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The reduction of the waste of raw materials at source using clean technologies, recycling, and good housekeeping has considerable benefits for both the environment and industry. A demonstration project on wastewater minimization was completed in 1995 in the Aire and Calder catchments of West Yorkshire. The findings indicated cost savings for eleven firms of over $3 million/annum and further opportunities which, when implemented, could realize another $1 million/annum. The reduction in the amount of wastewater discharged either to sewer or river was 27%, with a potential to increase to over 40%. The payback period for 63% of the waste minimization opportunities is less than one year and many involve only a small initial investment. Waste minimization when widely adopted has prospects for cutting industry's costs, reducing demand for water and reducing the volume of effluent produced.  相似文献   

北美城市规划评估实践经验及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市规划评估具有完善规划方案编制、保障规划实施、促进城市发展目标的实现、平衡和调解社会各方利益等作用,对当前处于快速城市化进程中的我国城市意义重大。然而,当前我国的规划评估尚处于起步阶段,开展得并不充分,应在借鉴北美12个城市规划评估实践经验的基础上,探索适合我国城市发展的可供操作的规划评估体系。  相似文献   

The success of urban stream restoration is often measured through biophysical attributes, or the progress towards restoration of a notionally intact section of landscape. What remains understudied is how success can be defined across social, economic, as well as ecological parameters. This research offers a narrative approach for urban restoration research that serves as a chronotope for untangling the biophysical and sociocultural complexities of the contemporary urban environment. The framework of this approach is presented through a case study of a recent stream restoration project in Seattle, Washington. The findings highlight the need for urban stream restoration processes to be grounded within a sociocultural context that is interdependent with biophysical conditions, and recommends measures of project success to include community, educational and participatory goals.  相似文献   

The Ayamama River in Istanbul has been substantially degraded due to urbanization of the river corridor since the 1950s. Development throughout the watershed and climate change contribute to increasing severity of flash flooding events that threaten life and property in the floodplain. As the intensity, duration or frequency of extreme rainfall events continue to increase with climate change, it is imperative to reduce the risk of urban flooding to vulnerable assets. However, as Istanbul is a city famous for its density and lack of open space, finding suitable relocation sites for at-risk structures, while maintaining access to recreational amenities for the surrounding neighborhoods is a daunting task. The decommissioned Ataturk Airport provides a unique opportunity to re-imagine the utility of urban voids in helping cities adapt to increasing flood impacts. While the current airport redevelopment proposal includes the construction of a massive park and new cultural amenities, such a park lacks sufficient connective infrastructure to its surrounding neighborhoods and does little to alleviate the significant environmental challenges of its neighbor, the Ayamama River. In this paper, we explore the use of the decommissioned Ataturk Airport site to relieve development pressure from the Ayamama River by implementing a novel swap strategy for urban voids. The proposed swap strategy design methodology relocates, regenerates, and reconnects decommissioned infrastructures and degraded floodplains simultaneously. As the impacts of climate change become more prominent, this novel urban concept seeks to initiate a conversation amongst planners and designers around the use of decommissioned infrastructure and large-scale urban voids to help relieve pressure from urban floodplains. Meanwhile, it can make room for river restoration projects without decreasing the quality of life of relocated residents or negatively impacting relocated economic activities by identifying redevelopment sites in close proximity.  相似文献   

改革开放以来珠江三角洲城市与区域发展研究综述   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
李红卫  王建军  彭涛 《规划师》2005,21(5):96-99
改革开放以来,珠江三角洲城市与区域发展的研究可划分为3个阶段。根据众多学对珠江三角洲城市与区域经济发展、城市发展与城市化、交通与土地利用、城市群研究、区域协调发展5个方面的研究,提出珠江三角洲城市的对外竞争主要体现在区域竞争力上,应走区域经济一体化台作的道路,即应选择全球城盟的发展方向。  相似文献   

Large Wood (LW) is increasingly employed in river restoration to promote physical habitat heterogeneity and ecological diversity. To explore how LW has been used in restoration schemes across the United Kingdom in recent decades, we analysed data on 912 LW projects archived in the UK’s National River Restoration Inventory (NRRI). The number of LW schemes has continued to increase following the earliest records in the 1990s, largely tracking overall trends in river restorations. LW projects have been predominantly located in lowland, rural streams, although there has been a notable cluster in and around London. LW projects have mainly revolved around the desire to deliver hydromorphological improvements and specifically the creation of fish habitat. Most schemes used LW in simple deflector forms despite the growing scientific evidence of the benefits of using structurally complex LW. Post project monitoring has been limited and mostly restricted to photographic records. This type of database analysis can provide important insights and help guide future restoration practice.  相似文献   

