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The process of urban sprawl, restructure, and shrinkage provides the possibility for the formation and evolution of urban wildscapes. Physically, urban wildscapes refer to the urban spaces where the ecology is basically dominated by natural processes and similar to the natural wilderness in appearance and functions. The existence and persistence of wilderness fragments in cities often result from the reduction of human management and with minimal intervention on the nature. Due to the different interactions and confrontations between natural processes and social processes, the wildness of urban wildscapes varies. The unique and irreplaceable values of urban widlscapes in ecology, culture, aesthetics, economy, and well-being have gained multi-disciplinary attention and been widely recognized. This paper defines the concept of urban wildscapes, reviews the conceptual development of its connotation, and analyzes the multiple benefits of urban wildscapes on the basis of value recognition research. It hopes to provide a value recognition framework for empirical studies, helping urban residents, planning designers, and managers identify, appreciate, experience, and sustainably manage natural resources and urban ecological network, and providing scientific guidelines for ecological urban development.  相似文献   

Wilderness is a cultural construct that is deeply rooted in many societies. For landscape architects and their predecessors, wilderness has long been important as a contrast to artificial garden elements, as an inspiration for naturalistic plant designs, or today as a timely contribution to reconciling cities and their inhabitants with the natural world. Since cities and wilderness have traditionally been seen as opposites, new approaches are necessary to better address the opportunities and challenges associated with wilderness in urban regions. From an ecological perspective, urban wilderness can be defined as an area characterized by a high degree of self-regulation in ecosystem processes where direct human impact is negligible. This allows two main types of wilderness to be distinguished: “ancient wilderness” represented by natural remnants in many cities, and “novel wilderness,” which arises in artificial urban-industrial sites. The two types require different approaches in designing and managing green spaces. Ancient wilderness is a traditional object of conservation and restoration, and offers inspiration for naturalistic plantings. In contrast, the emergence of novel wilderness has long been associated with neglect and socio-economic decline. Since the 1980s, however, early pioneer projects in Germany have started to integrate novel urban wilderness into the green infrastructure. The results are unprecedented green spaces that combine novel wilderness with design interventions. These places are attractive to visitors, contribute to biodiversity conservation, and support many ecosystem services. This article aims to illustrate the opportunities and challenges of integrating wilderness components and processes into the urban green infrastructure—a timely way to reconnect cities with nature.  相似文献   

Fragments of wilderness dominated by natural succession exist in urban environments, and play a critical role in protecting biodiversity, supporting urban ecological processes, and connecting human beings with nature. Urban vegetation rewilding is a key approach to restricting urban wilderness by restoring the species composition, community structure and functions, eventually towards a self-maintained vegetation community. This paper, taking wildflower meadows as a reference, establishes a technical framework of urban vegetation rewilding by leveraging ecological flows and adopting quasi-nature design with minimum interventions. The framework covers 5 aspects, namely self-design, micro-topographic design, quasinature design, collaborative symbiosis design between plant community and keystone animal species, and design with natural materials. Studying the green space along the northwest lakeside of the Shuangguihu National Wetland Park in Liangping District, Chongqing, this paper provides a scientific guidance and technical paradigm for vegetation rewilding and urban wilderness restoration in the complex context of natural–artificial urban landscapes.  相似文献   

在城市发展进程中,诸多因原有自然基底条件限制或用地性质转变等原因,而未经过多人工干预的土地发展成为城市荒野空间。从城市自然再认知的角度出发,辨析了城市荒野在传承人地共生关系、承载生态系统服务功能以及提升城市生物多样性等方面的潜质;梳理出城市荒野的基本类型与存续目标,包括初级荒野的整体保护、次级荒野的再生与利用、间隙荒野的激活与新生,以及类荒野的认知引导。在此基础上,结合案例研究,归纳出每类城市荒野空间发展的典型策略与应用情境,以期从理论框架和实践应用层面推进城市荒野空间有效的组织利用,为中国城市更新与可持续发展提供新思路。  相似文献   

孙天智  王晓俊 《中国园林》2023,39(11):70-76
首先探讨了城市荒野的基本概念。其次通过引入与研究对象相关且具有代表性的案例及学术成果,从不同角度分析城市荒野内涵的多样性,揭示城市荒野的类型和研究城市荒野课题具备的广泛学理基础,以及在风景园林设计中对城市荒野的处理所展现出的统筹生态与人文的实践特性。在此基础上,围绕城市荒野“存续”和“体验”两方面存在的实际问题,结合笔者团队的工程实践和环境考察,探讨了如何通过景观营建促进更多类型的城市荒野实现“景观用途”、推动公众更好地理解与感知城市荒野多元价值的方法,发掘风景园林实践对于支撑城市荒野存续的独特能力和实践潜力。  相似文献   

