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The results of laboratory studies of the drying and water-smoking behavior of twelve clays, typical of those used in the manufacture of clay structural units, are given and correlated with data obtained at plants during the firing of ware made from these same clays. There is evidently considerable difference in the time required to dry the materials investigated and it is indicated that the fire clays as a group are considerably more difficult to dry than are shales and surface clays. The results also indicate that the removal of hygroscopic and chemically combined water, as initially contained in the clay, are not important factors in regard to the time required to watersmoke and fire clay ware under plant conditions. With proper equipment it would appear to be possible to fire clay ware, approximating brick and paving block in size and shape, to 1832°F in 20 hours, but that the following conditions in practice may necessitate a longer firing time than that shown to be satisfactory in the laboratory: (1) the heating of ware which is not “bone dry” and which necessitates completion of the drying operation in the kiln; (2) the time required to complete oxidation; (3) the limitations necessitated by the kiln construction, the brick work of which may be destroyed by too rapid heating and cooling; (4) limitations of kiln design because of which enormous differences in temperature would develop throughout the setting by too rapid heating; and (5) insufficient movement of furnace gases to promptly remove all water vapor.  相似文献   

Rates of Heating by Convection and by Radiation in a Muffle Kiln, 38°×18°× 36° high, were each determined for temperatures from 350° to 800°C from measurements with a steady flow water calorimeter whose surface was first gold plated and then covered with a mixture of platinum black and lamp black. Taking the reflecting powers as 91 and 4 per cent, respectively, for the two surfaces, the radiation heating increases approximately according to the Stefan-Boltzmann fourth power law, while the convection heating comes out proportional to the temperature difference between calorimeter and muffle; that is, C=γ(T-t) where γ= 2.34×10−4 gm. cal./cm.2 sec. The ratio of convection to radiation decreases from about .40 at 350° to .10 at 800°C, so that for the higher temperatures the convection heating may be neglected in rough computations of the rate of heating in such a kiln.  相似文献   

The reversible thermal expansion from 15–1000°C was measured for kaolin, siliceous and aluminous fire clays, quartzite, alumina, magnesia, and carborundum, after preliminary burnings at cones 06, 9, 14 and 20, and as well as for English commercial silica bricks before and after use in a coke oven and the roof of a steel furnace. Kaolin and bauxitic fire clay after calcination have a regular reversible thermal expansion which does not vary much with the temperature of calcination. Siliceous fire clays, after calcination at cone 06 (980°C) or cone 9 (1280°C) display irregularities (departures from uniformity) in their expansion. Between 500° and 600°C they show a large expansion due to contained quartz and on cooling the contraction in that region is larger than the corresponding expansion. Moreover, the expansion between 100° and 250°C after being fired to cone 9 (1280°C) exceeds the average. After calcination at higher temperatures, cone 14 (1410°C) or cone 20 (1530°C). these materials gradually lose these peculiarities until on incipient vitrification a linear expansion similar to that of kaolin is attained. This change is due to the destruction of quartz by its interaction with the clay material and fluxes; it takes place most easily in a fine-grained, rather friable clay such as ball clay. The previous thermal treatment necessary for a particular clay in order to obtain regular expansion in use can only be determined by trial. It can be stated with confidence that in such a piece of apparatus as a glass pot or crucible, a distinct gain will result from maintenance at a high temperature for some time before use, but that the red heat of an ordinary pot arch is useless for the purpose. An increase in the porosity of a fire clay was accompanied by a corresponding decrease in expansion between 15° and 1000°C until a porosity of 50% was attained. Further increase in porosity produced very little change in the expansion. No irregularities in expansion were shown by magnesia brick, carborundum, or alumina bonded with 10% of ball clay. Welsh quartzite with lime bond, either unfired or after burning at cone 06, had a large expansion to 550 °C and a much larger expansion from 550–600 °C due to the inversion of α to β quartz while from 600–1000°C a slight contraction took place. Firing to cone 9 converted part of the quartz into cristobalite, thus increasing the expansion from 200–250°C. This conversion was considerably increased on burning for two hours at cone 14, which greatly reduced the expansion from 550–600°C with a corresponding increase of that from 200–250°C. The conversion of the quartz into cristobalite was completed by a further heating for two hours at cone 20. Determinations of refractive indices and specific gravities confirmed these results. Flint inverted to cristobalite with greater ease than quartz. Commercial silica brick consisted chiefly of cristobalite and unconverted quartz and showed a large expansion up to 300°C, followed by a considerably smaller but regular expansion to 550°C. From 550° to 600°C the rate of expansion was considerably increased, but above 600°C the change in dimensions was small. The innermost exposed layer of a silica brick after use in a coke oven was an impure glass with a steady expansion, but only half as large as that of the layers of brick behind, which was made for shelling away. A silica brick after use in a steel furnace was divided into four layers. The layer exposed to the furnace heat was practically all cristobalite and silicates, the next layer the same, the third layer showed some α to β quartz expansion as well as the α to β cristobalite expansion, while the fourth (outermost) layer exposed to air was similar to the brick before use. In these bricks exposure to high temperature had evidently completed the change from quartz to cristobalite which had been largely effected in the kiln during manufacture. Little or no tridymite had formed. The reversible thermal expansion from 15–1000°C of the commercial silica brick examined was 1.1 to 1.3%, about double that of fire clay brick.  相似文献   

