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随着中国经济社会的不断发展和城市化进程的快速推进,为了满足市民对美丽环境日益增长的需求,国家设计并建造了越来越多的城市公园和街头绿地.而面对我国普遍缺水的现状,科学有效地评价、设计、管理景观用水显得十分重要,但国内却鲜有对此关注.特别是园林植物养护用水,即园林植物需水量,直接关系着可持续景观建设的实现.美国加州很早开始...  相似文献   

景观绩效评价旨在针对建成项目进行景观绩效的可持续性量化,而居住区景观的独特性、综合性和复杂性为绩效评价创造了难度。文章尝试利用景观绩效对南京浦口香鸢美颂小区项目进行量化分析;通过遵循景观绩效计划的目标、方法和价值,探讨LPS在居住区景观类型应用中的适应性。  相似文献   

完美的植物景观,必须具备科学性与艺术性两方面的高度统一.植物造景中的种植设计,不能单独追求艺术效果而不顾植物生长习性的要求,应因地制宜,选择与种植地点的环境和生态相适应的植物种类,否则植物不能存活或生长不良,达不到造景的要求.例举适合热带地区及南亚热带地区生长的数百种植物,以供种植设计时参考.  相似文献   

It is known that habitats composed of spatially heterogeneous abiotic conditions provide a great diversity of potentially suitable niches for plant species. The scientific premises of landscape ecology suggest that, at a higher spatial level, also the composition and structure of the landscape mosaic, influences biotic processes and hence species richness. In this exploratory study we investigated if plant species diversity could be correlated with landscape structure and complexity indices which were based on Landsat Thematic Mapper satellite imagery. Plant species data were derived from the 4 km×4 km resolution Flora Database of Flanders (i.e. northern Belgium). Plant species number within the 4 km×4 km grid cells was positively correlated with most of the landscape diversity indices whereas landscape fragmentation indices only affected the group of the threatened species. We found a gradient of increasing species richness beginning from the rural areas of Flanders over the suburban towards the urban areas. This gradient was mostly due to the higher number of alien plant species, warmth indicators and threatened species in urbanised areas. We conclude that, at least in the studied region, the effects of landscape changes on plant species diversity can be monitored and predicted on a large scale and over long periods of time using land cover data. Bottleneck in this kind of analyses remains the reliability of the land cover data and the availability and reliability of the biological data.  相似文献   

To respond to the urban problems and to increase forest areas in the city, an urban forest reflecting Bangkok’s former landscape was designed and constructed. To create diverse forest ecology and stimulate plant growth, Miyawaki’s ecological method to reforestation was implemented, and local tree species were used for pioneer planting as they had once established territorial populations around Bangkok. The layout of the species was carefully grouped, and planting locations were also carefully selected. The skywalk and observation tower were designed to minimize disturbance of the burgeoning forest and allow close-up views of the maturing canopy. This project is distinguished by strong design gestures that are well integrated into the landscape by using Bangkok’s design language, creating a space truly to inspire public awareness of urban forestry and the importance of environmental stewardship in Thailand.  相似文献   

张德顺  刘鸣 《中国园林》2020,36(2):106-111
园林树木的服务功能直接影响着城市绿地系统和城市生态系统的健康与稳定。但是,多年以来,园林树种选择机制和方法却缺少理论支撑,常常具有主观性和随意性。通过上海50种园林树种"植物功能性状-生态系统服务"评价框架的构建和17个性状变量因子分析发现,树种功能性状与生态系统服务之间存在一定的关联性。在形态上,树高决定了树木形态和树冠大小,对小气候调节、径流调蓄、空气净化和消声减噪等调节服务具有不同程度的贡献。叶片性状影响固碳释氧,以及养分供给等生态系统过程,并最终反馈在树种种间服务差异上。树种的文化服务直接与人类偏好相关,具有复杂性和特殊性,需要根据实际需求做出权衡与取舍。"植物功能性状-生态系统服务"评价框架为园林树种的选择和树种规划提供了一种客观理性的方法,便于针对不同的生态系统服务提供相应的树种选择依据,以实现城市绿地综合效益的定量化与最优化。  相似文献   

This paper discusses why conventional project management practices lead to the failure of publicly funded innovation deployment projects, and investigates how the use of systems thinking in project management can help projects be more successful. Based on 12 case studies of two EU innovation policies, we provide evidence that by using systemic project management, which entails providing flexibility in planning, communicating and controlling activities, innovation projects are more successful. This research refutes previous theory that claims that we should formalize to manage complexity and uncertainty. The key finding is that systems thinking methods provide the flexibility to manage innovativeness, complexity and uncertainty in innovation projects more successfully. Suggestions for further research include suggestions of how to embed flexibility in project management methods using the constructs of equifinality and causal embeddedness.  相似文献   

陈进勇   《中国园林》2003,19(1):41-43
切尔西花展是英国最著名的花展,展示花园多由知名的园林设计家设计,其思想独特,风格各异,手法多样,反映了当今园林设计的前沿设计,对今后的园林发展起着重要的推动作用,庭院花园多由园林设计新秀设计,具有独创性,可为其他设计者提供借鉴作用,透视切尔西花展能为我国的园林发展提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