One of the core values of urban wilderness construction is to restore the structures and functions of biological communities in fragmented urban habitats, and enable the stability and ecological succession of native communities with low human intervention. The paper discusses the design principles and technical methodologies in active urban rewilding by the example of Shanghai Urban Biodiversity Education Base project. Aiming to restore urban biodiversity and enrich the technical and theoretical research of urban wilderness construction and Nature-based Solutions, this project conducted habitat division, native species introduction, natural community construction, ecological benefit assessment, etc. In a year and a half, 260 native plant species, 255 insect species, 7 amphibian and reptile species, 71 bird species, and 6 mammal species were recorded within the 1.7 hm2 project site, showing higher biodiversity and density of animal populations than unrestored consructed forests surrounding. Along with the spontaneous progressive succession of the plant communities, the project has achieved good results. The technical approaches proposed in the project can be broadly applied in design and construction of country parks, wildlife habitats, ecological corridors / networks, and environmental education bases.  相似文献   

陈媛   《中国园林》2022,38(8):24
在国际范围内荒野保护运动持续发展的同时,中国 的荒野保护体系正在稳步建立。但随着城市化进程的不断加 速,城市中自然荒野空间的开发是不可避免的。如何在不断扩 张的城市范围内尽可能保留与规划荒野景观,已经成为国内风 景园林设计师关注的问题。在梳理了城市荒野课题相关背景和 研究进展后,探索了荷兰的城市荒野实践经验,并选取3个不 同尺度和类型的代表性案例,分别对案例的项目背景、设计要 点和场地功能进行研究分析,进而提出自然优先、野性保护、 控制扰动和公众参与4点原则,并辩证地提取了可指导中国背 景下不同尺度城市荒野景观营造的策略,为构建中国荒野体系 提供了国际经验。  相似文献   

城市生态基础设施建设的十大景观战略   总被引:96,自引:5,他引:96  
俞孔坚  李迪华  潮洛蒙 《规划师》2001,17(6):9-13,17
城市的生态基础设施是城市及其居民持续获得自然生态服务的保障。面对中国未来巨大的城市化前景,前瞻性的城市生态基础设施建设具有非常重要的战略意义。为此,本文提出了维护和强化整体山水格局的连续性;保护和建立多样化的乡土生境系统;维护和恢复河流和海岸的自然形态;保护和恢复湿地系统;将城郊防护林体系与城市绿地系统相结合;建立无汽车绿色通道;开放专用绿地;建立乡土植物苗圃基地等十大战略。  相似文献   

可持续城市设计的生态观念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在城市设计中,城市发展与城市环境之间常常存在难以解决的矛盾。本文通过对城市设计可持续思想和议题的研究,从城市生态学角度分析在发展与保护矛盾之间的本质因素,解释可持续性城市设计与生态环境保护的内在含义,从而对实践中的问题作出一些认识判断。  相似文献   

王朝晖  林文棋 《规划师》1999,15(4):110-113
对规划地段的自然生态状况深入而全面研究的普遍缺乏是当前城市规划工作的共同特点和缺点。作者提出面对人口的剧增、环境的恶化、物种的丧失等一系列生态矛盾与困惑,需要把规划方案建立在坚实的生态调查研究的基础上,使建设与地方的自然状况协调适应,符合区域固有的生态环境与运行规律。生态评价是达成这一目的的一条途径。  相似文献   

城市生态问题的实质,是人与环境关系的失范,是环境伦理学范畴。城市生态规划是在大尺度上处理城市发展与生态环境保护关系的实践科学,需结合环境伦理学的最新理论与方法进行原则思辨。在具体的规划设计方法上应尊重自然,正确设定城市发展的限度与阈值,在城市自然生态可承受范围内,采取与环境更加包容的发展策略。要按照自然优先、代际公平、互利合作的原则重建城市近自然。按照生态承载力要求为城市的发展设定上限,在满足城市发展的同时取得环境健康的统一,同时转变增长方式,取得人与自然的协同发展。这样就能够从工业文明走向生态文明,建设更加可持续、健康的城市。  相似文献   

提出城市空间发展研究要加强源于自然生态视角的研究,认为城市空间发展不是人工环境不断侵占自然生态空间的过程,而应是与自然演进协同,并探讨了基于自然生态视角的城市空间发展研究方法.以成都市空间发展研究为例,运用了自然生态价值评估、生态资源评价等一系列方法,探讨了基于自然生态视角下的成都城市空间发展模式.  相似文献   