在荷兰的政策讨论与实践中,一个反复出现的主题就是努力创建混合的社区.在二战后的最初几年,基本的问题不是混合群体而是混合功能:通过混合各种不同的功能,诸如居住、工作和娱乐等,使地区内的居民能够开展各种活动而不用被迫离开.20世纪60年代,功能分区的理念取代了把地区看作是所有功能和人口混合在一个有限空间里的社会单元的理念,居住、就业和交通职能被分离开.20世纪70年代和80年代,荷兰大城市中建于二战前的贫穷地区开展了大型的城市更新运动.在此期间,居住混合并不是一项明确的目标.到20世纪80年代末,一项新的住房政策开始占据主导.城市重构成为关键词:在社会租赁住房占据主导的地区,大量房屋不得不拆毁或更新,以便为那些价格更高的、通常是个人所有的住房留下空间.通过这种方式就可以抵制低收入家庭的高度集中.自2001年以来,关于社会混合的争论一直在变换论调.在此之前,这场争论和政策都已经在社会经济用语中得到体现和表述.2001年之后,与少数族裔在空间上集聚相关的问题变得尤为突出.  相似文献   

赵炳时 《世界建筑》1999,(12):16-20
澳门是东西方文化交汇的中心,在特殊的历史环境中,已形成自己独特的建筑风格,澳门的建筑艺术充分反映出东西主文化的融合,澳门即将回归,其城市和建筑文化也必将经历巨大的冲击。机会与挑战并存,澳门的总体景观和建筑面貌将会中丰富和具有吸引力。  相似文献   

对1870年以来荷兰的城镇化与城市区域规划发展演化的过程进行阐述,揭示社会的发展改变了多元的公共利益的角色,同时也改变了与其相伴的城市与区域规划的角色.  相似文献   

王桢栋 《建筑学报》2006,(12):17-20
以亲身体验和考察,叙述了香港旺角朗豪坊城市建筑综合体漫长的开发过程(过去),与周边城市肌理的结合和独具匠心的空间布局(现在),以及通过零售为核心辐射带动整个地区的发展远景(未来),展示了该城市建筑综合体对所处地块、旺角地区、乃至整个香港特殊形态的决定性影响力。  相似文献   

城市边缘区自然生境的环境胁迫是城市化造成的突出问题,生境保护早在30多年前就受到发达国家与地区的高度重视。美国的物种保护经历了特定物种实体保护和重要生态斑块保护,最后回到物种赋存生境保护,可见生境保护的重要性。在增强保护规划与提升管控实效方面,中国还有待发掘系统的应对方案。美国生境保护规划起步时间早、管理体系完善且能充分协调生境保护与建设发展的关系,对我国城市地区全覆盖规划,特别是对提升城市边缘区的生态环境保护实效与复合服务能力具有极高的借鉴价值。文章采用文献梳理及案例研究的方法,从保护规划制定、开发项目管控和环境影响评估三个方面剖析美国生境保护的思路和管控方法,并提出通过深度链接高层规划、审批管控流程与环境影响评估的适应性用地布局规划,及"硬-软件"要素结合的管控方法,来应对我国城市边缘区环境保护与管控中存在的问题。  相似文献   

重庆主城区两江四岸指的是地处中 梁山与铜锣山之间的长江与嘉陵江区域, 是三峡库区的库尾段,目前面临江岸生态环 境破坏、生物多样性降低、岸线植被功能 退化等生态问题,尤其是该段既存在库区 消落问题,又存在上游自然河段洪水冲刷 问题,江岸消落带面积大,水文变化复杂, 江岸生态修复与景观设计面临的难度与挑 战极大。本文以重庆主城长江南岸为例,通 过系统调查江岸带鸟类、鱼类、两栖动物等 野生动物的种类与分布情况、栖息地与觅食 地、生活习性以及江岸带现状植物情况,对植物群落类型、优势植物种类与外来植物威胁等进行统计分析,总结提炼出长江岸线特色的 “浩”“沱”“碛”“滩”“洲”“河口”六类自然生境。在现状调查与充分认识水文地貌单元的 水文与生境特征的基础上,提出江岸带生态修复与景观设计策略。针江岸自然生境,遵循水文 季节性变化规律,识别生境管控范围,对水域或近水域的水文地貌单元提出差异化保护与修复 管控策略。天然河流因水流冲击作用,岸线呈现冲刷岸与淤积岸交替出现的情形。由于冲刷岸、 淤积岸水流水势差异,对其的韧性化处理方式也存在差异。重塑滨江生态立体空间,根据水位 季节性变化,配置相应的复合植被群落,优化人工植被结构,引导江岸生态自然修复,顺应长江 的季节性涨落,塑造多维韧性江岸。综合考虑城市内部河流生态、景观与休闲游憩等多功能需 求,结合岸线现状建设情况、水文特征、水文单元地貌、动植物生境与岸线腹地城市功能等资 源禀赋的差异,将长江南岸划定为原生标本段、生态保育段、生态休闲段和城市活力段四类江 岸生态分区,分段差异化引导人为活动强度与活动形式,以更好协调人与自然的关系。  相似文献   

