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Frequency-dependent electrostatic actuation in microfluidic MEMS   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Electrostatic actuators exhibit fast response times and are easily integrated into microsystems because they can be fabricated with standard IC micromachining processes and materials. Although electrostatic actuators have been used extensively in "dry" MEMS, they have received less attention in microfluidic systems probably because of challenges such as electrolysis, anodization, and electrode polarization. Here we demonstrate that ac drive signals can be used to prevent electrode polarization, and thus enable electrostatic actuation in many liquids, at potentials low enough to avoid electrochemistry. We measure the frequency response of an interdigitated silicon comb-drive actuator in liquids spanning a decade of dielectric permittivities and four decades of conductivity, and present a simple theory that predicts the characteristic actuation frequency. The analysis demonstrates the importance of the native oxide on silicon actuator response, and suggests that the actuation frequency can be shifted by controlling the thickness of the oxide. For native silicon devices, actuation is predicted at frequencies less than 10 MHz, in electrolytes of ionic strength up to 100 mmol/L, and thus electrostatic actuation may be feasible in many bioMEMS and other microfluidic applications.  相似文献   

This paper presents a flip-chip based packaging technique for encapsulating MEMS electrostatic actuators for biomedical applications. High-performance electrostatic inchworm actuators are used to demonstrate the packaging technique. A wall structure is put around the actuator surrounding it completely but leaving a small clearance where the actuator shuttle can extend off the edge of the chip. A cap chip is fabricated separately, and flip-chipped onto the actuator. Au–Au thermal bonding technique is used to fix the cap. Finally, rendering the surfaces of the clearance hydrophobic prevents the water ingress when the actuator operates in water.  相似文献   

对于工作在n=2模态谐振结构,静电修调是一种消除频率裂解、实现模态匹配的常用方法.基于环形谐振子的刚度扰动模型,提出了一种直观而实用的修调算法.通过巧妙地近似,并将嵌套环结构的内置修调电极等效为两簇簇带负刚度的“径向弹簧”,从而将单环谐振结构的理论模型成功应用于多环嵌套结构.最后通过静电修调实验对该算法进行了验证,实现了带误差谐振子的模态匹配.实验结果表明:通过该算法频率裂解从15 Hz左右被修到0.03 Hz左右.  相似文献   

Nowadays, it is common to find research problems (in system biology, mobile applications, etc.) that change over time, requiring algorithms which dynamically adapt the search to the new conditions. In most of them, the utilization of some information from the past allows to quickly adapt after a change. This is the idea underlining the use of memory in this field, what involves key design issues concerning the memory content, the process of update, and the process of retrieval. In this article, we focus on global memory schemes, which are the most intuitive and popular ones, and perform an integral analysis of current design variants based on a comprehensive set of benchmarks. Results show the benefits and drawbacks of each strategy, as well as the effect of the algorithm and problem features in the memory performance.  相似文献   

A Distance labeling scheme is a type of localized network representation in which short labels are assigned to the vertices, allowing one to infer the distance between any two vertices directly from their labels, without using any additional information sources. As most applications for network representations in general, and distance labeling schemes in particular, concern large and dynamically changing networks, it is of interest to focus on distributed dynamic labeling schemes. The paper considers dynamic weighted trees where the vertices of the trees are fixed but the (positive integral) weights of the edges may change. The two models considered are the edge-dynamic model, where from time to time some edge changes its weight by a fixed quanta, and the increasing-dynamic model in which edge weights can only grow. The paper presents distributed approximate distance labeling schemes for the two dynamic models, which are efficient in terms of the required label size and communication complexity involved in updating the labels following the weight changes.  相似文献   

