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丁伟 《通讯世界》2010,(5):38-38
当前,云计算正在成为整个电信和互联网行业关注的焦点,云计算的发展对当前电信数据中心的转型提出了新的要求,运营商必须正视云计算将为电信数据中心的建设、运营与管理带来的新的变化。Avocent认为:"云计算是一种信息技术实现方式的重要模式转变。  相似文献   

当前,云计算正在成为整个电信和互联网行业关注的焦点,云计算的发展对当前电信数据中心的转型提出了新的要求,运营商必须正视云计算将为电信数据中心的建设、运营与管理带来的新的变化.Avocent认为:"云计算是一种信息技术实现方式的重要模式转变.这次转变最终的影响力可能像从大型主机转变到当今无处不在的客户服务模式那样重要."  相似文献   

随着全球云计算产业的兴起,云安全领域也取得了突破式发展。云计算正在转化传统的数据中心,包括公有云和私有云。企业将数据中心虚拟化,并将工作负荷和数据扩展到公有云,数据中心外围逐渐缩小。随着数据中心从物理转换为虚拟,并最终迁移到云端,企业业务将面临新的安全和管理的挑战。  相似文献   

当前,云计算正在成为整个电信和互联网行业关注的焦点,其对电信运营商现有的基础设施建设、运维与管理、业务提供和运营模式等各方面都将产生深远的影响。云计算也对电信数据中心的转型提出了新的要求,如何有效简化数据中  相似文献   

倪兰 《通信世界》2011,(39):22-23
从整体布局来看,中国移动的云计算规划以集中化为导向,发挥云计算技术的规模优势,总体目标是依托南北基地构建两大全网云计算数据中心及全网资源调度中心,并在条件适宜的省份(如内蒙古、黑龙江)建设云计算数据中心,目前这一目标正在逐步推进。  相似文献   

本文从分析云计算对数据中心发展的影响入手提出了对云计算数据中心的要求,在此基础上提出了云计算数据中心的逻辑及网络架构,并对设备的配置提出了合理化的建议,最后分析了云计算数据中心发展需解决的关键问题。  相似文献   

中国电信天翼云计算体系框架分为IaaS、PaaS、SaaS这3个层面移动互联网使人类进入了"万物皆互联、信息任分享"的"永远在线"时代,同时也意味着大数据大流量时代来临。大数据云数据中心已成为未来发展方向,电信运营商面临前所未有的战略转型机遇。中国电信也正在积极部署推动天翼云计算战略实  相似文献   

从分析云计算对数据中心发展的影响入手提出了对云计算数据中心的要求,在此基础上提出了云计算数据中心的逻辑及网络架构并对设备的配置提出了合理化的建议,最后分析了云计算数据中心发展需解决的关键问题。  相似文献   

作为云计算首批试点城市之一,上海目前正在积极推进云计算的发展和落地,其中"云海计划"将会被重点部署。而数据中心作为云计算的基础,上海电信给予了高度重视,积极选定区域进行云计算数据中心的建设。中国电信上海公司国定数据中心便是上海电信2010年建设的新一代IDC,同时也是杨浦区政府与上海电信的云计算合作试点IDC。作为上海电信新一代高规格IDC,国定数据中心必须以高品质服务迎接后世博时代所带来的历  相似文献   

李璐 《通信世界》2013,(31):41-41
目前云计算建设正在我国如火如荼的展开,其中数据中心作为云计算落地的重要载体更是发展迅猛。IDC研究报告指出,2012年中国数据中心市场投资总规模达到119.3亿美元:其中面积超过500平米的中大型数据中心超过4000个,占总数约8%,其投资规模占整体约50%:接近70%的中大型数据中心分布在以北京、上海和广州为核心的东部沿海发达地区,数据中心的分布和投资都呈现明显的聚集效应。作为数据中心市场主要玩家的各大运营商,在云计算风靡的背景下,也纷纷加速建设基于云计算平台的数据中心,提升其数据中心能力并向下一代演进。  相似文献   

