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为研究黏结长度(L=2d、5d,d为钢筋直径)对锈蚀钢筋与混凝土间黏结性能的影响,通过电化学加速锈蚀方法,获得六组不同钢筋锈蚀率(0. 0%、1. 0%、2. 0%、5. 0%、8. 0%、10. 0%)的中心拉拔试件,并使用裂缝测宽仪记录试件锈蚀后的最大裂缝宽度。通过中心拔出试验,分析了在黏结长度、锈蚀率等影响因子的作用下钢筋与混凝土间黏结性能的退化规律。结果表明,随着锈蚀率的增加,黏结长度较长的试件(L=5d)锈胀裂纹出现越早,且最大锈胀裂纹越宽。各试件的黏结强度、黏结刚度均随混凝土的劣化及锈蚀率的增加呈现先增长后逐渐下降的趋势,黏结能量则随锈蚀率的增加而逐渐减小。相比于L=2d的试件,L=5d试件的黏结强度、黏结刚度更低。基于试验结果,建立了最大锈胀裂缝宽度、黏结强度与锈蚀率的关系式。  相似文献   

为研究锈蚀对钢筋与混凝土黏结性能的影响,制作了24个200 mm×200 mm×200 mm的中心拉拔试件及6个标准立方体试块。通过电流诱导钢筋锈蚀并控制其锈蚀量,得到理论锈蚀率为0%、0.3%、0.5%、1%、2%、5%、8%、15%的拉拔试件并完成拉拔试验。通过割线刚度的方法研究了锈蚀率对黏结刚度的影响,分析了峰前拉力功随锈蚀率变化的规律。通过对已有研究中拔出试件的黏结强度退化数据进行统计,得到了三段式黏结强度退化试验模型及保守模型。提出了简化的三段式黏结-滑移本构模型并考虑了锈蚀率对残余黏结强度的影响。试验结果表明:钢筋与混凝土的黏结刚度达到峰值后,随着锈蚀率的增大,其退化速率可划分为2个阶段。峰前拉力功随锈蚀增大呈现先减小后增大再减小趋势。  相似文献   

余自若  沈捷  贾方方  安明喆 《材料导报》2017,31(23):138-144, 176
对147个超高性能混凝土与普通混凝土的100mm×100mm×100mm立方体黏结试件进行了冻融循环后的黏结性能研究,测量了冻融后试件的相对动弹性模量、质量损失率以及劈裂抗拉强度,研究了超高性能混凝土中的钢纤维掺量、普通混凝土的强度等级、黏结面形式、试件的浇筑方向等因素对黏结试件抗冻性能的影响。结果表明,冻融循环结束后,所有黏结试件中的超高性能混凝土部分都没有出现损伤,超高性能混凝土可以作为普通混凝土结构的理想外围护材料;随着冻融循环次数的增加,黏结试件的相对动弹性模量逐渐减小,质量损失率先降低后增加,黏结试件的劈裂抗拉强度线性下降;影响黏结试件冻融后劈裂抗拉强度下降速度的关键因素是超高性能混凝土中的钢纤维掺量和黏结面的形式。  相似文献   

陈宗平  刘祥  周文祥 《工程力学》2018,35(8):192-200,256
为揭示历经高温作用后圆钢管与高强混凝土界面间的黏结滑移性能,设计17个试件进行推出试验,试验考虑了高强混凝土强度等级、历经最高温度和界面黏结长度3个变化参数,通过试验,观察了试件的破坏过程及形态,得到试件加载端及自由端的荷载-滑移曲线,基于试验实测数据深入分析各变化参数对黏结强度、界面耗能及损伤的影响规律,提出了高温后圆钢管高强混凝土界面黏结强度的计算式以及黏结滑移本构方程。结果表明:随历经温度的升高,圆钢管与高强混凝土界面黏结强度呈现先增大后减小的变化规律;随着历经温度的升高,黏结强度随混凝土强度等级的提高而增大的影响程度逐渐减弱;界面黏结损伤随历经温度的升高有所推迟;界面黏结耗能能力随历经温度与混凝土强度等级的提高而下降。  相似文献   

