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The strikingly contrasting optical properties of various phases of chalcogenide phase change materials (PCM) has recently led to the development of novel photonic devices such as all‐optical non‐von Neumann memory, nanopixel displays, color rendering, and reconfigurable nanoplasmonics. However, the exploration of chalcogenide photonics is currently limited to optical and infrared frequencies. Here, a phase change material integrated terahertz metamaterial for multilevel nonvolatile resonance switching with spatial and temporal selectivity is demonstrated. By controlling the crystalline proportion of the PCM film, multilevel, non‐volatile, terahertz resonance switching states with long retention time at zero hold power are realized. Spatially selective reconfiguration at sub‐metamaterial scale is shown by delivering electrical stimulus locally through designer interconnect architecture. The PCM metamaterial also features ultrafast optical modulation of terahertz resonances with tunable switching speed based on the crystalline order of the PCM film. The multilevel nonvolatile, spatially selective, and temporally tunable PCM metamaterial will provide a pathway toward development of novel and disruptive terahertz technologies including spatio‐temporal terahertz modulators for high speed wireless communication, neuromorphic photonics, and machine‐learning metamaterials.  相似文献   

Understanding the manipulation of terahertz (THz) waves is of tremendous importance to the development of functional devices with excellent performance in communication and imaging sectors. THz chiral metamaterials (MMs) are emerging as candidates exhibiting selective polarization-state modulations. Here, mechanically tunable chiral MMs composed of propeller-shaped units on a pre-stretched flexible substrate, are proposed. Due to the reversible tensile mechanical deformation induced by the elastic substrate, the structural chirality as well as the circular dichroism (CD) upon circular-polarized THz incidence are significantly enhanced. The intensity and position of CD spectra can be sensitively regulated by an externally applied strain on the deformable device. Additionally, it is found that CD spectra are highly sensitive to the geometrical configuration, including rotational symmetries and handedness. The MM with the lowest rotational symmetry demonstrates the most prominent CD performance and the opposite structural handedness can reverse CD over the whole spectra, respectively. The reconfigurable THz MM with facile mechanical deformation unfolds a new degree of freedom for tuning the CD while simultaneously shedding light on the development of novel THz modulation in flexible functional devices.  相似文献   

Transparent and flexible materials are desired for the construction of photoelectric multifunctional integrated devices and portable electronics. Herein, 2H‐SiC nanowires are assembled into a flexible, transparent, self‐standing nanowire fabric (FTS‐NWsF). The as‐synthesized ultralong nanowires form high‐quality crystals with a few stacking faults. The optical transmission spectra reveal that FTS‐NWsF absorbs most incident 200–400 nm light, but remains transparent to visible light. A polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)–SiC fabric–PDMS sandwich film device exhibits stable electrical output even when repeatedly stretched by up to 50%. Unlike previous SiC nanowires in which stacking faults are prevalent, the transparent, stretchable SiC fabric shows considerable photoelectric activity and exhibits a rapid photoresponse (rise and decay time < 30 ms) to 340–400 nm light, covering most of the UV‐A spectral region. These advances represent significant progress in the design of functional optoelectronic SiC nanowires and transparent and stretchable optoelectronic systems.  相似文献   

Solution‐processed lead iodide (PbI2) governs the charge transport characteristics in the hybrid metal halide perovskites. Besides being a precursor in enhancing the performance of perovskite solar cells, PbI2 alone offers remarkable optical and ultrasensitive photoresponsive properties that remain largely unexplored. Here, the photophysics and the ultrafast carrier dynamics of the solution processed PbI2 thin film is probed experimentally. A PbI2 integrated metamaterial photonic device with switchable picosecond time response at extremely low photoexcitation fluences is demonstrated. Further, findings show strongly confined terahertz field induced tailoring of sensitivity and switching time of the metamaterial resonances for different thicknesses of PbI2 thin film. The approach has two far reaching consequences: the first lead‐iodide‐based ultrafast photonic device and resonantly confined electromagnetic field tailored transient nonequilibrium dynamics of PbI2 which could also be applied to a broad range of semiconductors for designing on‐chip, ultrafast, all‐optical switchable photonic devices.  相似文献   

