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本文是依据中国工程院"制造强国战略研究(二期)"重大咨询研究项目的子课题"制造业服务化发展战略研究",选择研究报告中一部分内容编写而成。文章重点分析阐述了我国制造业实施服务化战略的必要性,制造业服务化的内涵、服务模式和经营模式,以及相关的现代信息技术和服务平台等。制造业服务化的核心仍然是制造。制造业通过服务化拓展发展空间和增强自身竞争力。制造企业面向顾客提供多种服务,包括定制、租赁、融资、监测、商务、供应链、工程承包以及回收再制造等服务内容,表现出产品和服务集成的新型产业特征。制造业服务化表现出两个融合趋势:其一是制造业与生产性服务业的紧密合作与融合发展;其二是制造业与现代信息技术的融合发展。制造企业基于互联网搭建起产品设计服务平台、电子商务服务平台、远程监控服务平台和供应链服务平台。  相似文献   

This paper studies how to effectively provide product service system (PSS) in the supply chain with asymmetric information for service-oriented manufacturing (SOM). With a PSS, the manufacturer chooses the product quality, and the retailer, who possesses private cost information, is responsible for adding necessary value-added service based on the basic product. The analytical underpinnings of our work are provided by the principal-agent paradigm. In the paper, we develop three types of contracts and conduct a detailed comparison among the three contract models. With these studies, we find that: (i) the wholesale price contract is dominated by the other two contracts, (ii) The retail price maintenance contract can always generate a higher profit for the manufacturer and a higher welfare for the consumers, whereas the franchise fee (FF) contract can always generate a higher profit for the retailer and (iii) The FF contract can always stimulate more service from the retailer. Our theoretical and numerical results show that there are significantly different effects when the three types of contracts are utilized in the supply chain for SOM with asymmetric information, and which of them is the most attractive will depend largely on the power structure of the supply chain and/or their cost information types.  相似文献   

绿色供应链管理的基本原理   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
人口、资源与环境三者之间的矛盾日益突显,要求制造业提高其活动与环境的相容性。绿色供应链管理是从系统的观点与集成的思想出发解决制造业与环境之间冲突的有效方式。从可持续发展的思想出发建立了绿色供应链的概念模型,分析了绿色供应链管理的目标,在此基础上探讨了绿色供应链管理的基本原理,认为共生原理、循环原理、替代转换原理与系统开放原理是实施绿色供应链管理应该遵循的基本原理。  相似文献   

The use of e-business (EB) applications has reshaped an organisations’ supply chain structure. EB applications have enabled supply chain organisations to integrate their upstream and downstream supply chain processes to reach higher performance outcomes. Employing the resource-based view and contingency perspective as theoretical anchors, we propose and test a model of the relationship between EB applications, supply chain integration and financial performance that is moderated by a country’s regulatory quality. Cross-country data have been collected from 637 organisations through the International Manufacturing Strategy Survey research initiative. We hypothesise that the efficacy of the EB value creation process depends on the regulatory quality of the country that companies are located in. Results indicate that EB has a stronger impact on supply chain integration and supply chain integration has a stronger impact on financial performance, if the companies are situated in countries with high quality regulatory levels.  相似文献   

As supply chains continue to replace individual companies as the management arena for value-adding from the beginning of the twenty first century, understanding the supply chain management practices in a globalisation context becomes increasingly important. The Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) Model, which was developed by the experts and practitioners of the Supply Chain Council, is a major framework for supply chain planning that features supply chain management practices and business process reengineering. Despite being an integrative guide with many merits, it only provides a ‘top-down’ approach that requires the comparative analyses of post- and pro-performance indices as a basis of business process modification. This study discusses the limitations of current SCOR analysis and provides a mapping technique—Causes/Effects, the SCOR Standard, and Mutual Solution (CESM)—for gap mapping, problem prioritisation, and business process modification in a supply chain setting. As such, it is one of the early empirical studies combining BPR and SCM disciplines. The research results can facilitate the implementation processes of multinational supply chain projects by identifying the gaps and linking them to the channel entities.  相似文献   