为了研究玻璃纤维增强树脂复合材料(GFRP)筋与自密实混凝土(SCC)的黏结性能,制作了66个GFRP/SCC试件进行中心拉拔试验,研究SCC混凝土保护层厚度、GFRP筋直径和黏结长度以及SCC中添加纤维种类等因素对两者黏结性能的影响,并对试件的破坏形式进行分析。结果表明:试件主要出现了三种破坏形式,即劈裂破坏、拔出破坏、拔出带缝破坏;通过电镜扫描发现SCC浇筑方向对GFRP筋与SCC黏结界面的结构有一定影响,GFRP筋上部界面与SCC黏结更紧密。当SCC保护层厚度由4D增大至7D时,黏结强度提高了约44.05%;当GFRP筋黏结长度由5D增大至15D时,黏结强度降低了约65.43%;当GFRP筋直径由12 mm增大至16 mm时,黏结强度降低了约22.57%;SCC中添加聚丙烯纤维、钢纤维、聚丙烯纤维+钢纤维的试件黏结强度比不添加纤维的试件黏结强度分别提高12.80%、15.16%、15.09%。可以通过适当增加SCC保护层厚度、在SCC中添加纤维等措施来提高GFRP/SCC试件的黏结强度。   相似文献   

对经过0次、25次、50次、75次、100次冻融循环作用后的再生混凝土(粗骨料取代率100%)进行拉拔试验研究,得出不同冻融循环次数、保护层厚度和锚固长度下钢筋与再生混凝土间黏结性能的变化规律。结果表明:随着冻融循环次数的增加,钢筋与再生混凝土间的黏结强度逐渐降低,而滑移值逐渐增加;黏结强度随着相对保护层厚度的增加而增大且呈线性关系,随着相对锚固长度的增加,黏结强度却随之减小,当相对保护层厚度和锚固长度增加到一定值后,黏结强度基本保持不变。基于试验结果给出黏结-滑移曲线,曲线分为微滑移线性阶段、滑移阶段、滑移加速阶段、非线性下降段和残余阶段等5个阶段。通过分析试验数据提出不同影响因素下各阶段黏结锚固特征值的拟合计算公式,为我国冻融环境下再生混凝土结构的耐久性设计提供参考。  相似文献   

为研究高温效应对钢筋-混凝土动态黏结性能的影响,建立了考虑带肋钢筋表面特征和混凝土材料非均质性的三维细观模型,与试验的破坏模式和黏结应力-滑移曲线进行对比,验证了细观模型的合理性。在此基础上,分析了高温下和冷却后钢筋-混凝土动态黏结应力-滑移行为的变化规律。结合数值模拟结果,建立了考虑高温效应的动态黏结强度预测公式。结果表明:细观模型能够反映变形钢筋与混凝土界面的开裂过程和黏结破坏机理;随着应变率的增加,高温下或冷却后的混凝土损伤区域逐渐减小;应变率相同时,高温下混凝土的损伤区域明显大于冷却后;随着温度的升高,高温下或冷却后试件的极限黏结强度均线性下降;相同温度环境下,应变率增加使得极限黏结强度非线性提高;预测结果与试验结果的良好吻合,说明本文提出的经验公式可以合理反映钢筋-混凝土动态极限黏结强度的高温效应。  相似文献   

朱擎  李述涛  陈叶青 《工程力学》2023,54(S):62-73, 91
根据钻地武器侵彻有配筋超高性能混凝土(UHPC)的实际背景,该文通过数值模拟方法研究了配筋对超高性能混凝土抗侵彻性能的影响。通过弹体侵彻素UHPC靶标的试验数据验证了数值模型和材料参数的可靠性,通过量纲分析确定了钢筋直径d、钢筋平面间距sh和层间距sv是影响配筋的主要因素,对300 m/s和600 m/s弹体侵彻不同钢筋间距和直径的UHPC靶标工况进行了计算分析,研究了相同配筋率情况下不同配筋形式对侵彻深度的影响。结果表明:钢筋能够有效提升超高性能混凝土的抗侵彻性能,侵彻深度和表面成坑直径与钢筋间距正相关,与钢筋直径负相关;在相同的配筋率下,采用小间距、小直径的配筋方式比大间距、大直径的配筋方式更能有效提升超高性能混凝土的抗侵彻性能。  相似文献   

