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We present a method for automatically estimating the motion of an articulated object filmed by two or more fixed cameras. We focus our work on the case where the quality of the images is poor, and where only an approximation of a geometric model of the tracked object is available. Our technique uses physical forces applied to each rigid part of a kinematic 3D model of the object we are tracking. These forces guide the minimization of the differences between the pose of the 3D model and the pose of the real object in the video images. We use a fast recursive algorithm to solve the dynamical equations of motion of any 3D articulated model. We explain the key parts of our algorithms: how relevant information is extracted from the images, how the forces are created, and how the dynamical equations of motion are solved. A study of what kind of information should be extracted in the images and of when our algorithms fail is also presented. Finally we present some results about the tracking of a person. We also show the application of our method to the tracking of a hand in sequences of images, showing that the kind of information to extract from the images depends on their quality and of the configuration of the cameras.  相似文献   

This paper presents an original method for analyzing, in an unsupervised way, images supplied by high resolution sonar. We aim at segmenting the sonar image into three kinds of regions: echo areas (due to the reflection of the acoustic wave on the object), shadow areas (corresponding to a lack of acoustic reverberation behind an object lying on the sea-bed), and sea-bottom reverberation areas. This unsupervised method estimates the parameters of noise distributions, modeled by a Weibull probability density function (PDF), and the label field parameters, modeled by a Markov random field (MRF). For the estimation step, we adopt a maximum likelihood technique for the noise model parameters and a least-squares method to estimate the MRF prior model. Then, in order to obtain an accurate segmentation map, we have designed a two-step process that finds the shadow and the echo regions separately, using the previously estimated parameters. First, we introduce a scale-causal and spatial model called SCM (scale causal multigrid), based on a multigrid energy minimization strategy, to find the shadow class. Second, we propose a MRF monoscale model using a priori information (at different level of knowledge) based on physical properties of each region, which allows us to distinguish echo areas from sea-bottom reverberation. This technique has been successfully applied to real sonar images and is compatible with automatic processing of massive amounts of data.  相似文献   

The role of perceptual organization in motion analysis has heretofore been minimal. In this work we present a simple but powerful computational model and associated algorithms based on the use of perceptual organizational principles, such as temporal coherence (or common fate) and spatial proximity, for motion segmentation. The computational model does not use the traditional frame by frame motion analysis; rather it treats an image sequence as a single 3D spatio-temporal volume. It endeavors to find organizations in this volume of data over three levels—signal, primitive, and structural. The signal level is concerned with detecting individual image pixels that are probably part of a moving object. The primitive level groups these individual pixels into planar patches, which we call the temporal envelopes. Compositions of these temporal envelopes describe the spatio-temporal surfaces that result from object motion. At the structural level, we detect these compositions of temporal envelopes by utilizing the structure and organization among them. The algorithms employed to realize the computational model include 3D edge detection, Hough transformation, and graph based methods to group the temporal envelopes based on Gestalt principles. The significance of the Gestalt relationships between any two temporal envelopes is expressed in probabilistic terms. One of the attractive features of the adopted algorithm is that it does not require the detection of special 2D features or the tracking of these features across frames. We demonstrate that even with simple grouping strategies, we can easily handle drastic illumination changes, occlusion events, and multiple moving objects, without the use of training and specific object or illumination models. We present results on a large variety of motion sequences to demonstrate this robustness.  相似文献   

This paper describes a technique to animate three-dimensional sampled volumes. The technique gives the animator the ability to treat volumes as if they were standard polygonal models and to use all of the standard animation/motion capture tools on volumetric data. A volumetric skeleton is computed from a volumetric model using a multi-resolution thinning procedure. The volumetric skeleton is centered in the object and accurately represents the shape of the object. The thinning process is reversible in that the volumetric model can be reconstructed from the volumetric skeleton. The volumetric skeleton is then connected and imported into a standard graphics animation package for animation. The animated skeleton is used for reconstruction, which essentially recreates a deformed volume around the deformed skeleton. Polygons are never computed and the entire process remains in the volumetric domain. This technique is demonstrated on one of the most complex 3D datasets, the Visible Male, resulting in actual “human animation”.  相似文献   