The prime focus of the Cloud Service Providers is enhancing the service delivery performance of the distributed cloud data centers. The clustering and load balancing of distributed cloud data centers have significant impact on its service delivery performance. Hence, this paper models distributed cloud data center environment as a network graph and proposes a two‐phase cluster‐based load balancing (CLB) algorithm based on a graph model. The first phase proposes a Cloud Data Center Clustering algorithm to cluster the distributed cloud data centers based on their proximity. The second phase proposes a Client‐Cluster Assignment algorithm to perform uniform distribution of the client requests across the clusters to enable load balancing. To assess the performance, the proposed algorithms are compared with other K‐constrained graph‐based clustering algorithms namely, graph‐based K‐means and K‐spanning tree algorithms on a simulated distributed cloud data center environment. The experimental results reveal that the proposed CLB algorithm outperforms the compared algorithms in terms of the average clustering time, load distribution, and fairness index and hence improves the service delivery performance of the distributed cloud data centers.  相似文献   

陈靖  钱永裕 《世界电信》2000,13(9):11-13
自由开放的通信市场和Internet带来的影响正酝酿着业界新的革命:光速经济。光速经济以光网络为核心、个性化业务为主题,跨越时空,实现虚拟世界与现实世界的融合。新型的通信运营商CyberCarrier正在崛起,它们建立自己的网络数据中心,提供光速经济的主流业务-托管业务。  相似文献   

软件定义网络(SDN)架构给网络带来了卓越的灵活性和可管理性。为了给新型SDN技术与应用提供大规模可行性验证试验床与试点部署平台,提出了依托于CERNET的层次化跨区域SDN 异地验证示范网络试验系统的总体架构,建设了9个城市、13个节点的SDN验证示范核心网与包含3个数据中心的接入网,并对基于SDN的vCPE智能专线业务、IPv4/IPv6过渡技术、流量监控调度应用和数据中心应用进行验证与示范。  相似文献   

Pinnes  E.L. 《IEEE network》1990,4(1):13-17
The overall service provisioning process is functionally decomposed into three phases. The first is service negotiation, in which the customer's request is translated into machine-readable form (as a service order). The service order is the input to the second phase, assignment. If network resources are needed to satisfy the service request, the assignment process selects then from its inventory. The third phase is service activation. Attention is focused on the assignment phase, but emerging relationships among the three phases are also covered. The discussion begins with progress to date. Capabilities that have recently become available in Bellcore's operations systems using the flexible entity approach, are described. Issues and problems that arise as the switched network evolves to a greater degree of intelligence are considered, covering provisioning for ISDN, load balancing, service negotiation and assignment, customers doing their own provisioning, and physical and logical provisioning  相似文献   

江西电信CDMA 2000网络的短信业务量及业务种类的迅速增长,对短信平台业务处理能力提出了更高要求。通过新增短信平台调度中心,增强各调度中心处理能力,实现了平台业务能力扩容;不同类型短信业务分流至不同调度中心的优化策略,实现了短信业务的QoS保障。2009年运营数据表明,平台扩容及策略优化,确保了短信平台能力满足业务发展需求,并对重要业务实施了QoS保障,提升了短信业务性能。  相似文献   

Many flows in data centers have deadlines and missing deadlines would hurt application performance such as affecting response quality in Web applications or delaying computing jobs in MapReduce-like systems.However,transmission control protocol(TCP) which is widely used in data centers now cannot provide deadline-aware transmission service.Service differentiation only distinguishes flows with different priority but is unable to guarantee completion time.In this paper,we propose a new protocol named deadline-aware TCP(DATCP) to provide deadline-aware transmission service for the commoditized data centers,which can be used as a flexible method for flow scheduling.DATCP combines flow urgency and importance to calculate precedence.Flow urgency is dynamically adjusted according to the gap between desired rate and actual throughput.Setting importance can avoid starving the important but no-urgent flows.Furthermore,a flow quenching method is presented which allows as many high precedence flows as possible to meet deadlines under heavy network load.By extensive simulations,the performance of DATCP was evaluated.Simulation results show that DATCP can make flows meet deadlines effectively.  相似文献   

