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In this prospective, longitudinal study, 11 recent-onset schizophrenic outpatients who met criteria for psychotic relapse or significant psychotic exacerbation during a 1-year period of standardized maintenance medication, and 19 patients who did not relapse during this follow-up period, were interviewed monthly regarding life events. As hypothesized, for relapsing patients, a significantly higher number of independent life events (those not the result of symptomatology or personal influence) occurred in the month preceding relapse. This increase was apparent relative to either the analogous month of a "nonrelapse" period in the same patient or the average number of independent events per month during a 1-year standardized medication period for nonrelapsing patients. The methodological advances of this design as well as the consistency of these findings with those of previous retrospective studies supports the hypothesis that life events may sometimes "trigger" schizophrenic episodes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

College student alcohol abuse remains a significant public health problem, and there is a need for theory-driven and empirically based models to guide prevention efforts. Behavioral theories of choice assume that the decision to consume alcohol is influenced by the relative value of alcohol versus other available activities. In the present study, a sample of college student drinkers (N=108; 56% female, 44% male) who had previously completed a mandatory alcohol intervention completed a measure of alcohol-related and alcohol-free activity participation and enjoyment. The goals of the study were to examine the influence of drinking quantity and contextual variables on activity enjoyment and to identify enjoyable alcohol-free activities that take place on evenings when students might otherwise be drinking. Overall, students found alcohol-related activities more enjoyable than alcohol-free activities, and drinking quantity was positively related to enjoyment. However, alcohol-free activities such as watching movies, going to the theater or museums, going to bars or parties, hanging out with friends, eating at restaurants, and engaging in creative activity were generally as enjoyable as drinking. Alcohol-free activities that included peers or dates were more enjoyable than solitary activities. Men were less likely to engage in alcohol-free activities that included peers and reported less enjoyment related to alcohol-free activities than did women. Further research is required to identify procedures for increasing participation in alcohol-free activities and to determine whether increased alcohol-free activity participation results in decreased alcohol consumption. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Behavioral theories of choice are applied to an analysis of the conditions under which alcohol consumption emerges as a highly preferred activity from among a set of available activities. The approach highlights two classes of variables as important determinants of alcohol preference: (a) direct constraints on access to alcohol and (b) availability of other reinforcers and constraints on access to them. A selective review of studies of human and animal alcohol and drug self-administration indicates that preference for alcohol and drug consumption (a) varies inversely with direct constraints on consumption and (b) varies inversely with the availability of alternative reinforcers and directly with constraints on access to them. Environmental conditions under which alcohol consumption emerges as a highly preferred activity may thus involve minimal constraints on access to alcohol and sparse alternative reinforcers and/or heightened constraints on access to them. The latter variables may be more important in determining alcohol consumption in natural environments. A research application to alcoholic relapse is described, and general implications for clinical research in natural environments are explored. Limitations of the approach and its complementary relation to other approaches to studying alcohol abuse are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined the relations of life events and coping responses to combat-related psychopathology among 255 Israeli soldiers who suffered a combat stress reaction episode during the 1982 Lebanon War. Follow-ups 1 and 2 years after their participation in combat found (a) significant effects of psychopathology at 1 year after the war on the occurrence of negative life events and the choice of coping responses during the following year; (b) unique and significant effects of negative life events and coping responses on psychopathology at 2 years after the war; (c) a significant interaction between life events and coping responses on psychopathology; and (d) a significant indirect effect of negative life events on psychopathology via the choice of coping responses. Theoretical implications of the findings were discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined associations between life events, social support, and depressive symptoms in a sample of 709 married women. Ss were administered the SCL-90, a life events scale, a social support scale, and a marital conflict scale in 1981 and again 1 yr later. For a sample of 473 Ss who initially were relatively asymptomatic and reported nonconflicted marital relationships, life events and social support were significant prospective predictors of depressive symptomatology (assessed 1 yr later). In contrast, identical analyses performed on the full, unselected sample yielded discrepant, likely misleading, results. The implications of these findings for the longitudinal study of dynamically interactive processes are discussed. (32 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study investigated whether the relative allocation of discretionary monetary expenditures to alcoholic beverages versus savings (presumed to reflect relative preferences for immediate vs. delayed rewards) before quitting abusive drinking predicted natural resolution among untreated problem drinkers. Drinking, life events, income, and expenditures were assessed for the year before resolution and again 1 and 2 years later (N=50). Compared with those who relapsed, participants who remained resolved at 2 years reported proportionally more pre-resolution discretionary expenditures on savings and less on alcohol. Income and expenditures were similar across groups. The findings support the predictive utility of this functional index of relative reward preferences that operate over variable time horizons and suggest that temporal discounting is an important process in addictive behavior change. