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Cities are spatial aggregations of capital and culture that host and serve a vast array of different and often contradictory publics. For this reason, cities need spaces that accept and encourage multiple types of representations and forms of expression: planned and spontaneous, regulated and unregulated, permanent and temporary. This essay argues that emptiness is a spatial quality that can satisfy these needs and that urban voids are a paradigmatic example of empty spaces. The term “void” implies that these spaces are emptied of the value typically associated with cities as places of capital accumulation. But this emptiness (of capital, real estate value, efficacy, or production) is what enables other sensibilities and opportunities to emerge. In other words, a lack of value is what makes these vacant spaces appear as marginal, and this marginality is precisely what gives the urban voids the possibilities for publicness that other urban spaces do not have. Despite the social opportunities offered by urban voids, the evanescence of emptiness ultimately exposes the limits of urban voids.  相似文献   

陈媛   《中国园林》2022,38(8):24
在国际范围内荒野保护运动持续发展的同时,中国 的荒野保护体系正在稳步建立。但随着城市化进程的不断加 速,城市中自然荒野空间的开发是不可避免的。如何在不断扩 张的城市范围内尽可能保留与规划荒野景观,已经成为国内风 景园林设计师关注的问题。在梳理了城市荒野课题相关背景和 研究进展后,探索了荷兰的城市荒野实践经验,并选取3个不 同尺度和类型的代表性案例,分别对案例的项目背景、设计要 点和场地功能进行研究分析,进而提出自然优先、野性保护、 控制扰动和公众参与4点原则,并辩证地提取了可指导中国背 景下不同尺度城市荒野景观营造的策略,为构建中国荒野体系 提供了国际经验。  相似文献   

Urban quality improvement and the construction and management of high-quality beautiful cities have been considered a prioritized initiative across China. Beautiful cities are built on the harmony and symbiosis between human and the nature. This only route to sustainable development consists of three dimensions: 1) the deep structure of the beautiful city, i.e. a good site selection that realizes an interwoven pattern between urban matrix and natural ecological network, which could be reflected in spatial configurations of both “the city in nature” and “the nature in the city”; 2) the deep appearance and style of the beautiful city, deriving from the natural topography, process, and climatic conditions to guarantee the ecological adaptation to the nature; and 3) the green lifestyle of the beautiful city, which guides citizens to green living, green traveling, and green consumption so as to reserve sufficient development space for generations. This is the “trio” of beautiful cities. Drawing lessons from the conflicts with the nature in the past civilizations, the ecological civilization is the only way to achieve the human-nature harmony.  相似文献   

城市生态绿地构建对于营建城市生态系统及提高公众福祉具有促进作用。探讨、厘清影响城市绿地生态审美的关键因素,对于健康、稳定的绿地生态景观营造及公众生态价值观引导具有重要意义。通过探讨生态审美的概念和内涵,总结符合生态审美的绿地特征,提出符合生态审美的城市生态绿地构建原则与对策:基于城市绿地生态系统服务功能、绿地基础条件及人类活动干扰程度,将城市绿地划分为生态保育型、生态功能型及生态景观型3类生态绿地,构建生态绿地网络;基于绿地植物群落物种构成、空间布局及绿地功能需求,提出6类自然式植物群落配植模式。旨在为营建高生态效益、高景观质量的绿地景观提供规划依据。  相似文献   

The starting point of this research is the urban model promoted by the United Nations through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The importance of public spaces is especially highlighted in Goal 11.7: “provide universal access to safe, inclusive, and accessible, green, and public spaces.” The quality of public spaces can be properly assessed by reconsidering the quality indicators and investigating their development potential, which is the main focus of our research. This study is based on a theoretical and methodological reflection on the quality of public space, considering the contributions of some contemporary urban traditions and a few recent experiences. From this perspective, a variety of public space projects developed in the European sphere have been selected and analyzed. The quality parameters identified in this initial analysis were then applied to the analysis of nine representative case studies in three Spanish cities (Madrid, Barcelona, and Zaragoza). The main goal is to propose a methodology that helps to evaluate the quality of those public spaces and determine its relationship with the safety, accessibility, and inclusiveness conditions they offer.  相似文献   

