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我厂DCS控制系统采用的是上海新华控制有限公司的XDPS4.0系统,第一台2002年5月改造后投运以来,自动调节系统运行较为稳定,给机组的安全生产和经济运行提供了保障。但随着运行时间的增长,调节系统内部的部分不合理逻辑以及近年来由于煤质的变差等诸多原因,使机组协调控制系统在运行中也出现了一些问题,影响了自动的调节品质和机组的安全运行。下面就我厂2004年8月26日,  相似文献   

介绍300MW汽轮机组负荷突降情况,通过分析机组负荷突降特点,认为GV4高压调节阀前有水或者品质较低的蒸汽积存,致使进入汽轮机的蒸汽做功能力下降是机组负荷突降的原因,提出相应处理措施,并说明处理效果。  相似文献   

某600 MW机组配置N600 - 24.2/566/566汽轮机,其控制系统采用北京ABB贝利控制有限公司制造的Symphony DCS.在机组为协调控制方式,数字式电液控制系统(DEH)为遥控方式,单元主控负荷设定值为605MW,主蒸汽压力为24.09 MPa的工况下,主蒸汽压力开始升高.  相似文献   

黑龙江省黑河地区通过110 kV布黑线从俄罗斯阿穆尔州购进电力,根据季节不同,俄罗斯电网向中方输送电力有功率限额.阐述了安全稳定控制装置、远方信号传输装置的功能,及黑河地区俄网按功率减载的安全稳定控制实施方案和运行效果.  相似文献   

牟明  马冬 《黑龙江电力》2011,33(2):151-153
针过石龙电站轴流转浆式水轮发电机组在甩负荷时出现抬机量过大的现象,从理论上进行了分析.通过采用重新校核、调整真空破坏阀开启力,增加补气量,及将导叶关闭由一段直接关闭改为分段关闭的方法,减小了机组甩负荷时的抬机量,保证了电站的安全运行.  相似文献   

核电作为本世纪的主要能源支柱正在全中国蓬勃发展起来。湖南省作为内陆省份在核电方面仍处于起步阶段。文章对湖南省核电的发展情况进行了概述,同时对核电中的常规岛汽轮机特点进行分析,比较常规岛汽轮机和普通火电机组中的汽轮机结构异同点,为全面掌握核电常规岛汽轮机系统的技术特点提供参考。  相似文献   

In Taiwan, the sales revenues of power generation from incinerator power plants with heat recovery power generation sold to the power company were up to NT$4.5bn, making the incinerator power generation play an important role in reduction of impact on environment and substitution of energy in power generation. Studying the dynamic behavior of incinerator power systems under output power variation is thus an essential task for the scheduling, operation, and expansion of incinerator power plants, such as, for cooperating with a scheduling program based on pricing signals to capture energy trading timing economically and to operate the incinerator power system securely. Although there are many studies on incinerator power generation, they seldom discuss the power generation system characteristics. In this paper, mathematical dynamic models for a distributed incinerator power system were derived and implemented using Matlab/Simulink, and dynamic characteristics of the system were further simulated and discussed under two operating modes: increment and decrement of power generation. These developed models can provide dynamic characteristics for these two modes, serving as an important analytic tool for cooperating with a scheduling program based on pricing signals to capture energy trading timing economically and to operate the incinerator power system securely. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

不间断电力变电站中分布式电源接入系统研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
将新兴的发电技术(风力发电、燃料电池发电)及新型储能技术(制氢储能、超导储能装置)引入传统的电力变电站后,由于各分布式电源的多样性和复杂性,使得整个系统的运行和控制变的复杂,独立运行单个分布式电源,很难维持整个系统的频率和电压稳定。提出让高度可控的分布式电源,如燃料电池发电系统在通过电压源型逆变器并网的同时参与系统的频率和电压调节,用以解决随机性较大的分布式电源,如风力发电系统功率输出的随机性导致电网电能质量下降的问题。最后通过仿真分析验证了储能装置的这种并网方式能够有效地提高变电站输出电能质量。  相似文献   

阐述了研发电网复杂故障技能培训分析系统目的,介绍了电网复杂故障技能培训分析系统的设计思想与方案,介绍和分析电网同步、GPS(Global Positioning System,全球定位系统)同步、外置同步盒同步三种同步控制方式及其优劣,介绍了电网复杂故障技能培训分析系统硬件与软件功能,以及电网复杂故障技能培训分析系统实际应用实例。  相似文献   

宁波城区夏季电力负荷分析及在有序用电管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈祝赢  朱炯  刘康生 《华东电力》2005,33(11):43-45
通过夏季宁波市城区负荷管理系统、调度SCADA系统、客户营销系统等数据以及拉限电记录和气象资料,利用统计分析、数据挖掘、人工智能等数据分析方法,获得按气温、电力销售和空调分类的典型日负荷原始需求曲线,按时段给出各类负荷的定量描述,为根据各区的负荷需求分布情况有针对性地制订各级用电缺口下的有序用电方案提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

目前孤岛检测和防孤岛策略主要是基于并网分布式电源的特性而设计,而鲜有以孤岛发生时公用电网的电气特性为核心的继电保护防孤岛策略的研究。为了找到一种利用公用电网继电保护防孤岛的新方法,结合苏州电网,通过对孤岛形成机理的分析,找出了孤岛发生前后零序电压的变化规律。进而基于零序电压的变化规律设计了公用电网防孤岛的继电保护控制策略。数值仿真及苏州电网的防孤岛实例验证了该并网分布式电源防孤岛的继电保护控制策略的有效性。结果表明,该控制策略具有较高可靠性和实用前景。  相似文献   

云南电网一次调频试验工作现状及策略分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
卢勇  贺祥飞  刘友宽  赵涓 《中国电力》2006,39(11):42-45
为提高云南电网频率稳定性,从2005年开始,并网发电机组的一次调频功能规范完善工作逐渐展开。对于火电机组,在广泛借鉴省外经验的基础上,结合自身实际制定了技术合理且可行的实施方案并予以试验验证;对于水电机组,在调研收资的基础上,提出完备合理的解决方案。针对云南电网水电装机容量较大的特点,就一次调频功能投入后的水、火电机组协调动作问题展开研究,给出可行的方案建议。  相似文献   

Recently, the number of distributed generators (DGs) connected to distribution systems has been increasing. System operators should know the maximum capacity of DGs that can be connected without problems to one feeder of the system in order to control the system appropriately. Many studies of the maximum capacity of the DG have been presented, but they have produced limited results calculated by a typical or average‐value model. However, many DGs will access one feeder if deregulation of the electric power industry is accelerated in the near future. In order to deal with this situation, the authors have derived a general formula to calculate the range of the maximum DG capacity per feeder. Copyright © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. In order to deal with sets of DGs that are dispersed completely on the distribution line, the authors have derived a differential equation for the complex power and one for the voltage drop, which are expressed as functions of distance from the substation. The general formula to calculate the range of the maximum DG capacity connected to the system is determined by solving these equations under the constraints of the line voltage, the line current, and the power factor of the DGs. By a numerical analysis, the authors have calculated the maximum capacity of DGs depending on many parameters, such as the length of the feeder, the DG power factor, and the like. In a short‐length system, the maximum DG capacity is governed by the current constraint, but in a long length system, it is governed by the upper voltage constraint. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 155(3): 18–28, 2006; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20330  相似文献   

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