Nowadays, the supply chain of manufacturing resources is typically a large complex network, whose management requires network-based resource allocation planning. This paper presents a novel matrix-based Bayesian approach for recommending the optimal resource allocation plan that has the largest probability as the optimal selection within the context specified by the user. A proposed matrix-based representation of the resource allocation plan provides supply chain modelling with a good basis to understand problem complexity, support computer reasoning, facilitate resource re-allocation, and add quantitative information. The proposed Bayesian approach produces the optimal, robust manufacturing resource allocation plan by solving a multi-criteria decision-making problem that addresses not only the ontology-based static manufacturing resource capabilities, but also the statistical nature of the manufacturing supply chain, i.e. probabilities of resource execution and resource interaction execution. A genetic algorithm is employed to solve the multi-criteria decision-making problem efficiently. We use a case study from manufacturing domain to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed approach to optimal manufacturing resource allocation planning.  相似文献   

叶青  熊茂华 《包装工程》2006,27(4):204-206
阐述了大型印刷包装企业的ERP系统与SCM系统的集成方法;ERP系统与SCM系统集成的信息流接口;ERP系统与SCM系统的集成内容:基础数据、库存状态、客户订单、供应计划及预测.详细论述了大型印刷包装企业ERP中的供应链管理的原则以及关键部分,即供应链战术计划和运作计划、供应链计划的逻辑关系以及供应链计划方法等,并列举了供应链计划的实施范例.基于文中系统集成思想和方法,所构建的ERP系统即能满足企业需求又实用.  相似文献   

This study presents a systematic review of the literature on service-oriented manufacturing (SOM). Specifically, we focus on the impact of SOM on firm operating decisions, which distinguishes this work from previous reviews. This study proposes a classification framework for SOM research based on product flow, from its design to its final disposal. Although SOM has been studied for many years, most related research remains conceptual. Our criterion for choosing papers is that they must be relevant to practical problems. This review aims to provide readers a guide that will facilitate their search for papers in their field of interest. More importantly, we hope that this review can provide insightful managerial implications for SOM.  相似文献   

董敏  倪卫红 《工业工程》2005,8(6):21-25
在对供应链文化整合进行定义的基础上,分析论证了整合的动因与模式,提出了供应链文化整合的原则,并对我国企业供应链文化整合过程中可能发生的风险提出了对策.  相似文献   

集成化供应链及其研究现状   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
供应链问题,特别是集成化供应链问题引起了国内外学者的广泛关注,并取得了一定的研究成果。在分析讨论供应链和集成化供应链一般概念的基础上,对集成化供应链的研究现状进行了全面的回顾并分析了研究中的不足。  相似文献   

正确理解供应链与价值链的关系   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
首先较系统地概述了供应链和价值链的涵义,发展和研究状况,在此基础上深入地探讨了两者的本质区别与联系。两者有不尽相同的地方,如价值链思想是面向效益,着眼点是企业的价值增值过程;供应链思想是面向效率,主要是围绕物流、降低成本和提高生产率方面。但两者也有许多交叉的地方,如价值链研究把成本优势作为重要方面之一,供应链的发展也逐渐强调联系的重要性等。正确理解供应链与价值链的关系可以为实现两者的有效管理提供一  相似文献   

构建了供应链设计、供应链整合、信息共享及供应链绩效之间关系的理论模型,并以广东省珠三角地区162家制造企业为调查对象,对供应链设计、供应链整合、信息共享及供应链绩效之间的关系进行实证研究。研究结果表明,供应链设计对供应链整合、供应链绩效均有显著的正向影响;供应链设计对信息共享的直接影响并不显著,却会以供应链整合为中介对信息共享产生间接影响;供应链整合对信息共享、供应链绩效有显著的正向影响;而低层次的信息共享对供应链绩效并无显著影响。根据上述实证研究结果,本研究结合中国情境给出了相关管理启示。  相似文献   

ERP管理思想探讨   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
企业资源计划(ERP)是现代企业管理的一个标志,是一种融合了企业最佳实践和先进技术的管理思想,然而ERP在中国的实施效果却不甚理想。通过研究ERP的管理思想,探讨实施ERP的几个关键方面,从而为企业成功实施ERP提供参考。  相似文献   