城市绿地能够为城市提供重要的生态系统服务功 能。鸟类作为城市生态系统的重要指示物种,了解影响鸟类群 落多样性的城市绿地特征对于指导城市绿地规划和提升城市生 物多样性有重要意义。然而,多种城市绿地特征如何共同影响 鸟类多样性尚不完全明确。选取重庆市悦来国际会展城为研究 区域,采用样点法调查了49个绿地样地4个季节的鸟类资源数 据,并获取了样地的植被特征、环境特征及人为干扰特征等19 个城市绿地特征。使用广义线性模型、信息论模型选择及差异 性分析方法探析了城市绿地特征对鸟类α多样性的影响,阐述 了研究区鸟类α多样性的基本特征。结果显示:乔木层盖度、 乔木丰富度、灌木层盖度、灌木多度、草本层盖度、草本层多 样性、植被生境类型、环境噪声、距建设用地距离等因素对鸟 类α多样性有显著影响。鸟类α多样性特征在不同植被生境类 型及季节之间存在显著差异。麻竹生境的鸟类多度显著低于其 余多种生境,冬季鸟类α多样性指标偏低。在城市绿地的建设 中,根据显著影响鸟类的各种城市绿地特征,提出增强鸟类α 多样性的针对性建议,如控制乔木盖度,补充灌木层,以乡土 食源树种作为植被生境中的优势种,对冬季休眠植被进行分区 保留管理等。研究结果可以为地区城市生物多样性保护及城市 生态系统优化提供重要参考。  相似文献   

Today's urban streets are usually planned for purposes of mobility: pedestrians, as well as a variety of vehicles such as cars, trucks, and sometimes bicycles, are usually factored into an urban street plan. However, urban streets are also increasingly recognized as public spaces, accommodating street vending, food trucks, markets, artistic interventions, political expressions, comfortable benches, green spaces. Although these are mostly not new activities to appear on streets, they are now given particular attention in public discourses, urban planning, media and academia, as public space in cities has become a more contested resource among different uses and ownership-constellations. Growing and diversifying urban populations are generating a particular strain on urban streets worldwide. In short, urban streets epitomize the challenges and opportunities that accompany the negotiations of space and uses attributed to mobility and public space in cities. They necessarily unite stationary and mobile functions – though this is not usually given room for in planning. Moreover, these functions are rarely studied from more than one perspective at once, which limits the analytical and creative thinking that inspiration is drawn from. In order to address these limitations, in this article we rely on insights from three theoretical fields - namely planning regulation, transitions and governance - and illustrations from concrete examples, to explore what urban planning might have to focus on to address the tensions in linking stationary and mobile functions in urban streets.  相似文献   

In the past 30 years, Sanya has developed into a high-density city with fragmented ecosystems and bottlenecked urban development. In April 2015, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development proposed “Ecological Restoration and Urban Remediation” for Sanya and prioritized the Sanya and Linchun Rivers — two rivers that run through the central city — as core causes. The Fengxinglong Ecological Park project is located at the junction of the two rivers in downtown and its surroudings are occupied for various land uses. Diversified urban interfaces, abundant green space, and numerous ecological contradictions make the site critical for the remediation and restoration of waterways in Sanya. Through a series of resilient landscape design interventions, Fengxinglong Ecological Park catches, stores, and purifies rainwater to reduce river pollution and flooding disasters in addition to offering recreational funtions. As a valuable “urban sponge” and comprehensive resilient ecological park, it has helped restore the historic ecosystem and realized the intensive use of resources.  相似文献   

Driven by unprecedented urbanization and everchanging applied technologies, urban planners and designers are exploring how to create comfortable living experience in fast-paced cities, thus rises the concept of “slowing city.” By reviewing years of design practices of Sasaki Associates, this article is focused on the core idea of “slowing city,” i.e., “making good use of local resources,” and its application into a number of urban regeneration practice. Further, by taking “user demands” as a critical reference, the article discusses how to coordinate the interests of a wide range of user groups and then facilitate cooperation among the government, citizens, and designers to ensure the long-term benefits of construction projects. Finally, critical thoughts are given to how the emerging technologies could contribute to urban construction and life quality, and the new opportunity that they may bring to the planning and design industry.  相似文献   

刘滨谊   《中国园林》2023,39(11):6-14
高层建筑群的兴起为人类景观感知带来了新问题——高层景观,主要是指城市高空的聚居者由建筑或场所之内向外部周围观看引发的景观空间感知。高层景观为人类身心健康带来了新的机遇与挑战,对于聚居者“一览众山晓”的积极作用与远离绿化、缺乏户外活动场地的负面影响并存。然而,迄今关于这种高层景观的人类身心影响研究尚未开展。作为起步性研究,尝试从揭示基本规律着手,选取上海地区相对120m高度上的高层景观,研究面对城市空间、绿地和水景的景观时,个体生理和心理的反应影响:基于阶段性视觉刺激,借助脑电图、心率变异性和皮肤电导测量了20名被试者的压力水平,并使用改进的语义差异问卷评估了其心理反应。结果显示,面对绿色空间和水景的高层景观,会引起α相对波活动增加,使副交感神经活动显著增加,相比面对城市建筑的高层景观,被试者的放松程度更高。此外,相比于面对城市建筑景观,被试者在高层观看绿色景观和水景图像时表现出了更大的舒适感和放松感。这些发现初步揭示了居聚于城市高层建筑中的人类个体关于高层景观感受的基本规律,凸显了为高层聚居个体提供自然景观视觉刺激的重要性。  相似文献   

