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Recently, there is an increasing research efforts in XML data mining. These research efforts largely assumed that XML documents are static. However, in reality, the documents are rarely static. In this paper, we propose a novel research problem called XML structural delta mining. The objective of XML structural delta mining is to discover knowledge by analyzing structural evolution pattern (also called structural delta) of history of XML documents. Unlike existing approaches, XML structural delta mining focuses on the dynamic and temporal features of XML data. Furthermore, the data source for this novel mining technique is a sequence of historical versions of an XML document rather than a set of snapshot XML documents. Such mining technique can be useful in many applications such as change detection for very large XML documents, efficient XML indexing, XML search engine, etc. Our aim in this paper is not to provide a specific solution to a particular mining problem. Rather, we present the vision of the mining framework and present the issues and challenges for three types of XML structural delta mining: identifying various interesting structures, discovering association rules from structural deltas, and structural change pattern-based classification.  相似文献   

The flexibility of XML data model allows a more natural representation of uncertain data compared with the relational model. Matching twig pattern against XML data is a fundamental problem in querying information from XML documents. For a probabilistic XML document, each twig answer has a probabilistic value because of the uncertainty of data. The twig answers that have small probabilistic value are useless to the users, and usually users only want to get the answers with the k largest probabilistic values. To this end, existing algorithms for ordinary XML documents cannot be directly applicable due to the need for handling probability distributional nodes and efficient calculation of top-k probabilities of answers in probabilistic XML. In this paper, we address the problem of finding twig answers with top-k probabilistic values against probabilistic XML documents directly. We propose a new encoding scheme called PEDewey for probabilistic XML in this paper. Based on this encoding scheme, we then design two algorithms for finding answers of top-k probabilities for twig queries. One is called ProTJFast, to process probabilistic XML data based on element streams in document order, and the other is called PTopKTwig, based on the element streams ordered by the path probability values. Experiments have been conducted to study the performance of these algorithms.  相似文献   

《Computer Networks》1999,31(11-16):1155-1169
An important application of XML is the interchange of electronic data (EDI) between multiple data sources on the Web. As XML data proliferates on the Web, applications will need to integrate and aggregate data from multiple source and clean and transform data to facilitate exchange. Data extraction, conversion, transformation, and integration are all well-understood database problems, and their solutions rely on a query language. We present a query language for XML, called XML-QL, which we argue is suitable for performing the above tasks. XML-QL is a declarative, `relational complete' query language and is simple enough that it can be optimized. XML-QL can extract data from existing XML documents and construct new XML documents.  相似文献   

XML documents have recently become ubiquitous because of their varied applicability in a number of applications. Classification is an important problem in the data mining domain, but current classification methods for XML documents use IR-based methods in which each document is treated as a bag of words. Such techniques ignore a significant amount of information hidden inside the documents. In this paper we discuss the problem of rule based classification of XML data by using frequent discriminatory substructures within XML documents. Such a technique is more capable of finding the classification characteristics of documents. In addition, the technique can also be extended to cost sensitive classification. We show the effectiveness of the method with respect to other classifiers. We note that the methodology discussed in this paper is applicable to any kind of semi-structured data. Editors: Hendrik Blockeel, David Jensen and Stefan Kramer An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

Keyword search in XML documents has recently gained a lot of research attention. Given a keyword query, existing approaches first compute the lowest common ancestors (LCAs) or their variants of XML elements that contain the input keywords, and then identify the subtrees rooted at the LCAs as the answer. In this the paper we study how to use the rich structural relationships embedded in XML documents to facilitate the processing of keyword queries. We develop a novel method, called SAIL, to index such structural relationships for efficient XML keyword search. We propose the concept of minimal-cost trees to answer keyword queries and devise structure-aware indices to maintain the structural relationships for efficiently identifying the minimal-cost trees. For effectively and progressively identifying the top-k answers, we develop techniques using link-based relevance ranking and keyword-pair-based ranking. To reduce the index size, we incorporate a numbering scheme, namely schema-aware dewey code, into our structure-aware indices. Experimental results on real data sets show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art approaches significantly, in both answer quality and search efficiency.  相似文献   

