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Private Chinese gardens in 19th-century Singapore were rarely designed in the same way as their contemporary counterparts in China, though there were a few authentic Chinese mansions in the city. In response to this phenomenon, this paper attempts to use Whampoa’s Garden, the finest and earliest private Chinese garden on the island, as an example, to explain how and why garden owners selectively adopted certain Chinese features while designing the rest of their gardens in a way deviating from Chinese traditions. The study of Whampoa’s Garden begins with a sketchy introduction to the career and cultural background of the garden’s owner, Cantonese businessman Hoo Ah Kay, addressing his social connections, personal hobbies, and cultural identities. As the garden no longer exists, a study of available pictorial and written records from Chinese and Western sources is conducted in order to reveal the spatial layout and other designed features of the garden, some of which may have facilitated the display of Chineseness. Contemporaneous gardens from Hoo’s hometown will be compared to unveil hidden linkages between Whampoa’s Garden and Chinese garden ideas. Furthermore, the relationship between the selection of Chinese symbols and the identities of their audience is examined as an approach to studying what affected how Chineseness was presented and how the landscape of south China was transplanted to this equatorial colony.  相似文献   

Provincializing transnational landscape is attracting increasing attention from international academia with the rise of transnational landscape practice and the shift of the academic research paradigm. It calls for us to move beyond the national political, economic, social, and cultural boundaries to examine the provincialization mechanisms, processes, and influence of transnational landscape activities. It is particularly important for China to explore the provincializing transnational landscape. It will contribute to examining China’s historical local-global interactions over the landscape, and providing a lens of „the Other” to study the regional landscape characteristics in China. Significantly, it will not only deepen the understanding of the development of the research on landscape, cultural, and communication histories in China and beyond, but also promote China’s transnational economic cooperation frameworks, such as the Belt and Road Initiative and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, to better tell China’s story and let the world better understand China.  相似文献   

The persistence of public landscapes is a critical approach to community resilience and sustainability. But in China’s landscape architectural field, it is neglected in both planning and design, and post-occupancy operations and maintenance. With the case studies of three public landscape sites in North Carolina, the United States this article introduces the concept of stewardship, and outlines the contemporary public landscape stewardship practice as management efforts predominantly driven by the landscape architect’s long-term duty and proactive care to create a sustainable landscape for the site. This article emphasizes that the essence of stewarding public landscapes lies in the ethics—the attachments to and the responsibilities and care of the land and the landscape; and modesty, discernment, and enthusiasm when facing the ever-changing socio-ecological systems—and the outcome of public landscape stewardship typically takes the form of developing and implementing new and futureoriented master plans for the sites. This article also summarizes a set of site-based principles and approaches to public landscape stewardship. Finally, based on the discussion about the case studies, this study points out the practical implications of public landscape stewardship for Chinese cities which are progressively entering into an era of inventory development. Recommendations for its application to the Chinese landscape architectural profession are further addressed.  相似文献   

以国际园林景观史学界的重要期刊《园林与设计景观史》(Studies in the History of GardensDesigned Landscapes)为研究对象,运用VOSviewer和CiteSpace这2种科学知识图谱软件并结合传统研究方法,系统分析该期刊1998—2017年间刊载的508篇论文,揭示近20年来国际园林与设计景观史的研究动态、发展趋势、主题演进与学术脉络,为国内风景园林历史理论的研究和发展提供重要借鉴。  相似文献   

祝贺《古建园林技术》公开发行。中国古建筑应该由此及彼、由表及里的进行系统研究。《古建园林技术》杂志正是以研究、继承和发扬中国古建与园林传统工艺、技术为主要宗旨的专业性学术刊物。学习和研究中国古建园林,有两个方面的意义。一是为了更好地保护维修遗存的文物建筑,二是传统建筑和风景园林要在继承的基础上发展创新。要加大力量,不断地深入研究和继承发扬我国古建筑的传统技艺,还要充分利用《古建园林技术》,将研究、整理的技术成果、新的设计以及相应的施工方法等公诸于众,与外界进行广泛交流。  相似文献   

张冬冬 《中国园林》2020,36(1):118-121
为探寻适合中国历史园林植物景观保护修复的理论与方法,基于相关国际公约前期研究基础,结合颐和园写秋轩案例的实地调查与史料分析,针对其植物景观空间视域和文化意境两方面的现存问题,提出了相应的复原依据、保护策略与思路,同时指出了历史园林中植物景观与建筑保护修复的差异等问题;最后,总结并探讨了在中国历史文化背景下,适应时代与自身发展的园林遗产保护思想,以期为我国其他历史园林保护与修复工作提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