毛杰  丁山 《建筑与文化》2016,(11):233-235
山西路广场是南京市鼓楼区集商业游憩为一体的综合性市民广场,结合场地区位、现状及使用人群等方面对该广场进行的概念性改造设计,是基于城市微气候调节理论的研究成果,以现实依据对场地进行系统的改造设计,为生态可持续性城市广场设计发展提供理论支持,也为生态可持续性城市建设提供助力。  相似文献   

城市生态系统与可持续发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘苹  刘菁 《新建筑》1999,(6):4-5
随着环境污染日趋严重 ,现代城市建设面临着生态环境危机。为此 ,以生态学理论为基础 ,阐述了城市生态系统的概念 ,并从系统的平衡、共生及资源循环利用三方面来探讨城市可持续发展的途径  相似文献   

杨春燕 《华中建筑》2008,26(5):127-128
通过对南湖生态城城市设计一等奖方案的分析,并结合相关生态城市设计理论,该文提出了城市“Overlay”层迭概念:以及“创建融合式生态网架”的城市设计新思路。从而为探索具有特定自然奢件及生态景观的城市设计增加了新的启示和方法.  相似文献   

In this text we take a closer look at the development of the wilderness metaphor of the Zwischenstadt, that is, fragmented urban landscapes in Germany. We trace the metaphor's meanings back to its origins in the conservative cultural criticism of Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl of the mid-nineteenth century and analyse the different meanings of ‘wilderness’ in today's urban and landscape planners’ positions. Our aim is to demonstrate that the meanings of the concept of wilderness, as well as those of city and cultural landscape, differ depending on the context in which they appear. We point out that different values can be attached to each individual meaning. These evaluations depend on cultural and political patterns and on one's own world view. We apply the insights thus gained to identify three different types of design strategy for the Zwischenstadt used by urban and landscape designers.  相似文献   

赵茜  齐康 《建筑与文化》2012,(11):100-101
通过介绍生态园林的概念、特征以及城市可持续发展的进展,阐述城市生态园林建设与城市可持续发展之间的辩证关系,提出了生态园林的构建策略,最终使园林、城市、人三者之间相互依存、融为一体,实现城市的可持续发展。  相似文献   

王江萍  聂爽 《华中建筑》2012,30(6):93-96
随着社会经济的发展,城市滨水景观被当作人们生活闲余的最佳选择正在蓬勃的发展着。作为一个城市的滨水公共空间,应当在满足视觉景观需求的前提下,考虑如何做到低碳与生态。该文结合低碳生态的理念,在对国内滨水景观现状的分析基础上,分析并提出了相应低碳生态化景观设计的设计要素和实现方法途径,具体为:滨水景观的延续性、滨水空间的功能复合化、滨水景观的亲水性、滨水景观的自然生态化以及滨水区域的交通便捷性。并且结合国内外的优秀案例和科技手段,从中寻求低碳生态和滨水景观的结合点。  相似文献   

基于水土生态理论研究视野下的城市水土保持   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在当今社会迅猛发展的城市化热潮下,自然生态环境受到了巨大的冲击,城市正面临着水土流失问题的侵扰。文章着重论述了城市化对自然生态产生的不同影响以及水土流失对城市的危害,并以其他国家的城市水土治理手段为范例,对深圳湾及总体环境进行了合理的数据分析,认为水土流失有显性水土流失和隐性水土流失,而保持水土生态平衡是城市水土保持的基本要求。基于水土生态理论的城市水土保持归根结底地还是要解决好人与水的关系、人与土的关系、人与植被的关系并依此创造丰富多彩的水土生态文化,积累更多保护、适应和合理利用水土生态资源的传统、方式和经验,是人与自然和谐的基本保证,也是城市水土保持所要实现的目标。  相似文献   

城市设计实践中的生态学方法初探   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文试图探讨将区域性生态规划理论及其方法应用于城市尺度的课题,初步探索了生态学在城市设计过程中实际应用的可能性。在简要介绍生态理念及生态科学在规划中被应用的发展历史之后,简述“千层饼法”、AHP权重计算法和因子组合法等在“垂直生态过程”的量化分析中的作用。此后通过景观生态学的“斑块-廊道-基底”模式和相关的经验性规则试图解决“水平生态过程”中的相关问题,提出了在城市尺度上建立“生态优先”的“生态安全格局”的构想。  相似文献   

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