高翅 《风景园林》2012,(5):50-51
植物认知是植景设计的基础,植物如其他生物一样具有生命特质的同时,还具有审美、空间和文化特质,尊重自然、文化和历史的植景设计理当以对植物群体和个体"四特质"的准确理解和把握为基础,唯此,方能做到相地合宜、构景得体,"自成天然之趣,不烦人事之工"。  相似文献   

Landscape is a product of economic activities and an asset associated with a society’s productivity levels and the relations of production. Despite the range of projects —self-owned, for-sale,or public infrastructure — that designers undertake, life-cycle benefits such as rental returns and public satisfaction should always be considered. By interpreting landscape design as an asset management, this article highlights the third-party role of asset managers who coordinate the benefits of all stakeholders at different stages through negotiation of design options. Designers are also expected to have a product and user thinking, acquire general and interdisciplinary knowledge of certain businesses through role rotations, cross-department meetings, and diverse project teams to improve design proposals, and strengthen mechanisms of pre-occupancy engagement and post-occupancy evaluation.  相似文献   

The design of Jubileumsparken in Gothenburg, Sweden runs on two parallel tracks—a permanent park will be completed and opened in late 2021, and before that a series of temporary parks and installations had been set up during several public workshops since 2014. The gradual evolution of the site allows ecosystems to adapt and invites the public to leave their imprint on the park through not only directly building and planting, but even more importantly, indirectly voicing their interests and desires which impacts the final design of the permanent park. With a focus on the existing fragile ruderal and coastal ecosystems, as well as the socio-cultural heritage of the site, a 1:1 scale landscape laboratory—the Shoreline Park—was built up together with the public. It allowed for testing new materials, work methods, planting and maintenance techniques that would then be used in the permanent Play & Learn Park. The design process also highlights the need for a closer collaboration between landscape architects and maintenance staff to achieve the sustainability goals and the aesthetic value of the park over a longer period, as well as the importance of landscape architects’ continuous involvement in park maintenance and the use of digital tools. The project also adopted geotechnic infrastructure to create a gently sloping wetland and proposed a mixed planting plan of indigenous species, natural succession and exotics to address climate change, and to create preconditions for high biodiversity even in the long term. Through such prototyping and testing, the wider public, maintenance staff, and experts got engaged in this project, which initiated a dialogue about the persistence in landscape between urban ecosystems, wildscapes, and aesthetics.  相似文献   

This article maps out landscape architects’ expertise in multidisciplinary, comprehensive climate adaptation discourse. Systemic frameworks and process-driven approaches in contemporary Landscape Architecture discipline can become a powerful tool for harnessing unprecedented solidarity for climate actions across fields. However, landscape expertise is still largely ignored or marginalized in real-life climate discourse dominated by policymakers, scientists, and engineers. This study addresses this gap in understanding landscape expertise through design research projects over the past two decades. The article theorizes a body of landscape architecture projects in the past two decades, and proposes three terms—spatialize, synthesize, and speculate—for describing the landscape expertise in multidisciplinary, comprehensive climate adaptation projects. „Spatialize” refers to landscape architects’ capacity to construct knowledge through strategically displaying „data” through critical cartography. „Synthesize” is the ability to envision multispecies entanglement by combining cultural, ecological, historical, biological, and political lenses through material practices. „Speculate” means to understand landscape design as a long-term practice with repeated operations, and, thus, to design is to deploy a speculative framework that generates knowledge through practice.  相似文献   

The persistence of public landscapes is a critical approach to community resilience and sustainability. But in China’s landscape architectural field, it is neglected in both planning and design, and post-occupancy operations and maintenance. With the case studies of three public landscape sites in North Carolina, the United States this article introduces the concept of stewardship, and outlines the contemporary public landscape stewardship practice as management efforts predominantly driven by the landscape architect’s long-term duty and proactive care to create a sustainable landscape for the site. This article emphasizes that the essence of stewarding public landscapes lies in the ethics—the attachments to and the responsibilities and care of the land and the landscape; and modesty, discernment, and enthusiasm when facing the ever-changing socio-ecological systems—and the outcome of public landscape stewardship typically takes the form of developing and implementing new and futureoriented master plans for the sites. This article also summarizes a set of site-based principles and approaches to public landscape stewardship. Finally, based on the discussion about the case studies, this study points out the practical implications of public landscape stewardship for Chinese cities which are progressively entering into an era of inventory development. Recommendations for its application to the Chinese landscape architectural profession are further addressed.  相似文献   

城市在不断扩张并不断与河流产生关联。如何挖掘这些城市与河流之间用地的潜力和价值成了城市发展中的热点。滨河带状绿地的营造能够为城市创造出新的游览路径,为游人创造出宜人的游憩环境。但是很多滨海城市由于受到盐碱地的不良影响,植物景观的效果难以保证,给景观的营造造成了很大的困难。那么如何利用重度盐碱地区的城市河道两侧的绿地,发掘场地的潜力,科学设计城市生态发展与市民休闲的廊道成为了设计师们所需要研究和考虑的问题。本文通过黄骅市黄北排干渠两侧绿化工程设计的研究,探讨阐述在重度盐碱地区如何对城市河道的滨水空间进行设计,使之具有良好生态景观效果,同时能为周边城市提供服务的方法。  相似文献   

