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变压器在制造、运行和维修等过程中,其内部绝缘油难免会引入金属颗粒,为探究金属颗粒对油纸绝缘性能的影响,文中搭建并调试了油纸绝缘雷电冲击放电试验平台等,开展了金属颗粒对绝缘油流注发展特性影响试验研究,研究了不同浓度金属颗粒对绝缘油流注起始电压与发展过程中形态的影响,并通过COMSOL仿真平台进行验证。结果表明,金属颗粒会促进油中流注的起始与发展过程,流注停止长度和发展速度与颗粒浓度呈正相关,而绝缘油流注起始电压与击穿电压与颗粒浓度呈负相关,金属颗粒的引入会使得流注形态更加发散。分析认为油中金属颗粒与流注的相互作用是降低流注起始电压,加速流注发展,进而降低绝缘油击穿电压的主要原因。  相似文献   

油中的腐蚀性硫化物会侵蚀变压器绝缘绕组,导致油纸绝缘性能下降,给变压器的运行带来安全隐患,工程上常通过加入金属钝化剂来抑制腐蚀性硫化物与铜离子的结合,进而延缓硫腐蚀过程的发生。研究了油中常用金属钝化剂苯并三氮唑(BTA)对铜硫化物形成的抑制效果,并研究了钝化剂在长期运行过程中对变压器绝缘油性能的影响。结果表明,在含有腐蚀性硫的绝缘油中加入BTA可以有效缓解变压器硫腐蚀,但高浓度的BTA会促使油中铜离子含量增加,而油中铜离子能通过传递分解过氧化氢产生过氧化自由基,加速油品劣化,导致油纸绝缘老化加速。  相似文献   

The influencing factors (temperature, electric field, and oxygen) of sulfur attack in transformer oil are studied through comparative tests on new oil, oil in service, and these two oils with the deactivator additive BTA (benzotriazole, C6H4N3H). The influence of these factors on the chemical reaction between copper and corrosive sulfur is analyzed in further. The results show that temperature, electric field, and oxygen can promote the reaction between copper and corrosive sulfur. Moreover, oxygen also accelerates the aging of the insulating oil. On the contrary, recharging nitrogen can remove oxygen and reduce sulfur's corrosive activity. Adding the BTA deactivator can also prevent corrosion, even during the accelerated aging of oil with oxygen. © 2013 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

气体绝缘金属封闭输电线路(gas-insulated metal-enclosed transmission line,GIL)以其输送容量大、占地面积小、传输损耗小等优点,在许多场合是替代电缆和架空线路的首选方案。但GIL内部的金属微粒会在电场的影响下发生起跳和运动,严重威胁了GIL的绝缘性能。为更好地捕获金属微粒,掌握GIL内金属微粒的受力和运动特性是十分有必要的。本文首先忽略了盆式绝缘子对GIL轴向场强的影响,分析了金属微粒在同轴圆柱间的受力和运动特性,使用金属微粒谐振频率表征金属微粒在直流电压下的活跃度,并分析了电压和微粒半径对金属微粒谐振频率的影响规律。然后考虑了盆式绝缘子对GIL轴向场强的影响,得到了金属微粒的几种典型的运动轨迹。最后给出了对于金属微粒陷阱布置的建议,认为在盆式绝缘子凸面侧下方布置金属微粒陷阱是必要的。  相似文献   