镁铁尖晶石耐火砖替代直接结合镁铬耐火砖,降低Cr6+对环境的影响,但其导热系数大,挂窑皮性能差等缺点,造成使用周期短,筒体温度高和红窑等问题。采用镁铁铝尖晶石耐火砖,兼顾镁铁尖晶石和镁铝尖晶石的优点,优化砖的实物质量和窑内配砖是基础,窑皮维护是关键。日常生产中要关注结皮值,做到窑皮平整,避免结圈结蛋等工艺事故。同时关注升温、降温过程,及浇注料和煤管运行状态,均可提高窑内烧成带的耐火砖的使用周期。  相似文献   

Specimens cut from 9-in, brick of nine brands of firebrick, including two high-alumina, four fire-clay, two siliceous fire-clay, and one silica, were subjected to tensile and compressive creep tests at eleven temperatures from 25° to 950°C., inclusive. The duration of each test was approximately 240 days. Small length changes, independent of stress direction (that is, compressive or tensile), occurred at the lower temperatures. The lowest temperatures at which creep was significant were (a) high-alumina brick, 700° to 850°C.; (b) fire-clay brick, 600° to 700°C.; and (c) siliceous and silica brick, 950°C. Creep results under compressive stress could not be correlated with results under tensile stress. Specimens of different brands, at 950° C. showed greatly different capacities to carry load. Repeated heatings caused growth of silica brick of approximately 0.27%. Moduli of elasticity at room temperature were determined before and after the various heat-treatments and resultant changes were recorded. The changes in moduli were 15% or greater for silica and siliceous brick and 4% or less for the fire-clay brick. The moduli of elasticity at room temperature were approximately 2.7–4.3 × 106 for high-alumina brick, 0.6–1.9 × 106 for fire-clay brick, 0.3–1.7 × 106 for siliceous fire-clay brick, and 0.4 × 106 for silica brick.  相似文献   


A new laboratory kiln was developed and built to perform over a very wide range of drying conditions. For example, the dry bulb temperature can vary from 30°C to 150°C and the dew point can be adjusted between 20°C and 130°C. Obviously, with such a high level of dew point, pressures over atmospheric pressure may be induced inside the chamber. For this reason, the kiln has been designed to withstand pressure of up to 3 bars. This kiln can also perform vacuum drying.

A programmable controller allows the temperature levels to be maintained within ± 0.2°C. Because the whole kiln can be heated only through the agitated water present at the bottom of the kiln, the load temperature can be increased up to 130°C in saturated conditions, without any change of moisture content.

The kiln has various sensors attached and is capable of withstanding severe conditions (high temperature, saturated vapour and elevated pressures). At present, air and water temperatures as well as temperature at different locations within the board can be collected during the drying process. A load cell and pressure gauges are also available. The first tests performed using this equipment are presented at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

