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One of Industry 4.0’s greatest challenges for companies is the digitization of their processes and the integration of new related technologies such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), which can be used for training purposes, design, or assistance during industrial operations. Moreover, recent results and industrial proofs of concept show that these technologies demonstrate critical advantages in the industry. Nevertheless, the authoring and editing process of virtual and augmented content remains time-consuming, especially in complex industrial scenarios. While the use of interactive virtual environments through virtual and augmented reality presents new possibilities for many domains, a wider adoption of VR/AR is possible only if the authoring process is simplified, allowing for more rapid development and configuration without the need for advanced IT skills. To meet this goal, this study presents a new framework: INTERVALES. First, framework architecture is proposed, along with its different modules; this study then shows that the framework can be updated by not only IT workers, but also other job experts. The UML data model is presented to format and simplify the authoring processes for both VR and AR. This model takes into account virtual and augmented environments, the possible interactions, and ease operations orchestration. Finally, this paper presents the implementation of an industrial use case composed of collaborative robotic (cobotic) and manual assembly workstations in VR and AR based on INTERVALES data. 相似文献
Industry 4.0, an initiative from Germany, has become a globally adopted term in the past decade. Many countries have introduced similar strategic initiatives, and a considerable research effort has been spent on developing and implementing some of the Industry 4.0 technologies. At the ten-year mark of the introduction of Industry 4.0, the European Commission announced Industry 5.0. Industry 4.0 is considered to be technology-driven, whereas Industry 5.0 is value-driven. The co-existence of two Industrial Revolutions invites questions and hence demands discussions and clarifications. We have elected to use five of these questions to structure our arguments and tried to be unbiased for the selection of the sources of information and for the discussions around the key issues. It is our intention that this article will spark and encourage continued debate and discussion around these topics. 相似文献
Smart manufacturing offers a high level of adaptability and autonomy to meet the ever-increasing demands of product mass customization. Although digitalization has been used on the shop floor of modern factory for decades, some manufacturing operations remain manual and humans can perform these better than machines. Under such circumstances, a feasible solution is to have human operators collaborate with computational intelligence (CI) in real time through augmented reality (AR). This study conducts a systematic review of the recent literature on AR applications developed for smart manufacturing. A classification framework consisting of four facets, namely interaction device, manufacturing operation, functional approach, and intelligence source, is proposed to analyze the related studies. The analysis shows how AR has been used to facilitate various manufacturing operations with intelligence. Important findings are derived from a viewpoint different from that of the previous reviews on this subject. The perspective here is on how AR can work as a collaboration interface between human and CI. The outcome of this work is expected to provide guidelines for implementing AR assisted functions with practical applications in smart manufacturing in the near future. 相似文献
工业互联网是国家倡导的技术方向,是“新基建”的重点领域之一,也是企业和学术界普遍关注的热点话题。工业互联网技术健康发展的关键在于能否为企业带来经济效益。从经济性的角度,结合国内外众多实践案例的经验和教训,分析了该技术对企业业务的影响、价值创造的途径和难点,并对技术的发展趋势进行了总结和分析。理论和实践都表明,工业互联网创造价值的能力与应用场景密切相关。分别针对企业内部和企业之间两类场景,分析了各自的问题、技术特点和发展前景。工业互联网平台技术是促进工业互联网发展的工具,会对我国制造业的产业生态产生重大和深远的影响。促进工业互联网的发展,需要从战略和管理的角度着眼,而不能仅仅着眼于具体技术。 相似文献
