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表面活性剂是重要的化学产品,作为乳化剂和界面改性剂应用于家用洗涤剂、个人护理产品、油漆和涂料、食品、化妆品和制药工业中.聚焦表面活性剂在研究和开发方面取得的最新国际进展,尤其以改善其在整个生命周期的生态可持续性,包括以再生资源为原料的衍生物、使用绿色制造原则生产、以及在消费者使用和处置过程中提高生物相容性和生物降解性....  相似文献   

刘伦  刘浪浪  刘军海 《西部皮革》2009,31(13):33-37
综述了糖脂类生物表面活性剂的特性、生产制备方法及其研究状况,并展望了今后糖脂类生物表面活性剂的发展方向.  相似文献   

酶法合成生物表面活性剂   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
总结了外源酶催化法和整胞微生物代谢法合成生物表面活性剂的特点,并将外源酶催化法对整胞微生物代谢法及传统化学合成法的优势进行了比较.详细介绍了单甘酯、糖酯、(溶血)磷脂、纯异头烷基糖苷和氨基酸型表面活性剂等生物表面活性剂的酶催化合成方法及其研究进展;展望了酶工程的进步、化学 酶催化技术进展、外源多酶联合催化技术的开发与应用、酶膜反应器和其它连续酶反应器的开发,以及反应 分离耦合技术在酶催化过程中的应用将给酶法合成生物表面活性剂带来的机遇.  相似文献   

生物表面活性剂是目前重点开发的新型表面活性剂,主要包括糖脂系、含氨基酸类脂、磷脂、脂肪酸中性脂和高分子系等,它们具有表面活性高、稳定性高、良好的抑菌作用以及环境友好等特性。生物表面活性剂主要的生产方法是微生物发酵,应用到食品中可以起到乳化、防腐和改善风味等作用。同时,对生物表面活性剂研发中存在的问题及展望进行了讨论。   相似文献   

绿色表面活性剂——烷基多糖苷(APG)   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
陈荣圻 《印染》1999,25(3):31-34
烷基多糖苷由于毒性低、对皮肤刺激小和生物降解性高,而被称为绿色表面活性剂。文章对烷基多糖苷的合成方法、合成基本原理以及表面活性性能作了介绍,并认为烷基多糖苷可以作为新一代绿色印染助剂的原料。  相似文献   

本文系统地介绍阴离子,阳离子,非离子和两性表面活性剂的定量分析法。  相似文献   

生物表面活性剂是一类新型环保的表面活性剂,除了具备化学合成表面活性剂的表面活性外,还具有毒性低、可生物降解、应用领域广泛等优点。文中综述了生物表面活性剂的类型、结构、性能及其在日化、纺织和环境工程等领域中的应用,为其在纺织领域中的应用提供参考依据。  相似文献   

绿色表面活性剂的研究进展与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了烷基糖苷、纤维素基和壳聚糖基三类绿色表面活性剂的研究进展及各自在日化、药品、皮革等相关领域的应用。  相似文献   

The problems with plastic materials and the good film-forming properties of polysaccharides motivated research in the development of polysaccharide-based films. In the last 5 years, there has been an explosion of publications on using green solvents, including ionic liquids (ILs), and deep eutectic solvents (DESs) as candidates to substitute the conventional solvents/plasticizers for preparations of desired polysaccharide-based films. This review summarizes related properties and recovery of ILs and DESs, a series of green preparation strategies (including pretreatment solvents/reaction media, ILs/DESs as components, extraction solvents of bioactive compounds added into films), and inherent properties of polysaccharide-based films with/without ILs and DESs. Major reported advantages of these new solvents are high dissolving capacity of certain ILs/DESs for polysaccharides (i.e., up to 30 wt% for cellulose) and better plasticizing ability than traditional plasticizers. In addition, they frequently display intrinsic antioxidant and antibacterial activities that facilitate ILs/DESs applications in the processing of polysaccharide-based films (especially active food packaging films). ILs/DESs in the film could also be further recycled by water or ethanol/methanol treatment followed by drying/evaporation. One particularly promising approach is to use bioactive cholinium-based ILs and DESs with good safety and plasticizing ability to improve the functional properties of prepared films. Whole extracts by ILs/DESs from various byproducts can also be directly used in films without separation/polishing of compounds from the extracting agents. Scaling-up, including costs and environmental footprint, as well as the safety and applications in real foods of polysaccharide-based film with ILs/DESs (extracts) deserves more studies.  相似文献   

彭增起  吕慧超 《食品科学》2013,34(7):345-348
本文综述绿色化学和绿色制造在国内外的发展,分析烧烤、油炸、烟熏、老卤煮制等肉类传统加工方式给人体健康和环境带来的潜在危害,从现代科学技术及食品工业可持续发展角度出发,提出肉制品绿色制造技术的概念,并总结绿色化学在中国肉类工业中的成功实践。  相似文献   

Cleaning-in-place (CIP) is the most commonly used cleaning and sanitation system for processing lines, equipment, and storage facilities such as milk silos in the global dairy processing industry. CIP employs thermal treatments and nonbiodegradable chemicals (acids and alkalis), requiring appropriate neutralization before disposal, resulting in sustainability challenges. In addition, biofilms are a major source of contamination and spoilage in dairy industries, and it is believed that current chemical CIP protocols do not entirely destroy biofilms. Use of enzymes as effective agents for CIP and as a more sustainable alternative to chemicals and thermal treatments is gaining interest. Enzymes offer several advantages when used for CIP, such as reduced water usage (less rinsing), lower operating temperatures resulting in energy savings, shorter cleaning times, and lower costs for wastewater treatment. Additionally, they are typically derived from natural sources, are easy to neutralize, and do not produce hazardous waste products. However, even with such advantages, enzymes for CIP within the dairy processing industry remain focused mainly on membrane cleaning. Greater adoption of enzyme-based CIP for cheese industries is projected pending a greater knowledge relating to cost, control of the process (inactivation kinetics), reusability of enzyme solutions, and the potential for residual activity, including possible effects on the subsequent product batches. Such studies are essential for the cheese industry to move toward more energy-efficient and sustainable cleaning solutions.  相似文献   