In this work, we investigate the structural behavior of a micro-electromechanical system arch microbeam actuated by electric fringing-fields where the electrodes are located at both side of the microbeam. In this particular configuration, the electrostatic actuating force is caused by the asymmetry of the fringing electric fields acting in a direction opposite to the relative deflection of the microbeam. A reduced-order model is derived for the considered system using the so-called Galerkin decomposition and assuming linear undamped mode shapes of a straight beam as basis functions in the decomposition process. A static analysis is performed to investigate the occurrence of any structural instability. The eigenvalue problem is then investigated to calculate the fundamental as well as higher natural frequencies variation of the microbeam with the applied DC load. A bifurcation analysis is then implemented to derive a criterion for whether symmetric or asymmetric bifurcation is occurring during the static structural instability. The results show elimination of the so-called pull-in instability in this kind of systems as compared to the regular case of parallel-plates electrostatic actuation. The bifurcation analysis shows that the arch goes for asymmetric bifurcation (symmetry breaking) with increase in initial elevation without the occurrence of symmetric bifurcation (snap-through) for any initial elevation.  相似文献   

针对射频微机电系统(RF MEMS)开关工作时因介质充电而发生“粘连”失效的问题,提出了利用静电斥力驱动替代传统的静电引力驱动方式,使RF MEMS开关在工作时介质层不存在电势差,从根源上消除介质充电.通过COMSOL仿真软件,分析了静电斥力的产生机理,重点探究了静电斥力驱动结构中尺寸参数对可动极板位移的影响,并通过结构优化有效降低了驱动电压,为开关后续设计提供了参考.  相似文献   

An analysis of the dynamic characteristics of pull-in for parallel-plate and torsional electrostatic actuators is presented. Traditionally, the analysis for pull-in has been done using quasi-static assumptions. However, it was recently shown experimentally that a step input can cause a decrease in the voltage required for pull-in to occur. We propose an energy-based solution for the step voltage required for pull-in that predicts the experimentally observed decrease in the pull-in voltage. We then use similar energy techniques to explore pull-in due to an actuation signal that is modulated depending on the sign of the velocity of the plate (i.e., modulated at the instantaneous mechanical resonant frequency). For this type of actuation signal, significant reductions in the pull-in voltage can theoretically be achieved without changing the stiffness of the structure. This analysis is significant to both parallel-plate and torsional electrostatic microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) switching structures where a reduced operating voltage without sacrificing stiffness is desired, as well as electrostatic MEMS oscillators where pull-in due to dynamic effects needs to be avoided.  相似文献   

Future microwave networks require miniature high-performance tunable elements such as switches, inductors, and capacitors. In this paper, high performance variable capacitor was fabricated by simple microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology. The capacitance and quality (Q) factor at 1 GHz are 0.792 pF and 51.6. The pull-in voltage is 13.5 V and the tuning ratio of the capacitor is more than 1.31:1. A reduced-order model for the dynamic characteristics of the capacitor is established based on the equilibrium among the plate flexibility.  相似文献   

Let F be a function on pairs of vertices. An F-labeling scheme is composed of a marker algorithm for labeling the vertices of a graph with short labels, coupled with a decoder algorithm allowing one to compute F(u, v) for any two vertices u and v directly from their labels. As applications for labeling schemes concern mainly large and dynamically changing networks, it is of interest to study distributed dynamic labeling schemes. This paper investigates labeling schemes for dynamic trees. We consider two dynamic tree models, namely, the leaf-dynamic tree model in which at each step a leaf can be added to or removed from the tree and the leaf-increasing tree model in which the only topological event that may occur is that a leaf joins the tree. A general method for constructing labeling schemes for dynamic trees (under the above mentioned dynamic tree models) was previously developed in Korman et al. (Theory Comput Syst 37:49–75, 2004). This method is based on extending an existing static tree labeling scheme to the dynamic setting. This approach fits many natural functions on trees, such as distance, separation level, ancestry relation, routing (in both the adversary and the designer port models), nearest common ancestor etc.. Their resulting dynamic schemes incur overheads (over the static scheme) on the label size and on the communication complexity. In particular, all their schemes yield a multiplicative overhead factor of Ω(log n) on the label sizes of the static schemes. Following (Korman et al., Theory Comput Syst 37:49–75, 2004), we develop a different general method for extending static labeling schemes to the dynamic tree settings. Our method fits the same class of tree functions. In contrast to the above paper, our trade-off is designed to minimize the label size, sometimes at the expense of communication. Informally, for any function k(n) and any static F-labeling scheme on trees, we present an F-labeling scheme on dynamic trees incurring multiplicative overhead factors (over the static scheme) of on the label size and on the amortized message complexity. In particular, by setting for any , we obtain dynamic labeling schemes with asymptotically optimal label sizes and sublinear amortized message complexity for the ancestry relation, the id-based and label-based nearest common ancestor relation and the routing function. Supported in part at the Technion by an Aly Kaufman fellowship.  相似文献   