王云 《风景园林》2010,(1):81-85
近代上海是中国现代化起步最早、程度最高的城市和中国现代园林的早期策源地。基于档案资料的搜集和分析归纳,对上海近代园林形成全面认识,阐述其非线性、不均衡的发展历程;从租界园林的引领、民国华界园林的超越等角度,分析其外生后发的现代化演进特征;从动力机制层面,探寻其技术、制度、观念的革新与相互推进的演进机制和影响。以期对上海乃至中国近现代园林的研究起到一定借鉴作用。  相似文献   

在中国古典园林声景研究中,众多学者更侧重于对江南园林的探究,而对皇家园林声景的分析则相对较少。避暑山庄作为皇家园林之典范,其丰富的人文资源与自然资源,值得人们探讨与研究。以声景理论为基础,相关文献资料为依据,从声源的角度,分析避暑山庄声景的营造,发现其具有多样性和多元化的特点。并根据其声景现状,提出保护与修复建议,以为避暑山庄声景修缮与现代园林声景营造提供参考。  相似文献   

Hawaii is on the threshold of collapse. Over a century of American colonization and exploitation of the islands and their people has resulted in the island chain facing critical environmental and cultural catastrophe. This article examines the emergence of Rapid ‘Ōhi‘a Death as a critical aeolian pathogen capable of wiping out the most culturally and ecologically significant species representing over 50% of Hawaii’s forests. Plantation histories are unpacked as foundational tools which directly led to deep alteration to the cultural fabric and landscape of the islands, accelerating the complex issues faced by Hawaii and Hawaiians today. This crisis offers landscape architects and the design professions grounds for a new methodology to approach both ecological and cultural issues as one to tackle the issues stemming from ongoing climate change. Furthermore, the article underscores the need to rethink the American fetishization of the Hawaiian Islands and look instead to how land stewardship and landscape practices can facilitate a self-determinant, equitable, and resilient future.  相似文献   

在高速城市化和全球化的背景下,传统园林的传承陷入了现实的困境,如何在满足现代城市功能的基础上,继承和发扬传统文化成为研究的热点话题。中华文化智慧公园致力于对景观传统进行转译,并运用数字设计和建造手法,在景观中实现传统文化和现代化的平衡,从而营造出既能符合国际发展趋势,又能体现传统文化内涵的景观。  相似文献   

王玏  魏雷  赵鸣 《华中建筑》2012,(5):105-107
中国古典园林的完成多与画家有关,许多园林理论也与画论有着密不可分的关系。该文以王维的画论《山水诀》为研究基础,通过系统分析其画理,结合辋川别业这一园林实例,探讨了《山水诀》中的相关绘画布局理论与园林布局美学之间的关系,并总结了《山水诀》中的园林美学观点。希望通过对传统画理与园林美学的研究,在创造具有民族特色的新式园林的工作中有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

何佳 《中国园林》2007,23(6):18-22
写仿名胜是中国传统园林的重要特色,到清代成为皇家园林造园的主要内容之一。从类型学的角度看,这种写仿可以认为是一种对景观原型所形成的类型根据环境特点,使用典型化的景观处理方法进行还原,建立起典型化环境特征的园林创作方法。对传统园林写仿名胜的实例从景观要素、景观结构、景观意境的写仿等方面进行分析,在对传统园林进行分析描述的同时,从方法论的角度探讨中国传统园林创作的特点。  相似文献   

中国古典园林在视觉营造上独具传统智慧,借景理法是其核心之一。然而由于一方面现存园林实例的时代与数量的局限性造成借景研究中的理论演绎倾向,另一方面传统研究手段在实践转化上存在局限性,因而借景智慧并未能与当代风景园林实践充分衔接。介于此,本研究选取苏州旧吴县西南、松江九峰两个典型地带及曾经存在的大量借景园林为研究对象,在考据的基础上结合中日比较以补偿现存园林实例的局限性;在理论分析基础上提出“远意”这一核心理念,并将其转译为技术性因子及量化指标,开展基于GIS等数字技术的景观空间及视觉分析。在此基础上对园林选址与布局以及远景构成等进行造园理论的总结,并分析中日借景的不同地域性表现及其成因。同时结合风景园林规划设计实践进行应用转化研究,以应用于风景资源的视觉评价以及风景区规划的景点优选。  相似文献   