One of the greatest obstacles to the development of better refractories for the iron and steel industry has been the failure of the iron and steel men to give refractory manufacturers accurate detailed analysis of chemical, physical and thermal conditions to which the refractories are to be subjected. This paper summarizes briefly some of the conditions to be encountered in the major processes. Blast furnace refractories may be divided according to requirements as follows: Hearth and Bosh brick should withstand the scouring action of molten iron and acid slag at temperatures around 1800°C. Inwall brick should be impervious to hot, reducing gases, should resist the sand blast action of the from particles of ore carried by the gas, should have a low coefficient of thermal expansion and should possess sufficient compressive strength to support the weight of the upper part of the furnace. Top brick should be as dense and resistant to abrasion as possible. Downcomer, Dustcatcher and Gas Line brick should be dense and resist sand blast action of gas heavily laden by particles of charge. Hot Blast Main and Bustle Pipe brick should be of low heat conductivity. Hot Blast Stove brick should not vitrify at 900°C, should have maximum capacity for absorbing and giving off heat, and be of high compressive strength. The by-product coke oven is becoming a big factor in the refractory fields and has major requirements as follows: Canals and Ovens require brick of high thermal conductivity which will resist sudden changes in temperature and will not be affected by reducing gases at high temperatures. Checker brick should have great capacity for absorbing heat. Bessemer converters require brick resistant to slag at temperatures from 1600° to 1700°C, the nature of the slag being determined by whether the process is acid or basic. Requirements for open hearth furnaces are as follows: Roof brick (both acid and basic furnaces) must not only be capable of maintaining an arch but should withstand as much as possible the action of iron oxides at temperatures of 1800°C. Checker brick (both acid and basic furnaces) should possess a maximum capacity for absorbing and giving off heat, and a minimum chemical affinity for oxides from charge. Ports (both acid and basic) must withstand the action of slag splashes, also direct action of flame. The hearth of the furnace consists of several courses of brick (acid or basic depending on the process) upon which is built the hearth proper by means of many layers of crushed refractory of the same nature. This crushed material must frit together at high temperatures without excessive softening.  相似文献   

It is possible through microscopic investigation of a silica brick to ascertain approximately the heat treatment to which it has been subjected. In this way the temperature difference between the inner and outer ends of a silica brick which had seen service in the arch of a Dressler tunnel kiln was estimated to be at least 200°.  相似文献   

The low-grade pyrolytic oil produced from pyrolysis of municipal plastic waste in a commercial rotary kiln reaction system cannot be an acceptable fuel oil due to its low quality. Thus, the degradation of pyrolytic oil was conducted in a bench scale batch reactor, which was done by two experiment conditions of high heating rate (about 7 °C/min) and low heating rate (1.5–3.6 °C/min) up to 420 °C of reaction temperature. The characteristics of raw pyrolytic oil were examined and also the characteristics of products obtained by different heating rates were compared. Raw pyrolytic oil had higher H/C ratio and higher heating value than commercial oils, and also its peak range in GC analysis showed wide distribution including all the range of gasoline, kerosene and diesel. In the upgrading of pyrolytic oil, cumulative amount profile of product oil, as a function of reaction time, was similar in shape to the degradation temperature profile. All product oils obtained by different degradation temperature had higher H/C ratio and slightly higher heating value than those of raw pyrolytic oil. Also, the characteristics of product oils were influenced by heating rate and reaction temperature.  相似文献   

It was reported that fireclay brick, when heated in the presence of carbon monoxide, were disintegrated by the progressive deposition of finely divided carbon at the “iron spots” in the brick. The conditions necessary for the occurrence of this phenomenon were not definitely known, although the known reversibility of the catalytic reaction around 650°C and the outcome of small scale experiments indicated that disintegration would not occur above this temperature. To obtain more definite information on this score, the effect of city gas at 550°C and 1100°C on the transverse strength of three brands of fireclay brick was determined. No significant changes in strength occurred at 1100°C. At 550°C two of the brands suffered very significant decreases in strength, but the other brand was unaffected, although it had the highest iron content.  相似文献   

This is a record of the results of five years' research on refractory uses for a chemically purified grade of zircon and electrically fmed zirconia of high purity. The products investigated included semi-permanent foundry molds, refractory brick and cements, ladle nozzles, and crucibles. Electric firing and a small oil-fired tunnel kiln are described. Sintered zircon grog was found superior to electrically fused grog. Zircon brick made with 50% grog, using 20% milled zircon for the permanent bond and fired at 1600°C for an hour, showed no firing shrinkage, very slight volume change, and high compressive strength at 1600°C. They were extremely resistant to spalling but did not resist basic slags or metallic oxides very well a t high temperature. Zircon-bonded magnesite brick were more refractory than ordinary magnesite, more resistant to spalling, and had about the same slag resistance magnesite. Zirconia was more refractory than zircon and had better slag resistance. Lime-bonded zirconia crucibles of good spalling resistance were made, but the cost was higher than that of zircon. The effects of various binders are discussed.  相似文献   