The distributed nature of the Web, as a decentralized system exchanging information between heterogeneous sources, has underlined the need to manage interoperability, i.e., the ability to automatically interpret information in Web documents exchanged between different sources, necessary for efficient information management and search applications. In this context, XML was introduced as a data representation standard that simplifies the tasks of interoperation and integration among heterogeneous data sources, allowing to represent data in (semi-) structured documents consisting of hierarchically nested elements and atomic attributes. However, while XML was shown most effective in exchanging data, i.e., in syntactic interoperability, it has been proven limited when it comes to handling semantics, i.e.,  semantic interoperability, since it only specifies the syntactic and structural properties of the data without any further semantic meaning. As a result, XML semantic-aware processing has become a motivating challenge in Web data management, requiring dedicated semantic analysis and disambiguation methods to assign well-defined meaning to XML elements and attributes. In this context, most existing approaches: (i) ignore the problem of identifying ambiguous XML elements/nodes, (ii) only partially consider their structural relationships/context, (iii) use syntactic information in processing XML data regardless of the semantics involved, and (iv) are static in adopting fixed disambiguation constraints thus limiting user involvement. In this paper, we provide a new XML Semantic Disambiguation Framework titled XSDFdesigned to address each of the above limitations, taking as input: an XML document, and then producing as output a semantically augmented XML tree made of unambiguous semantic concepts extracted from a reference machine-readable semantic network. XSDF consists of four main modules for: (i) linguistic pre-processing of simple/compound XML node labels and values, (ii) selecting ambiguous XML nodes as targets for disambiguation, (iii) representing target nodes as special sphere neighborhood vectors including all XML structural relationships within a (user-chosen) range, and (iv) running context vectors through a hybrid disambiguation process, combining two approaches: concept-basedand context-based disambiguation, allowing the user to tune disambiguation parameters following her needs. Conducted experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our approach in comparison with alternative methods. We also discuss some practical applications of our method, ranging over semantic-aware query rewriting, semantic document clustering and classification, Mobile and Web services search and discovery, as well as blog analysis and event detection in social networks and tweets.  相似文献   

XML has already become the de facto standard for specifying and exchanging data on the Web. However, XML is by nature verbose and thus XML documents are usually large in size, a factor that hinders its practical usage, since it substantially increases the costs of storing, processing, and exchanging data. In order to tackle this problem, many XML-specific compression systems, such as XMill, XGrind, XMLPPM, and Millau, have recently been proposed. However, these systems usually suffer from the following two inadequacies: They either sacrifice performance in terms of compression ratio and execution time in order to support a limited range of queries, or perform full decompression prior to processing queries over compressed documents.In this paper, we address the above problems by exploiting the information provided by a Document Type Definition (DTD) associated with an XML document. We show that a DTD is able to facilitate better compression as well as generate more usable compressed data to support querying. We present the architecture of the XCQ, which is a compression and querying tool for handling XML data. XCQ is based on a novel technique we have developed called DTD Tree and SAX Event Stream Parsing (DSP). The documents compressed by XCQ are stored in Partitioned Path-Based Grouping (PPG) data streams, which are equipped with a Block Statistics Signature (BSS) indexing scheme. The indexed PPG data streams support the processing of XML queries that involve selection and aggregation, without the need for full decompression. In order to study the compression performance of XCQ, we carry out comprehensive experiments over a set of XML benchmark datasets. Wilfred Ng obtained his M.Sc.(Distinction) and Ph.D. degrees from the University of London. His research interests are in the areas of databases and information Systems, which include XML data, database query languages, web data management, and data mining. He is now an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). Further Information can be found at the following URL: . Wai-Yeung Lam obtained his M.Phil. degree from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in 2003. His research thesis was based on the project “XCQ: A Framework for Querying Compressed XML Data.” He is currently working in industry. Peter Wood received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Toronto in 1989. He has previously studied at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, obtaining a B.Sc. degree in 1977 and an M.Sc. degree in Computer Science in 1982. Currently he is a senior lecturer at Birkbeck and a member of the Information Management and Web Technologies research group. His research interests include database and XML query languages, query optimisation, active and deductive rule languages, and graph algorithms. Mark Levene received his Ph.D. in Computer Science in 1990 from Birkbeck College, University of London, having previously been awarded a B.Sc. in Computer Science from Auckland University, New Zealand in 1982. He is currently professor of Computer Science at Birkbeck College, where he is a member of the Information Management and Web Technologies research group. His main research interests are Web search and navigation, Web data mining and stochastic models for the evolution of the Web. He has published extensively in the areas of database theory and web technologies, and has recently published a book called ‘An Introduction to Search Engines and Web Navigation’.  相似文献   

Measuring the structural similarity among XML documents is the task of finding their semantic correspondence and is fundamental to many web-based applications. While there exist several methods to address the problem, the data mining approach seems to be a novel, interesting and promising one. It explores the idea of extracting paths from XML documents, encoding them as sequences and finding the maximal frequent sequences using the sequential pattern mining algorithms. In view of the deficiencies encountered by ignoring the hierarchical information in encoding the paths for mining, a new sequential pattern mining scheme for XML document similarity computation is proposed in this paper. It makes use of a preorder tree representation (PTR) to encode the XML trees paths so that both the semantics of the elements and the hierarchical structure of the document can be taken into account when computing the structural similarity among documents. In addition, it proposes a postprocessing step to reuse the mined patterns to estimate the similarity of unmatched elements so that another metric to qualify the similarity between XML documents can be introduced. Encouraging experimental results were obtained and reported.  相似文献   

