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张伟  刘建昌  谭树彬  刘圆超 《控制与决策》2023,38(10):2805-2814
尽管许多高维多目标进化算法已被提出,但平衡种群收敛性与多样性的困难仍然存在.对此,提出一种基于指标选择和密度评估删除的高维多目标进化算法(indicator selection and density estimation deletion-based manyobjective evolutionary algorithm, MaOEA/IS-DED).该算法在环境选择过程中采用基于Iε+(x, y)指标的选择策略和基于移动的密度评估删除机制协作逐一剔除种群中收敛性和多样性差的个体,进而使种群个体从多样性好的搜索方向上收敛于真实Pareto前沿,完成平衡收敛性与多样性.具体地,前者选择Iε+(x, y)指标值最小的一对个体,其在空间中表现为搜索方向最相似的个体;后者利用自身兼顾种群收敛性和多样性的特性,比较被选的这对个体且删除这对个体中收敛性和多样性较差的个体.实验结果表明, MaOEA/IS-DED算法在处理高维多目标优化问题时能获得较强的竞争性能.  相似文献   

李二超  魏立森 《控制与决策》2022,37(5):1183-1194
多目标优化算法的主要目标是实现好的多样性和收敛性.传统的高维多目标优化算法,当目标维数增加时,选择方式难以平衡种群的收敛性与多样性.对此,提出一个基于指标和自适应边界选择的高维多目标优化算法.在环境选择中,首先计算种群中两两个体的指标Iε(x,y)作为第一选择标准;其次,提出一种自适应边界选择策略,利用种群进化信息对超...  相似文献   

研究表明,现有的多目标进化算法在处理具有不同Pareto前沿的优化问题时难以有效平衡种群的收敛性与多样性.鉴于此,提出一种基于自适应参考向量和参考点的高维多目标进化算法(adaptive reference vector and reference point based many-objective evlolutionary algorithm, ARVRPMEA).ARVRPMEA主要利用种群稀疏性自适应调整参考向量和参考点以提高种群多样性,首先,生成均匀分布的参考向量子集和参考点子集,并利用该参考向量子集分解种群;然后,根据规模最大子种群中解的分布情况生成新的参考向量和参考点,直至满足参考向量集和参考点集规模;最后,为进一步提高种群收敛性,该算法结合指标进行环境选择以保存收敛性较高的个体进入下一代种群.实验结果表明,ARVRP算法在求解具有不同Pareto前沿的问题方面具有良好的性能.  相似文献   

为提高高维多目标进化算法的性能,提出了一个基于新的适应度函数和多搜索策略的高维多目标进化算法。该算法提出了一个新的适应度函数来平衡多样性和收敛性,并且设计了一个多搜索策略来帮助交叉算子产生优秀的后代进而提高收敛性。该适应度函数首先从当前种群和新产生的后代中挑出收敛性较好的个体,然后计算这些个体的稀疏程度;该多搜索策略选择稀疏且收敛的解来执行全局和局部搜索。数值实验测试了CEC2018高维多目标竞赛的15个测试问题,每个测试问题的目标个数分别为5、10、15。实验结果表明,该算法能找到一组比四种代表性算法(如NSGAIII、MOEA/DD、KnEA、RVEA)具有更好的多样性和收敛性的解集。  相似文献   

针对在高维空间下多目标进化算法难以维持种群收敛性和多样性平衡的问题, 本文提出一个基于IGD+指标的两阶段选择高维多目标进化算法(MaOEA–ITS). 在第1阶段, 算法基于IGD+指标选择收敛性良好的精英个体, 其所需的参考点通过引入切割平面截距法构建. 在第2阶段, MaOEA–ITS使用模糊c均值算法对参考向量进行聚类, 聚类后的参考向量引导种群分解策略对剩余个体进行环境选择, 从而维持种群的多样性. 另外, 为了保护能够提高种群多样性的极值解, 本文提出一个参考点分布自适应策略. 最后, 通过仿真实验来验证MaOEA–ITS的有效性和优越性.  相似文献   

选择是进化的主要驱动力,也是多目标进化算法的关键特征,然而,在处理高维多目标问题时,随着目标维数的增加种群的收敛性和分布性的冲突加剧,传统多目标进化算法中的选择算子已难以有效地维持种群的收敛性与分布性之间的平衡.针对该问题,提出一种基于向量角分解的高维多目标进化算法.首先,将个体本身作为参考向量,利用目标向量之间的夹角作为个体的相似度测度估计种群分布性,以减轻算法预先指定权重向量的负担;然后,利用成绩标量函数作为个体的收敛性测度,该收敛测度在引导种群走向Pareto最优前沿方面发挥着重要作用;最后,提出一种基于向量角分解的精英选择策略,其在环境选择过程中利用向量角信息将目标空间动态分解,并利用成绩标量函数从分布性较好的区域中挑选较好的个体进入下一代,能够动态地平衡种群的收敛性和分布性.对比实验结果表明,所提出算法具有较强的竞争力,其在保持种群分布性的同时具有足够的选择压力,能够有效地引导高维目标空间的搜索.  相似文献   