朱剑刚  吴智慧 《家具》2013,(6):73-77
绿色包装与回收处理技术是绿色制造的主要关键技术之一。家具绿色包装技术旨在节约资源与保护环境,其技术体系主要由家具绿色包装材料选择技术、家具绿色包装设计技术和家具绿色包装回收处理技术等组成。为避免资源浪费和环境污染,家具绿色回收处理工艺技术则可大大改善大量废弃家具难以处理和资源浪费的困境。  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(5):4335-4353
The objective of this study was to apply microwave-assisted extraction using green solvents starting from 3 different wine (white, rosé, and red) lees and to test their bio-response on sheep peripheral blood mononuclear cells proliferation, Bax/Bcl-2 ratio, and cytokines secretion. Wine lees (WL) of local organic farming from white wine, produced with Trebbiano cultivar, rosé and red wine, made with Nero di Troia cultivar, were collected. The WL were subjected to microwave-assisted extraction using 2 green solvents (water and ethanol) in 3 different combinations (water; water/ethanol 1:1 vol/vol; ethanol) with a dry matter-to-solvent ratio of 1:40 (wt/vol) at 4 temperature levels: 50, 100, 150, and 200°C. Sodium carbonate Na2CO3 (2 mmol/g of dry weight of lees) was used for increasing the polyphenol extraction yield. A total number of 6 extracts, 2 for each kind of WL investigated, according to their total phenolic content and in vitro antioxidant capacity, were selected to be tested on sheep peripheral blood mononuclear cells, as an animal model. All the WL extracts demonstrated a strong antiproliferative action. On the contrary, the cytokines' profile was mainly dependent on the different winemaking derived WL and the extraction solvent combination procedures. Red WL extract obtained by a combination of water/Na2CO3 and tested at 0.8 mg/mL, resulted in an increase of both IL-6 secretion and Bax/Bcl-2 ratio. Data from the present study demonstrated that WL extracts derived from different winemaking and solvent extraction could have a bimodal action on control of inflammatory mediated damage and highlighted the importance for further studies aimed at applying the biorefinery process on by-products to increase their economic value and exploit new derived bioactive compound.  相似文献   

中国皮革做为全球皮革生产大国之一,其在经过多年的快速发展,已面向全新的发展阶段.现阶段,皮革行业自身在多方面的压力下,面临着新机遇与新挑战,因此应明确新的发展方向.世界皮业大会的召开,对皮业当前以及未来经济形式的变化发展提出相应策略,并对皮革业的持续发展、升级转型、协同产业链以及社会责任进行深度探索,为皮革业目前以及未...  相似文献   

介绍了绿色非ODS清洗的必要性,论述了超声波清洗的机理、特点、工艺参数选择及工艺过程,阐述了绿色非ODS超声波清洗技术在机械制造业中的应用。  相似文献   

产品制造过程的节能策略研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
介绍了绿色制造的内涵 ,分析了产品制造过程降低能耗、提高能源综合利用率的重要性 ,提出了产品制造过程的节能策略。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The effects of simulated climatic conditions on green color loss of peas ( Pisum sativum ) and related enzyme activities were investigated. Seeds of 2 green pea cultivars showing different resistance to green color bleaching were subjected to light only, soaking in water without light, and soaking in water with light. Green color loss and chlorophyll loss were highest in seeds soaked in water and exposed to light, less in seeds soaked in water under dark conditions, and least in seeds exposed to light only. Increased chlorophyllase activity was associated with loss of green color and chlorophyll, whereas no significant relationship was found between chlorophyll loss and lipoxygenase or chlorophyll-degrading peroxidase activity. Susceptible and resistant cultivars had significant differences in green color, chlorophyll content, chlorophyll a/b ratio, and chlorophyll degradation kinetics constant when seeds were soaked in water and exposed to light. Enzyme activity was not significantly different between the cultivars. Soaking led to more green color loss, chlorophyll breakdown, and chlorophyllase activity than light exposure. Chlorophyllase may be the key enzyme responsible for green pea bleaching instead of the oxidative chlorophyll degradation pathway with lipoxygenase or chlorophyll-degrading peroxidase.  相似文献   

Corrosion threatens materials in diverse industries, necessitating sustainable corrosion inhibitors. Polysaccharides, abundant natural polymers, emerge as eco-friendly corrosion inhibitors. This review explores polysaccharides' efficacy, mechanisms, and applications. It introduces the significance of corrosion and the vital role of inhibitors, positioning polysaccharides as promising green solutions. The exploration covers polysaccharide diversity, sources, and eco-friendly attributes. Corrosion mechanisms are detailed, setting the stage for understanding inhibition strategies. Polysaccharides, with unique adsorption and film-forming properties, are effective inhibitors, elucidated through electrochemical studies. Influential factors like pH, temperature, and concentration effects, along with practical applicability considerations, are examined. Real-world implementations across industries underscore polysaccharides' versatility, often surpassing traditional inhibitors. Despite challenges, this review outlines their promising role, addressing concerns and proposing future directions. Polysaccharides emerge as eco-friendly alternatives, illuminating inhibitive properties, mechanisms, and practical applications, guiding continued research for sustainable corrosion prevention.  相似文献   

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