介绍了英国城市复兴的产生背景、定义和原则。详细阐述了英国当代战略导向的城市复兴方法。  相似文献   

公园是城市重要的公共开放空间。公 共设施或空间的建设运营投入较高与部分空间 实际使用绩效较低形成现实矛盾。为了推进城市 蓝绿空间的高质量发展,充分发挥公共空间的 公共性,研究者不断从更多视角关注公共设施 或空间的使用绩效与可达性。以昆明市中心城区 31个城市公园为例,提出测度公园空间使用绩效 更具有时效性和准确性的数据和方法,然后结 合多种交通方式可达性建立线性回归模型,量 化两者的关联性;最后根据不同聚类的关系来 分析四类公园的特征、空间分布规律和相关影 响因素。研究结果表明:步行可达性对公园外部 空间使用绩效影响最显著;大部分公园空间使 用绩效和交通可达性较为匹配,但低水平匹配 居多,需要从空间平衡布局方面提出城市公共资源有效配置的规划策略;对关系不匹配的公园,需要关注公园运营管理和周边建设两方面存在的 滞后要素。研究结果对城市公园公共性的充分发挥和持续性建设具有现实意义。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,城市蔓延(即城市空间的过度增长),已成为中国城市化进程的重要特征。城市空间的蔓延式增长,导致一系列负面问题,引起了不少学者和决策者的高度关注。本文在剖析城市蔓延的概念和基本特征的基础上,研究和深化城市蔓延的单指标测度方法:根据人口增长量、建成区面积增长量和城市蔓延指数(SI)三者的取值情况,将城市空间增长分成5种类型,并以中国270个地级及以上城市作为分析对象,定量分析我国2002—2007年及2008—2013年两个时间段内的城市蔓延状况。研究表明,在两个时间段内,中国各区域的城市空间增长总体是过度的、分散的。城市蔓延状况比较严重,存在逐渐恶化的趋势,并且区域差异较大,由东、中部逐渐向西部和东北部扩散。2008—2013年,中部地区蔓延指数比之前五年有所下降,东部地区大致保持不变,西部地区和东北部地区大幅度增长。  相似文献   

阮梅洪  楼倩  牛建农 《华中建筑》2011,29(12):110-115
宅基地安置模式下的新城中村建设,诱导村集体、村民,努力将其实现住房权益最大化,聚焦于对城中村改造建设用地规模与优势区位的争取,影响城市空间资源的高效配置。该文以宅基地地租为基础,通过定量计算、定性分析,建立新城中村影响城市空间绩效的模型,探析宅基地安置模式下被沉没的村民利益和城市效益,提出创新城中村改造模式的新理念和新方法:引导城中村改造主体,由对宅基地、住房等物质空间的过度关注,改为对宅基地、住房经济价值的追求,加快城村融合,提高城市空间绩效。  相似文献   

本文介绍和分析了美国首都华盛顿的"国家首都城市设计和安全计划"。从该计划应对的问题、改造的对象和倡导的原则三个方面,发现并分析了我国首都北京在当代城市建设中可能遭遇或者已经存在的问题,希望引起城市管理和建设部门以及相关专业的重视。  相似文献   

现代城市的发展很大程度上依赖高效运转的城市交通系统。城市交通的改善的确给我们带来了便利,促进了地区的发展,但大型城市变通设施割裂了城市的肌理,湮灭了城市的特性,我们的城市正在变成一堆堆构筑物的集合体,滚滚车流在带来商机的同时也带来了日益严重的环境问题,导致城市品质的退化。如何保持机动性与可持续发展之间的协调是我国城市普遍面临的巨大挑战,这既需要先进的理念,更需要不同专业知识、不同文化背景的专业人员的其同探讨。以“城市机动性和可持续发展”为主题由中欧四国六所大学联合举行的的城市规划设计竞赛,标志着一种全新的探讨。我们相信法国动态城市基金会的一系列学术活动必将会影响到城市交通规划的价值取向。  相似文献   

Over the past twenty or so years, the focus of urban regeneration in the UK has changed from being based on outcomes that primarily involved property redevelopment – by either the public or private sectors – to a broader mix of issues and a far greater emphasis on the process of urban regeneration and the partnership ideal. The evaluation undertaken here takes a critical stance towards the ways in which the partnership principle has been adopted and the policy guidance that requires it as a near-compulsory model. It is argued that, to date, there is little interest in the managerial effectiveness of partnerships and the broader implications of this for regeneration policy. A survey of the contemporary regeneration literature is undertaken to highlight the partial and inconclusive nature of most existing evaluations of partnerships, particularly given the emphasis on the role of local community leaders in the formulation and implementation of partnership projects. Then, some wider issues of the ‘political economy’ of urban policy are considered in the context of the partnership approach. This is followed by a juxtaposition of trends in property development in general with urban regeneration partnership management processes. Finally, it is concluded that the partnership ideal is a useful policy device but that it has to be thought through more clearly and applied in specific contexts, rather than seen as the best and universally applicable model of urban regeneration.  相似文献   

该文是个案研究系列之东北诸流域城市空间营造导言,对族群迁徙的历史及东北诸流域族群的更替叠累进行了疏理,并对东北诸流域城市空间营造做了简要介绍。  相似文献   

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