通过对小纪汗传统村落空间结构的和景观资源的分析,指出以小纪汗村为代表的西部沙漠乡土景观与所谓典型的“中国园林”有着截然不同的另类之美。借鉴西方古典园林向现代园林转型过程中从乡土景观元素获取灵感的经验,在中国传统园林如何向现代化转型的问题上,像小纪汗这样西部丰富的乡土景观资源或许会给我们一些启发。  相似文献   

陈丹  孟凡玉 《华中建筑》2009,27(7):173-177
“步移景异”是中国传统园林的一大艺术特色,包含空间转换与景致变换两重意思。以留园为例,选取从入口到还我读书斋一段,将园林实体要素看作提高空间维度的点,研究它们之间的相互作用,给“步移景异”一个空间说法。  相似文献   

李源  李险峰 《风景园林》2022,29(4):128-133
作为中国特定历史条件下形成的风景点及风景建筑,佛寺园林是古代城市风景规划的重要组成部分。以明代北京地区的佛寺园林为例,将826篇佛寺游览写景诗文作为研究材料,探究其中的历史景观认知内容:1)基于扎根理论编码方法,从诗文材料中提取7 566个原始文本节点,并梳理得到包含58类景观要素的11个景观范畴;2)基于Python语言编程与VOSviewer软件分析,获得由不同景观要素组成的6类风景意象;3)结合历史舆图和ArcGIS核密度分析,对每类风景意象的空间分布与景观特征进行解释。研究结论有助于从宏观层面理解北京佛寺园林的整体历史风貌特色,并为当代文化遗产的相关实践与研究提供审慎参考。  相似文献   

The idea of landscape is, to some extent, a cumulative interpretation of the way we see the world, reflecting our relationship with nature and culture. Landscape is thereby impossible to be assumed a priori but only to be understood through observation and representation. Between a broad spectrum of media, hand drawing presents presumably an oldest and simplest means for landscape representation, whether it is existing or imaginary. However, the creative yet oftentimes invisible process of draw-ing receives less attention from the spectators than its result. The paper takes an inquiry into this seemingly complicated process of looking and thinking based on the coordination of the draughtsman’s critical eye and skilful hand. First, the paper gives a careful reading upon some selected drawings from a recent exhibition of the renowned American landscape architect Laurie Olin, with three particular focuses — the reduction in representation, the composition of the observed landscape (perspectival composition and figurative composition), and the conjecturable intention behind drawing skills. Second, the paper attempts to unveil the evolution of Olin’s decades of training and practising of drawing and observation, and further argues the significance in the training of hand and the cultivation of the critical eye in Landscape Architecture pedagogy.  相似文献   

张兰  包志毅 《华中建筑》2005,23(Z1):111-113
山水画、山水诗、山水园林被认为是中国山水文化的组成部分,三者具有相同的思想基础.中国古典园林史表明,山水画与山水园林关系尤为密切,以画论代园论指导园林设计和建设的案例屡见不鲜.以王维山水画、山水诗、山水园林为例,分析中国山水画中的园林思想,并从中讨论中国古典园林的功能、造园手法及审美理想.  相似文献   

王恒 《山西建筑》2010,36(24):349-350
分析了中国古典园林与山水画的共同渊源与构图方法,阐明了二者之间是相互渗透、相互影响、相互补充的关系,并指出中国古典园林在很大程度上影响着山水画的发展,而山水画的不断成熟与发展也促进了中国古典园林的迅速发展。  相似文献   

赵晓峰  陈知行 《中国园林》2022,38(4):127-132
《南风歌》最早记载于中国先秦典籍中,全文蕴含了虞舜歌“南风”以煦育百姓、顺应天时物性而治天下的美好象征。随着《南风歌》的传颂,以该典故为主题问名的建筑景点大量出现于中国古典园林尤其是清代皇家园林中。首先考辨了“舜歌南风”典故的历史源流,挖掘其在流传过程中所衍生的文化内涵。继而对以“南风”主题问名于我国古代园林建筑的历史面貌进行爬梳,重点以清代皇家园林中的“南风”主题景点为例,围绕“薰风解愠”和“对时育物”2个角度探析其在园景构筑与文化内涵阐释层面对“南风”主题的表达。结论证明“南风”意象主题景点是中国古典园林尤其是清代皇家园林中的一类重要景观类型。  相似文献   

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