The street is a type of important urban public space with multiple social values, one of which is the restorative potential. Based on the “beingaway,” “extent,” “fascination,” and “compatibility” constructs of restorative environments proposed by the Attention Recovery Theory, this study elaborated the significance of restorativeness provided by street environments to people living in high-density cities. It used the traditional restorativeness scale with mobile eye trackers to explore the restorative experience provided by an urban street, and identified the specific streetscape elements related to restorativeness and the degree of their influences. The results show that “greenery,” “people,” and “cars” perform significant influences, and different streetscape elements have different degrees of influences on the 4 constructs of the restorative environment. For example, for the“being-away,” “extent,” and “fascination” constructs, the influence of “greenery” is the most important, while “people” plays the core role in “compatibility.” The findings can help professionals develop targeted design strategies to improve diverse street environments for a better restorativeness.  相似文献   

在城市发展进程中,诸多因原有自然基底条件限制或用地性质转变等原因,而未经过多人工干预的土地发展成为城市荒野空间。从城市自然再认知的角度出发,辨析了城市荒野在传承人地共生关系、承载生态系统服务功能以及提升城市生物多样性等方面的潜质;梳理出城市荒野的基本类型与存续目标,包括初级荒野的整体保护、次级荒野的再生与利用、间隙荒野的激活与新生,以及类荒野的认知引导。在此基础上,结合案例研究,归纳出每类城市荒野空间发展的典型策略与应用情境,以期从理论框架和实践应用层面推进城市荒野空间有效的组织利用,为中国城市更新与可持续发展提供新思路。  相似文献   

新城市生态系统是指从遗留的自然生态系统到提供特定生态系统功能的高度人工复合系统在内的统一体,涵盖了所有类型的城市自然和开放空间。通过这个统一体,特定的生态系统服务及危害和这些新城市生态系统联系在一起。目前关键性的问题和挑战在于如何理解新城市生态系统的起源,以便于更好的利用和管理它们,从而提供合宜的生态系统服务功能。相关案例的分析阐明了新城市生态系统的类型,以及它们是如何被应用于特定的生态系统服务和最大程度降低生态系统危害。  相似文献   

在国家加快生态文明体制改革,建设美丽中国的战略方针指导下,减少快速城市化引发的过度人工干预对自然生态系统造成的破坏,延续城市现状资源本底的生命力,从而体现城市湿地的“生态价值”是大势所趋。结合重庆市梁平双桂城区湿地城市设计项目实践,提出全域治水,湿地润城,构建城市湿地连绵体的理念。辅以小微湿地自然保育、景观更新的系统化湿地修复策略,与城市空间设计策略相结合,提出了湿地修复与城市空间设计协同的路径,包括城市用地空间与湿地生态基底耦合、城市慢行系统与湿地生态网络耦合、公共空间节点与湿地生态斑块耦合;并进行了湿地城市实施效益的初步评估。以期通过促进城市与湿地的协同共生,实现城市生态系统的良性循环和可持续发展。  相似文献   

City governments are embracing digital technologies to improve hard and soft urban systems, so as to create and improve urban experiences, foster an entrepreneurial city, as well as devise novel services that can improve the livability of citizens and boost the local economy. Unlike traditional infrastructure and urban systems, which tend to be natural monopolies, data-driven digital platforms can engage multiple stakeholders simultaneously. This article, introducing the notion of hybrid urban digital integrated systems, proposes a methodology aims at the integration of digital and physical elements in urban environments. We based our discussion on the work developed by students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Senseable City Lab, which focused on the integration of the digital-technology-based solutions in Carré Laval of the city of Laval, Canada. As the result of the workshop, six projects have been developed by students, namely, “Activating Surface,” “Infinite memories,” “Fora,” “iTable,” “MinecARft,” and “Foodprint.”These designs aim at promoting civic engagement as intrinsic elements of the re-appropriation and redesign of this severely underutilized site. The human-centered designs rooted in specific context will help digital technologies embedded in the city and increase the attractiveness of the city to local and new stakeholders.  相似文献   

