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简述了建筑室内火灾的发展过程及利用计算机对建筑室内火灾进行模拟的方法,探讨了近年来常用的计算机模型,表明了火灾科学与计算机技术的结合是火灾科学发展的必然趋势。 相似文献
火灾烟气控制数值模拟以区域模型、场模型及网络模型为主,根据文献,对前两种模型归纳总结,并列表说明,其中包括51种区域模型和18种场模型。对区域模型、场模型及网络模型作了简要介绍和分析比较,并简述数值模拟计算过程中误差的产生及模型的验证。 相似文献
本文采用区域模拟的方法,把火灾房间内的气体分为热层和下层冷空气分别考虑。建立了具有通风口的单室火灾发展的数学物理模型。数值计算结果与实验数据对比表明,理论预言与实际情况吻合相当好。 相似文献
利用场模拟FDS和区域模拟CFAST软件,对ISO房间中55kW和110kW的火灾烟气层温度进行数值模拟,将不同尺寸网格划分条件和区域划分方法的计算结果与试验结果进行分析比较,在保证一定精度条件下,为减少计算所需时间而增大网格尺寸的可能性,并对区域模拟中采用多区域划分方法以提高计算精度的可行性进行了分析,为类似环境的工程应用,单区域划分和多区域划分方法的使用提出了建议。 相似文献
本文通过使用室内火灾热平衡方程,运用计算机模拟技术,重点讨论了实际室内火灾状态下的温度--时间曲线随火灾荷载、开口因子、开窗率、壁面导温系数等影响参数变化而变化的规律,并以当量时间来判定温度对建筑构件的损伤程度。 相似文献
应用数值模拟技术重现了国内某建筑火灾发展的过程,并得到了火灾场景中烟气体积分数、温度、能见度等随时间空间变化的各种重要数据.使用生命伤害模型(LHM)和模拟得到的烟气数据分析了烟气对人造成的危害.模拟结果和分析揭示:在火灾中处在不同位置的房间,其室内的烟气体积分数变化可以分为不同的类型.在远离着火点的房间中,空气温度变化不大,但CO气体的体积分数很高,甚至比距离火源近的房间CO体积分数更高,烟气更容易在那里聚集,并且在很短的时间里,烟气对人构成致命的威胁.这与许多火灾中很多遇难者死于远离火源位置的结果是一致的. 相似文献
朱广科 《消防技术与产品信息》2013,(9):53-55
运用FDS软件对中庭及周围房间发生火灾后烟气填充过程进行模拟,研究起火位置对烟气运动规律的影响。研究结果表明,中庭火源功率大,烟气温度最高。起火点位置越高,顶棚烟气层温度越大;受烟气控制系统及中庭蓄烟作用的影响,烟气层停留在起火层,不会影响下层人员疏散。分析结果对中庭及周围房间消防性能化设计提供参考。 相似文献
通过有机结合FDS和ANSYS,采用热力耦合数值模拟的方法,对某钢筋混凝土建筑火灾倒塌案例进行再现分析。通过FDS模拟,获得现场温度随时间变化的情况以及火灾中压溃破坏的5根钢筋混凝土柱的时间-温度曲线。用ANSYS计算钢筋混凝土框架的不同温度下的变形和受力性能。研究结果可为灭火救援安全评估、建筑火灾荷载风险评估等性能化分析提供思路和方法。 相似文献
Pressure rising in closed chamber fires will be studied numerically in this paper with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) developed at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in USA is taken as the simulation tool. Experiments on closed chamber fires were reported in the literature by the Defence Research Establishment (FoA) in Sweden. Scenarios similar to those in that experimental study were taken as examples for simulation. Air flow pattern, pressure and temperature distribution are predicted. Functional analysis is used to compare predicted values with experiments. This gives some indication on how good CFD can be when applied for studying closed chamber fires. It is observed that input heat release rate to FDS is a key point. Predicted results on air velocities, temperature and pressure agree reasonably well with experimental results. Care should be taken in applying the fast reaction mixture fraction combustion model for simulating under-ventilated fires. 相似文献
Reliable and comprehensive measurement data from large-scale fire tests are needed for validation of computer fire models, but is subject to various uncertainties, including radiation errors in temperature measurement. Here, a simple method for post-processing thermocouple data is demonstrated, within the scope of a series of large-scale fire tests, in order to establish a well characterised dataset of physical parameter values which can be used with confidence in model validation. Sensitivity analyses reveal the relationship of the correction uncertainty to the assumed optical properties and the thermocouple distribution. The analysis also facilitates the generation of maps of an equivalent radiative flux within the fire compartment, a quantity which usefully characterises the thermal exposures of structural components. Large spatial and temporal variations are found, with regions of most severe exposures not being collocated with the peak gas temperatures; this picture is at variance with the assumption of uniform heating conditions often adopted for post-flashover fires. 相似文献
Songyang Li Ruowen Zong Weifeng Zhao Zhenghua Yan Guangxuan Liao 《Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology incorporating Trenchless Technology Research》2011,26(6):651-658
In tunnels or long corridors, the combustion products of the fire are confined to spread in one or two directions, forming a ceiling-jet flow. For safety assessment and emergency treatment, it is important to investigate and understand the behavior of the ceiling-jet flow. In this paper, a simple model has been presented, in terms of Richardson number and non-dimensional ceiling-jet thickness, to predict the temperature and the velocity of fire-induced ceiling-jet in a rectangular corridor. Besides, the location of hydraulic jump, occurring in ceiling-jet flow, has been estimated theoretically. In order to validate the theoretical predictions, a series of reduced-scale fire experiments were conducted in a 5 m long corridor. The predicted results, concerning non-dimensional excess temperature, agree favorably with experimental data in different fuels and heat release rates of the fire tests. Finally, the scaling issue has also been discussed and validated. 相似文献
运用FDS软件针对某一具体建筑进行防火性能化设计,并得出该建筑达到危险状态时刻的各个参数,对同类建筑的防火设计有一定的参考价值。 相似文献
以上海11·15火灾事故为背景,分析家庭火灾应急逃生装备的适用范围和配置原则.通过资料查询和实际使用,确定消防过滤式自救呼吸器、防火毯、逃生绳、防滑抗磨手套、应急手电、救生缓降器等家庭火灾应急逃生装备的主要组成、技术性能等. 相似文献