The influence of various compounds on the increase of the electrostatic charging tendency (ECT) in insulating oil was investigated. Sulfide compounds, which are contained in new mineral oil, are identified for the first time as the original materials involved in the increase of the ECT. This is verified by heating tests of alkylbenzene with the addition of various compounds. Coexistence with copper and injection of oxygen enhance the increase of the ECT. Some sulfide and sulfoxide compounds increase the ECT markedly. On the other hand, the influence of sulfones, which are oxidation products of sulfoxides, is negligible. Although sulfonic acids, which are oxidation products of sulfones, markedly increase the ECT, the polarity is reverse. Thus, the ECT is influenced by the kinds and the molecular structures of additive sulfur compounds. The influence of nitrogen compounds and that of oxygen compounds are confirmed to be smaller than that of sulfur compounds. Since the amounts of nitrogen compounds and oxygen compounds are much smaller than those of sulfur compounds in mineral insulating oils, the influence of these compounds is considered negligible. Since the ECT of oils with the addition of sulfides or sulfoxides increases after heating, the other compounds should be created from these compounds that increase the ECT directly. Thus, the increase of the ECT is mostly caused by the oxidation of sulfides, which creates sulfoxides. Then certain compounds, which directly increase the ECT, are created from sulfoxides. If sulfones or sulfonic acids are created by the oxidation of sulfoxides, the ECT decreases because of the influence of these compounds on the ECT. It is most likely that some process other than oxidation occurs in the creation of the compounds that increase the ECT directly. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 176(3): 29–36, 2011; Published online in Wiley Online Library ( wileyonlinelibrary.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.21112  相似文献   

The stock of aged power equipment is increasing and it is important to clarify the characteristics of deteriorated insulating oil. This paper describes a basic study of molecular behavior in the oxidation of insulating oil by terahertz spectroscopy. The oxidation of insulating oil was modeled by using various compositions of dodecane and 2‐octanol. The terahertz measurements indicated that signi?cant absorption related to hydroxyl groups (‐OH) occurred between 6 and 7 THz. The absorption band was also observed in accelerated aging alkylbenzene, which is used in power equipment as insulating oil and is sensitive to hydrogen bonds. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 183(1): 9–15, 2013; Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI 10.1002/eej.22335  相似文献   

The mechanism of the increase in the electrostatic charging tendency (ECT) of insulating oil and causative compounds were investigated by accelerated deterioration tests with the addition of various compounds. Although the ECT of the insulating oil was almost constant when only sulfoxide compounds were added, a marked increase was observed when either hydrochloric acid or moisture, which was considered to be generated by the aging of insulating oil, was also added to oil containing sulfoxide compounds. It is assumed that the sulfonium ion, which is generated by the reaction between sulfoxide compounds and hydrogen ion, is the compound that directly contributes to the increase in the ECT. Hydrogen ions can be supplied from organic acids generated by the oxidation of hydrocarbons in aging insulating oil. It is considered that the increase in the ECT of insulating oil is caused by the generation of sulfoxides by the oxidation of sulfide, which are present in fresh oil (originating compounds), and the generation of sulfonium ions by a reaction between sulfoxide and hydrogen ions, which are formed during aging. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 176(4): 26–33, 2011; Published online in Wiley Online Library ( wileyonlinelibrary.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.21113  相似文献   

介绍GIS母线内部存在金属异物时的影响,对金属异物在不同情况下的运动规律进行了探讨和研究。  相似文献   

矿物绝缘油中腐蚀活性较强的硫化物已被证实会诱发油浸式电力设备绝缘故障,在绝缘油精炼过程中会被去除。部分非活性硫因其高效抗氧化性保留于矿物绝缘油中以提高油品的氧化安定性。然而,非活性硫在油浸式电力设备运行条件下的活化问题及其对绝缘性能造成的影响并未得到关注。本文针对矿物绝缘油中的典型非活性硫噻吩类硫化物,聚焦油纸绝缘中非活性硫诱发绕组腐蚀的反应机理。采用材料物相分析方法探究噻吩类硫化物的热裂解产物,结合热解动力学分析方法,分析噻吩类硫化物在不同升温速率下的活化能变化规律,并开展非活性硫噻吩类硫化物在油纸绝缘热场作用下的试验研究。热裂解解气相色谱、质谱以及热解傅里叶红外光谱结果表明,噻吩类硫化物(噻吩、苯并噻吩、二苯并噻吩)在热解过程中的主要活化产物为具有极强腐蚀性与挥发性的H2S。不同热解升温速率下,噻吩类硫化物的热重和微分热重曲线形状基本一致,其中噻吩最容易发生热解、其次是苯并噻吩、最后为二苯并噻吩。在油纸绝缘低温过热条件下,由于体系能量的不断积累,导致非活性硫噻吩类硫化物会发生活化进而生成低分子强腐蚀性硫化物,加剧了油品腐蚀性,最终导致油纸绝缘发生硫腐蚀。  相似文献   