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Used data from a 4-yr longitudinal study of young adults to examine the causal pathways between personality and life events. To reduce measurement artifacts, analyses were conducted using reports of more objective life events. It was found that extraversion predisposed participants to experience more positive objective life events, whereas neuroticism predisposed people to experience more negative objective events. In contrast, personality was somewhat stable, and life events were found not to have a prospective influence on it. Objective positive and negative life events covaried, suggesting that people who experience more of 1 type of event are also likely to experience more events of the opposite valence as well. The findings indicate that life events cannot be viewed as a source of influence independent of personality. Although factors that are independent of the person undoubtedly influence life events to some degree, the personality of the individual also appears to do so. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The current study tests the utility of the contextual view of reinforcement in predicting substance use among a sample of 34 psychiatric outpatients enrolled at a public psychiatric facility. Participants reported substance use, as well as the frequency and enjoyability of a variety of potential reinforcers, for the previous 30 days. A series of regression analyses revealed that a ratio of reinforcement from substance use relative to total reinforcement was more predictive of substance use days than was reinforcement for substance use taken alone. The results demonstrate importance of viewing behaviors within their broader environmental context and support predictions derived from the behavioral choice perspective. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Evaluated behavioral self-management interventions with elementary school students. Studies were selected from PsycINFO and ERIC databases if they investigated the use of school-based, behavioral, self-management interventions with children of normal intellectual functioning. The review presents an analysis of this technology including treatment effect size, generalization, social validity, and cost-effectiveness data. Results indicate that observation, evaluation, and selection and administration of reinforcers were the intervention components most frequently student-managed. Additionally, results show a positive relationship between the degree of student management and treatment effect size. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to uncover patterns in the generation of life events from symptom profiles and specific depression symptoms in an effort to obtain a fine-grained understanding of the stress-generation phenomenon. A community sample of 161 adolescents completed the Beck Depression Inventory–II (A. T. Beck, 1996) at Time 1, and then 88 returned 1 year later for an assessment of life events using a rigorous contextual interview and rating system. Consistent with hypotheses, and controlling for baseline stress, cognitive-affective symptoms of depression prospectively predicted higher levels of dependent interpersonal life events. In contrast, somatic symptoms prospectively predicted higher levels of independent life events. Further examination of the types of events generated by specific symptoms suggests that different mechanisms may drive specific patterns of symptom-event generation and suggests that broadening the definition of independence may be necessary to capture the full context of event generation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

245 males (mean age 46.8 yrs) and 248 females (mean age 44 yrs) were readministered the Social Readjustment Rating Scale, measures of personal functioning, and a social background index 12–15 mo after their initial assessment. There was some evidence for temporal consistency in the number and type of events Ss experienced as well as for a relationship between initial symptoms of depression (among males) and the more frequent occurrence of later events. After controlling for Ss' initial symptom levels and propensity to experience stressful events, an increase in negative events during the follow-up period was related to an increase in symptoms. Among several gender differences, negative events were found to have more impact on females than males. The confounding of the measurement of discrete stressful events and ongoing life strain is identified as potentially underlying the consistency of "events" as well as contributing to the difficulty in interpreting the relationship between "events" and functioning. (53 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Used a 3?×?2 (Treatment?×?Population) factorial design with repeated measures (pretest/posttest) to evaluate the effects of perceived freedom of choice on behavior change in a therapy analog study. 90 Ss were assigned to 3 groups that varied in the amount of perceived choice given to Ss in determining the type of training procedure used for speed-reading enhancement. Experimental conditions were crossed with 2 populations of Ss to examine 2 levels of perceived freedom. Half of the Ss were psychology undergraduates required to participate in psychology experiments, and the remaining half were volunteers. The main dependent variable was the amount of change in reading rate. A marginally significant increase in reading speed was obtained by volunteers in comparison to psychology student participants. Ss who perceived that they were given a choice in training procedures improved significantly more in reading speed than Ss who lost the freedom of choice. No changes in reading comprehension were noted. Findings are discussed in terms of the relationship between freedom of choice and performance in a behavior change program. (22 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The utility of the theory of reasoned action (TRA) and the theory of planned behavior (TPB) for prospectively predicting physicians' delivery of preventive services was compared. Primary care physicians (N?=?765) completed 2 mail surveys at periods 6 months apart. The addition of perceived behavioral control to the TRA model significantly increased the variance accounted for in behavioral intention and subsequent behavior (p R?=?.52, p R?=?.63, p  相似文献   