This paper presents a micro electrostatic vibration-to-electricity energy converter based on the micro-electromechanical system. For the 3.3 V supply voltage and 1 cm2 chip area constraints, optimal design parameters were found from theoretical calculation and Simulink simulation. In the current design, the output power is 200 μW/cm2 for the optimal load of 8 MΩ. The device was fabricated in a silicon-on-insulator wafer. Mechanical and electrical measurements were conducted. Residual particles caused shortage of the variable capacitor and the output power could not be measured. Fabrication processes are being refined to remove the back silicon substrate to eliminate residual particles and parasitic capacitance.  相似文献   

Network-based parallel computing systems often require the ability to reconfigure the routing algorithm to reflect changes in network topology if and when voluntary or involuntary changes occur. The process of reconfiguring a network's routing capabilities may be very inefficient and/or deadlock-prone if not handled properly. We propose efficient and deadlock-free dynamic reconfiguration schemes that are applicable to routing algorithms and networks which use wormhole, virtual cut-through, or store-and-forward switching, combined with hard link-level flow control. One requirement is that the network architecture use virtual channels or duplicate physical channels for deadlock-handling as well as performance purposes. The proposed schemes do not impede the injection, transmission, or delivery of user packets during the reconfiguration process. Instead, they provide uninterrupted service, increased availability/reliability, and improved overall quality-of-service support as compared to traditional techniques based on static reconfiguration.  相似文献   

A new slip model derived by molecular dynamics has been used to investigate the ultra-thin gas-lubricated slider bearings beneath the three bushings of an electrostatic micromotor in micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS). Modified Reynolds equation is proposed based on the modified slip model. Analytical solutions for flow rate, pressure distribution, load carrying capacity and streamwise location using the modified Reynolds equation are obtained and compared with the results gained from those in the literature. It demonstrates that the new second-order slip model is of greater accuracy than that predicted by the first-order, second-order slip models and MMGL model and produces a good approximation to variable hard sphere (VHS) and variable soft sphere (VSS) models, which agree well with the solution obtained from the linearized Boltzmann equation. It is indicated that the slip effect reduces the pressure distribution and load carrying capacity, and shifts the streamwise location of the load carrying capacity, which should not be ignored to study the step-shaped slider bearings in micromotors for MEMS devices.  相似文献   

Dynamic finite versioning (DFV) schemes are an effective approach to concurrent transaction and query processing, where a finite number of consistent, but maybe slightly out-of-date, logical snapshots of the database can be dynamically derived for query access. In DFV, the storage overhead for keeping additional versions of changed data to support the logical snapshots and the amount of obsolescence faced by queries are two major performance issues. We analyze the performance of DFV, with emphasis on the trade-offs between the storage cost and obsolescence. We develop analytical models based on a renewal process approximation to evaluate the performance of DFV using M⩾2 snapshots. Asymptotic closed form results for high query arrival rates are given for the case of two snapshots. Simulation is used to validate the analytical models and to evaluate the tradeoffs between various strategies for advancing snapshots when M>2. The results show that (1) the analytical models match closely with simulation; (2) storage cost and obsolescence are sensitive to the snapshot advancing strategies, and (3) usually, increasing the number of snapshots demonstrates a trade-off between storage overhead and query obsolescence. For cases with skewed accessor low update rates, a small increase in the number of snapshots beyond two can substantially reduce the obsolescence. Such a reduction in obsolescence is more significant as the coefficient of variation of the query length distribution becomes larger. Moreover, for very low update rates, a large number of snapshots can be used to reduce the obsolescence to almost zero without increasing the storage overhead  相似文献   

