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以p型单晶硅为衬底基板,在不同衬底温度下,采用脉冲激光沉积法结合退火处理,制备了多晶锗薄膜。利用包括拉曼光谱仪和椭圆偏振仪等各种测试方法,对薄膜的形貌和微观结构进行了分析表征。结果表明,不同衬底温度下制备的锗薄膜的形貌结构有明显不同。当硅衬底的温度为300℃时,锗薄膜已经完全晶化,是结晶质量良好的多晶锗薄膜,拉曼峰谱位于297cm~(-1)处,晶体取向为(111),(220),(311)。而衬底温度低于100℃时,获得的是非晶锗薄膜,只有经过450℃以上的退火处理后,才转化为多晶锗薄膜,拉曼光谱位于298.2cm~(-1)处,半高宽9.5cm~(-1),是具有(111)择优取向的多晶锗膜。  相似文献   

向玉春 《真空》2020,(5):24-27
通过脉冲激光沉积的方法在玻璃衬底上制备CuO薄膜,并研究了衬底温度对薄膜结构,光学以及电学性能的影响.结果 表明:在不同衬底温度下得到的薄膜均为CuO,并且在红外区域,薄膜的透过率均高于65%.温度升高到300℃,具有较高的结晶质量和红外光透过率,薄膜的电学性能也随之变好,出现最低电阻(2.33×102Ωcm),较高的...  相似文献   

采用脉冲激光沉积技术(PLD)在氧气气氛中以高纯Zn为(99.999%)靶材,在单晶硅和石英衬底表面成功生长了ZnO薄膜.通过X射线衍射仪、表明轮廓仪、荧光光谱仪、紫外可见分光光度计对合成薄膜材料的晶体结构、厚度、光学性质等进行了研究,分析了ZnO薄膜的沉积时间对其性能的影响.结果表明,采用PLD法在室温下可以制备出(002)结晶取向和透过率高于75%的ZnO薄膜,但室温下沉积的ZnO薄膜的发射性能较差,沉积时间的延长不能改善薄膜的发光性能.  相似文献   

采用脉冲激光沉积方法在Si(111)基片上制备了Mg2Si薄膜。研究了激光能量密度、退火气氛及压强、退火温度、退火时间等工艺条件对Mg2Si薄膜生长的影响。用X射线衍射仪分析了Mg2Si薄膜的物相,用原子力显微镜、高分辨场发射扫描电镜表征了薄膜的形貌。实验结果表明:在激光能量密度为2.36 J/cm2,Si(111)基片上室温、真空(真空度10-6Pa)条件下沉积,在Ar气压强为10 Pa,500℃,30 min条件下原位退火得到了纯相、结构均匀、表面平整、厚度约为900 nm的Mg2Si多晶薄膜。  相似文献   

采用脉冲激光沉积方法,通过金红石相TiO2(200)纳米诱导层在蓝宝石衬底上生长了(200)取向的萤石相钇稳定氧化锆(YSZ)薄膜。通过反射式高能电子衍射对薄膜生长过程进行原位监测;用XRD分析进行后位的薄膜结构表征;使用原子力显微镜来观测薄膜的形貌及晶粒大小。结果表明,我们成功地在蓝宝石衬底上外延了具有三重旋转织构的a轴取向萤石相YSZ薄膜,其外延关系为YSZ(200)∥TiO2(200)∥Al2O3(0001);YSZ[010]∥TiO2[001]∥Al2O3[11-20]。  相似文献   

在氧压20Pa,衬底温度600℃,靶材与衬底距离4cm的最优化条件下,利用脉冲激光沉积(PLD)技术首次在无诱导电压和任何缓冲层的情况下,在单晶Si(111)衬底上生长具有优良结晶品质和高c轴取向的LiNbO3晶体薄膜.利用X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和原子力显微镜(AFM)对LiNbO3薄膜的结晶品质,择优取向性以及表面形貌进行了系统的分析.结果表明生长出了具有优异晶体质量的c轴取向LiNbO3薄膜,表面光滑平整且无裂纹产生,表面粗糙度约4.8nm,有利于硅基光电子器件的制备和利用.  相似文献   

采用脉冲激光沉积技术在石英基片上制备了ZnS:Co薄膜,改变制备过程中石英基片的温度TS,研究了基片温度对薄膜微结构及光学特性的影响。随着基片温度的升高,薄膜的厚度减小,结晶质量得到提升,并朝着(111)方向择优生长。受量子限域效应的影响,薄膜的光学带隙在基片温度为TS=25℃时最大为3.83 eV,光学带隙先随基片温度增大而减小,并在基片温度为400℃时取得最小值3.5 eV,此后随基片温度增大而增大。此外,薄膜的折射率、消光系数、介电系数等光学参数随基片温度升高均有增大趋势。实验表明在基片温度达到400℃以上时,可以获得综合性能较好的微晶薄膜。  相似文献   