The increasing importance of automation and smart capabilities for factories and other industrial systems has led to the concept of Industry 4.0 (I4.0). This concept aims at creating systems that improve the vertical and horizontal integration of production through (i) comprehensive and intelligent automation of industrial processes, (ii) informed and decentralized real-time decision making, and (iii) stringent quality requirements that can be monitored at any time. The I4.0 infrastructure, supported in many cases by robots, sensors, and algorithms, demands highly skilled workers able to continuously monitor the quality of both the items to be produced and the underlying production processes.While the first attempts to develop smart factories and enhance the digital transformation of companies are under way, we need adequate methods to support the identification and specification of quality attributes that are relevant to I4.0 systems. Our main contribution is to provide a refined version of the ISO 25010 quality model specifically tailored to those qualities demanded by I4.0 needs. This model aims to provide actionable support for I4.0 software engineers that are concerned with quality issues. We developed our model based on an exhaustive analysis of similar proposals using the design science method as well as expertise from seasoned engineers in the domain. We further evaluate our model by applying it to two important I4.0 reference architectures further clarifying its application. 相似文献
为提高教学训练效果,弥补装备教学训练中实装不足、装备损耗大、教学训练成本高等实际问题,设计并实现了某型雷达虚拟维修训练系统;该虚拟维修训练系统包括系统主界面和系统集成框架两大部分,具有装备结构展示、装备操作训练、装备维修训练、训练效果评估、数据支持等多项功能,有效解决了上述装备教学训练中存在的实际问题;目前,该系统已应用到相关专业的装备构造与维修、装备综合实践等多个课程当中,取得的很好的教学训练效果,系统的设计开发可为其他装备虚拟维修训练系统的开发提供参考与借鉴;论文首先介绍了系统的基本功能和结构,然后详细论述了系统模型的开发过程,最后给出了虚拟训练工作流程。 相似文献
Manufacturers expect the extra value of Industry 4.0 as the world is experiencing digital transformation. Studies have proved the potential of the Internet of Things (IoT) for reducing cost, improving efficiency, quality, and achieving data-oriented predictive maintenance services. Collecting a wide range of real-time data from products and the environment requires smart sensors, reliable communications, and seamless integration. IoT, as a critical Industry 4.0 enabler emerges smart home appliances for higher customer satisfaction, energy efficiency, personalisation, and advanced Big data analytics. However, established factories with limited resources are facing challenges to change the longstanding production lines and meet customer’s requirements. This study aims to fulfil the gaps by transforming conventional home appliances to IoT-enabled smart systems with the ability to integrate into a smart home system. An industry-led case study demonstrates how to turn conventional appliances to smart products and systems (SPS) by utilising the state-of-the-art Industry 4.0 technologies. 相似文献
针对过程控制专业实验实训及工厂培训设备M A C S控制系统价格特别昂贵,培训效果差的状况,提出建立基于虚拟技术的MACS实训室的构想。虚拟MACS实训室采用虚拟仪器技术、虚拟现实技术、计算机网络技术、多媒体技术,将昂贵的工业控制系统扩展到网络化的多媒体教学中,实现了由多人共用一套实训设备到每人单独使用此套实训设备的转变,充分利用了硬件资源,极大地节省了实训设备的投资,提高了教学质量与教学效果。 相似文献
Nowadays, Industrial Robots (IRs) have become widespread in many manufacturing industries. Medium and high payload IRs cover a significant percentage of the overall factory Energy Consumption (EC). This article focuses on the IRs eco-programming to minimize the EC of a robot, being energy efficiency one of the fundamental aims of sustainable manufacturing. By leveraging well-known trajectory scaling methods, this research develops a novel, versatile, fast, and efficient process to define the IR optimal velocity/acceleration profile in time, keeping the geometry of the trajectory fixed. A complete IR system model that founds application in various types of 6 degrees of freedom articulated manipulators has been developed by considering electrical motors, actuator drive systems, and controller cabinet losses. A new optimization technique based on Dynamic Time Scaling of trajectories is presented, and the obtained results are compared with other methods used in the scientific literature. When performing critical path analysis, the EC of the robot system is estimated to be cut down, being the robot motion time fixed, by about 13% through this novel approach. The model has been validated through commercial software, and the proposed optimization algorithm has been implemented in a user-friendly interface tool. 相似文献
Due to safety requirements for Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), industrial robots have to meet high standards of safety requirements (ISO 10218). However, even if robots are incapable of causing serious physical harm, they still may influence people's mental and emotional wellbeing, as well as their trust, behaviour and performance in close collaboration. This work uses an HTC Vive Virtual Reality headset to study the potential of using robot control strategies to positively influence human post-accident behaviour. In the designed scenario, a virtual industrial robot first makes sudden unexpected movements, after which it either does or does not attempt to apologise for them. The results show that after the robot tries to