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The increasing importance of the ecologically minded production of building materials makes it necessary to develop reasonable alternatives to the CO2-intense production of ordinary Portland cement (OPC). The development of new or modified concrete is an important part of existing strategies to improve performance and minimize life-cycle costs. Therefore, we investigated carbonation resistance properties of sulphoaluminate cement (SAC) concrete incorporating layered double hydroxides (LDHs). X-ray diffraction (XRD) and IR-spectroscopy were employed to characterize the component and structural changes of LDHs and cement paste before and after carbonation test. Carbonation resistance of concrete was experimentally evaluated. Finally, carbonation of Portland cement and SAC concrete was compared. The experimental results show that carbonation depth decreases remarkably with the addition of LDHs, especially the calcinated LDHs. Carbonation depth of SAC concrete is smaller than that of PC concrete regardless of curing time.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionReducingporositycouldimprovethestrengthofma terials ,butitisnotenoughthatthechangeofthestrengthofthematerialsisonlysubjectedtothechangeofporosi ty .Thereforetheporedistributionconceptisintroduced .Weeventhinkthattherelationbetweentotalporos…  相似文献   

研究硫铝酸盐和硅酸盐水泥(CSA-OPC)浆体在不同碳养护压力下的早期碳化过程,通过X射线衍射、红外光谱、热重、压汞和扫描电镜等测试方法,表征碳化前后水泥浆体的物相组成和微观结构.实验结果表明,CSA-OPC浆体的水化产物主要为钙矾石,碳化作用使钙矾石转变为碳酸钙和硫酸钙晶体;水泥中碳酸钙以3种晶型存在,其中方解石为主要存在形式.碳化使半碳型的水化硫铝酸钙(Hc-AFm相)逐渐转化为单碳型的水化硫铝酸钙(Mc-AFm相),碳化程度和碳化深度随着碳化压力的增加而递增.碳化后CSA-OPC水化产物体积减小,样品总孔隙率增大、孔隙结构变疏松.研究结果阐明了CSA-OPC浆体在早期碳化养护条件下的微结构变化过程,为制备基于硫铝酸盐水泥的高效碳汇材料提供了技术支撑.  相似文献   

Influence of ultra-fine fly ash on hydration shrinkage of cement paste   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
1INTRODUCTION Hydrationshrinkageisalsoknownaschemicalshrinkage[1].Thesolidvolumeincreasesafterce menthydrating,buttheabsolutevolumeofcementwatersystemreduces.Usuallythetotalamountofvolumeshrinkageofcementwatersystemis7%9%[1,2].Withthedevelopmentofthetechno logyofcementandconcrete,concretewithhighstrengthandhighperformanceisthedevelopingtendencynow.However,nowadays,comparedwithordinaryconcrete,thehydrationshrinkageofhighperformancecementconcreteincreasesobvi ouslybecauseoftheaccelerationof…  相似文献   

The dominant factors during early hydration process of cement paste containing 10% metakaolin replacement (MK10) and 10% kaolin replacement (K10) are investigated in comparison to neat cement paste (NCP), and X-ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis is employed to identify the crystalline phases of all specimens. Thermogravimetric (TG) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) are used to identify the phase constituents. The amount of acid-insoluble residue (AIR) of all specimens is used to evaluate the unreacted materials. The results indicate that, after the first day, MK act as nuclei for the formation of C-S-H during hydration of C3S and C2S, densifying the microstructure of cement paste. Its contribution is mainly due to the fine nature of the MK. From 3 days to 7 days, more and more MK reacts with CH to form C-S-H, making the microstructure denser. The strength contribution is mainly due to the chemical activity of MK.  相似文献   

研究了掺加木素磺酸钙(简称木钙)后水泥净浆液相中钙离子、硫酸根离子和氢氧根离子浓度随水化时间的变化,以及除糖后木素磺酸钙对水泥净浆凝结时间的影响.结果表明,掺加木钙后在水化初期水泥净浆中S042-浓度大幅度上升,OH-浓度变化不大.木钙掺量越大,水泥净浆中游离Ca2 浓度的峰值出现越迟,浆体的初凝时间越长.进一步研究发现木钙的掺加能促进熟料矿物的水解,当木钙掺量为0.5%(质量分数)时,水泥净浆中的总Ca2 浓度峰值比未掺加木钙时增加48%,被络合的Ca2 量峰值较水化开始时增加2倍.在水泥净浆强碱性溶液中木钙的络合能力增强导致Ca(OH)2不能达到过饱和,是造成水泥净浆缓凝的重要原因,木钙对水泥净浆的缓凝机理为“吸附-络合”机理.  相似文献   

