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Segmentation of the body edge in tomographic images with low count, noisy edges is needed for both PET and SPECT respiratory motion correction and brain SPECT attenuation correction. To reduce noise we re-projected tomographic images and searched for edges in the projection count profiles or their spatial derivatives. Edge location versus projection angle was fitted with cosine basis functions after rejecting outliers and including information about edges of previous sections. We processed 10 s duration FDG PET of the thorax, HMPAO brain, DAT brain and lung perfusion SPECT. Stable edges for all four types of scan were achieved but with different profiles. Edges were validated against edges of coregistered CT or MRI. The best root mean square (rms) accuracy was 8.2 mm (PET) and 5.2 mm (brain SPECT). Inter-scan variability (standard deviation) in the estimated-to-control edge distance for 17 PET scans was 0.4 mm, for 25 ordered subset expectation maximisation (OSEM) reconstructed brain SPECT 1.0 mm and for 18 filtered back-projection (FBP) reconstructed brain SPECT 1.4 mm.  相似文献   

目的 肺结节检测在低剂量肺部计算机断层扫描(computed tomography, CT)筛查肺癌中具有重要意义。但由于结节大小、形状和密度的变化十分复杂,导致难以在低假阳性率下保证高的灵敏度,这限制了深度学习算法在常规临床实践中的肺结节自动诊断,建立具有良好结节检测性能的深度学习模型仍然是一个挑战。针对此问题,本文提出了一种基于3D ReSidual U(3D RSU)块的嵌套U结构的肺结节检测框架。方法 3D RSU块通过混合不同大小的感受场获得多尺度特征来丰富特征信息。而嵌套U结构允许网络获得更大分辨率的特征图,从而具有多层次深度特征,获得丰富的局部和全局信息,增强网络区分前景和背景的能力,进而提高微小结节等非显著性目标的检测性能。结果 该框架在公共肺结节(lung nodule analysis 16)挑战数据集上进行了评价。方法能够准确地检测出肺结节,灵敏度达到了97.2%,与基准方法相比,该方法灵敏度提高了2.6%,具有很高的灵敏度和特异性,在0.125、0.25、0.5、1、2、4、8共7个假阳率点的灵敏度平均值为86.4%,尤其是在每扫描0.25个假阳性上,灵敏度达到...  相似文献   

Multiresolution image processing and analysis has become popular in recent years. One of the most important factors for the success of such systems is the preservation of edges in the process of producing images with reduced resolutions. In this paper 10 image reduction methods are introduced and a comparative evaluation is presented by using a set of synthetic test images and several real images. The quantitative evaluation employs an error measure based on normalized mean-square errors and a set of well-defined image parameters. Edge separation parameter is found to have a strikingly decisive impact on the edge preservation in the context of image reduction. Noise and edge width also show their significant effects. A normalized local intensity variance is studied to bridge the gap between the simple synthetic images and the real images. Finally, suitable methods for producing multiresolution images are recommended.  相似文献   

为了准确配准印鉴图像,为高仿真印鉴的真伪识别做好准备,提出利用印鉴边缘图像SIFT(Scale Invariant Feature Transform)特征的相似性和空间关系相结合的配准方法。采用邻域搜索法提取待测印鉴与预留印鉴的二值边缘图像,在印鉴边缘图像中提取SIFT特征,并根据相似性匹配。利用印鉴边缘图像SIFT特征匹配点对的空间关系剔除错误匹配,提高配准效率。利用RANSAC方法估计两印鉴的变换模型。分别配准具有不同形状及印文内容的10组真印鉴图像和10组假印鉴图像。将所得结果与其他两种典型的配准方法作比较。以两印鉴配准后不重合边缘点之间的平均距离评价配准的准确性,以最大距离量化配准后出现的最大差异。实验结果表明,该方法可以准确配准待测印鉴与预留印鉴图像,对印鉴形状、笔画结构无任何限制,配准速度比直接利用印鉴二值图像SIFT特征的配准方法提高一倍。  相似文献   

随着科技的不断发展,CT作为一种先进的成像技术,被广泛的应用于工业无损检测和医学图像处理中。在工业上,采用CT技术对产品进行无损检测时,经常需要对重建出的CT图像进行边缘提取。一般来说这两步是分开的,先进行图像重建再进行边缘提取,本文将二者结合起来,研究在CT重建过程之前直接对投影数据进行预处理以得到图像边缘特征的重建方法。并用计算机仿真实验验证了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

