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HTML5 application cache (AppCache) allowed Web browser to access Web offline.But it also brought a new method of cache poisoning attack that was more persisting.As for websites which used the AppCache,a novel poisoning method RFTM (replace file twice method),in which the attacker replaced the manifest file twice to poison the client’s AppCache,was proposed.Compared with the original attack,the legal server would not receive abnormal HTTP requests from the client in the attack.Therefore,changing the server configuration could not prevent the client from the RFTM AppCache poisoning.To avoid the attack mentioned above,a lightweight signature defense scheme Sec-Cache in application layer was designed.Furthermore,experiments show that it has good performance and compatibility.  相似文献   

Aiming at cache pollution attacks in content centric networking,the attacks were quantitatively described by three parameters,namely number of pollution contents,distribution of attack requests and attack intensity,then the cache state model of node under attack was built.Benefited from the analysis of key parameters of cache node,the attack detection principle based on node state model was put forward,correspondingly,two attack detection algorithms were instantiated with the observation parameters of cache replacement ratio and request arrival rate.The simulation results show that proposed algorithm can obtain good detection performance under each decentralized attack and centralized attack.  相似文献   

葛凯强  陈铁明 《电信科学》2019,35(10):100-116
随着物联网和人工智能等技术的发展,人机交互应用也在不断推陈出新。然而,人机交互技术的发展也伴生新的安全问题,人机交互安全攻击事件频发。综述分析了 4 种人机交互技术——HID-USB、指纹识别、语音识别和人脸识别的安全攻防现状及攻防效益,并探讨未来人机交互安全的研究方向,同时给出了一些建议。  相似文献   

随着传统互联网逐渐向“互联网+”演变,域名系统(domain namesystem,DNS)从基础的地址解析向全面感知、可靠传输等新模式不断扩展。新场景下的DNS由于功能的多样性和覆盖领域的广泛性,一旦受到攻击会造成严重的后果,因此DNS攻击检测与安全防护方面的研究持续进行并越来越受到重视。首先介绍了几种常见的DNS攻击,包括DNS欺骗攻击、DNS隐蔽信道攻击、DNS DDoS(distributed denial of service)攻击、DNS反射放大攻击、恶意DGA域名;然后,从机器学习的角度出发对这些攻击的检测技术进行了系统性的分析和总结;接着,从DNS去中心化、DNS加密认证、DNS解析限制3个方面详细介绍了DNS的安全防护技术;最后,对未来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a method that builds power model template according to input transi- tions of combinatorial logic circuit. By computing its cor- relation with the overall power consumption of a crypto- graphic circuit, we are able to recover the secret key. Sev- eral simulation-based experiments have been conducted, which verifies the feasibility of our method and shows that the combinatorial logic is also faced with the problem of information leakage in power analysis cases. Compared with DPA (Differential power analysis) and CPA (Corre- lation power analysis), our attack is fairly effective against the cryptographic circuits whose protection is only imple- mented on the register parts of the sequential circuit. In addition, a few topics for further research, as well as the ad- vices for more precise power model and countermeasures, are presented at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

一种提高光网络攻击容忍性的RWA算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过研究光网络中带内串扰攻击及其传播原理,在基于串扰攻击有限传播的模型之上,提出了一种限制串扰攻击传播的波长路由分配(Routing and Wavelength Assignment,RWA)算法.该算法把分配后能产生最小串扰攻击传播最大值(Crosstalk Attack Propagation Maximum,CAPM)的波长路由分配给新的光路请求,从而减少全网的潜在的攻击传播范围.仿真结果显示,与常用的首次命中(Fist-fit)RWA算法相比,该算法能显著降低全网的串扰攻击传播最大值,从而提高光网络的攻击容忍性.  相似文献   

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