The development of a kaolinic brick from Georgia clay is described. The high and continued shrinkage of this clay makes it necessary to fire the brick a t a very high temperature. A temperature of over 3000°F was required. The development of a kiln for the firing of the grog and brick was a problem that was satisfactorily solved. A light weight brick for use in marine boilers and a dense refractory for use in glass tanks were developed. The following physical properties of these two refractories are given and compared with other high grade bricks: (1) start of deformation under 25 Ibs. per sq. in. load, (2) 10% deformation under 25 Ibs. per sq. in. load, (3) start of permanent volume change without load, (4) mean coefficient of expansion, (5) cycles in 2900°F air-spalling test, (6) melting point, (7) thermal conductivity a t 1000, 2000 and 2750°F. Various successful applications of this type of brick are described.  相似文献   

The cause-and-effect relations in firing brick in tunnel kilns are investigated and the causes of defects depending on the rate of heat treatment of brick in the kiln are identified. Current gas burners do not satisfy the requirements imposed on firing velocity regimes. The kiln has to be upgraded: Vulkan-gaz burners should be replaced by state-of-the-art gas burners with automatic control of the heat regime of the kiln, and the thermal regime in the preparation zone of the tunnel kiln has to be improved.__________Translated from Steklo i Keramika, No. 3, pp. 26 – 28, March, 2005.  相似文献   

Some andalusite refractories are high in transverse strength. Bars 12 inches long, 2 inches wide, and 1/2 inch thick tested across an 11-inch span supported a 45-pound load with 13/32-inch sag at cone 161/4 and a 1/2-pound load at cone 34 down with 1/16-inch sag. A standard 9-inch brick tested under a load of 50 pounds per square inch at 1525°C showed no deformation. They are relatively constant in volume, are not affected by kiln gases, and tend to improve rather than to deteriorate under continued heating owing to the formation of an increased amount of mullite. Andalusite saggers used at cone 12 are estimated to have stood 180 cycles and are still in good condition. Saggers in continuous use at cone 161/4 have an estimated average age of 11/2 years and many are four years old. The andalusite lining of a periodic kiln being fired regularly at 3000 to 3200°F is still serviceable after 110 firings. Cars built of andalusite refractories have given five years of continuous service in tunnel kilns operating at cone 161/4, whereas cars built of fireclay refractories were unfit for use after three to four months. Side walls, damper boxes, expansion sleeves, and flame shields of Dressler tunnel kilns operating at cone 161/4 have proved satisfactory.  相似文献   

Purpose of the Investigation .—(1) To obtain relative values for the cross-breaking strength of silica brick at temperatures encountered in coke oven practice. (2) To correlate the hot modulus of rupture test, if possible, with the cold modulus of rupture, or cold crushing test, either of which is cheaper and more easily conducted. This report gives the method of making the test, difficulties encountered and results obtained. The report shows a comparison of cold crushing, cold modulus of rupture and hot modulus of rupture on a series of silica brick made from special mixes, commercially burned. Conclusions .—The modulus of rupture of a silica brick at 1350°C is approximately one-third the strength at atmospheric temperature. For this series it averaged from 130 to 189 lbs. per square inch. Too rapid or eccentric heating up to red heat may cause such weakening of the structure or bond that the brick will break under very low pressure. Cross-breaking strength decreases as the temperature increases. Hot modulus of rupture test appears to give results, in most respects, comparable to the cold test, and for routine testing it would seem advisable to use the cold test since it can be made in much shorter time.  相似文献   

Tests were made of the electrical resistivity of twelve commercially used special refractory brick at temperatures up to 1300°C. Standard 9-inch brick were tested using apparatus which is standard equipment and readily obtainable. Temperature lag was eliminated by constant heating over a prolonged period of time at given temperatures. Results obtained indicate a decrease in resistivity with prolonged heating for some classes of refractories. Those refractories composed of minerals of the same petrographic classification appear to undergo the least change.  相似文献   

The melting behaviour of drawn crystalline polymers is strongly influenced by the shrinkage which takes place simultaneously. This is shown by measurements with a differential colorimeter for 1200% drawn linear polyethylene. A higher melting point, a broader melting range and a slightly higher heat of fusion are observed, if the shrinkage is prevented during the melting experiment. Additionally, the observed melting point is falsified by superheating, if heating rates ≥ 0,5°C/min are used. This has been shown by annealing and irradiation experiments. The elimination of these two effects — shrinkage and superheating — which have been neglected in all earlier investigations, results in a melting peak temperature of 134,8°C and an upper limit of the melting range 137,2°C. Further, attention is drawn to the morphological changes and the related increase of the long period, which take place during heating the drawn material even if the shrinkage is prevented. The effect of these changes of structure upon the melting behaviour is not yet known.  相似文献   

