby DEP. Substituting glutamine for histidine-15 resulted in10–15% of the wild-type bioactivity. Replacing histidine-15with either asparagine, lysine or glycine resulted in a biologicallyinactive molecule. The data show that the histidine residueat position 15 is an amino acid that is required for the cytotoxicactivity of TNF.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone containing the entire coding region for bovineß-casein A3 flanked by 53 base pairs of 5' non-codingand 358 base pairs of 3' non-coding sequences was isolated froma bovine mammary cDNA phagemid library. The coding segment formature ß-casein was subcloned into the T7 expressionsystem, in which the expression of recombinant ß-caseinwas controlled by the T7 gene 10 promoter and ribosome bindingsite. High level expression of Met-ß-casein to 20%of the total soluble proteins was obtained in Escherichia coliwithin 2 h after induction of T7 RNA-polymerase synthesis. Inan attempt to induce secretion the coding segment for matureß-casein was coupled to the ompA translations initiationsignal and signal peptide coding sequence but no secretion ofthe fusion protein and no processing of the signal peptide fromthe fusion protein was observed. Instead, the Met-ß-caseincould be isolated in asoluble form from E.coli cells after anosmotic shock, indicative of a periplasmic location. This proceduredid not lyse the cells. The protein was purified to homogeneityafter a pH 4.8 isoelectric precipitation followed by reversed-phasehigh-performance liquid chromatography. The ß-caseincDNA was altered to change the main chymosin cleavage siteinß-casein at position 192–193 in two ways, namelyfrom Leu–Tyr to Pro–Pro and to Leu–stop. Thesemutations were designed to prevent generation of the bitterpeptide ßcasein(193–209) by chymosin cleavage.The mutant Met-ß-caseins were expressed in E.colito the same level as wild-type Met-ß-casein. Purifiedmutant Met-ß-casein(Prol92– Prol93) was no longerhydrolysed by chymosin at the 192–193 bond.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that Pleurotus ostreatus proteinase A inhibitor 1 (POIA1) could function as an intramolecular chaperone of subtilisin BPN', as in the case of the propeptide of subtilisin BPN', and that its Phe44 --> Ala mutant, which lost its tertiary structure, could not assist the refolding of subtilisin BPN'. In this study, we examined the effects of hydrophobic amino acid substitutions at other sites and substitutions of Phe44 with other hydrophobic residues on the structure and functions of POIA1. These mutations were introduced into POIA1cm that had been obtained by the substitution of the C-terminal six residues of POIA1 with those of the propeptide of subtilisin BPN'. When Ile32 or Ile64 was substituted with Ala, the tertiary structure of the resultant mutant was markedly destroyed, and the activities as a protease inhibitor and an intramolecular chaperone were significantly lowered. Among the position 44 mutants, the Phe44 --> Val mutant was a much less effective intramolecular chaperone with conversion to a digestible inhibitor, possibly owing to destruction of the tertiary structure. On the other hand, the Phe44 --> Leu or Ile mutant maintained its tertiary structure, and hence could function as a more effective intramolecular chaperone than the Phe44 --> Val mutant. Furthermore, since the Phe44 --> Leu mutant was a more susceptible inhibitor than POIA1cm, the halo formed around a colony of Bacillus cells transformed with a plasmid encoding this mutant was larger than others. These results clearly show the close relationship between the tertiary structure and functions of POIA1 as a protease inhibitor and an intramolecular chaperone, and that a combination of such inhibitory properties and intramolecular chaperone activity of POIA1 might affect the diameter of the halo formed around Bacillus colonies in vivo.  相似文献   

To eludicate the role in conformational stability of Cys residuesburied in the interior of a protein, the thermodynamic propertiesof denaturation of mutant subunit of Escherichia coli tryptophansynthase, in which Ser, Ala, Val or Gly was substituted foreach of the three Cys residues, were analyzed using calorimetry.The mutants were less stable than the wild type, indicatingthat Cys residues contribute greatly to the stability of the subunit. In most cases, a large decrease in denaturation enthalpywas observed, compensated for by the denaturation entropy toa major extent. The extent of changes in the denaturation Gibbsenergy and denaturation enthalpy varied greatly depending onboth substituting residues and positions. Of all the mutantproteins, the Cys154Ser mutant showed the greatest decreasein denaturation enthalpy; its denaturation enthalpy was halfthat of the wild type, and was considerably repaired by addinga ligand of the subunit. Because the enthalpy of ligand bindingto Cys154Ser in the native state did not change. it seems thatthe decrease in the denaturation enthalpy of Cys154Ser and itsrecovery by ligand binding are caused by conformational changesin the denatured state due to the mutation.  相似文献   

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