An equivalent circuit model of ‘U’-shaped split-ring resonators (SRR), the basic structure of SRR has been proposed and studied. The proposed model, other than traditional equivalent circuit model, has taken both the influence of geometrical parameters and dielectric substrate into account and investigated them in detail. Furthermore, the calculation formula of extra mutual inductance induced by periodic cells has been derived. The performance of the ‘U’-shaped SRR analyzed by the equivalent circuit model shows a good agreement with experimental measurements and numerical simulation in terahertz region. This work presents a novel method to predict the resonance frequency of complicated SPP accurately and paves an avenue for the future terahertz devices applications.  相似文献   

We propose a metamaterial based on metallic Jerusalem cross and cross-wire structures for realizing relatively stable high absorption with respect to the wide angle incidence of both polarized terahertz (THz) waves. Numerical simulations are carried out to verify the proposed absorber. For both transverse electric and transverse magnetic polarizations, absorptions around 0.93?THz reach nearly up to unity under normal incidence and maintain above 97% over a wide incidence angle range. The THz absorber can be easily micro-fabricated due to a thickness about 40 times smaller than operating wavelength. The proposed metamaterial is a promising candidate as absorbing element in THz thermal imager, due to its wide angle, stable high absorption and very thin thickness.  相似文献   

The influence of prepared plasma induced by a prepulse on the THz emission generated by main two-color femtosecond lasers (fs-lasers) has been investigated numerically and analytically by using a photocurrent model. Results observed in a previous report, such as the suppression of THz emission from the main pulse due to the existence of a prepulse, were easily reproduced. Further calculation showed that such suppression originates from residual electrons of the prepared plasma affecting the main pulse. Moreover, an exact expression between the E-field of THz waves generated by the main pulse and the residual electron density of the prepared plasma has been obtained.  相似文献   




The modulation of terahertz plays a key role in realizing the tunable terahertz devices. The concept of flexible and stretchable electronics provides the possibility to dynamically modulate the terahertz with mechanical strain rather than additional electrical components. Here, the mechanical modulation of the terahertz transmission with a freestanding, skin‐like, and highly stretchable metasurface is experimentally illustrated. The stretchable metasurface is fabricated by merely constructing an Al/PI mesh film consisting of serpentine‐like unit cells, with total thickness of only 7 µm. With the flexibility realized by the extremely small thickness, the metasurface can be stretched, bended, and twisted, which provides the possibility to modulate terahertz transmission properties by the mechanical deformation of the metasurface. The terahertz time domain spectroscopy results indicate that the stretchable metasurface shows the band‐stop frequency selective effect and the transmission of the terahertz wave can be modulated from 0.15 to 0.5 with applied external tensile strains up to 28%, while only 3.4% of the shift of the resonance frequency is observed. The mechanisms of the metasurface and the relation between the modulation effect and the structural mesh parameters are also discussed with the electromagnetic simulations and the LC equivalent circuit model.  相似文献   

董文举  孔令斌  康龙  冉奋 《材料导报》2018,32(17):2912-2919
随着可穿戴式电子设备的快速发展,各类柔性储能器件也相继出现。柔性超级电容器因其稳定性高、体积小、电化学性能优越等特点受到研究人员的广泛关注。开发一种工艺简单、电化学性能和柔性良好的电极材料对制备性能优越的柔性超级电容器具有重要意义。材料的选取、电极的制备及器件的微型化将是未来的主要研究方向。本文主要综述了柔性超级电容器电极材料的分类、具体的制备方法以及器件的主要构型,并探讨了柔性超级电容器电极材料及器件的主要发展方向和研究重点。  相似文献   