Wilderness is a cultural construct that is deeply rooted in many societies. For landscape architects and their predecessors, wilderness has long been important as a contrast to artificial garden elements, as an inspiration for naturalistic plant designs, or today as a timely contribution to reconciling cities and their inhabitants with the natural world. Since cities and wilderness have traditionally been seen as opposites, new approaches are necessary to better address the opportunities and challenges associated with wilderness in urban regions. From an ecological perspective, urban wilderness can be defined as an area characterized by a high degree of self-regulation in ecosystem processes where direct human impact is negligible. This allows two main types of wilderness to be distinguished: “ancient wilderness” represented by natural remnants in many cities, and “novel wilderness,” which arises in artificial urban-industrial sites. The two types require different approaches in designing and managing green spaces. Ancient wilderness is a traditional object of conservation and restoration, and offers inspiration for naturalistic plantings. In contrast, the emergence of novel wilderness has long been associated with neglect and socio-economic decline. Since the 1980s, however, early pioneer projects in Germany have started to integrate novel urban wilderness into the green infrastructure. The results are unprecedented green spaces that combine novel wilderness with design interventions. These places are attractive to visitors, contribute to biodiversity conservation, and support many ecosystem services. This article aims to illustrate the opportunities and challenges of integrating wilderness components and processes into the urban green infrastructure—a timely way to reconnect cities with nature.  相似文献   

深圳园林植物配置与造景特色研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以深圳市主要的城市公园、道路绿化及居住区绿地为基础,采取园林植物应用频度和典型的植物景观单元分析的方法,分别对主要城市绿地的植物景观进行研究分析:总结了深圳市植物景观的营造特色,并提出了相关的工作建议。  相似文献   

论园林植物造景的“七性”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物是园林的主体,植物造景是景观设计学中重要且不可分割的组成部分。植物造景不仅是利用植物材料的自然属性来创造优美的景观,引起人视觉的愉悦,与时俱进的植物造景包含更深更广的含义。广义的植物造景是以多学科为理论基础,通过对植物造景的科学性、艺术性、时间性、经济性、技术性、空间性、文化性七个方面的阐述,揭示了各个特性的含义和内容,以及各自在植物造景中的地位及作用。  相似文献   

Wetland park design seeks to protect and restore the wetland ecosystems of sites through scientific approaches. However, in practice, the relevant ecological principles about wetland restoration are often not effectively understood or applied by landscape designers, resulting in compromised ecological benefits after the restoration, especially in biodiversity and habitat benefits. The authors highlighted the main causal factors in wetland—flooding and fertility—and adopted wetland birds as indicator species to simplify the evaluation method. Based on years of practice, the authors summarized a hydrology-based wetland design method for habitat restoration, aiming to translate ecological principles and research findings into design guidelines that can be easily understood and applied by landscape designers to spatial design. This design method includes 7 steps, namely 1) targeted species selection and goal setting; 2) design of habitat types and spatial arrangement; 3) landform design; 4) water level design; 5) plant community building; 6) landscape design with minimal intervention; and 7) spatial design for natural succession. The article then expanded each step using an illustrative design case, the Qinghua Wetland in Baoshan, Yunnan Province.  相似文献   

澳大利亚园林中的观赏草   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
观赏草在澳大利亚园林中应用非常广泛,从植物园到路旁、街道、居住小区、公园、商务区都能看到它们的踪影.观赏草形态奇特、叶色多彩、花和果序质地独特,形成了全年可观的欣赏点.由于观赏草很多种类可以忍耐恶劣的环境条件且养护成本低,因此成为很多地方绿化的理想选择.对观赏草进行了定义和解释,并详细介绍了其习性和生活史特性,探讨了植物选择的关键问题,总结并列出了澳大利亚南部应用的主要种类.  相似文献   

This article is broadly about Facebook Headquarters in Menlo Park, California, with a focus on the planning, design, and ongoing construction of the Bayfront Campus. The project is rooted in ecological principles, restoring a post-industrial brownfield site to a biodiverse and resilient landscape. It reaches to merge the functional needs of workplace culture with habitat created by the establishment of natural systems. Two of three new buildings — MPK 20 and MPK 21 — are now completed, fluidly integrating the architecture and landscape. Together, they form a rich and complex campus landscape that brings people close to each other and to nature, reduces and treats stormwater runoff, minimizes head island effects, and maximizes open space. Responding to ongoing site and program needs, the observations and feedback from MPK 20 (completed in 2015) provided valuable insights on the improvement of MPK 21 (completed in 2018). The design provides abundant landscape services, not only enhancing the knowledge of species that define local California native habitats, but also allowing people to learn through osmosis — relaxing the mind, expanding perception, and stimulating imagination.  相似文献   

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