双精英协同进化遗传算法   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
针对传统遗传算法早熟收敛和收敛速度慢的问题,提出一种双精英协同进化遗传算法(double elite coevolutionary genetic algorithm,简称DECGA).该算法借鉴了精英策略和协同进化的思想,选择两个相异的、高适应度的个体(精英个体)作为进化操作的核心,两个精英个体分别按照不同的评价函数来选择个体,组成各自的进化子种群.两个子种群分别采用不同的进化策略,以平衡算法的勘探和搜索能力.理论分析证明,该算法具有全局收敛性.通过对测试函数的实验,其结果表明,该算法能搜索到几乎所有测试函数的最优解,同时能够有效地保持种群的多样性.与已有算法相比,该算法在收敛速度和搜索全局最优解上都有了较大的改进和提高.  相似文献   

覃灏  李军华 《控制与决策》2022,37(11):2808-2817
一般的高维多目标进化算法无法有效处理不同类型的Pareto前沿.针对这一情况,提出一种基于种群关联策略和强化解集准则的高维多目标进化算法(many-objective evolutionary algorithm based on population association strategy and enhanced solution set criterion, MaOEA/PAS-ESC).该算法在环境选择中采用种群关联策略(population association strategy, PAS)和强化解集准则(enhanced solution set criterion, ESC)协同指导种群进化. PAS利用解与参考向量的角度和欧氏距离以及种群中解之间的距离构建角度与距离联合函数(joint function of angle and distance, JFAD),选择多样性良好的解,然后ESC利用参考点与种群间的联系组成适应度函数,选择收敛性良好的解,以共同达到有效平衡多样性和收敛性的目的.实验结果表明,采用MaOEA/PAS-ESC处理高维多目标优化问题具有更强的竞...  相似文献   

多目标优化的两个核心指标是收敛性和多样性,而对二者加以优化和权衡是多目标进化算法的关键.头脑风暴优化算法作为一种新型的群体智能优化算法,一经提出便引起了众多研究者的关注.本文在对现有的多目标头脑风暴优化算法研究的基础上,通过对决策变量进行分析,围绕收敛性和多样性分别进行优化,在对收敛性优化时通过分解策略增加选择压力,而在对多样性优化时以参考点更新种群增加多样性,最终扩展并提出了高维多目标头脑风暴优化算法.此外,本文提出一种以角点为聚类中心的自适应聚类方式,明确个体的导向,提高种群的扩展性.与现有的几种效果较好的多目标进化算法进行比较,大量的仿真结果表明了本文的算法具有优秀的性能.  相似文献   

一种基于自适应模糊支配的高维多目标粒子群算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高维多目标优化问题由于具有巨大的目标空间使得一些经典的多目标优化算法面临挑战.提出一种基于自适应模糊支配的高维多目标粒子群算法MAPSOAF,该算法定义了一种自适应的模糊支配关系,通过对模糊支配的阈值自适应变化若干步长,在加强个体间支配能力的同时实现对种群选择压力的精细化控制,以改善算法的收敛性;其次,通过从外部档案集中选取扰动粒子,并在粒子速度更新公式中新增一扰动项以克服粒子群早熟收敛并改善个体分布的均匀性;另外,算法利用简化的Harmonic归一化距离评估个体的密度,在改善种群分布性的同时降低算法的计算代价.该算法与另外五种高性能的多目标进化算法在标准测试函数集DTLZ{1,2,4,5}上进行对比实验,结果表明该算法在收敛性和多样性方面总体上具有较显著的性能优势.  相似文献   

王浩  孙超利  张国晨 《控制与决策》2023,38(12):3317-3326
模型管理,特别是训练样本的选择和填充采样准则,是影响昂贵多目标优化算法求解性能的重要因素.为此,选择样本库中具有较好目标函数值的若干个体作为样本训练目标函数的代理模型,使用基于参考向量的进化算法搜索模型的最优解集,并提出一种基于个体目标函数估值不确定度排序顺序均值的采样策略,从该最优解集中选择两个个体进行真实的目标函数评价.为了验证算法的有效性,将所提出算法在DTLZ和WFG多目标优化测试问题和两个实际工程优化问题上进行测试,并与其他5种优秀的同类型算法进行结果对比.实验结果表明,所提出算法在求解昂贵高维多目标优化问题上是有效的.  相似文献   

为了解决难以建立精确数学模型或者真实评估实验成本高昂的多目标优化问题,提出了一种基于径向空间划分的昂贵多目标进化算法.首先算法使用高斯回归作为代理模型逼近目标函数;然后将目标空间的个体投影到径向空间,结合目标空间和径向空间信息保留对种群贡献更高的个体;之后由径向空间中个体的位置分布决定下一步应该选择哪些个体进行真实评估;最后,采用一种双档案管理策略维护代理模型的质量.数值实验和现实问题上的结果表明,与5种先进算法相比,该算法在解决昂贵多目标优化问题时能够提供更高质量的解.  相似文献   