马长伟  马文英  谭毅  唐雨竹 《光电工程》2018,45(11):180298-1-180298-8
设计了一种具有类电磁诱导透明(EIT)效应的高Q值太赫兹超材料。该结构单元由上下平行的双金属线及中间垂直的单金属线组成。分别对单金属线、双金属线及组合结构进行仿真,分析了组合结构中金属线的位置和尺寸对透射率及品质因数Q的影响。结果表明,随着单金属线的水平移动产生了类EIT效应,透射率和Q值随着偏移距离的增大而发生变化,通过调整结构和尺寸可以实现不同Q值。通过优化,当偏移距离为8 μm时,在0.73 THz附近得到一个3 dB带宽约为11.56 GHz的透明窗,相应的Q值为63.09,其透射率为0.50。最后,对谐振器的传感特性进行了测量,其折射率灵敏度为60.69 GHz/RIU,FOM值为5.25/RIU,具有优异的传感特性。  相似文献   

超材料(metamaterials)因为能够在亚波长尺度范围内精细调控电磁波而受到人们广泛关注。超材料具有丰富的电磁模态,在表面支持高度局域场增强且对周围介电环境极其敏感,可应用于无标记光学生物传感领域。与传统光学生物传感器相比,超材料生物传感器具有小型化、集成化、高度灵敏、多功能可定制等突出优点。本文总结了近年来超材料生物传感器在可见光、近红外、中红外以及太赫兹波段的研究进展,包括折射率生物传感、表面增强拉曼散射、表面增强红外吸收和太赫兹生物传感等。  相似文献   

We report, and review in detail, experiments resulting in a record 3.7% optical-to-terahertz (THz) conversion efficiency by optical rectification (OR) in cryogenically cooled congruent lithium niobate (cLN) using a near-optimal 680 fs pump pulse at 1030 nm. In addition, we report a record conversion efficiency of 1.7% at room temperature using stoichiometric lithium niobate (sLN) which results in 21.8 μJ of THz energy from a 1.2 mJ optical pulse. Electro-optical sampling measurements reveal the THz pulses to be single-cycle and centered at 0.45?THz. The experimentally measured efficiency, THz waveform, and THz spectrum are in good agreement with theoretical calculations. Finally, spatial beam profile measurements are also provided. To our knowledge, these results represent an order of magnitude improvement in efficiency of THz generation by OR in lithium niobate over previous results.  相似文献   

Ultrafast optical properties of U-shaped annular aperture arrays (UAAAs) fabricated on a silicon substrate were investigated for varying photodoping levels of the silicon from the back to front interfaces of the sample. Experimental data demonstrate that the transmission modulation depth of the multimode resonance can be realized about 90% under optical power 60 mW, and the off switch of these resonance peaks transmission can be also simultaneously achieved within several picoseconds. Such plasmonic structure is able to be used for ultrafast optical modulators, active terahertz plasmonics, and ultrafast optical off switch.  相似文献   

As the variation of temperature alters the intrinsic carrier density in a semiconductor, numerical simulations indicate that the consequent variation of the relative permittivity in the terahertz regime provides a way to realize thermally tunable split-ring resonators. Electromagnetic metasurfaces and metamaterials that are thermally tunable in the terahertz regime can thus be implemented.  相似文献   

Next-generation devices for low-latency and seamless communication are envisioned to revolutionize information processing, which would directly impact human lives, technologies, and societies. The ever-increasing demand for wireless data traffic can be fulfilled by the terahertz band, which has received tremendous attention as the final frontier of the radio spectrum. However, attenuation due to atmospheric humidity and free-space path loss significantly limits terahertz signal propagation. High-gain antennas with directional radiation and reconfigurable beam steering are indispensable for loss compensation and terahertz signal processing, which are associated with spatial and temporal dimensions, respectively. Here, experimental demonstration of a spatiotemporal dielectric metasurface for unidirectional propagation and ultrafast spatial beam steering of terahertz waves is shown. The spatial dimension of the metasurface provides a solution to eliminate backscattering of collimated unidirectional propagation of the terahertz wave with steerable directionality. Temporal modulation of the spatial optical properties enables ultrafast reconfigurable beam steering. Silicon-based spatiotemporal devices amalgamate the rich physics of metasurfaces and technologies that are promising for overcoming the bottlenecks of future terahertz communication, such as high-speed and secure wireless data transmission, beamforming and ultrafast data processing.  相似文献   

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