实时监测绝缘子运行状态,可以有效地保证输配电外绝缘的安全稳定运行。目前通常依靠监测绝缘子表面泄漏电流来实现污闪预警,作为一种接触式在线监测手段,其在可靠性、便捷性等方面仍有很大的提升空间。而已有研究指出,不同运行状态下污秽绝缘子其空间电场分布会发生变化,电场作为重要的电气参量之一,可通过非接触的方式有效获取。因此,本文研究典型表面状态下染污绝缘子空间电场分布特性,首先利用有限元仿真软件建立了普通支柱绝缘子的静电场仿真模型,对比分析了干燥、湿润、放电情况下的绝缘子周围空间电场的幅值大小及变化规律;最后利用人工污秽试验,对污闪放电过程中的绝缘子空间电场进行测试,并与仿真结果进行对比分析。研究结果表明,不同表面状态下的绝缘子空间电场所反映的幅值大小差异明显,在表面湿润及有电弧爬电的情况下,空间电场垂直分量分别增长近50%和20%。研究结果可为输配电外绝缘的状态监测提供新思路。  相似文献   

This paper describes the dielectric breakdown characteristics of oil and oil‐impregnated paper for very fast transient (VFT) voltages. Blumlein circuits generate VFT voltages of 60 and 300 ns in a pulse width that simulates disconnecting switching surges in gas‐insulated switch gears. We measured the breakdown voltages of needle‐to‐plane, plane‐to‐plane oil gaps and several pieces of paper between plane electrodes for VFT and lightning impulse voltages. The measured data were formulated in V‐t characteristics and Weibull probability distributions. The inclination n of V‐t characteristics of insulating paper is 150, which is less than n = 13.7 of the plane‐to‐plane oil gap in the VFT time range. The shape parameters of Weibull distribution obtained in this study show that the scattering of breakdown voltages of paper is much less than that of oil. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 141(4): 16–24, 2002; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.10043  相似文献   

Flow electrification characteristics of transformer oil were investigated by applying dc and dc/ac composite fields to both bare and covered coaxial cylinder electrode systems. For the bare electrode system, flow electrification characteristics were almost the same between positive and negative dc voltage applications and negative charges were generated for both dc and dc/ac composite voltage applications at high dc fields. For the covered electrode system, the apparent flow electrification characteristics differed between positive and negative dc voltage applications. For the former, negative charges were generated at high dc fields for both dc and dc/ac composite voltage applications, and for the latter, positive charges were always generated for both voltage applications. However, negative charge generation for the positive voltage application was attributed to the influence of negative charge generation at the bare part of the covered electrode end; the fundamental charge generation characteristics of the covered electrode showed an increase of positive charge generation by dc voltage application, and positive charge generation was accelerated by a composite ac field. © 1999 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 130(2): 10‐17  相似文献   

固体颗粒对汽轮机通流部分的冲蚀与防治对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱宝田 《中国电力》2003,36(5):27-30
研究分析汽轮机中固体颗粒的产生和来源、固体颗粒冲蚀物特性与冲蚀机理、固体颗粒动力学,从消除固体颗粒源、减少通过汽轮机通流部分的固体颗粒、减轻固体颗粒冲蚀的通流部分设计、改善通流部分表面的耐冲蚀特性等方面提出防止和减轻固体颗粒对汽轮机通流部分冲蚀的对策与解决办法。  相似文献   