刘军芳  徐军  姚武 《材料导报》2007,21(1):140-142
采用脉冲激光沉积法、选取β-BBO陶瓷作为靶材在掺在Sr2 的α-BBO(001)衬底上进行了生长β-BBO薄膊膜的实验,生长出表面光滑、无色透明的薄膜.采用X射线粉末衍射(XRD)、高分辨X射线衍射仪(XRC)对薄膜进行了分析测试,结果表明,所制备的β-BBO薄膜择优取向为(00l)面,薄膜的双晶摇摆曲线半峰宽值FWHM为1000“左右,显示出β-BBO薄膜较好的结晶质量,其紫外吸收边同β-BBO单晶一样也为190 nm,但薄膜的透过率略有下降.采用调Q脉冲Nd:YAG激光器观察了β-BBO薄膜的倍频效应.  相似文献   

脉冲激光沉积有机薄膜   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
脉冲激光沉积(PLD)技术是一门新兴的薄膜制备技术,在无机薄膜的制备和研究方面取得了令人满意的成果,技术也比较成熟.但利用脉冲激光沉积技术制备和研究有机膜方面的工作开展较晚,工作也比较少,尚未形成一个比较系统的体系.因此开展有机薄膜的脉冲激光沉积研究将具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

丁艳芳  门传玲  陈韬  朱自强  林成鲁 《功能材料》2005,36(12):1831-1833
研究了采用脉冲激光沉积(PLD)技术在Si(100)衬底上AlN薄膜的制备及其性质。结果表明,衬底温度从室温到800℃的范围内,所得到的AlN薄膜为(002)择优取向的纤锌矿结构。随着衬底温度的升高,AlN薄膜从纳米晶结构转为多晶结构,同时表面微粗糙度上升。AlN晶粒呈柱状生长机制。  相似文献   

B.L. Zhu  X.H. Sun  F.H. Su  X.G. Wu  R. Wu 《Vacuum》2008,82(5):495-500
ZnO thin films were prepared by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) on glass substrates with growth temperature from room temperature (RT) to 500 °C. The effects of substrate temperature on the structural and optical properties of ZnO films have been investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission spectra, and RT photoluminescence (PL) measurements. The results showed that crystalline and (0 0 2)-oriented ZnO films were obtained at all substrate temperatures. As the substrate temperature increased from RT to 500 °C, the ratio of grain size in height direction to that in the lateral direction gradually decreased. The same grain size in two directions was obtained at 200 °C, and the size was smallest in all samples, which may result in maximum Eg and E0 of the films. UV emission was observed only in the films grown at 200 °C, which is probably because the stoichiometry of ZnO films was improved at a suitable substrate temperature. It was suggested that the UV emission might be related to the stoichiometry in the ZnO film rather than the grain size of the thin film.  相似文献   

Nanostructured AIN/GaN films with different thickness are synthesized on Si substrates by pulsed laser deposition (PLD). GaN and AIN single-layer films are also deposited for comparison. It is found that the turn-on field of the nanostructured AIN/GaN films is considerably decreased 2 orders of magnitude than that of single-layer films. The improvement of field emission (FE) characteristics is attributed to the quantum structure effects, which supplies a favorable location of electron emission and enhances tunneling ability. We show that by tuning the thickness of AIN/GaN, various FE characteristics can be obtained. It indicates that the optimal thickness of the nanostructured AIN/GaN films exists for their best field emission performance.  相似文献   

脉冲激光制备硅基超薄PtSi薄膜   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李美成  杨建平  王菁  陈学康  赵连城 《功能材料》2001,32(3):285-286,289
用脉冲激光沉制备了纳米级Pt/Si异质层,对激光退火形成超薄PtSi薄膜进行了研究,对于Pt、Si互扩散反应形成Pt2Si和PtSi的过程利用XPS进行了测试分析,通过XPS和AFM等分析测试手段对不同参数激光退火形成的PtSi薄膜的结构特性进行观测。我们获得了均匀的、超薄边疆的PtSi层且具有平滑的PtSi/Si界面。  相似文献   

Shailja Tiwari 《Thin solid films》2009,517(11):3253-3256
Magnetite (Fe3O4) thin films are prepared by pulsed laser deposition using an α-Fe2O3 target on silicon (111) substrate in the substrate temperature range of 350 °C to 550 °C. X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurement shows that the film deposited at 450 °C is a single phase Fe3O4 film oriented along [111] direction. However, the film grown at 350 °C reveals mixed oxide phases (FeO and Fe3O4), while the film deposited at 550 °C is a polycrystalline Fe3O4. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study confirms the XRD findings. Raman measurements reveal identical spectra for all the films deposited at different substrate temperatures. We observe abrupt increase in the resistivity behavior of all the films around Verwey transition temperature (TV) (125 K-120 K) though the transition is broader in the film deposited at 350 °C. We observe that the optimized temperature for the growth of Fe3O4 film on Si is 450 °C. The electrical transport behavior follows Shklovskii and Efros variable range hopping type conduction mechanism below TV for the film deposited at 450 °C possibly due to the granular growth of the film.  相似文献   

