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Urban wilderness is the remnant nature existing within the cracks of urban context, which can provide habitats for wildlife and natural recreation areas, with significance in optimizing urban ecological resilience. On the one hand, the unprecedented urbanization processes and the public’s negative hypotheses on the concept have caused continuous reduction of urban wilderness; on the other hand, opportunities are seen in reconstructing and activating urban wilderness when natural processes return to dominate the idle lands resulting from industrial recession and urban shrinkage, and the rewilding concept and techniques develop gradually. With ecological civilization construction, the initiative of a systematic management of the mountains, waters, forests, farmlands, lakes, and grasslands, and the advance of adopting Nature-Based Solutions in China, it is the best time to acknowledge urban wilderness in depth, identify its connotations and values, construct identity recognition, and carry out practices of conservation and restoration.  相似文献   

The concept of wilderness (荒野) has multiple characteristics and values relating to three principal areas: biological, socio-economic, and iconic. To provide clarity of concept, the term was included in the IUCN’s list of Protected Area Categories in 1992. More recently, a current and fashionable expression “urban wilderness” has emerged. For those who believe in the critical importance of natural wilderness areas to the future health and wellbeing of our planet, and who work to protect these areas, the term “urban wilderness” causes much consternation. It is very possible that such usages will create confusion in the mind of urban dwellers—now the majority of the global population—as to what “real” wilderness is. By definition, cities cannot be “wilderness” technically. However, elements of wilderness can and should be present in and around urban areas to enhance human health and quality of life. Rather than calling this urban wilderness, however, the term should be “urban wildness (野境).” This paper presents a rationale for using “urban wildness” to replace “urban wilderness,” citing some of the characteristics and benefits of urban wildness; provides case studies of urban areas that are working successfully with the concept; elucidates the role and challenges of wild animals (especially predators) in urban areas; and finally, gives an example of an engagement and educational methodology connecting urban dwellers to wild values and benefits.  相似文献   

Fragments of wilderness dominated by natural succession exist in urban environments, and play a critical role in protecting biodiversity, supporting urban ecological processes, and connecting human beings with nature. Urban vegetation rewilding is a key approach to restricting urban wilderness by restoring the species composition, community structure and functions, eventually towards a self-maintained vegetation community. This paper, taking wildflower meadows as a reference, establishes a technical framework of urban vegetation rewilding by leveraging ecological flows and adopting quasi-nature design with minimum interventions. The framework covers 5 aspects, namely self-design, micro-topographic design, quasinature design, collaborative symbiosis design between plant community and keystone animal species, and design with natural materials. Studying the green space along the northwest lakeside of the Shuangguihu National Wetland Park in Liangping District, Chongqing, this paper provides a scientific guidance and technical paradigm for vegetation rewilding and urban wilderness restoration in the complex context of natural–artificial urban landscapes.  相似文献   

Wilderness is a cultural construct that is deeply rooted in many societies. For landscape architects and their predecessors, wilderness has long been important as a contrast to artificial garden elements, as an inspiration for naturalistic plant designs, or today as a timely contribution to reconciling cities and their inhabitants with the natural world. Since cities and wilderness have traditionally been seen as opposites, new approaches are necessary to better address the opportunities and challenges associated with wilderness in urban regions. From an ecological perspective, urban wilderness can be defined as an area characterized by a high degree of self-regulation in ecosystem processes where direct human impact is negligible. This allows two main types of wilderness to be distinguished: “ancient wilderness” represented by natural remnants in many cities, and “novel wilderness,” which arises in artificial urban-industrial sites. The two types require different approaches in designing and managing green spaces. Ancient wilderness is a traditional object of conservation and restoration, and offers inspiration for naturalistic plantings. In contrast, the emergence of novel wilderness has long been associated with neglect and socio-economic decline. Since the 1980s, however, early pioneer projects in Germany have started to integrate novel urban wilderness into the green infrastructure. The results are unprecedented green spaces that combine novel wilderness with design interventions. These places are attractive to visitors, contribute to biodiversity conservation, and support many ecosystem services. This article aims to illustrate the opportunities and challenges of integrating wilderness components and processes into the urban green infrastructure—a timely way to reconnect cities with nature.  相似文献   

目前城市综合体成为国内各大城市建设的热点,但存在概念内涵泛化和缺乏科学布局引导的弊端。本文以宁波市为个案,力求廓清城市综合体的内涵与特征,深入剖析总结其发展规律,并提出空间发展布局的建议,以期为同类城市城市综合体的有序发展提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

城市生态的研究是城市生态文明实践的理论基础。梳理城市生态保护区理念的缘起、国际上城市自然空间设计思想的演变和我国对城市生态保护区的研究进展,分析城市生态保护区的生态反馈机制,得出在城市设立生态保护区相对于乡村的自然保护区有更高的生态服务功能。最后以深圳、澳门的城市生态保护与生态规划设计实践为例进行阐述,从城市复合生态系统的角度探讨城市生态保护区如何实现:开展城市生态体系规划,对城市生物保护区制定多目标、多物种需求开展生境设计,引导其发挥正反馈作用保障城市生态系统的相对稳定,并在生态容量容许范围内开展适宜的科普、游憩活动,制定长效的生态本底跟踪调查制度,为城市生态文明的构建打下生态基础。  相似文献   

城市空间生产理念下的城市设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何子张 《规划师》2004,20(3):78-80
树立城市空间生产的理念,有助于实施城市设计,构建决策者与专业工作者的合作平台。城市空间生产理念下的城市设计要求规划有相当的弹性,采用小而密的街区路网,控制公共用地比例,构造均好的环境,实施积极灵活的奖惩措施,注重开发次序的选择。  相似文献   