In the past decade, XML has emerged as the standard language for information exchanging over the Internet. Due to its tree-structure paradigm, XML is superior for its capability of storing, querying, and manipulating complex data. Therefore, discovering frequent tree patterns over tree-structured data has become an interesting topic for XML data management. In this paper, we propose a tree mining algorithm, named BUXMiner, for finding a special class of frequent trees, called rooted unordered trees, from a tree-structured database. BUXMiner employs an efficient bottom-up approach to enumerate all candidate trees over a compact global tree guide and computes the frequent trees based on the tree guide. In addition to BUXMiner, we also propose a mining approach called BUMXMiner to discover the maximal frequent rooted unordered trees. We compare BUXMiner with previous tree-structure mining algorithms, namely XQPMinerTID and FastXMiner, which were also proposed to discover rooted unordered trees. The experimental results show that our algorithm outperforms XQPMinerTID and FastXMiner in terms of efficiency. The performance results from real-world applications also indicate the usefulness of our proposed tree mining algorithms in a variety of web applications, such as analysis of web page access patterns and mining frequent XML query patterns for caching.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been growing interest in streaming XML data. Much of the work on streaming XML data has been focused on efficient filtering. Filtering systems deliver XML documents to interested users. The burden of extracting the XML fragments of interest from XML documents is placed on users. In this paper, we propose XTREAM which evaluates multiple queries in conjunction with the read-once nature of streaming data. In contrast to the previous work, XTREAM supports a wide class of XPath queries including tree shaped expressions, order based predicates, and nested predicates. In addition, to improve the efficiency and scalability of XTREAM, we devise an optimization technique called Query Compaction. Experimental results with real-life and synthetic XML data demonstrate the efficiency and scalability of XTREAM.  相似文献   

一种基于改进粒子群优化的XML结构聚类方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在对XML文档进行数据挖掘时,很多结构语义信息没有被充分考虑进来.为了更好地进行大规模文档集的挖掘,本文首先给出一个新的基于语义和支持度的XML结构模型对每个文档建模.然后根据该模型,提出基于改进粒子群优化的结构聚类方法.实验中,为了增加算法的实用性,将粒子群优化的思想与传统的K均值算法相结合,其优点是能够跳出局部极值.实验结果表明提出的方法在聚类准确性和收敛程度方面都优于传统基于划分的聚类算法.  相似文献   

The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) has reached a wide acceptance as the relevant standardization for representing and exchanging data on the Web. Unfortunately, XML covers the syntactic level but lacks semantics, and thus cannot be directly used for the Semantic Web. Currently, finding a way to utilize XML data for the Semantic Web is challenging research. As we have known that ontology can formally represent shared domain knowledge and enable semantics interoperability. Therefore, in this paper, we investigate how to represent and reason about XML with ontologies. Firstly, we give formalized representations of XML data sources, including Document Type Definitions (DTDs), XML Schemas, and XML documents. On this basis, we propose formal approaches for transforming the XML data sources into ontologies, and we also discuss the correctness of the transformations and provide several transformation examples. Furthermore, following the proposed approaches, we implement a prototype tool that can automatically transform XML into ontologies. Finally, we apply the transformed ontologies for reasoning about XML, so that some reasoning problems of XML may be checked by the existing ontology reasoners.  相似文献   

张丙奇  白硕  赵章界 《计算机工程》2005,31(11):25-27,126
XML数据的大量出现为信息检索、数据挖掘、智能信息处理提供了机遇和挑战,而相似度计算是XML文档检索、挖掘和深层次智能处理的基础,对相似度计算进行研究具有非常重要的意义。在对XML数据特征进行深入分析的基础上,提出了一种递归相似度计算方法,实验结果表明该方法具有较好的效果。  相似文献   

To populate a data warehouse specifically designed for Web data, i.e. web warehouse, it is imperative to harness relevant documents from the Web. In this paper, we describe a query mechanism called coupling query to glean relevant Web data in the context of our web warehousing system called Warehouse Of Web Data (WHOWEDA). Coupling query may be used for querying both HTML and XML documents. Some of the important features of our query mechanism are ability to query metadata, content, internal and external (hyperlink) structure of Web documents based on partial knowledge, ability to express constraints on tag attributes and tagless segment of data, ability to express conjunctive as well as disjunctive query conditions compactly, ability to control execution of a web query and preservation of the topological structure of hyperlinked documents in the query results. We also discuss how to formulate query graphically and in textual form using coupling graph and coupling text, respectively.  相似文献   