For many-objective optimization problems, due to the low selection pressure of the Pareto-dominance relation and the ineffectivity of diversity maintenance scheme in the environmental selection, the current Pareto-dominance based multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) fail to balance between convergence and diversity. This paper proposes a many-objective evolutionary algorithm based on hyperplane projection and penalty distance selection (we call it MaOEA-HP). Firstly, the normalization method is used to construct an unit hyperplane and the population is projected onto the unit hyperplane. Then, a harmonic average distance is applied to calculate the crowding density of the projected points on the unit hyperplane. Finally, the perpendicular distance from the individual to the hyperplane as convergence information is added into the diversity maintenance phase, and a penalty distance selection scheme is designed to balance between convergence and diversity of solutions. Compared with six state-of-the-art many-objective evolutionary algorithms, the experimental results on two well-known many-objective optimization test suites show that MaOEA-HP has more advantage than the other algorithms, could improve the convergence and ensure the uniform distribution.  相似文献   

In evolutionary many-objective optimization, diversity maintenance plays an important role in pushing the population towards the Pareto optimal front. Existing many-objective evolutionary algorithms mainly focus on convergence enhancement, but pay less attention to diversity enhancement, which may fail to obtain uniformly distributed solutions or fall into local optima. This paper proposes a radial space division based evolutionary algorithm for many-objective optimization, where the solutions in high-dimensional objective space are projected into the grid divided 2-dimensional radial space for diversity maintenance and convergence enhancement. Specifically, the diversity of the population is emphasized by selecting solutions from different grids, where an adaptive penalty based approach is proposed to select a better converged solution from the grid with multiple solutions for convergence enhancement. The proposed algorithm is compared with five state-of-the-art many-objective evolutionary algorithms on a variety of benchmark test problems. Experimental results demonstrate the competitiveness of the proposed algorithm in terms of both convergence enhancement and diversity maintenance.  相似文献   


In many-objective optimization, the balance between convergence and diversity is hard to maintain, while the dominance resistant solutions (DRSs) could further harm the balance particularly in high-dimensional objective space. Thus, this paper proposes a novel selection strategy – boundary elimination selection based on binary search (called BESBS), trying to avoid the impact of DRSs during the optimization and achieve a good balance between the convergence and diversity simultaneously. During the environmental selection, the binary search (BS) is used to adaptively adjust the ϵ value in the ϵ-dominance relationship and assist in detecting the well-distributed neighbors for the elite solutions. Then the ϵ value obtained by BS is used for serving the boundary elimination selection (BES) to guarantee the stability of the elite population. To improve the convergence, BES is mainly designed to select individuals approximating to the ideal point. By modifying the fitness of solutions and choosing solutions in terms of the shuffled sequence of objective axis, the DRSs will be eliminated during the selection. Thus, BESBS could achieve a good balance between the convergence and diversity and avoid the impact from DRSs simultaneously. From a series of experiments with 35 instances, the experimental results have shown that BESBS is competitive against 8 state-of-art many-objective evolutionary algorithms.  相似文献   

In recent years, many researchers have put emphasis on the study of how to keep a good balance between convergence and diversity in many-objective optimization. This paper proposes a new many-objective evolutionary algorithm based on a projection-assisted intra-family election. In the proposed algorithm, basic evolution directions are adaptively generated according to the current population and potential evolution directions are excavated in each individual's family. Based on these evolution directions, a strategy of intra-family election is performed in every family and elite individuals are elected as representatives of the specific family to join the next stage, which can enhance the convergence of the algorithm. Moreover, a selection procedure based on angles is used to maintain the diversity. The performance of the proposed algorithm is verified and compared with several state-of-the-art many-objective evolutionary algorithms on a variety of well-known benchmark problems ranging from 5 to 20 objectives. Empirical results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm outperforms other peer algorithms in terms of both the diversity and the convergence of the final solutions set on most of the test instances. In particular, our proposed algorithm shows obvious superiority when handling the problems with larger number of objectives.  相似文献   

Current evolutionary many-objective optimization algorithms face two challenges: one is to ensure population diversity for searching the entire solution space. The other is to ensure quick convergence to the optimal solution set. In this paper, we propose a novel two-archive strategy for evolutionary many-objective optimization algorithm. The uniform archive strategy, based on reference points, is used to keep population diversity in the evolutionary process, and to ensure that an evolutionary algorithm is able to search the entire solution space. The single elite archive strategy is used to ensure that individuals with the best single objective value are able to evolve into the next generation and have more opportunities to generate offspring. This strategy aims to improve the convergence rate. Then this novel two-archive strategy is applied to improving the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-III). Simulation experiments are conducted on benchmark test sets and experimental results show that our proposed algorithm with the two-archive strategy has a better performance than other state-of-art algorithms.  相似文献   

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