H.S. Kim  S.J. Pearton  F. Ren 《Vacuum》2008,82(11):1259-1263
The effects of buffer layer deposition conditions on subsequent ZnO epitaxy on sapphire (0001) were examined. An initial ZnO buffer layer improves surface roughness for a wide range of buffer layer growth temperatures and pressures. Changes in buffer layer growth pressure and temperature have a moderate effect on the roughness of subsequent film growth. However, the conditions for buffer layer deposition have a large impact on crystallinity of subsequent films. In particular, the out-of-plane X-ray diffraction rocking curve full-width half-maximum decreased as buffer deposition temperature or O2/O3 pressure increases. Carrier mobility in the subsequent thick ZnO film was enhanced with increase in buffer layer deposition temperature. Carrier concentration decreased with increasing buffer layer deposition pressure.  相似文献   

在60Pa的高氧压气氛中,用脉冲激光沉积法以Si(111)为衬底在不同温度下制备了ZnO薄膜.RHEED和XRD结果表明,所有样品都是c轴高度择优取向的多晶ZnO薄膜.随衬底温度的升高,ZnO薄膜(002)衍射峰的半高宽不断减小,从0.227~0.185°.对(002)衍射峰的2θ值分析表明,650℃下生长的ZnO薄膜几乎处于无应力的状态,而在较低或较高温度下生长的薄膜中都存在着一定程度的c轴压应力.室温PL谱测试说明在650℃生长的ZnO薄膜具有最强的紫外发射峰和最窄的UV峰半高宽(83meV).在700℃得到的样品PL谱中,检测到一个位于3.25eV处的低能发射峰.经分析,该峰可能是来自于施主-受主对(DAP)的跃迁.  相似文献   


Thin films composed of MgAl2O4 and (Ni0.5Zn0.5)Fe2O4 ([MA(100-x)-NZFx] films) were grown on fused SiO2 substrates by pulsed laser deposition. X-ray diffraction measurements revealed that the films were polycrystalline, and that their lattice constant varied linearly with composition, indicating the formation of a solid solution. The film with x=60 was paramagnetic and those with x ≥ 70 were ferromagnetic. The films had a transparency above 75% in the visible range, but the transparency decreased with the x value. The optical band gaps were 2.95, 2.55, 2.30 and 1.89 eV for x=20, 40, 60, 80 and 100, respectively. The Faraday rotation angle increased with x in the visible range, and the film with x=70 exhibited a value of 2000 degrees cm-1 at 570 nm, which is comparable to the rotation angle of Y3Fe5O12. Owing to their high transparency, which extends into the visible range, the [MA(100-x)-NZFx] films can be used in novel magneto-optical devices.  相似文献   

Zinc oxide (ZnO) thin films were deposited on soda lime glass substrates by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) in an oxygen-reactive atmosphere. The structural, optical, and electrical properties of the as-prepared thin films were studied in dependence of substrate temperature and oxygen pressure. High quality polycrystalline ZnO films with hexagonal wurtzite structure were deposited at substrate temperatures of 100 and 300 °C. The RMS roughness of the deposited oxide films was found to be in the range 2-9 nm and was only slightly dependent on substrate temperature and oxygen pressure. Electrical measurements indicated a decrease of film resistivity with the increase of substrate temperature and the decrease of oxygen pressure. The ZnO films exhibited high transmittance of 90% and their energy band gap and thickness were in the range 3.26-3.30 eV and 256-627 nm, respectively.  相似文献   

Thin films composed of MgAl2O4 and (Ni0.5Zn0.5)Fe2O4 ([MA(100-x)-NZFx] films) were grown on fused SiO2 substrates by pulsed laser deposition. X-ray diffraction measurements revealed that the films were polycrystalline, and that their lattice constant varied linearly with composition, indicating the formation of a solid solution. The film with x=60 was paramagnetic and those with x ≥ 70 were ferromagnetic. The films had a transparency above 75% in the visible range, but the transparency decreased with the x value. The optical band gaps were 2.95, 2.55, 2.30 and 1.89 eV for x=20, 40, 60, 80 and 100, respectively. The Faraday rotation angle increased with x in the visible range, and the film with x=70 exhibited a value of 2000 degrees cm-1 at 570 nm, which is comparable to the rotation angle of Y3Fe5O12. Owing to their high transparency, which extends into the visible range, the [MA(100-x)-NZFx] films can be used in novel magneto-optical devices.  相似文献   

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