MEMS可编程光栅的工作性能很大程度依赖于驱动电路的性能。本文根据MEMS可编程光栅的工作特点及结构参数,提取出光栅的等效电容值,并采用集成高压运放研制出一种新型的MEMS可编程光栅的动态驱动电路。为了避免自激振荡的发生,电路中采用了频率补偿和并联反馈电容的方法,有效提高了电路的稳定性。实际电路经过测试,其动态性能与PSPICE10仿真的结果非常吻合。该动态驱动电路具有高的电压输出范围(0~180V),较高的频率响应(10kHz),大范围容性负载能力(1~1000pF),完全能够满足MEMS可编程光栅动态复杂控制的需要。  相似文献   

Microsystem Technologies - The dynamic behavior of micro-cantilevers and micro-bridges under electrostatic and thermal base actuations is investigated in this paper. To solve the equation...  相似文献   

Nowadays Sensor Networks and Ad Hoc Networks are widely used communication facilities, mainly because of their many application settings. Again, though above types of network are paradigms of communication widespread and well-established in the state of the art, however, they turn out to be among the most important concepts underlying the modern and increasingly expanding User-Centric Networks, which can be used to build dynamic middleware services for heterogeneous distributed computing. In this way, can be addressed the strong dynamic behavior of user communities and of resource collections they use.In this paper we focus our attention on key predistribution for secure communications in those types of networks. In particular, we first analyze some schemes proposed in the literature for enabling a group of two or more nodes to compute a common key, which can be used later on to encrypt or authenticate exchanged messages. The schemes we have chosen are well representative of different design strategies proposed in the state of the art. Moreover, in order to find out under which conditions and in which settings a scheme is more suitable than others, we provide an evaluation and a performance comparison of those schemes. Furthermore, we look at the problem of identifying optimal values for the parameters of such schemes, with respect to a certain desirable security degree and reasonable security assumptions. Finally, we extend one of those schemes, showing both analytically and through experiments, the improvement the new scheme provides in terms of security compared to the basic one.  相似文献   

A novel wide range electrostatic microelectromechanical system floating Fabry Perot optical tunable filter (MEMS f-FPOTF) is modelled and analyzed in terms of its electro-mechanic behaviour. The composite beam approach has been used to model the floating Fabry Perot cavity. The floating dual membrane FPOTF consists of multi layer Si/SiO2/Si thin films with an optical cavity in the middle structure. The filter tuning range has been improved by utilizing bonded silicon on insulator wafers that permits the floating cavity to be deflected both ways; up and down. Electro-mechanic analysis shows a 7% (STRUCTURE1) and 5% (STRUCTURE2) difference between analytical and finite element modelling in which the 7% difference in light incident angle contributes to a 0.5 nm shift while the 5% difference in length of cavity indicates a 4 nm shift in MEMS f-FPOTF operating wavelength. This analysis validates the analytical modelling of this device as a wavelength selector in coarse wavelength division multiplexing.  相似文献   

This paper presents a linear array of tilting mirrors used to attenuate the various wavelengths in a DWDM optical signal. Attenuation of 21 dB at snap-down was achieved by the tilting mirrors, substituting for a liquid crystal spatial light modulator (SLM) in a commercial dynamic spectral equalizer (DSE). Linear fill factor of 92% was achieved, allowing closely spaced wavelength channels to be individually attenuated. A two layer polysilicon process with a thick epi-poly mirror was used to fabricate the SLM. Initial mirrors had a radius of curvature of 25 cm. A novel accelerated HF-H/sub 2/SO/sub 4/ etch allowed 100 /spl mu/m wide mirrors to be undercut in 12 min with no etch release holes.  相似文献   

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