We discuss the computation of the instantaneous 3D displacement vector fields of deformable surfaces from sequences of range data. We give a novel version of the basic motion constraint equation that can be evaluated directly on the sensor grid. The various forms of the aperture problem encountered are investigated and the derived constraint solutions are solved in a total least squares (TLS) framework. We propose a regularization scheme to compute dense full flow fields from the sparse TLS solutions. The performance of the algorithm is analyzed quantitatively for both synthetic and real data. Finally we apply the method to compute the 3D motion field of living plant leaves.  相似文献   

We present a new method for the detection of multiple solutions or degeneracy when estimating thefundamental matrix, with specific emphasis on robustness to data contamination (mismatches). The fundamental matrix encapsulates all the information on camera motion and internal parameters available from image feature correspondences between two views. It is often used as a first step in structure from motion algorithms. If the set of correspondences is degenerate, then this structure cannot be accurately recovered and many solutions explain the data equally well. It is essential that we are alerted to such eventualities. As current feature matchers are very prone to mismatching the degeneracy detection method must also be robust to outliers.In this paper a definition of degeneracy is given and all two-view nondegenerate and degenerate cases are catalogued in a logical way by introducing the language of varieties from algebraic geometry. It is then shown how each of the cases can be robustly determined from image correspondences via a scoring function we develop. These ideas define a methodology which allows the simultaneous detection of degeneracy and outliers. The method is called PLUNDER-DL and is a generalization of the robust estimator RANSAC.The method is evaluated on many differing pairs of real images. In particular it is demonstrated that proper modeling of degeneracy in the presence of outliers enables the detection of mismatches which would otherwise be missed. All processing including point matching, degeneracy detection, and outlier detection is automatic.  相似文献   

The use of hypothesis verification is recurrent in the model-based recognition literature. Verification consists in measuring how many model features transformed by a pose coincide with some image features. When data involved in the computation of the pose are noisy, the pose is inaccurate and difficult to verify, especially when the objects are partially occluded. To address this problem, the noise in image features is modeled by a Gaussian distribution. A probabilistic framework allows the evaluation of the probability of a matching, knowing that the pose belongs to a rectangular volume of the pose space. It involves quadratic programming, if the transformation is affine. This matching probability is used in an algorithm computing the best pose. It consists in a recursive multiresolution exploration of the pose space, discarding outliers in the match data while the search is progressing. Numerous experimental results are described. They consist of 2D and 3D recognition experiments using the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

Tracking Persons in Monocular Image Sequences   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Assuming planar 4-connectivity and spatial 6-connectivity, we first introduce the curvature indices of the boundary of a discrete object, and, using these indices of points, we define the vertex angles of discrete surfaces as an extension of the chain codes of digital curves. Second, we prove the relation between the number of point indices and the numbers of holes, genus, and cavities of an object. This is the angular Euler characteristic of a discrete object. Third, we define quasi-objects as the connected simplexes. Geometric relations between discrete quasi-objects and discrete objects permit us to define the Euler characteristic for the planar 8-connected, and the spatial 18- and 26-connected objects using these for the planar 4-connected and the spatial 6-connected objects. Our results show that the planar 4-connectivity and the spatial 6-connectivity define the Euler characteristics of point sets in a discrete space. Finally, we develop an algorithm for the computation of these characteristics of discrete objects.  相似文献   