When the bromine residue in graphite is heated and cooled between 20° and 900°C there is an emission of Br2 over certain relatively small temperature ranges on both heating and cooling. It is shown that two of these emissions are associated with observed decreases in X-ray diffraction spacing between carbon layers—one on heating around 175°C and one on cooling around 100°C. The intercalation isotherms of Br2 and of ICl on graphitized carbon fibers show that the threshold pressure on the residue is lower than on the original fiber. This is believed to be caused in fibers by the production of microscopic cracks in the interlocking amorphous carbon networks between the graphitized domains during the initial intercalation. Hence, when again exposed to Br2 the compresssion-tension builds to a lower value so that the threshold pressure is lower and the rate of intercalation is higher. The anomalous bromine emission behavior in fiber is attributed to differential dimensional changes of the isotropic carbon network and the anisotropic crystallites. In natural graphites the anomalous emission originates in a differential dimensional change between the polycrystalline structure of the total sample of graphite and the anisotropic single crystal components of the graphite.  相似文献   

Conclusions Reinforced pressure molds for 250 ton friction presses allows a firm ramming of the mass without deformation of the dies during pressing.Before placement into the kiln the green compact has to be checked carefully for weak corners and edges.It is desirable to space the green compacts in the kiln at a minimum distance of one meter from the regular brick at the bottom. Temperature soak time holding should be extended from 3 to 5 hours in burning large-size brick.It is recommended to develop the production of brick for coke oven ports from 100% Ovruch quartzite at Krasnogorovka Plant.  相似文献   

Preparation of the Cement.—Crystalline magnesite from Washington was crushed to three sizes—to pass a No. 6 sieve but retained on a No. 10; between a No. 10 and a No. 30 and to pass a No. 60 sieve. These sizes were burned separately in an electric rotary kiln at 600°, 650°, 700°, 800°, and 900°C. Tests of the Cement.—The cement was tested in three flooring mixes in which the MgO was 35.0, 42.5 or 50.0% by weight, and in three stucco mixes in which the MgO was 11, 22 or 33% by weight. Tensile and compressive strength specimens were broken at 24 hours, 7 and 28 days. The coefficient of expansion was determined at 48 hours, 4, 7, 28 and 90 days. Other properties determined were time of set, consistency, soundness, fineness and effect of density of the chloride solution used. Results.—The property of the calcined cement is materially affected by the size of ore, temperature and duration of burning. The rate of reaction of MgO with chloride materially decreases with increased temperature of burning. Decreasing the concentration of the magnesium chloride solution (down to 22° Bé) accelerates the set of freshly calcined magnesite and retards the set of magnesia which has become hydrated to a considerable extent through exposure. Exposure to moisture before using as well as increasing the consistency of the mixture lengthens the setting lime. A composition which expands excessively and warps or buckles is not necessarily “unsound,” but one which disintegrates within a comparatively short time may be considered as such. Used in this sense, “unsoundness” is believed to result from the presence of free magnesia which hydrates after the mixture has hardened, and not from the presence of lime. Therefore, soundness is not a property of the magnesia alone but depends upon the extent to which it reacts with the magnesium chloride, water, or carbon dioxide before hardening takes place and upon the amount of hydration which subsequently occurs. The steam or cold water tests are unsatisfactory as accelerated tests for soundness of magnesia mixtures. Under the conditions of these tests, the best material with regard to setting time and strength was produced at a temperature of 800°C. However, the magnesia burned at 650°C and which gave comparatively very low strength when gaged with a 22° Bé solution of magnesium chloride, gave excellent strengths when gagrd with more concentrated solutions. Materials tested with 22° Bé solution and giving satisfactory results would not necessarily be satisfactory with a higher or lower concentration. It seems that general specifications should also include limits corresponding with tests in which higher and lower concentrations are used. No relation was found between the volume change and any other property of the magnesia. Tests of any particular mixture are no indication of the behavior of the same magnesia in other mixtures. However, the laboratory tests indicate that the leaner mixtures undergo less change in volume than the richer ones. Furthermore, a number of strict comparisons between laboratory and field tests indicate that the laboratory tests of volume changes as made are no index to the behavior of the material under actual service. The lean mortar mixture proved to be the most suitable of any used for testing magnesia, and in this case the tensile strength furnished as much, if not more, information than the compressive strength.  相似文献   

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