Discusses the phenomenon of self-injurious behavior (SIB) in terms of its frequency of occurrence, the people whom it effects, its various topographies, some treatment methods, and a behavioral analysis of its etiology. Studies that have used the positive reinforcement of alternative behaviors, withdrawal of positive reinforcement, extinction, and punishment to control SIB are reviewed and evaluated. Some ethical and practical considerations regarding the use of punishment for SIB are discussed. A discriminative stimulus-conditioned reinforcer hypothesis and an avoidance hypothesis are proposed to explain SIB in terms of learning principles. Some of the possible aberrant organic foundations of SIB are also discussed. (43 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The author provides a commentary on a series of articles published on relapse to substance abuse. The following points summarize this commentary: animal and human studies of drug priming effects are limited as an analogue for relapse because they fail to address drug self-administration: relapse is following events (contextual initiating conditions) that indicate reduced access to alternative reinforcers; relapse has multiple determinants including internal cognitive processes that may differentiate between urges and substance use: relapse prevention (RP) can be matched with stages of change in treatment; and RP may be associated with emergent effects over time in substance abuse treatment outcome studies. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Rats were trained on a discrete-trial version of a concurrent validity VI VR schedule in which the relative reinforcement rates were varied across conditions. Ss with the shorter intertrial interval (ITI) had a significant bias toward the VR alternative, as predicted by optimality theory, and were also more likely to choose the VI alternative with longer times since responses to the VI alternative, as predicted by momentary-maximizing theory. Ss with the longer ITI failed to show either of these effects. Approximation to the matching law was greater with the longer ITI. Thus, matching is not derivative of the processes postulated by optimality or momentary-maximizing theory but instead is in competition with those processes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This research examined the influence of visual information on a decision task that subjects were administered during hypnotically suggested blindness. Real, hypnotizable subjects and simulating, unhypnotizable subjects were tested in two experiments. Experiment 1 focused on behavioral responses, and Experiment 2 focused on experiential reactions. In both experiments, the findings indicated that the behavioral responses of reals were influenced by visual information despite their reported blindness. The behavioral responses of reals and simulators were essentially similar. The experiential data in Experiment 2 provided information about the phenomenal nature of subjects' reported blindness. The experiential reactions of reals and simulators were essentially different. The research is discussed in terms of the issues that need to be considered in the development of a model of hypnotic blindness. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Seventh and 8th graders were administered measures of negative and positive life experiences and psychological distress on 2 occasions approximately 5 mo apart to examine the etiologic role of negative life events in the maladjustment of early adolescents. 233 7th–8th graders were administered the Junior High Life Experiences Survey, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and a child development inventory at Time 1. 79 of the 233 Ss completed the 3 measures at Time 2. Cross-sectional regression analyses revealed a significant positive relationship between negative events and distress but generally failed to support the stress-buffering effects of positive events. However, in the prospective analyses, negative events were not predictive of psychological distress and were, in fact, themselves partly determined by previous distress. Results are compared with previous studies of adult life events and suggest the importance of ongoing stressful processes as engendering both maladjustment and stressful events in the lives of early adolescents. (34 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although a number of studies suggest that stressful life events play a role in bipolar disorder, methodological flaws impose serious limitations on this literature. Nonetheless, better designed studies indicate that life events influence the course of bipolar disorder. Little is known, however, about the nature of events that are of particular importance to this disorder. Given the strong biological vulnerability and the unique clinical aspects of bipolar disorder, certain forms of stress may have stronger interactions with vulnerability characteristics. Three major biological theories of bipolar disorder are discussed, with particular attention to their implications for investigations of life events. Although tenuous, these models suggest that greater attention needs to be paid to particular dimensions of life events and the course of disorder. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This prospective study of 197 pediatric patients with chronic abdominal pain examined the role of negative family life events and several potential moderator variables (child social and academic competence, parental somatic symptoms, and child sex) in child somatic complaints 1 year after a clinic visit. Results indicated that (a) among children low in social competence at the time of the initial clinic visit, higher levels of subsequent negative life events predicted higher levels of somatic complaints at follow-up; (b) among boys in families with high levels of negative life events, those whose mothers were characterized by high levels of somatic symptoms had higher levels of somatic complaints at follow-up; and (c) children whose fathers were characterized by high levels of somatic symptoms showed higher levels of somatic complaints at follow-up, regardless of the level of life events. Possible mechanisms accounting for these findings are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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