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周芝兰 《广西轻工业》2010,26(12):20-21
研究了用壳聚糖与丙烯酰胺接枝共聚物做为絮凝剂对印染废水的絮凝处理,并与壳聚糖进行了絮凝效果比较,考查了pH值、无机絮凝剂、有机絮凝剂等因素对处理效果的影响。实验结果表明,在pH值5-8,PAC用量500mg/L,壳聚糖改性絮凝剂用量60mg/L时,染料废水的脱色率可达95%以上,COD去除率达76%,其絮凝效果明显好于壳聚糖。  相似文献   

用壳聚糖絮凝技术处理废水   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文应用保留蛋白质的壳聚糖絮凝处理制浆造纸的废液,考察了处理废液的最优条件,比较了4种废液的固形物,无机物,有机物,CODCr的含量。  相似文献   

壳聚糖作为一种天然、无毒的有机高分子聚合物 ,在水处理中具有越来越广泛的用途 ,在处理造纸废水方面也显示了它的优势。对壳聚糖及其衍生物造纸废水絮凝剂的现状及进展作了评述  相似文献   

壳聚糖絮凝剂对粉丝废水的絮凝效果研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
研究了壳聚糖为絮凝剂絮凝沉降粉丝浓浆废水的条件及效果。结果表明 ,絮凝沉降速度快 ,COD除去率为 86 % ,蛋白质回收率为 81%。在 p H条件为 6 .5~ 8.5时 ,高浓度较低浓度的壳聚糖絮凝效果好 ,煮沸废水有利于沉降  相似文献   

壳聚糖絮凝分离豆腐废水蛋白的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
研究了采用生物絮凝法处理豆腐废水的可行性。探讨了絮凝剂的种类、添加量、废水的前处理、絮凝时间及pH对絮凝效果的影响,并重点比较了复合絮凝剂对废水中蛋白质和低聚糖的絮凝作用。单一絮凝剂试验结果显示壳聚糖的絮凝效果明显优于聚合硫酸铁、聚合三氯化铝、海藻酸钠、聚丙烯酰胺。较优的添加量为0.6~0.8 mg/mL,添加量过高浊度会不降反升。絮凝前废水-18℃冷冻处理有利于蛋白质的分离,絮凝后的沉降是必要的,时间以12 h为宜。复合絮凝剂中所有组合都表现出明显的协同增效作用,尤以0.5mg/mL壳聚糖+0.3mg/mL海藻酸钠效果最佳,pH 4.5条件下絮凝后浊度降低97.8%,原液中蛋白脱除率高达76.842%,而低聚糖(减少6.56%)几乎不受影响,是较为理想的豆腐废水絮凝剂组合。  相似文献   

絮凝法处理造纸废水   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
1前言我国造纸工业发展迅速,每年人均消费约在16kg以上。我国的制浆造纸工业在不断发展的同时,给人们生存环境造成了日益严重的危害。我国的造纸工业废水处理是当今废水处理的难题之一,正确解决发展我国制浆造纸行业与保护环境矛盾是我们的当务之急。制浆造纸生产中的废水主要是蒸煮废液、中段废水和造纸白水。造纸白水如不加以循环回用,将大大增加排水的污染危害。造纸白水虽然溶解性BOD较低,但悬浮物含量和溶解性胶体物质含量较高。造纸白水直接外排不仅污染环境,且损失了大量的纤维和细小纤维,浪费了宝贵的资源。犤1犦絮凝…  相似文献   

壳聚糖改性膨润土处理味精废水的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国膨润土资源丰富,其吸附性能较好,用壳聚糖作为改性剂,对天然钙基膨润土进行有机改性,并对其进行比表面积测定,电镜扫描及红外光谱分析等性能表征,综合表征结果可知,壳聚糖的加入,并没有改变膨润土的基本框架,只是负载到其表面,提高了吸附性能。用壳聚糖改性膨润土处理高浓度味精废水,考察其最佳处理条件。结果表明:投土量为14g/L,pH值为8,搅拌时间30min,离心时间10min为处理味精废水的最佳条件。此条件下改性膨润土对味精废水中CODcr的去除率可达60%,NH3-N的去除率达37%。  相似文献   

壳聚糖对茶皂素水溶液絮凝工艺的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以壳聚糖为絮凝剂,研究了茶皂素水溶液的絮凝工艺,考察了壳聚糖加入量、助剂加入量和絮凝时间对絮凝效果的影响。通过正交试验得出最佳絮凝条件为:壳聚糖加入量5mL、助剂加入量5mL、絮凝时间4h。在最佳条件下验证试验,杂质去除率为34.33%,茶皂素损失率为5.64%。  相似文献   