For decades, there has been an intensive research effort in the Computer Vision community to deal with video sequences. In this paper, we present a new method for recovering a maximum of information on displacement and projection parameters in monocular video sequences without calibration. This work follows previous studies on particular cases of displacement, scene geometry, and camera analysis and focuses on the particular forms of homographic matrices. It is already known that the number of particular cases involved in a complete study precludes an exhaustive test. To lower the algorithmic complexity, some authors propose to decompose all possible cases in a hierarchical tree data structure but these works are still in development (T. Viéville and D. Lingrand, Internat. J. Comput. Vision31, 1999, 5–L29). In this paper, we propose a new way to deal with the huge number of particular cases: (i) we use simple rules in order to eliminate some redundant cases and some physically impossible cases, and (ii) we divide the cases into subsets corresponding to particular forms determined by simple rules leading to a computationally efficient discrimination method. Finally, some experiments were performed on image sequences acquired either using a robotic system or manually in order to demonstrate that when several models are valid, the model with the fewer parameters gives the best estimation, regarding the free parameters of the problem. The experiments presented in this paper show that even if the selected case is an approximation of reality, the method is still robust.  相似文献   

One of the most interesting goals of computer vision is the 3D structure recovery of scenes. Traditionally, two cues are used: structure from motion and structure from stereo, two subfields with complementary sets of assumptions and techniques. This paper introduces a new general framework of cooperation between stereo and motion. This framework combines the advantages of both cues: (i) easy correspondence from motion and (ii) accurate 3D reconstruction from stereo. First, we show how the stereo matching can be recovered from motion correspondences using only geometric constraints. Second, we propose a method of 3D reconstruction of both binocular and monocular features using all stereo pairs in the case of a calibrated stereo rig. Third, we perform an analysis of the performance of the proposed framework as well as a comparison with an affine method. Experiments involving real and synthetic stereo pairs indicate that rich and reliable information can be derived from the proposed framework. They also indicate that robust 3D reconstruction can be obtained even with short image sequences.  相似文献   

Obliq is a lexically scoped, distributed, object-based programming language. In Obliq, the migration of an object is proposed as creating a clone of the object at the target site, whereafter the original object is turned into an alias for the clone. Obliq has only an informal semantics, so there is no proof that this style of migration is safe, i.e., transparent to object clients. In previous work, we introduced Ø, an abstraction of Obliq, where, by lexical scoping, sites have been abstracted away. We used Ø in order to exhibit how the semantics behind Obliq's implementation renders migration unsafe. We also suggested a modified semantics that we conjectured instead to be safe. In this paper, we rewrite our modified semantics of Ø in terms of the π-calculus, and we use it to formally prove the correctness of object surrogation, the abstraction of object migration in Ø.  相似文献   

Constructive Hypervolume Modeling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper deals with modeling point sets with attributes. A point set in a geometric space of an arbitrary dimension is a geometric model of a real/abstract object or process under consideration. An attribute is a mathematical model of an object property of arbitrary nature (material, photometric, physical, statistical, etc.) defined at any point of the point set. We provide a brief survey of different modeling techniques related to point sets with attributes. It spans such different areas as solid modeling, heterogeneous objects modeling, scalar fields or “implicit surface” modeling and volume graphics. Then, on the basis of this survey we formulate requirements to a general model of hypervolumes (multidimensional point sets with multiple attributes). A general hypervolume model and its components such as objects, operations, and relations are introduced and discussed. A function representation (FRep) is used as the basic model for the point set geometry and attributes represented independently using real-valued scalar functions of several variables. Each function defining the geometry or an attribute is evaluated at the given point by a procedure traversing a constructive tree structure with primitives in the leaves and operations in the nodes of the tree. This reflects the constructive nature of the symmetric approach to modeling geometry and associated attributes in multidimensional space. To demonstrate a particular application of the proposed general model, we consider in detail the problem of texturing, introduce a model of constructive hypervolume texture, and then discuss its implementation, as well as the special modeling language we used for modeling hypervolume objects.  相似文献   