communicate with the participants, the robot is reported to be less scary, more predictable and easier to work with. Furthermore, postural analysis shows that the participants who were the most affected by the robot's sudden movement recover 74% of their postural displacement within 60 s after the event if the robot apologised, and only 34% if it did not apologise. It is concluded, that apologies, which are commonly used as a trust-recovery strategy in social robotics, can positively influence people engaged with industrial robotics as well.Relevance to industryFindings can be used as guidelines for designing robot behaviour and trust-recovery control strategies meant to speed up human recovery after a trust-violating event in industrial Human-Robot Interaction. 相似文献
虚拟维修仿真中手势识别的研究与应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
虚拟维修训练仿真要求良好的逼真性和沉浸感,对训练操作者的动作意图能高效地转化.将手势识别技术应用于虚拟维修仿真作为的获取可以有效满足这种要求.通过装备维修动作的建模研究分析定义了能够体现动作意图的必需手势;之后采用模糊神经网络技术实现对手势的识别并建立基于手势识别的虚拟手交互控制机制.还重点对神经网络的构建以及学习算法进行了介绍,并在现有适用度计算方法的基础上结合网络实际提出了适用度的平均求解法.最后将基于手势识别的虚拟手交互控制方法应用于具体维修训练仿真中并证明了方法的可行性和高效性. 相似文献
The introduction of modern technologies in manufacturing is contributing to the emergence of smart (and data-driven) manufacturing systems, known as Industry 4.0. The benefits of adopting such technologies can be fully utilized by presenting optimization models in every step of the decision-making process. This includes the optimization of maintenance plans and production schedules, which are two essential aspects of any manufacturing process. In this paper, we consider the real-time joint optimization of maintenance planning and production scheduling in smart manufacturing systems. We have considered a flexible job shop production layout and addressed several issues that usually take place in practice. The addressed issues are: new job arrivals, unexpected due date changes, machine degradation, random breakdowns, minimal repairs, and condition-based maintenance (CBM). We have proposed a real-time optimization-based system that utilizes a modified hybrid genetic algorithm, an integrated proactive-reactive optimization model, and hybrid rescheduling policies. A set of modified benchmark problems is used to test the proposed system by comparing its performance to several other optimization algorithms and methods used in practice. The results show the superiority of the proposed system for solving the problem under study. The results also emphasize the importance of the quality of the generated baseline plans (i.e., initial integrated plans), the use of hybrid rescheduling policies, and the importance of rescheduling times (i.e., reaction times) for cost savings. 相似文献
After mass production and then mass customization, the time is almost ripe for mass personalization. The goal is to offer unique products designed for the needs of each customer. However, production in larger series of products also has its advantages, and the promise of “lot size one” is still far from being the norm in several sectors of the economy. As a result of an action research project in a small household ceramic producer, this paper explores the potential of a hybrid strategy. Augmented digital engineering is adopted to (1) ensure customer participation along the entire product design lifecycle, (2) maintain the benefits of modularization and low cost, (3) minimize the waste of time and materials during product design, and (4) seek a minimum trade-off between customer desires and engineering strategy. For theory, our work describes Industry 4.0 technology's role in achieving individual customer interaction and value co-creation in hybrid strategies of mass customization and mass personalization. For practice, we present an example of technological architecture to implement augmented digital engineering in Industry 4.0, accessible to scenarios of hand-intensive work and creative design processes. 相似文献
Calvin K.L. Or Vincent G. Duffy Chui Chui Cheung 《International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics》2009,39(5):807-812