絮凝法处理油田废水   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了适用于处理油田废水的新型、高效的多功能絮凝剂MDTC的制备方法、特点及其絮凝效果。结果表明,MDTC是一种投加量少、除油效率高,且具有阻垢、杀菌、缓蚀等作用的多功能絮凝剂。  相似文献   

从马铃薯淀粉废水中筛选分离出高效絮凝菌种白地霉、青霉、红曲霉、酵母菌,以高岭土悬浊液为模拟絮凝对象,分别进行单菌种、复配菌种的絮凝实验,优化培养条件,测定其絮凝率、废水培养基COD值和BOD5值。结果表明:单菌种絮凝时白地霉的絮凝效果最好,其最优絮凝条件为35℃,pH5.0,培养5d,此时絮凝率高达92.39%;白地霉经培养后废水培养基COD去除率达到90.32%,BOD5去除率达到86.0%。通过对复配菌种的絮凝效果进行比较,得出白地霉与青霉复配的絮凝效果最好,絮凝率为92.47%,经培养后废水培养基COD去除率达到93.21%,BOD5去除率达到90.15%。  相似文献   

采用酸析分离、絮凝沉淀、活性炭吸附物理化学综合处理法处理绢纺脱胶废水.结果表明,先单独采用酸析法,CODCr去除率为35%,丝胶去除率为36%;再经PAC/PAM复配混凝后,CODCr去除率为71%,丝胶去除率为70%;最后采用活性炭吸附,CODCr和丝胶的总去除率可达到98%以上,达到国家排放标准.此方法处理效果明显、工艺简单,大幅降低了脱胶废水中的CODCr,可减少环境污染.  相似文献   

Two different silk fibroin samples were obtained by the Na2CO3 and urea degumming methods of silk fibers in the same fiber dissolution system, respectively. The molecular weight and viscosity of the fibroin samples were analyzed by the methods of SDS-PAGE, rheological, and etc. Then, different silk fibroin membranes (SFMs) and blank microspheres were prepared, and the effects of degumming methods on the silk fibroin were studied via analyzing the differences of SFMs and blank microspheres of the two samples. The experimental results showed that the viscosity of fibroin solution was positively correlated with its molecular weight. The fibroin prepared by the Na2CO3 degumming was lower than the one prepared by the urea degumming in the viscosity of the fibroin solution under the same mass concentration. Degumming with Na2CO3 exhibited the obvious effects on the thermal stability and mechanical properties of SFM, tensile strength decreased almost 10% and breaking elongation reduced more than 50%. Blank microspheres prepared from silk fibroin degummed with the different methods showed different particle sizes and its distribution. The microspheres prepared from silk fibroin degummed with the Na2CO3 had the smaller particle sizes and more concentrated distribution compared with those with the urea.  相似文献   

Degumming of eri silk cocoons was carried out using three different concentrations of sodium carbonate and neutral soap along with three different duration of boiling following Box and Behnken design of experiment. Higher amount of degumming loss was observed with more sodium carbonate concentration and duration of boiling for both white and brick red eri silk cocoons. Single fibre tenacity decreases with increase of sodium carbonate concentration as well as duration of boiling. Breaking elongation is affected only by sodium carbonate. Presence of neutral soap has no impact on degumming loss and single fibre tensile characteristics. About 10% sodium carbonate and neutral soap concentration each along with 1-h boiling time facilitates uniform degumming of eri silk cocoons. Degumming loss of about 10% was found without any significant deterioration of single fibre tensile characteristics.  相似文献   

吴惠英 《纺织学报》2017,38(8):75-80
为探究脱胶工艺与蚕丝溶解及纤维成形之间的关系,讨论了脱胶溶液质量分数、脱胶次数对蚕丝脱胶率、蚕丝表面形貌、丝素溶解度以及再生丝素蛋白纤维结构及性能的影响。结果表明:蚕丝脱胶率随 Na2CO3 溶液质量分数与脱胶次数的增加而增加,当 Na2CO3 溶液质量分数为0.1%、脱胶3次时,脱胶丝素纤维表面出现明显劈裂的微原纤结构,纤维的断裂强度下降了27.6%。丝胶的去除程度对丝素溶解及再生丝素纤维的结构有所影响,溶解时间随 Na2CO3 溶液质量分数、脱胶次数的增加而减少,再生丝素蛋白纤维的力学性能随脱胶程度的加深而降低,当 Na2CO3 溶液质量分数为0.05%、脱胶3次时,再生丝素蛋白纤维直径均匀、表面光滑、结构紧密且力学性能较好。  相似文献   