A number of reports show that innovation in Australian manufacturing firms is declining. We propose that better knowledge sharing practices can assist these firms to become more innovative. In this paper, we examine this proposition by empirically testing the relationship between knowledge sharing practices within and between trading partners as a framework for integration, and testing for the effect of these practices on firm performance. Data were collected from 418 organisations in the manufacturing industry in Australia to assess the degree to which innovative knowledge sharing practices provide a competitive advantage to Australian firms. Structural equation modelling approach to data analysis was used. It was found that the three innovative knowledge sharing constructs (internal knowledge integration, knowledge integration with customers and knowledge integration with suppliers) were strongly inter-related, providing a case for knowledge-based integration of firms with their trading partners. Further, these three exogenous constructs collectively explained about a third of the variance in the endogenous construct (firm performance). The relationships identified provide support for the efficacy of knowledge-based collaboration as an innovation promoting higher firm performance levels. Managers of manufacturing firms in Australia specifically, and others more generally, can use this as a way to conceptualise how their firms can develop internal integration and collaborative relationships with their trading partners.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results from qualitative studies done on leading‐edge companies in supply/demand chain management in Sweden. The aim of the study was to create a knowledge base, identify the network integrators and, with reference to previous studies conducted in the packaging industry, analyse the development for packaging suppliers. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Increasing product proliferation, customisation, competition and customer expectations, as well as supply side disruptions, pose significant challenges to firm operations. Such challenges require improved efficiency and resilience in manufacturing, service and supply chain systems. New and innovative flexibility concepts and models offer a prospective route to such operational improvements. Several emerging issues in flexibility, such as risk and uncertainty management, environmental sustainability, optimal strategies under competition, optimal operations with strategic consumer behaviours are being examined in this regard. This overview provides a concise review of these critical research issues, and discusses related papers featured in this special issue. Four major flexibility drivers are classified: disruption risks, resilience and the ripple effect in the supply chain; digitalisation, smart operations and e-supply chains; sustainability and closed-loop supply chains; and supplier integration and behavioural flexibility.  相似文献   

Cloud Computing are innovative technologies that are being applied in the main business functions in the supply chain. This study aims to reveal the determinant factors (drivers and a relevant outcome) of the level of use or assimilation of Cloud Computing in the supply chain. In order to test three hypotheses we conducted an empirical study in 484 companies from sectors in an intermediate position in the supply chain. The data gathering method consisted of a telephone survey using a computerised system (CATI). We used structural equation modelling (SEM) to test the hypotheses. The empirical study reveals that Advanced Manufacturing Technologies pursuing the internal efficiency of the supply chain (Intra-organisational IT) and IT for capabilities in e-business/e-commerce seeking external connection of the supply chain with other companies (Inter-organisational IT) are drivers of Cloud Computing assimilation. Furthermore, supply chain integration is one of the major consequences of Cloud Computing assimilation in the supply chain.  相似文献   

Integration is posited by many authors as a supply chain utopia. Indeed, it is claimed as being synonymous with supply chain management excellence. The primary aim of this research is to verify the link between supply chain integration and competitive performance. Detailed information collected via an 8-year international field study of 50 products and their associated supply chains subjected to an extensive statistical analysis provides rigorous insight into supply chain integration in practice. The breadth of supply chain integration significantly correlates with increased performance, yet in practice, the majority of supply chains are not well integrated. However, most supply chains seem to follow a popular route when seeking to enable seamless operations. This starts with enhanced internal effectiveness followed by upstream streamlining and then finally downstream integration. If practitioners are still struggling with supply chain integration, this research confirms that they are not unique in their predicament. Indifferent practice is indeed the norm. Fortunately, practitioners can follow the popular route established herein when seeking to improve integrative capability.  相似文献   

Logistics resource planning is an integration model of materials requirement planning and distribution resource planning which is a resource allocation technology. It is a technology of satisfying both production material supply and resource allocation optimization which is based on inventory management. For the remanufacturing supply chain, recycling and rebuilding of products form a reverse materials movement loop which challenges the traditional logistics resource planning system. For the characteristics of reverse logistics of remanufacturing supply chain, we propose a closed-loop supply chain resource allocation model based on autonomous multi-entity. We focus on integration resource allocation model of materials requirement planning and distribution resource planning considering remanufacturing.  相似文献   

基于元数据的制造资源编码信息集成研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决航空企业制造资源代码不统一带来的诸多问题,开发了代码登记系统.为了实现其与企业系统的集成,本文设计确定了统一编码信息模型和基于元数据的编码信息集成框架,并且通过代码登记系统与某企业ERP系统的编码模块的集成验证了该框架的有效性.  相似文献   

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