GIS中不均匀直流电场下球状自由导电微粒运动分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
针对气体绝缘系统(GIS)中自由导电微粒无害化的问题,研究导电微粒在GIS中不均匀电场作用下的运动规律,建立球状自由导电微粒在楔形不均匀电极系统中的受力模型,采用Runge-Kutta方法对微粒运动方程进行求解,并对球状自由导电微粒在不均匀直流电场中的运动轨迹进行仿真,同时考虑电压波动和电极表面粗糙等随机因素对微粒运动轨迹的影响。另外,研究了自由导电微粒的运动轨迹与施加电压、微粒初始位置、微粒和电极材料的性质及电极表面状况的关系。研究结果表明:在一定的电场条件下,微粒运动会处于一种谐振状态,而施加电压的幅值、波形以及电极表面的反射系数对微粒运动轨迹有显著影响  相似文献   

分析2起运行中变压器油流继电器挡板断裂事故原因,阐明同类型故障的2种不同处理方法及处理后效果,说明在解决某一问题时应根据现场条件选用合适的处理方法,为同类事故的处理及预防提供了可借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

结合国内统一潮流控制器示范工程介绍了UPFC基本结构.根据目前调控系统的实际建设情况,设计了在调控系统建立统一潮流控制器稳态物理模型、量测采集模型的实现方式.将采用节点附加注入功率的UPFC模型应用于调控系统中在线运行的状态估计、调度员潮流、静态安全分析等高级应用软件,提出了计及UPFC的调控系统高级应用软件的实现方法...  相似文献   

In one of the glass sheet tempering processes in which a glass sheet is submerged in molten metal with electromagnetic force by a linear induction motor (LIM), it is necessary to keep the glass sheet vertical in the center of the molten metal tank, because a glass sheet warps unless both sides are uniformly cooled. This paper describes the concept of the center of the buoyancy force on a glass sheet in molten metal, introduced in order to discuss its stability against tilt. If the center of the buoyancy force of a glass sheet is higher than its center of gravity, it is stable against tilt. Numerical simulation of electromagnetic fluid flow is performed to evaluate the center of the buoyancy force. The stability conditions are the following (where τ is the pole pitch of the LIM): (1) The shortest length of a glass sheet is 2τ/3 shorter than that of the LIM. (2) The lowest limit of the center of gravity of a glass sheet is τ/3 higher than the center of the LIM. © 1999 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 126 (3): 64–72, 1999  相似文献   

针对电力系统状态估计的可信度问题和执行效率问题,提出了一种状态估计新方法。在该方法中,求取的状态估计结果不再按照设定的估计准则求得的唯一“最优解”或“次优解”,而是包含若干个可行解(即电力系统状态)的解集。根据可信度已知的求解约束条件求取可信状态集合,解决了电力系统状态估计可信度的问题。将该算法应用在最优潮流模型中,IEEE-118节点测试系统算例表明,该算法能够确保节点电压安全,计算效率较高,且具有较好的经济性。  相似文献   

We have investigated the propagation properties of Lamb waves and motion characteristic of free moving metallic particle in a gas‐insulated switchgear (GIS) tank to diagnose the insulation performance of GIS. We have proposed a new identification technique for defect location in GIS based on the time–frequency analysis of the Lamb waves using the Wavelet Transform. In this paper, we measured the acoustic signals excited by a metallic particle colliding with the tank sheath. Furthermore, we measured the moving particles under a high electric field in GIS using a high‐speed video camera. As a result, we examined the relationship between maximum lifting height and the flight time during subsequent impacts of a moving particle. Moreover, we estimated particle size based on the propagation properties of Lamb waves. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 150(1): 26–33, 2005; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20023  相似文献   

吴杨  袁从明  孔胜杰 《宁夏电力》2013,(6):28-30,52
针对超高压输变电设备开展绝缘油颗粒度检测中遇到的取样问题,分析了环境因素对取样的影响,开发了绝缘油颗粒度检测全密封取样装置。应用结果表明:该装置具有减少取样中间环节,避免环境及人为因素对取样的影响,提高颗粒度检测方法的准确率和精密度的特点,满足了超高压电气设备绝缘油颗粒度交接试验对取样的要求。  相似文献   

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