将尿素与木瓜蛋白酶复配用于生丝脱胶,将生丝分别置于水、木瓜蛋白酶、尿素以及木瓜蛋白酶和尿素的混合溶液中在一定条件下进行脱胶处理,通过减量率的变化研究尿素对生丝木瓜蛋白酶脱胶的影响。结果表明:单独用尿素对生丝脱胶的减量低;尿素与木瓜蛋白酶复配用于脱胶,对木瓜蛋白酶没有毒害作用;在较高浓度下可有效提高生丝用木瓜蛋白酶脱胶的减量,使脱胶用酶量大幅降低,酶脱胶温度宽泛化。由于尿素在低浓度下对木瓜蛋白酶脱胶减量的提高基本没有作用,在高浓度下才能充分地体现其作用,要将其与木瓜蛋白酶复配用于脱胶,只有在大幅度降低其用量后才有可能,因此还需要进一步的研究。  相似文献   

赵晓晶  张克勤 《印染》2013,39(9):49-54
丝胶位于蚕丝外层,是一种水溶性球状蛋白,具有丝胶Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ层状分布的特点;其二级构象以无规卷曲和β-折叠结构为主,几乎不含α-螺旋结构,其分子质量主要分布在10~100 kDa,且随脱胶方法的不同而异。丝胶具有胶体的性质,等电点为3.8~4.5,在一定湿热条件下会发生变性或变质。丝胶在化妆品、功能材料、食品添加剂等领域均具有良好应用前景,文中介绍了目前制丝废水中丝胶主要的化学和物理回收方法。化学法包括酸析法、有机溶剂法、化学混凝法、离子交换回收法;物理法包括离心法、冰冻法和超滤法,通过综合比较,提出一种新的丝胶回收方法。  相似文献   

Mehran Jahani  M. Pirozifard 《LWT》2008,41(10):1892-1898
Response surface methodology was used to determine the optimum processing conditions for enzymatic degumming of rice bran oil. Reaction time, enzyme dosage, level of water added and temperature were the factors investigated with respect to phosphorus and free fatty acids contents. A D-optimal design, with four variables and two response functions, was employed to study the effect of the individual variables on the response functions. For each response, second-order polynomial models were developed using multiple linear regression analysis. Applying desirability function method, optimum operating conditions were found to be reaction time of 4.07 h, enzyme dosage of 50 mg/kg, added water of 1.5 ml/100 g and temperature of 49.2 °C. At this optimum point, phosphorous and free fatty acids contents of degummed oil were found to be 8.86 mg/kg and 2.01 g/100 g as oleic acid, respectively.  相似文献   

The aim of the current research is to study the improvement of dyeability of silk fabrics using surface modification performed by corona discharge and chitosan pre-treatment. Effects of some operational variables such as corona treatment time, concentration of chitosan, time, and temperature on grafting process were examined through dyeability of silk fabrics using two commercial reactive dyes. Fourier transform infra-red and scanning electron microscopy spectroscopy data revealed the surface modification of the silk by corona discharge and grafting of chitosan onto the silk fabric. Optimal grafting values obtained were corona treatment time 30 min, concentration of chitosan 18% owf, time 2 h and temperature 60 °C. It was found that silk pretreatment with corona discharge and chitosan improved dyeability from 1.84 to 4.58 for RY and from 3.05 to 6.40 for RB. The results indicated that the color fastness and tensile strength of silk fabrics were not significantly affected irrespective of the grafting with corona and chitosan pre-treatment. The results of this study provide the potential making of eco-friendly modification and reactive dyeing of textile fibers using corona discharge and chitosan pre-treatment.  相似文献   

甜菜红色素对蚕丝织物染色工艺研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
张艳  张伟  刘德驹 《丝绸》2011,48(6):4-6,16
对甜菜红色素染色蚕丝织物的染色性能进行了研究.研究结果表明,直接染色最佳工艺为:pH值为3,温度30℃,时间40 min;壳聚糖处理后染色和媒染染色都能显著提高上染百分率,媒染染色后摩擦牢度和水洗牢度均有所提高.  相似文献   

为提高丝素蛋白气凝胶的力学性能,采用尿素溶液体系对蚕丝进行脱胶处理后,经丝素蛋白溶解、稀释、冷冻干燥制备得到丝素蛋白气凝胶,借助扫描电子显微镜、X射线衍射光谱仪、红外光谱仪和万能材料试验机对气凝胶的形貌与结构进行分析,并与碳酸钠脱胶蚕丝制备的气凝胶进行对比。结果表明:非碱体系的尿素脱胶可降低对丝素蛋白的损伤,制备得到的气凝胶形貌完整,具有稳定的骨架结构,β-折叠结构相对含量为50.27%,结晶度为49.33%;压缩形变为70%时,尿素脱胶气凝胶的压缩强度为(32.36 ± 2.35) kPa,压缩模量为(119.31 ± 8.93 ) kPa,上述指标均远高于碳酸钠脱胶工艺制备的丝素蛋白气凝胶。  相似文献   

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