The feasibility of sulphoaluminate cement (SAC) utilization in support mortar was studied. Setting time and strength of as-received sulphoaluminate cement (SAC) paste were examined, hydration kinetics behavior was determined through Isothermal Calorimeter, and hydration mechanism was investigated by X-Ray diffraction analysis (XRD) and field emission scanning electron microscopy analysis(FSEM). Results showed that as-received SAC contained 61% of anhydrous calcium sulfate (3CA·CaSO4) and dicalcium silicate (C2S). The strength after 1 day or 3 days grew to 68.6% or 85.7% of that after 28 days respectively, while most of hydration heat was released within 1 day. The emergency of three exothermic peaks at acceleration stage was found and hydration kinetics model was established choosing the terminal time of the first exothermic peak at accelerating stage as the beginning of accelerating stage. XRD analysis suggested that large amount of ettringite (AFt) was produced at early age and FSEM observation revealed that ettringite (AFt) formed in sulphoaluminate cement (SAC) paste was characterized of different morphology which was proved to be caused by different ion concentrations.  相似文献   

The durability of the cement was mainly studied. Under 1.0 MPa of hydraulic pressure for 8 hours, water could penetrate completely through the sample made by portland cement, but could not penetrate through that by alite-barium sulphoaluminate cement. Under the condition of freezing and thawing cycle, the loss ratio of compressive strength of the cement was only about 17.3% at curing 28 d ages, but the loss of portland cement was as high as 29.5%. Alite-calcium barium sulphoaluminate cement also has an excellent resistance to sulfate attack. The coefficients of resistance to sulfate attack of the cement exceeded 1.0. Meanwhile, the composition and microstructure of the hardened paste of alite-calcium barium sulphoaluminate cement were analyzed by XRD and SEM.  相似文献   

Two kinds of CACs with different monocalcium aluminate(CA) contents were used in the PC/CAC(PAC) mixtures. Effects of CA and CACs on the properties of PAC were analyzed by setting times and the compressive strength tests, and also by means of calorimetry, XRD, DTA-TG and ESEM. The experimental results show that the compressive strength of the PAC mortars decreases with increasing content of CAC while it declines sharply with a higher content of CA in CAC. Compared with neat PC paste, the content of calcium hydroxide in hydrates of PAC paste decreases significantly, and the hydration time of PC is prominently prolonged. Additionally, the higher the content of CA in CAC, the more obviously the hydration of PC is delayed, confi rming that the CA phase in CAC plays an important role in the delay of PC hydration.  相似文献   

The effects of two types of superplasticizers on the properties of CSA cement pastes during early hydration were studied. The influences of two types of superplasticizers on the properties of cement pastes, including the normal consistency, setting time, fl uidity, and compressive strength, were investigated by using various methods. The hydration products of the cement pastes cured for 1 day and 3 days were studied by X-ray diffraction(XRD) and scanning electron microscopy(SEM). The results show that the PCE type superplasticizer retards the early age hydration while the FDN type superplasticizer accelerates the early age hydration of the CSA cement. Both types of superplasticizers have no infl uence on the further hydration of CSA cement, confi rmed by the calorimeter tests as well. The ultrasonic pulse velocity measurements were used to probe the influence of two types of superplasticizers on the hydration of CSA cement pastes at a high water-cement ratio(0.45). The results show that the PCE type superplasticizer retards the early age hydration of the CSA cement while the FDN type superplasticizer has little infl uence on the early age hydration of the CSA cement.  相似文献   

Early age hydration of cement paste was investigated by monitoring the ultrasonic propagation velocity and simulated with the numerical model CEMHYD3D. The ultrasonic velocity of the P-wave was recorded during the first 24 hours of the hydration process and its evolution was analyzed. It is shown that the UPV method is an effective, accurate and non-destructive method for monitoring the early age hydration process of cement paste. The early age hydration process can be classified as four periods, which are the dormant period, acceleration period, deceleration period and stabilization period. Higher w/c ratios result in lower UPV, and delay initial setting time due to the decreased solid volume. The change of UPV is clearly related to the hydration degree of cement particles.  相似文献   

The formation process of calcium suphoaluminate(C4A3S) was investigated by the X-ray diffraction technique and then the thermodynamics was analyzed, finally the kinetics of which was studied by SC-132. XRD results show that the formation of C4A3S is accomplished in three different kinds of ways: one is by solid reaction of Ca (OH)2/ CaO, Al2O3 and CaSO4, other two ways are through such interstitial products as CaO·Al2O3 and CaO·2Al2O3. The formation thermodynamics shows that C4A3S begins to form at 900 ℃-1 000 ℃ and increases as temperature rising; the quantity of reaches the highest at 1 300 ℃-1 350 ℃ and then falls at >1350℃. Kinetics study shows that the formation rate of C4A3S can be described as first-order kinetics at high temperature, and it belongs to the random nucleation growth mechanism. The apparent activation energy is 456.37 kJ·mol-1 and pre-exponential factor is 1.545×1012.  相似文献   