Area segmentation of images using edge points   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new method for segmenting images using abrupt changes in intensity (edge points) to separate regions of smoothly varying intensity is discussed. Region segmentation using edge points has not been very successful in the past because small gaps would allow merging of dissimilar regions. The present method uses an expansion-contraction technique in which the edge regions are first expanded to close gaps and then contracted after the separate uniform regions have been identified. In order to preserve small uniform regions, the process is performed iteratively from small to large expansions with no expansion for edge regions that separate different uniform regions. The final result is a set of uniform intensity regions (usually less than 100) and a set of edge boundary regions. The program has successfully segmented scenes with industrial parts, landscapes, and integrated circuit chips.  相似文献   

Subpixel edge location in binary images using dithering   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper concerns the problem of obtaining subpixel estimates of the locations of straight edges in binary digital images using dithering. By adding uniformly distributed independent random noise it is shown that estimation bias may be removed and that the estimation variance is inversely proportional to the length of the line segment. The sensitivity to incorrect dither amplitude is calculated, and implementation is discussed  相似文献   

Multi-scale feature extraction has become prominent in recent years. Additionally, processing images containing sparse or irregularly distributed data has become increasingly important, in particular with respect to the use of range image data. We present a family of multi-scale gradient-based edge detection algorithms that are suitable for use on either regularly or irregularly distributed image data; these algorithms can be applied directly to the range and intensity images without any image pre-processing. We quantitatively evaluate our algorithms on synthetic intensity and range images and also provide comparative visual output, using real images. The results demonstrate that this approach can be successfully applied to both range and intensity images, providing results that for intensity images are more accurate than from traditional gradient operators and for range images are more accurate than from the scan-line approximation.  相似文献   

遥感图像边缘特征提取与融合方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对单一传感器的局限性,通过多传感器融合技术,最大限度地获取对目标场景的边缘信息描述。由于光学图像和SAR图像成像机理不同,即便配准精确的图像提取出来的边缘也会出现不重合的情况。首先采用离散域Canny算法提取光学图像边缘特征,用ratio算法提取SAR图像边缘特征,通过不变矩算法对两幅边缘特征图中的边缘进行匹配融合,得到了比单一图像边缘特征图更完整更清晰的边缘特征图,获取了更多的目标场景的信息描述。  相似文献   

New statistical techniques for the edge detection problem in images are developed. The image is modeled by signal and noise, which are independent, additive, Gaussian, and autoregressive in two dimensions. The optimal solution, in terms of statistical decision theory, leads to a test that decides among multiple, composite, overlapping hypotheses. A redefinition of the problem, involving nonoverlapping hypotheses, allows the formulation of a computationally attractive scheme. Results are presented with both simulated data and real satellite images. A comparison with standard gradient techniques is made.  相似文献   

Two rapid estimation algorithms for construction of cerebral blood flow (CBF) and oxygen utilization (CMRO) images with dynamic positron emission tomography (PET) are presented. These algorithms are based on the linear least squares (LLS) and generalized linear least squares (GLLS) methodologies. Using the conventional two-compartmental model and multiple tracer studies, we derived a linear relationship for brain tissue activity to arterial blood activity, time-integrated arterial blood activity and time-integrated brain tissue activity. The LLS technique is computationally efficient as no regression analysis is required, while GLLS is used to refine the estimates obtained from LLS. A comparative study using non-linear least squares regression (NLS) revealed excellent correlation between the new algorithms for various noise levels expected in clinical applications. A sensitivity analysis was performed to examine reliability and identifiability of the parameter estimates. In view of the results, LLS and GLLS provide rapid and reliable estimates of CBF and CMRO when applied to dynamic PET data. These algorithms are particularly suitable for pixel-by-pixel construction of high resolution and highly accurate PET functional images.  相似文献   

针对现有边缘提取算法难以提取任意形状、任意分布区域的边缘及与具体对象的相关性不密切等问题,构建一种粒边缘模型,并给出对应的实现算法:任意区域边缘提取算法(Arbitrary Region Edge Extraction,AREE)。粒相关边缘由拓扑信息系统、概念粒、连通粒和边缘空间等新概念组成。AREE算法定义行连通段,给出并证明计算边缘集的定理,搜索内点,完成边缘提取。对比分析和实验结果显示:算法能精确、快速地提取出各类图像中任意连通粒的边缘。  相似文献   