In this paper, we derive new geometric invariants for structured 3D points and lines from single image under projective transform, and we propose a novel model-based 3D object recognition algorithm using them. Based on the matrix representation of the transformation between space features (points and lines) and the corresponding projected image features, new geometric invariants are derived via the determinant ratio technique. First, an invariant for six points on two adjacent planes is derived, which is shown to be equivalent to Zhu's result [1], but in simpler formulation. Then, two new geometric invariants for structured lines are investigated: one for five lines on two adjacent planes and the other for six lines on four planes. By using the derived invariants, a novel 3D object recognition algorithm is developed, in which a hashing technique with thresholds and multiple invariants for a model are employed to overcome the over-invariant and false alarm problems. Simulation results on real images show that the derived invariants remain stable even in a noisy environment, and the proposed 3D object recognition algorithm is quite robust and accurate.  相似文献   

Recently, the author introduced a nonprobabilistic mathematical model of discrete channels, the BEE channels, that involve the error-types substitution, insertion, and deletion. This paper defines an important class of BEE channels, the SID channels, which include channels that permit a bounded number of scattered errors and, possibly at the same time, a bounded burst of errors in any segment of predefined length of a message. A formal syntax is defined for generating channel expressions, and appropriate semantics is provided for interpreting a given channel expression as a communication channel (SID channel) that permits combinations of substitutions, insertions, and deletions of symbols. Our framework permits one to generalize notions such as error correction and unique decodability, and express statements of the form “The code K can correct all errors of type ξ” and “it is decidable whether the code K is uniquely decodable for the channel described by ξ”, where ξ is any SID channel expression.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new self-calibration method for a single camera undergoing general motions. It has the following main contributions. First, we establish new constraints which relate the intrinsic parameters of the camera to the rotational part of the motions. This derivation is purely algebraic. We propose an algorithm which simultaneously solves for camera calibration and the rotational part of motions. Second, we provide a comparison between the developed method and a Kruppa equation-based method. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real image data show the reliability and outperformance of the proposed method. The practical contribution of the method is its interesting convergence property compared with that of the Kruppa equations method.  相似文献   

Convexity Rule for Shape Decomposition Based on Discrete Contour Evolution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We concentrate here on decomposition of 2D objects into meaningfulparts of visual form, orvisual parts. It is a simple observation that convex parts of objects determine visual parts. However, the problem is that many significant visual parts are not convex, since a visual part may have concavities. We solve this problem by identifying convex parts at different stages of a proposed contour evolution method in which significant visual parts will become convex object parts at higher stages of the evolution. We obtain a novel rule for decomposition of 2D objects into visual parts, called the hierarchical convexity rule, which states that visual parts are enclosed by maximal convex (with respect to the object) boundary arcs at different stages of the contour evolution. This rule determines not only parts of boundary curves but directly the visual parts of objects. Moreover, the stages of the evolution hierarchy induce a hierarchical structure of the visual parts. The more advanced the stage of contour evolution, the more significant is the shape contribution of the obtained visual parts.  相似文献   

Face Detection: A Survey   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In this paper we present a comprehensive and critical survey of face detection algorithms. Face detection is a necessary first-step in face recognition systems, with the purpose of localizing and extracting the face region from the background. It also has several applications in areas such as content-based image retrieval, video coding, video conferencing, crowd surveillance, and intelligent human–computer interfaces. However, it was not until recently that the face detection problem received considerable attention among researchers. The human face is a dynamic object and has a high degree of variability in its apperance, which makes face detection a difficult problem in computer vision. A wide variety of techniques have been proposed, ranging from simple edge-based algorithms to composite high-level approaches utilizing advanced pattern recognition methods. The algorithms presented in this paper are classified as either feature-based or image-based and are discussed in terms of their technical approach and performance. Due to the lack of standardized tests, we do not provide a comprehensive comparative evaluation, but in cases where results are reported on common datasets, comparisons are presented. We also give a presentation of some proposed applications and possible application areas.  相似文献   

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