1IntroductionThe high water content material is a newtype of ce-menting material with extensive application.It has excel-lent properties that single paste solidifies slowly,doublepastes solidify fast and suspension property at highW/Cratiois good,which be…  相似文献   

Clinker has long been regarded as a critical factor for cement hydration and solidification.α-C2S and β-C2S in 2CaO·SiO2(C2S) phase and C3S Monoclinic 1(C3S M1) and C3S Monoclinic 3 (C3S M3) in 3CaO·SiO2 (C3S) phase were clearly recorded in the 29Si MAS NMR spectra.The content of C3S phase in the clinker deduced from the fine peak analysis coincides with the phase quantification analysis calculated by the Taylor-Bogue method based on XRF,which also accords to the statistical data in industrial production.NM...  相似文献   

The method of examining micro-pores in sulphoaluminate MDF cement by means of the Positron Annihilation Technique (PAT) was discussed. The results show that the intensity I2 of positrons annihilation with moderate life-span ( r2=330Ps ) increases regularly with the addition of the numbers of micro-pores( less than 250A ). Therefore, the value of I2 may be used to opitomize the compactness and integrity of the MDF cement structure. At the same time, the experiment result of PAT was compared with that of Mercury Intrusion Porosimeter (MIP).  相似文献   

Three different curing temperatures(20 ℃, 40 ℃, and 60 ℃) were set, so that the nonevaporable water(w_n) contents of plain cement pastes cured at these three temperatures were measured to determine the hydration degree of cement. Tests were carried out to compare the pore structure and strength of cement paste, as well as the strength and permeability of concrete under different temperature curing conditions when their cements were cured to the same hydration degree. The experimental results show that either at a relatively low hydration degree(w_n=15%) or high hydration degree(w_n=16.5%), elevated curing temperature has little influence on the hydration products of cement paste, while it has a negative influence on the pore structure and compressive strength of cement paste. However, this negative effect is weaker at high hydration degree. The large capillary pore(100 nm) volumes of cement pastes remain almost the same at high hydration degree, regardless of curing temperatures. As for the concrete, elevated curing temperature also has negative influence on its compressive strength development, at both low hydration degree and high hydration degree. And this negative effect is stronger than that on cement paste's compressive strength at the same hydration degree. On the whole, elevated curing temperature has little influence on the resistance of concrete to chloride ion penetration.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionSteel slag is the waste residue of fluxing mineralsused in the process of steel producing. Its dischargeamount is about 10 % of the production of steel . Steelslag hasn’t been utilized widely and effectively in a longperiod of time[1]. Hundreds of million tons of steel slagare deposited,andthe amount is still increasing withtensof milliontons every year .The deposited steel slag occu-pies great amounts of farmlands and induces serious en-vironment problems . The main chemical c…  相似文献   

Calcium sulphoaluminate was prepared with chemical reagents in this paper. The formation mechanism of calcium sulphoaluminate and effect of CuO on the formation mechanism of calcium sulphoaluminate were investigated by the chemical analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The results show that there are three ways in the formation of calcium sulphoaluminate. CuO can promote the decomposition of calcium carbonate and decrease the formation temperature of calcium sulphoaluminate(C4A3S). When the burning temperature is below 1 000 ℃, the addition of CuO can promote the formation of calcium sulphoaluminate, while CuO can not favor the formation of calcium sulphoaluminate above 1 000 ℃.  相似文献   

研究了甲酸钙对普通硅酸盐水泥浆体和硅酸盐水泥浆体抗压强度的影响,采用XRD、压汞法和灼烧法,测试了甲酸钙对水泥浆体水化产物组成、孔结构及化学结合水的影响。结果表明:甲酸钙能加速水泥的水化,促进Ca(OH)2的生成,提高水泥浆体的水化程度;甲酸钙能明显改善水泥浆体的孔结构,减少孔隙率和细化孔径;甲酸钙对P·O42.5普通硅酸盐水泥浆体早期强度的提升要比对P·152.5硅酸盐水泥的效果好。  相似文献   

Development of microstructure of early cement paste (0–6 h) was investigated with 1H low-field NMR. It was found that T 2 (transverse relaxation time) distributions of fresh cement paste were bimodal and two peaks were ‘long component’ and ‘short component’. Separation degree of two peaks was a sign of exchange of water within flocculation and outside flocculation. Factors such as water cement ratio, specific surface area and dosage of superplasticizer had influences on the separation degree: the separation degree increased with the water cement ratio; the separation degree of cement paste prepared with cement with a high specific surface area was zero; dosage of superplasticizer will decrease separation degree. Results also suggested that T 2 distribution gradually moved to the left and T 2 of long component and initial fluidity were linearly correlated.  相似文献   

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