Detecting edges in multispectral images is difficult because different spectral bands may contain different edges. Existing approaches calculate the edge strength of a pixel locally, based on the variation in intensity between this pixel and its neighbors. Thus, they often fail to detect the edges of objects embedded in background clutter or objects which appear in only some of the bands.We propose SEDMI, a method that aims to overcome this problem by considering the salient properties of edges in an image. Based on the observation that edges are rare events in the image, we recast the problem of edge detection into the problem of detecting events that have a small probability in a newly defined feature space. The feature space is constructed by the spatial gradient magnitude in all spectral channels. As edges are often confined to small, isolated clusters in this feature space, the edge strength of a pixel, or the confidence value that this pixel is an event with a small probability, can be calculated based on the size of the cluster to which it belongs.Experimental results on a number of multispectral data sets and a comparison with other methods demonstrate the robustness of the proposed method in detecting objects embedded in background clutter or appearing only in a few bands.  相似文献   

Medical image segmentation is a sufficiently complex problem that no single strategy has proven to be completely effective. Historically, region growing, clustering, and edge tracing have been used and while significant steps have been made in the first two, research into automatic, recursive, boundary following has not kept pace. A new, advanced, edge-tracing algorithm capable of combining edge, region, and pixel-classification information, and suitable for magnetic resonance image analysis, is described. The algorithm is inspired by automatic target tracking, as used in civilian and military aerospace operations. Comparison with clustering and level sets is performed. Results indicate that no method is uniformly superior, that the new algorithm provides information not available from the other approaches, and that it can utilize a variety of sources including results from other methods. The algorithm is applied to two-dimensional slice images and extension to three-dimensional images is discussed.  相似文献   

针对传统背光图像检测低准确率问题,提出一种新的背光图像检测和校正算法。通过分析图像在不同Gamma变换下前景细节数目的变化规律来判断输入图像是否存在背光。对背光图像的前景、背景子图像进行多尺寸Retinex图像算法,然后与原图进行融合。根据实验可知,提出的背光图像检测算法相对于传统的亮度直方图分析方法以及YCbCr直方图分析方法具有更高准确率;提出的背光校正算法相对于AHMHE背光补偿算法和多尺度Retinex算法具有较高信息熵、清晰度和对比度。  相似文献   

On edge detection of x-ray images using fuzzy sets   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The effectiveness of the theory of fuzzy sets in detecting different regional boundaries of X-ray images is demonstrated. The algorithm includes a prior enhancement of the contrast among the regions (having small change in gray levels) using the contrast intensification (INT) operation along with smoothing in the fuzzy property plane before detecting its edges. The property plane is extracted from the spatial domain using S, ? and (1 ?) functions and the fuzzifiers. Final edge detection is achieved using max or min operator. The system performance for different parameter conditions is illustrated by application to an image of a radiograph of the wrist.  相似文献   

SAR图像水域的改进Shearlet边缘检测   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
SAR图像水域边缘检测中,传统算法由于不能较好地克服斑点噪声影响,因此检测出的虚假边缘较多。利用多尺度几何Shearlet变换对曲线精确有效检测等特点,通过改进Shearlet变换并结合聚类及Snake模型等方法,提出了一种新的SAR图像水域检测方法。实验结果表明,该方法不仅提高了边缘检测的完整性和精确性,而且有效克服了斑点噪声的影响,对SAR图像水域边缘的检测是有效可行的。  相似文献   

An edge detection scheme is developed robust enough to perform well over a wide range of signal-to-noise ratios. It is based upon the detection of zero crossings in the output image of a nonlinear Laplace filter. Specific characterizations of the nonlinear Laplacian are its adaptive orientation to the direction of the gradient and its inherent masks which permit the development of approximately circular (isotropic) filters. We have investigated the relation between the locally optimal filter parameters, smoothing size, and filter size, and the SNR of the image to be processed. A quantitative evaluation shows that our edge detector performs at least as well—and in most cases much better—than edge detectors. At very low signal-to-noise ratios, our edge detector is superior to all others tested.  相似文献   

赵星阳  孙继银  李琳琳 《计算机应用》2008,28(12):3175-3178
提出一种新的字符特征类二值文本图像水印算法。该水印算法通过调整二值文本图像中非水平笔画与非竖直笔画的阶梯边沿,来改变每行文本图像上下两半部分黑色像素数总和之比值,并利用比值关系来达到嵌入一位水印比特的目的。水印检测和提取时只要识别出这种比值关系就能解码出水印比特信息。将该水印算法分别施用于中文和英文两类语种的文本图像,实验结果表明该算法具有良好的视觉不可见性,以及对尺度放缩、加噪、剪切、多次打印扫描等操作和攻击的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

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