As networks grow in size, large-scale failures caused by disasters may lead to huge data loss, especially in an optical network employing wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM). Providing 100 % protection against disasters would require massive and economically unsustainable bandwidth overprovisioning, as disasters are difficult to predict, statistically rare, and may create large-scale failures. Backup reprovisioning schemes are proposed to remedy this problem, but in case of a large-scale disaster, even the flexibility provided by backup reprovisioning may not be enough, given the sudden reduction in available network resource, i.e., resource crunch. To mitigate the adverse effects of resource crunch, an effective resource reallocation is possible by exploiting service heterogeneity, specifically degraded-service tolerance, which makes it possible to provide some level of service, e.g., reduced capacity, to connections that can tolerate degraded service, versus no service at all. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is a promising approach to perform such dynamic changes (redistribution of network resources) as it simplifies network management via centralized control logic. By exploiting these new opportunities, we propose a Backup Reprovisioning with Partial Protection (BRPP) scheme supporting dedicated-path protection, where backup resources are reserved but not provisioned (as in shared-path protection), such that the amount of bandwidth reserved for backups as well as their routings are subject to dynamic changes, given the network state, to increase utilization. The performance of the proposed scheme is evaluated by means of SDN emulation using Mininet environment and OpenDaylight as the controller.  相似文献   

This study investigates the third generation mobile telecommunication systems (3G) diffusion challenges in the situation where large-scale mobile data service usage has not yet broken through. The paper first analyzes incumbent mobile operator business prospects in a large Western-European country. The results suggest that rollout of the most advanced available 3G technologies pay back through increased data service usage and revenues in the situation of declining voice revenues. In the main body of the study we discuss different pricing models and demonstrate that the flat rate pricing of data services, supplemented with certain conditions, supports the large-scale take-up of mobile data services. It boosts the usage of mobile data services and provides a competitive and sustainable business model for the operators and other market actors at the same time. Our modeling indicates furthermore, that flat rate model, combined with open access, gives better incentives to rollout high-speed mobile technologies to the rural areas, than the traffic-based charging.  相似文献   

Number of cloud data centers which consists of hundreds of hosts has increased tremendously around the world due to increase in demands for cloud services. It is expected energy consumption of data centers will reach 139.8 billion Kwh by 2020. Many algorithms are proposed to reduce energy consumption as well as service level agreement violationby minimizing the number of active hosts. Current proposed algorithms do not consider data center architecture, the physical position of hosts, and energy consumption of numerous switches that are in data centers. In this paper, a novel hierarchical cloud resource management is proposed that not only minimizes the number of hosts but also aggregates virtual machines on a limited subset of data center racks and modules to minimize energy consumption. Experimental results with Cloudsim show that our proposed algorithm reduces energy consumption up to 26% and service level agreement violation up to 96%.  相似文献   

Internet Video sharing sites, led by YouTube , have been gaining popularity in a dazzling speed, which also brings massive workload to their service data centers. In this paper we analyze Yahoo! Video, the 2nd largest U.S. video sharing site, to understand the nature of such unprecedented massive workload as well as its impact on online video data center design. We crawled the Yahoo! Video web site for 46 days. The measurement data allows us to understand the workload characteristics at different time scales (minutes, hours, days, weeks), and we discover interesting statistical properties on both static and temporal dimensions of the workload including file duration and popularity distributions, arrival rate dynamics and predictability, and workload stationarity and burstiness. Complemented with queueing-theoretic techniques, we further extend our understanding on the measurement data with a virtual design on the workload and capacity management components of a data center assuming the same workload as measured, which reveals key results regarding the impact of workload arrival distribution, Service Level Agreements (SLAs), and workload scheduling schemes on the design and operations of such large-scale video distribution systems.  相似文献   

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