The main objective of this study was to investigate human perception of safe idle time of an industrial robot in a virtual reality environment. Studying operators' perception of robot operational characteristics such as safe robot idle time can help develop hazard prevention strategies, and ultimately improve robot safety. Results of data collected from 32 participants showed that robot size and speed had significant effects on the perception of safe robot idle time. This study also examined operators' perceived acceptability level for the robot speed, perceived level of hazard of robot motion, perceived chance of error, and self-reported mental workload. Results of this study were compared to the findings of Rahimi, M., Karwowski, W. [1990. Human perception of robot safe speed and idle time. Behaviour & Information Technology 9(5), 381–389], in which their experiment was conducted in a real industrial environment. This study demonstrated the feasibility of testing human perception of dynamic moving objects in a virtual reality environment. The virtual reality technology is believed to be capable of modeling a complex machinery system such as a robotic system.Relevance to industry: Human perception of the operational characteristics of industrial robots is an important concern for robot safety since misperception can cause robot operators to err, which in turn can cause injuries and fatalities. Through this study we (1) understand human perception, safety behavior, and decision making in a robotic system and (2) demonstrate the capability of modeling a complex machinery system using virtual reality technology. Our experiments designed to study human perception of safe robot idle time could lead to safety interventions and guidelines or hazard prevention strategy development. 相似文献
Recent findings have shown that Digital Twin served multiple constituencies. However, the dilemma between the scope and scale needs a sophisticated reference architecture, a right set of technologies, and a suitable business model. Most studies in the Digital Twin field have only focused on manufacturing and proposed explicit frameworks and architecture, which faced challenges to support different integration levels through an agile process. Besides, no known empirical research has focused on exploring relationships between Digital Twin and mass individualization. Therefore, the principal objective of this study was to identify suitable Industry 4.0 technologies and a holistic reference architecture model to accomplish the most challenging Digital Twin enabled applications. In this study, a Digital Twin reference architecture was developed and applied in an industrial case. Also, Digital Twin as a Service (DTaaS) paradigm utilized for the digital transformation of unique wetlands with considerable advantages, including smart scheduled maintenance, real-time monitoring, remote controlling, and predicting functionalities. The findings indicate that there is a significant relationship between Digital Twin capabilities as a service and mass individualization. 相似文献
高德勇 《自动化与仪器仪表》2011,(5):168-169,172
对变互式虚拟现实系统的州论与技术进行了研究。理论研究主要针对二维数据存数捌席中的存储、二维坐标的对应算法及虚拟现实交互式技术的应用。存WEB环境下,能够创造一个实时逼真的虚拟现实环境,并将此环境应用于查询等交互式过程。 相似文献
Changing production systems and product requirements can trace their origin in volatile customer behaviour and evolving product requirements. This dynamic nature of customer requirements has been described as a constantly moving target, thus presenting a significant challenge for several aspects of product development. To deal with this constant and sometimes unpredictable product evolution, cyber physical production systems (CPPS) that employ condition monitoring, self-awareness and reconfigurability principles, have to be designed and implemented. This research contributes a CPPS design approach that proactively provides the required CPPS design knowledge. This approach aims to minimise or avoids future consequences and disruptions on the CPPS. This knowledge needs to be provided at the right time whilst not being intrusive to the production system designer’s cognitive activity. To effectively deal with the complexity of the cyber physical production system design activity with a manual method would lead to a time consuming, and complex support tool which is hard to implement, and difficult to use. The CPPS design approach has therefore been implemented in a prototype digital factory tool. This paper describes in detail the system requirements and system architecture for this tool. In order to establish the effectiveness of the proposed approach for designing cyber physical production systems, the prototype digital factory tool has been evaluated with a case study and a number of semi-structured interviews with both industrial and scientific stakeholders. The encouraging results obtained from this research evaluation have shown that such an approach for supporting the CPPS design activity makes stakeholders aware of their decision consequences and is useful in practice. This result can lead the way for the development and integration of such knowledge-based decision-making approaches within state-of-the-art digital factory and Computer Aided Engineering Design (CAED) tools. 相似文献