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《NDT International》1980,13(5):230-234
A procedure has been developed whereby acoustic emission frequency spectra can be corrected for the variable effects of specimen geometry, couplant, and transducer characteristics. The results of several experiments on 7039 Al show that quantitative agreement can be obtained between laboratories for the spectral shapes and amplitudes of acoustic emissions emanated during a carefully specified mechanical test.  相似文献   

Since 2003, the German Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) has conducted annual interlaboratory comparisons for passive radon measuring devices in order to ensure the quality of these measurements. Passive radon devices which use solid state nuclear track detectors, electrets or activated charcoal can be tested. The exposures of radon devices are carried out in the radon calibration laboratory at BfS. Radon activity concentrations are traced back to the national standard, being established at the National Institute of Physics and Metrology (PTB). According to the national guideline, radon services which offer radon monitoring at workplaces have to participate in the intercomparisons and prove the suitability of their radon devices for the measurements.  相似文献   

A prototype demonstrator for the online monitoring of short-medium term radioactive waste repositories is currently under development at INFN-LNS. Such a system is planned to be distributed, fine-grained, robust, reliable, and based on low-cost components. With the main purpose of counting gamma radiation, we implemented a new kind of mini-detector based on silicon photomultipliers and scintillating fibers that behaves like a cheap scintillating Geiger-Muller counter and is suitable to be deployed in the shape of a grid around waste drums.  相似文献   

介绍一种气载放射性碘监测设备校准方法,用Na131I放射性溶液与硫酸铁反应产生气态碘,并采集至源载体内;在确定条件下以实验方法测定高纯锗γ谱仪对碘-131放射性参考源的探测效率,据此对碘-131标准源定值,用以校准气载放射性碘监测设备的参考响应。  相似文献   

This paper presents the main results obtained in the Agencies for PErception in environmental monitoring (APE) Project, funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, and aimed at studying the employment of advanced distributed artificial intelligence techniques in developing cooperative multiagent systems oriented to support environmental monitoring applications. In particular, this paper describes issues about communication between perceptive agents and two implemented multiagent systems for monitoring electromagnetic fields and for pollutant evaluation.  相似文献   

我国进口废物原料的放射性污染检测与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、我国废物原料放射性污染检测与研究的现状我国进口废物原料始于上世纪50年代,形成规模于80年代后期,90年代达到高潮。90年代开始,随着核技术的发展和应用,世界贸易的发展和前苏联解体后核扩散的加剧,欧、美等发达国家开始对越境转移的危险废物实施有针对性的放射性污染的检  相似文献   

A long-term in situ subsurface instrument for monitoring radioactive contaminant plumes, as an alternative to soil analysis, is described. A portable, laser-based reader optically stimulates luminescence from sensors, each containing an Al2O3:C dosemeter. The sensors, designed for placement at various subsurface locations around a waste site, are allowed to accumulate dose for a predetermined time that is based on the instrument's minimum detectable dose (MDD). The reader is then attached to the sensor by fibre optic cable to read the accumulated dose; an increase above natural background levels indicating the presence of leaked radioactivity. Based on an MDD of 5 microGy, it is shown that the sensor can measure soil concentrations of 1.85 Bq cm(-3) after an exposure time of 50 h for 137Cs and 67 h for 90Sr/90Y. Discrimination between beta and gamma radiation is possible using an end cap placed over one of the two paired sensors, allowing simultaneous measurement of 137Cs and 90Sr/90Y in a mixed field. The monitor system represents a substantial improvement over quarterly soil sampling because of a greatly increased measurement frequency and the ability to perform measurements reproducibly.  相似文献   

We discuss the emissions of cadmium throughout all the life stages of CdTe PV modules, from extracting, refining, and purifying the raw materials to producing, using, and disposing or recycling of the modules. Then, we compare these emissions with those in the life cycle of three different types of crystalline Si PV modules. The energy requirement and energy pay back times (EPBT) of CdTe PV modules are considerably shorter than that of crystalline Si modules, although the latter exhibit higher efficiencies. This difference is primarily due to the energy used to process silicon, a fraction of which is derived from fossil fuels, inevitably producing Cd and many other heavy-metal emissions. The lower energy requirement of CdTe PV results in lower emissions of all pollutants, including cadmium.  相似文献   

The effect that the ionizing radiation caused by radioactive contamination of soil exerts on the surface of carbon steel 20 samples, on their corrosion resistance, and on operation reliability according to lowcycle fatigue tests (taking into account that fatigue is one of the main causes of failures resulting from corrosion and mechanical damage of thin-wall metal structures, in particular, of pipelines) was studied. It was shown that even low activity levels (below maximum permissible levels) caused corrosion loss of the metal and a decrease in the operation reliability. Synergistic protective compounds suppressing the destructive radiation effects and ensuring reliable operation of metal structures due to chelation of the surface metal atoms were developed using computer simulation.  相似文献   