超高性能混凝土(UHPC)优异的性能主要取决于钢纤维与基体的协同工作,为探讨铣削型钢纤维在UHPC中的适用性,本工作通过钢纤维拉拔试验,研究了铣削型钢纤维与UHPC的界面粘结性能,分析了纤维埋深、纤维有无端勾、基体有无纤维、养护条件四个因素的影响及其机理,并与镀铜微丝钢纤维进行对比。结果表明:四种类型的钢纤维(镀铜平直型S、镀铜端钩型H、铣削平直型MS和铣削型MH)在UHPC中的粘结强度大小顺序为H型>MH型>MS型>S型;随着纤维埋深增加,S型、H型和MS型钢纤维在UHPC中的粘结强度减小,而MH型钢纤维则增大;端勾有助于提升钢纤维在UHPC中的粘结强度和拉拔能,并影响拉拔荷载-位移曲线的形状;基体掺入2%(体积分数)钢纤维亦能略微提高钢纤维在UHPC中的粘结强度和拉拔能;与蒸养条件相比,标养条件下界面粘结强度降低,但也使得铣削型钢纤维的拔出行为更明显,提高了拉拔能。铣削型钢纤维与UHPC界面粘结强度较高,但其较低的纤维抗拉强度影响了粘结性能的发挥,建议开发适用于UHPC的高强铣削型钢纤维。  相似文献   

The results of thirty pullout tests carried out on 8 and 10 mm diameter deformed steel bars concentrically embedded in recycled aggregate concrete designed using equivalent mix proportions with coarse recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) replacement percentages of 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 % are reported towards investigation of bond behaviour of RCA concrete. Bond strengths of the natural aggregate concrete and the RCA concrete was found to be comparable, particularly for the 10 mm rebars, and the RCA replacement percentage had an insignificant effect on peak bond stress values. However, for both the bar sizes, when the measured bond strengths were normalized with the respective compressive strengths, then the normalized bond strengths so obtained across all the RCA replacement percentages were higher for the RCA concrete compared to the natural coarse aggregate concrete. Further, higher normalized bond strength values were obtained for the 8 mm rebars compared to the 10 mm bars. An empirical bond stress versus slip relationship between RCA concrete and deformed steel bars has been proposed on the basis of regression analysis of the experimental data and it is conservatively suggested that anchorage lengths of 8 and 10 mm diameter deformed bars in RCA concrete may be taken the same as in natural aggregate concrete.  相似文献   

The bond behavior of glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) and steel bars embedded in ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) was investigated according to embedment length and bar diameter. Post-peak bond stress-slip softening curve of the GFRP bars was obtained, and a wedging effect was quantitatively evaluated. Test results indicated that a normalized bond strength of 5 was applicable for steel bars embedded in UHPFRC, and the development lengths of normal- and high-strength steel bars were determined to be 2 and 2.5 times the bar diameter, respectively. The GFRP bars exhibited approximately 70% lower bond strength than the steel bars, and the bond stress additionally applied by the wedging effect increased almost linearly with respect to the slip. Based on dimensionless bond stress and slip parameters, an appropriate theoretical model for the bond stress and slip relationship of steel bars in UHPFRC was suggested, and it was verified through comparison with the test data.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the bond between steel reinforcement and recycled aggregate concrete, including Electric arc furnace (EAF) slag as full replacement of natural coarse aggregates. Pull-out tests were carried out according to RILEM standard on specimens made with six concrete mixtures, characterized by different w/c ratios and types of aggregates. Plain and ribbed steel reinforcement bars were used to observe the influence of steel roughness. Experimental bond-slip relationships were analyzed, and results show similar bond mechanisms between the reference and EAF concrete specimens. Significant bond strength enhancement is observed in concretes with low w/c ratio, when EAF slag is used as recycled coarse aggregate. Experimental results in terms of bond strength were also compared to analytical predictions, obtained with empirical formulations.  相似文献   