Since 2018, the integrated regional development of the Yangtze River Delta has been subjected as a national strategy to intensify the interconnection between its cities. However, the questions of open space conservation and planning have so far remained essentially quantitative and strongly informed by regulatory and top-down principles. Focusing on the vast green heart between Shanghai, Suzhou, and Hangzhou, this design-driven research project hypothesizes that Taipu Canal can be upgraded from its current technical role into a civic spine that frames new developments and articulates the rich diversity of open spaces, ecosystems, historic water towns and villages. The research adopts a crossscale method of “contextual prototypes” that combines sampling, typological classification, and prototypical design explorations in pilot projects. A reflective phase zooms out to critically assess how these prototypical strategies can be systemized as structuring principles at the regional scale. The conclusion of the article discusses how this prototypical approach offers an opportunity to inductively complement the top-down Chinese territorial planning system, which needs to cope with increasingly complex conditions and vaster scales.  相似文献   

The concrete channel of the Los Angeles (LA) River is probably one of the most recognizable rivers in the world. Channelized to manage the risk of flooding as the Los Angeles region urbanized, the river today is an architectural and engineering feat in the eyes of some people but an ecological disaster to others. The river flows adjacent to 17 cities and among some of the most environmentally burdened, park poor, and underserved communities of LA County. With over 2,300 acres of largely publicly owned land within the river right-of-way, a reimagined LA River can impact the lives of the one million people that live within a mile of the river. The LA River Master Plan, led by Los Angeles County and scheduled to be completed in fall 2021, proposes 51 miles of connected public open space with multi-benefit projects supporting nine goals ranging from flood resilience to housing affordability, to ecological function, and to arts, education, and culture. The data-based plan for the next 25 years includes a watershed-wide research effort to document and understand water quality, water conservation, and flood risk in relation to environmental and social issues. The plan includes traditional and innovative strategies within a “kit of parts,” interventions that include over 65 components ranging from habitat bridges to dry arroyo side channels demonstrating opportunities for enhancing ecosystem services to create a thriving urban habitat and connected network of parks along the river.  相似文献   

As a significant habitat type in cities, green spaces can provide various ecosystem services. Among them, the carbon storage of green spaces would effectively alleviate greenhouse effect, which is particularly important under the global warming. Due to difficulities in accessing high-resolution spatial data, previous research has summarized green spaces into different land use types to calculate carbon storage. However, since different vegetation communities have different characteristics, carbon storage capacities of green spaces vary. Focusing on the Seoul City, South Korea, this research aims at exploring the carbon storage capacities of varied green spaces and its distribution patterns. Based on the high-resolution habitat data of Seoul City in 2005 and 2015, the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST) model is used to estimate and visualize the carbon storage capacities of 17 types of green spaces to reveal the distribution patterns of carbon storage of different communities in the city’s green spaces. This study not only provides a scientific basis for ecological protection practices and sustainable land planning and management in Seoul and other similar regions, but also offers a reference for urban ecosystem service assessment and green space renewal strategy development in China.  相似文献   

After the “imported” urban forms, which originated from foreign cultures, were transplanted into Chinese cities, they generate brand-new urbanscape but suffer from a lack of cultural roots and a disconnection with the mainstream of contemporary urban planning. Thus, their current value and potential in urban renewal are questioned. The study takes the circular–radial space from the Baroque cities as an example to clarify the motivation of its import from the west to northeast China. It further clarifies their adaptive changes in form and function in the local urban context, through a case study on Dalian City. The study finds that different geometric patterns of existing circular–radial space were influenced by European, American, and Japanese urban planning theories to varying degrees, but with equal emphasis on symbolism and functionality. Their implementation in Dalian has a continuity in time and space. But due to the changes in topography, traffic, and planning concepts, their forms and functions tend to be independent, their connection weakens, and their importance recedes after the street network. The circular–radial space in Dalian led to distinctive urbanscape. But during their inheritance and transformation, the rationality of new forms and functions, as well as the necessity of continuing the initial ones need to be dialectically considered, so as to avoid dogmatic revival and antique reproduction. Finally, the study reconsiders the concept of “localization” of “imported” urban form, and constructs a general research pattern to provide a new perspective for understanding the transformation of similar types of urban forms.  相似文献   

Urban wilderness is the remnant nature existing within the cracks of urban context, which can provide habitats for wildlife and natural recreation areas, with significance in optimizing urban ecological resilience. On the one hand, the unprecedented urbanization processes and the public’s negative hypotheses on the concept have caused continuous reduction of urban wilderness; on the other hand, opportunities are seen in reconstructing and activating urban wilderness when natural processes return to dominate the idle lands resulting from industrial recession and urban shrinkage, and the rewilding concept and techniques develop gradually. With ecological civilization construction, the initiative of a systematic management of the mountains, waters, forests, farmlands, lakes, and grasslands, and the advance of adopting Nature-Based Solutions in China, it is the best time to acknowledge urban wilderness in depth, identify its connotations and values, construct identity recognition, and carry out practices of conservation and restoration.  相似文献   

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