法国南特市城市历史文化保护与城市设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张凡 《华中建筑》2002,20(2):82-85
该文从研究城市历史沿革及文化遗产入手,着重分析南特市城市总体特色的维护及在保护区中历史建筑的保护、步行街的设计和新建建筑的控制等问题;并且运用城市设计的概念,以南特五十人质大街的改建为例,研究在保护区中现代城市设计方法和特点。  相似文献   

栾滨  孙晖 《城市建筑》2012,(8):52-54
城市中心区更新地段的边界形态对更新区与周边区域的空间和社会发展有重要影响。本文从空间布局、功能范围、区域关联等方面研究城市中心区整体更新地段的边界内涵和形态要素,并通过案例分析,探求不同形态形成的影响因素,提出城市相关地区的有机更新和可持续发展的建议。  相似文献   

简要全面地介绍新加坡的城市规划和发展过程,并对公共住宅、城市遗产保护、城市环境管理和产业规划4个层面做重点分析,以体现新加坡在城市规划和城市管理方面的独特性。  相似文献   

论述了我国城市文化发展与城市规划的关系。城市文化是以城市空间为载体的文化,城市规划是城市文化发展的智慧结晶。分析了城市规划中的城市文化发展内容:一是历史文化遗产的保护和利用。二是城市空间要素组合的文化表达。三是城市景观风貌和个性特色。四是城市发展建设的思想文化理念。五是城市公共文化事业的发展。指出发展城市文化是城市规划的使命,期待通过城市规划为城市文化的发展繁荣给力,开创城市文化复兴的生动局面。  相似文献   

唐山市城市设计工作的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
扈万泰 《规划师》2000,16(3):55-57
唐山市在近20年的建设和发展过程中,遵循了较为完整的城市规划设计思想,并在城市设计领域收到了明显的成效。为了进一步提高城市体形环境建设的质量,唐山市在规划管理工作中更加重视城市设计工作,以适应城市现代化建设的需要。  相似文献   

塑造宜人的城市环境   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文全面、系统地总结了大连在城市设计、城市建设方面的理论和实践,特别是在城市设计中考虑了空间结构和空间形态的控制要素,在城市建设上考虑了人在城市中的行为,街道空间设计,“外部模数”理论的实践以及公共建筑的设计,是做好城市设计,提升城市功能的先驱性实例。  相似文献   

通过对理想城市模式及其变迁以及生态城市发展路径的分析,发现人们对理想城市的追求已经超越愿景与技术主导的城市和政策与指标主导的城市而进入生态城市阶段,但主流城市规划的手段却仍然只有应对蓝图理想的空间控制和应对指标理想的数字控制,因此提出规划建设生态城市必须结合生态学原理。本文还对复合生态系统理论进行了回顾,并通过对生态学派和城市学派认识差别的分析,指出当前的复合生态系统理论无法与生态城市建设充分结合的原因。在此基础上提出具有特征性和应用性的城市复合生态系统的结构模型,并对该模型的结构和特征,各子系统的内涵、特点以及与其他子系统的关系进行简要的介绍,最后应用该结构模型对我国一些城市的发展现象和问题进行简要分析并提出对策要点。  相似文献   

城市滨水区城市景观“自然性”被剥夺及其对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江昼 《华中建筑》2008,26(4):10-12
从城市滨水区城市景观“自然性”被剥夺的角度出发,从城市滨水区地表的材质、河岸的形态、河岸植被选择及亲水元素的选择等4个方面分析滨水景观的建成区对“自然性”破坏的现状,提出了坚持可持续发展、加强规划、推测与评估建设项目以及健全法制、加强监督管理等4条建议措施,为后续实践的进行提供理论依据。  相似文献   

结合城市自然保护的城市绿地体系构建--以南京市为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在拓展现有城市绿地建设内容的基础上,提出了园林绿化与自然保护相结合的城市绿地体系构架,为城市自然保护提供了一条新思路。同时,对城市基本生态设施的概念进行了探讨,并结合南京市实际作了案例研究。  相似文献   

在数字化日益成为重要辅助技术手段的城市规划中,城市地址编码是基础性的关键技术。本文通过解析西方发达国家的城市地址编码经验,分析我国城市地址产生的历史传统,提出基于城市社区建设,由社区单元地址编码和道路地址编码组成的城市地址编码方法;论述了数字城市规划中,运用该方法建立的城市地址编码对现状信息整合、方案论证及规划管理的作用。  相似文献   

建筑现象学的产生是为了探寻建筑存在的本质意义以及在此意义指导下的空间环境塑造行为.城市空间与建筑空间有着密不可分的辩证关系,城市空间在宏观意义上可以类似于建筑空间.因此,运用"场所精神"对具体的、狭义的空间环境感知拓展至更加宏观抽象的、广义的城市本质的感知,并以此解释城市的本质对于人们的城市辨别感、认同感等方面的意义....  相似文献   

山水城市建设与城市林业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章阐述了山水城市、城市林业的概念,辨析了城市园林、城市绿化、城市森林与城市林业之间的区别和关联,论证城市林业在册水城市建设中起着不可替代的作用  相似文献   

卜冰 《时代建筑》2011,(3):26-28
媒体社会环境下的城市速生依赖于都市图像的类像生产,而中国的城市发展机制与城市理想模式不仅决定了中国城市的类像特性,同时也受图像类像所构建的超真实领域制约。  相似文献   

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