Bond performance of reinforcing bars in inorganic polymer concrete (IPC)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The basic mechanical and chemical properties of fly-ash-based inorganic polymer concretes (IPC) have been studied widely, but, key engineering and structural properties of the material for instance modulus of elasticity, compressive, tensile, flexural strengths and bonding strength of the material to reinforcement have received little attention. Structural applications of reinforced IPC depend on the bond performance of the material to the reinforcement. Due to their difference with ordinary Portland cement (OPC) based concrete in terms of chemical reaction and matrix formation it is not known whether IPC exhibit different bonding performance with the reinforcement. Simply relying on compressive strength of the material and extrapolating models and equations meant for OPC based concrete may lead to unsafe design of structural members. To that end, 27 beam-end specimens, 58 cubic direct pullout type specimens and number of laboratory test specimens were tested to evaluate bonding performance of IPC with reinforcement. The results of beam-end specimens and direct pullout type specimens correlate favourably, although the results of direct pullout tests are in general more conservative than those of beam-end specimens. Overall, it can be concluded that bond performance of IPC mixes are comparable to OPC based concrete and therefore IPC and steel can be used as a composite material to resist tension in addition to compression.  相似文献   

Ultra high performance concretes (UHPCs) are cementitious composite materials with high level of performance characterized by high compressive strength, high tensile strength and superior durability. These are reached by a low water-to-binder ratio, optimized aggregate size distribution, thermal activation, and fiber reinforcement. In the past couple of decades, more and more UHPCs have been developed and found their ways into practice. Thus, the demand for computational models capable of describing and predicting relevant aging phenomena to assist design and planning is increasing. This paper presents the early age experimental characterization as well as the results of subsequent simulations of a typical UHPC matrix. Performed and simulated tests include unconfined compression, splitting (Brazilian), and three-point-bending tests. The computational framework is constructed by coupling a hygro-thermo-chemical (HTC) theory and a comprehensive mesoscale discrete model with formulated aging functions. The HTC component allows taking into account various types of curing conditions with varying temperature and relative humidity and predicting the level of concrete aging. The mechanical component, the Lattice Discrete Particle Model (LDPM), permits the simulation of the failure behavior of concrete at the length scale of major heterogeneities. The aging functions relate the mesoscale LDPM mechanical properties in terms of aging degree, defined in this work as the ratio between the quasi-static elastic modulus at a certain age and its asymptotic value. The obtained results provide insights into UHPC early age mechanisms yielding a computational model for the analysis of aging UHPC structures.  相似文献   

In this paper the bond behavior of recycled aggregate concrete was characterized by replacing different percentages of natural coarse aggregate with recycled coarse aggregate (20, 50 and 100 %). The results made it possible to establish the differences between the conventional concrete bond strength and the recycled concrete bond strength depending on the replacement percentage. It was thus found that bond stress decreases with the increase of the percentage of recycled coarse aggregate used. In order to define the influence of recycled aggregate content on bond behavior, normalized bond strength was calculated taking into account the reduced compressive strength of the recycled concretes. Finally, using the experimental results, a modified expression for maximum bond stress (bond strength) prediction was developed, taking into account replacement percentage and compressive strength. The obtained results show that the equation proposed provides an experimental value to theoretical prediction ratio similar to that of conventional concrete.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results of an experimental investigation into the bond behavior between recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) and deformed steel rebars, with the main variables being the recycled coarse aggregate replacement ratio (RCAr) and water-to-cement ratio of the concrete mixture. The investigation into splitting cracking strength indicates that the degradation of the bond splitting tensile stress of the cover concrete was affected by not only the roundness of the coarse aggregate particles but also the weak interfacial transition zone (ITZ) between the cement paste and the RCA that has a more porous structure in the ITZ than normal concrete. In this study, a linear relationship between the bond strength and the density of the RCA was found, but the high compressive strength reduced the effects of the parameters. To predict the bond strength of RAC using the main parameters, a multivariable model was developed using nonlinear regression analysis. It can be inferred from this study that the degradation characteristic of the bond strength of RAC can be predicted well, whereas other empirical equations and code provisions are very conservative.  相似文献   

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