Path queries have been extensively used to query semistructured data, such as the Web and XML documents. In this paper we introduce weighted path queries, an extension of path queries enabling several classes of optimization problems (such as the computation of shortest paths) to be easily expressed. Weighted path queries are based on the notion of weighted regular expression, i.e., a regular expression whose symbols are associated to a weight. We characterize the problem of answering weighted path queries and provide an algorithm for computing their answer. We also show how weighted path queries can be effectively embedded into query languages for XML data to express in a simple and compact form several meaningful research problems.  相似文献   

Several commercial applications, such as online comparison shopping and process automation, require integrating information that is scattered across multiple websites or XML documents. Much research has been devoted to this problem, resulting in several research prototypes and commercial implementations. Such systems rely on wrappers that provide relational or other structured interfaces to websites. Traditionally, wrappers have been constructed by hand on a per-website basis, constraining the scalability of the system. We introduce a website structure inference mechanism called compact skeletons that is a step in the direction of automated wrapper generation. Compact skeletons provide a transformation from websites or other hierarchical data, such as XML documents, to relational tables. We study several classes of compact skeletons and provide polynomial-time algorithms and heuristics for automated construction of compact skeletons from websites. Experimental results show that our heuristics work well in practice. We also argue that compact skeletons are a natural extension of commercially deployed techniques for wrapper construction.  相似文献   

XML documents are becoming popular for business process integration. To achieve interoperability between applications, XML documents must also conform to various commonly used data type definitions (DTDs). However, most business data are not maintained as XML documents. They are stored in various native formats, such as database tables or LDAP directories. Hence, a middleware is needed to dynamically generate XML documents conforming to predefined DTDs from various data sources. As industrial consortia and large corporations have created various DTDs, it is both challenging and time-consuming to design the necessary middleware to conform to so many different DTDs. This problem is particularly acute for a small- or medium-sized enterprise because it lacks the IT skills to quickly develop such a middleware. In this paper, we present XLE, an XML Lightweight Extractor, as a practical approach to dynamically extracting DTD-conforming XML documents from heterogeneous data sources. XLE is based on a framework called DTD source annotation (DTDSA). It treats a DTD as the control structure of a program. The annotations become the program statements, such as functions and assignments. DTD-conforming XML documents are generated by parsing annotated DTDs. Basically, DTD annotations describe declaratively the mappings between target XML documents and the source data. The XLE engine implements a few basic annotations, providing a practical solution for many small- and medium-sized enterprises. However, XLE is designed to be versatile. It allows sophisticated users to plug in their own implementations to access new types of data or to achieve better performance. Heterogeneous data sources can be simply specified in the annotations. A GUI tool is provided to highlight the places where annotations are needed.  相似文献   

With the development of the Semantic Web and Artificial Intelligence techniques, ontology has become a very powerful way of representing not only knowledge but also their semantics. Therefore, how to construct ontologies from existing data sources has become an important research topic. In this paper, an approach for constructing ontologies by mining deep semantics from eXtensible Markup Language (XML) Schemas (including XML Schema 1.0 and XML Schema 1.1) and XML instance documents is proposed. Given an XML Schema and its corresponding XML instance document, 34 rules are first defined to mine deep semantics from the XML Schema. The mined semantics is formally stored in an intermediate conceptual model and then is used to generate an ontology at the conceptual level. Further, an ontology population approach at the instance level based on the XML instance document is proposed. Now, a complete ontology is formed. Also, some corresponding core algorithms are provided. Finally, a prototype system is implemented, which can automatically generate ontologies from XML Schemas and populate ontologies from XML instance documents. The paper also classifies and summarizes the existing work and makes a detailed comparison. Case studies on real XML data sets verify the effectiveness of the approach.  相似文献   

XML文档的相似测度和结构索引研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
郑仕辉  周傲英  张龙 《计算机学报》2003,26(9):1116-1122
提出了一个可用于定量度量XML文档间差异的方法(称为XED距离)。利用结点间的模拟关系,一个XML文档可以表示为一棵精简的、带权重的结构索引树,两个XML文档间的相似度可以通过计算它们的索引树间的编辑距离来测定,利用索引树可以大大提高判定两个XML文档结构相似度的效率,XED距离测度可用于XML文档的结构搜索、XML文档聚类、XML文档结构抽取、XML文档的变换检测以及XML视图的增量计算和维护等。  相似文献   

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