本文论述了福州市环境监测现代化建设的背景、意义,提出了建设目标,并对具体建设内容进行了讨论。  相似文献   

A transportable in vivo monitoring system has been constructed and calibrated. The system uses two hyper pure germanium detectors--one for measuring whole body activities, by measuring activity in the torso, and the second for determining activities of radioiodine in the thyroid. The optimum counting geometries have been determined and the system has been calibrated for subjects of different ages and builds. The complete system is transported in two trailers which are pulled by ordinary motor vehicles. The minimum detectable activity (MDA) for 137Cs in whole body for a 10 min counting interval at the 95% confidence level is 200 Bq. The MDA for a count of 131I in thyroid is 20 Bq. The system is capable of detecting activities that are equivalent to a dose of 1 mSv for a wide range of radionuclides.  相似文献   

浅谈环境监测在环境保护中的作用与发展现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文介绍了环境监测在环境保护中的作用。分析了我国环境监测的工作现状。指出我国环境监测能力取得了明显进展,但存在地区差异大、整体水平不高的现象。提出现代化建设是我国环境监测的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Four methods for determining the composition of low-level uranium- and thorium-chain surface contamination are presented. One method is the observation of Cherenkov light production in water. In two additional methods a position-sensitive proportional counter surrounding the surface is used to make both a measurement of the energy spectrum of alpha particle emissions and also coincidence measurements to derive the thorium-chain content based on the presence of short-lived isotopes in that decay chain. The fourth method is a radiochemical technique in which the surface is eluted with a weak acid, the eluate is concentrated, added to liquid scintillator and assayed by recording beta-alpha coincidences. These methods were used to characterize two ‘hotspots’ on the outer surface of one of the 3He proportional counters in the Neutral Current Detection array of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory experiment. The methods have similar sensitivities, of order tens of ng, to both thorium- and uranium-chain contamination.  相似文献   

Interlaboratory variability in trace element analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

针对室内放射源传统监控方式不及时等问题,研究基于RFID的室内放射源信息在线监测系统,全面实时采集放射源动态信息,并引入RFID室内定位技术,提出一种精度更高、稳定性更好的RFID定位算法。通过摄像监控设备获取现场视频信息,同时采用RFID技术实现放射源状态信息全程跟踪,并完成RFID防盗报警系统设计。结合径向基插值法和量子粒子群算法,提出RBF-QPSO定位算法,解决VIRE算法虚拟标签插值不准确、环境适应性差等问题。仿真实验表明:该算法定位准确度约为0.167 m,相比于Linear-PSO、VIRE算法分别提高80.17%、84.52%。  相似文献   

The subseabed is currently being considered as a disposal site for nuclear waste, and if it does become an option, monitoring to detect escape of the disposed material will be essential. In this paper, we define types of nuclear waste and present the dimensions of the monitoring problems that would be encountered in ocean disposal. We then summarize the characteristics of a number of physical, chemical, biological, and ecological monitoring methods. We also describe the advances and developments that will be necessary before the monitoring functions and support systems can be employed.  相似文献   

Environmental gamma radiation monitoring established in Slovenia consists of a network of multifunctional gamma monitors (MFMs) based on pairs of Geiger-Müller counters and a network of measuring sites with high-sensitive thermoluminiscence dosemeters. The measuring points are evenly spread across Slovenia, located at the meteorological stations and more densely on additional locations around the Krsko NPP. The MFM network has a 2-fold function with one sensor used for the purpose of early warning system in near surroundings of the NPP and the other, more sensitive, for natural radiation monitoring. The paper summarises activities to establish quality assurance of the environmental gamma radiation measurements in Slovenia, with a critical view of the results in comparison with the international standards and recommendations. While the results of linearity and energy dependence tests were satisfying, on-field intercomparison showed that the inherent signal of one of the monitors (MFM) has to be taken into account in the range of environmental background radiation.  相似文献   

本文通过对福建省环境监测体系(一期)工程政府采购的仪器设备质量跟踪调查,综合评价仪器设备的质量,探讨提高采购质量的办法。认为通过政府采购的仪器设备质量总体上是优良的,存在质量问题的风险相对较小,政府采购解决问题的手段更为有力,解决的效果也更好。  相似文献   

Kotenev  V. A.  Tyurin  D. N.  Kablov  E. N.  Tsivadze  A. Yu. 《Measurement Techniques》2010,53(9):1080-1087
We have developed and tested a laser monitoring system making it possible to remotely monitor the thickness of a sensor layer exposed to an aggressive environment. Using the example of continuous monitoring of a layer on the surface of an iron-based metal oxide sensor, we consider the methodological aspects of using a remote laser ellipsometric probe for monitoring the aggressivity of an aqueous medium at different temperatures.  相似文献   

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