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针对传统分类器的泛化性能差、可解释性及学习效率低等问题, 提出0阶TSK-FC模糊分类器.为了将该分类器 应用到大规模数据的分类中, 提出增量式0阶TSK-IFC模糊分类器, 采用增量式模糊聚类算 法(IFCM($c+p$))训练模糊规则参数并通过适当的矩阵变换提升参数学习效率.仿真实验表明, 与FCPM-IRLS模糊分类器、径向基函数神经网 络相比, 所提出的模糊分类器在不同规模数据集中均能保持很好的性能, 且TSK-IFC模糊分类器在大规模数据分类中尤为突出.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于模糊积分的模糊分类器集成的方法,该方法能在模糊分类器生成过程中,进一步减少主观因素的参与成份,使分类模器具有更好的稳定性和更高的分类识别率。给出了基于隶属度矩阵的模糊积分密度确定方法,介绍了基于模糊积分的分类器集成算法。用权威的数据集作为实验数据集,将提出方法与已有的分类器集成方法进行实验比较,评测了所提出方法的有效性。  相似文献   

为了进一步提升Takagi-Sugeno-Kang(TSK)模糊分类器在不平衡数据集上的泛化能力和保持其较好的语义可解释性,受集成学习的启发,提出面向不平衡数据的深度TSK模糊分类器(A Deep TSK Fuzzy Classifier for Imbalanced Data, ID-TSK-FC).ID-TSK-FC主要由一个不平衡全局线性回归子分类器(Imbalanced Global Linear Regression Sub-Classifier, IGLRc)和多个不平衡TSK模糊子分类器(Imbalanced TSK Fuzzy Sub-Classifier, I-TSK-FC)组成.根据人类“从全局粗糙到局部精细”的认知行为和栈式叠加泛化原理,ID-TSK-FC首先在所有原始训练样本上训练一个IGLRc,获得全局粗糙的分类结果.然后根据IGLRc的输出,识别原始训练样本中的非线性分布训练样本.在非线性分布训练样本上,以栈式深度结构生成多个局部I-TSK-FC,获得局部精细的结果.最后,对于栈式堆叠IGLRc和所有I-TSK-FC的输出,使用基于最小距离投票原理,得到ID...  相似文献   

深度神经网络在多个领域取得了突破性的成功,然而这些深度模型大多高度不透明。而在很多高风险领域,如医疗、金融和交通等,对模型的安全性、无偏性和透明度有着非常高的要求。因此,在实际中如何创建可解释的人工智能(Explainable artificial intelligence, XAI)已经成为了当前的研究热点。作为探索XAI的一个有力途径,模糊人工智能因其语义可解释性受到了越来越多的关注。其中将高可解释的Takagi-Sugeno-Kang(TSK)模糊系统和深度模型相结合,不仅可以避免单个TSK模糊系统遭受规则爆炸的影响,也可以在保持可解释性的前提下取得令人满意的测试泛化性能。本文以基于栈式泛化原理的可解释的深度TSK模糊系统为研究对象,分析其代表模型,总结其实际应用场景,最后剖析其所面临的挑战与机遇。  相似文献   

识别癫痫脑电信号的关键在于获取有效的特征和构建可解释的分类器.为此,提出一种基于增强深度特征的TSK模糊分类器(ED-TSK-FC).首先,ED-TSK-FC使用一维卷积神经网络(1D-CNN)自动获取癫痫脑电信号的深度特征与潜在类别信息,并将深度特征和潜在类别信息合并为增强深度特征;其次,将增强深度特征作为ED-TSK-FC模糊规则前件与后件部分的训练变量,保证原始输入的深度特征及其潜在意义都出现在模糊规则中,进而对增强深度特征作出良好的解释;然后,采用岭回归极限学习算法对模糊规则的后件参数进行快速求解,在不显著降低分类准确度的情况下,ED-TSK-FC的廉价训练方法可以缩短模型的训练时间;最后,在Bonn癫痫数据集上,分别从分类性能、学习效率和可解释性3个方面,验证ED-TSK-FC的优越性.  相似文献   

基于遗传算法和模糊积分的多分类器集成   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
多分类器联合是解决复杂模式识别问题的有效办法。模糊积分是其中一种多分类器联合方法。但是对于模糊积分。如何计算模糊积分密度是一个尚未解决的问题。本文提出了一种基于模糊积分和遗传算法的分类器集成方法,该方法利用遗传算法计算模糊积分密度函数,再利用模糊积分把分类器输出信息联合起来。实验结果表明,该方法比其他方法能够得到更好的识别性能。  相似文献   

为解决多分类器融合过程中时间开销大和准确率不高的问题,采用改进的Bagging方法并结合MapReduce技术,提出了一种基于选择性集成的并行多分类器融合方法PMCF-SE。该方法基于MapReduce并行计算架构。在Map阶段,选择分类效果较好的基分类器;在Reduce阶段,从所选的基分类器中选择差异性较大的基分类器,然后采用D-S证据理论融合被选的基分类器。实验结果表明,在执行效率方面,与单机环境相比,集群环境下该方法的执行效率有所提高;在分类准确率方面,与Bagging算法相比,PMCF-SE在不同的基分类器数目下的分类准确率都高于Bagging算法。  相似文献   

针对当前目标跟踪领域中如何准确迅速地区分目标和背景的问题,大部分跟踪器的核心内容是如何训练一个判别分类器来区分目标和周围环境。目前较为先进的核相关滤波器算法(KCF)及其改进后的判别式相关滤波器(DCF)将判别分类器与傅里叶变换相结合来提升跟踪速度,一些基于KCF的优化算法对部分跟踪难题,如针对尺度问题的KCF算法和针对目标消失的KCF算法提出了解决方案。但当前已有算法在提高精度方面仍有一定的提升空间,针对此,在核相关滤波器的基础上,从TSK模糊逻辑系统(TSK-FLS)的角度出发推导出了一种新的模糊核相关滤波器(FKCF)。FKCF继承了前者的高速和计算量小的特性,为了提高鲁棒性,将之前简单的高斯映射换成了模糊隶属度函数,并且在核计算的过程中引入了后件参数。由于这两项改进,使得在跟踪精度方面比KCF更好。将FKCF算法与KCF等相关算法在OTB50等4个数据集中的50个随机选取的视频上进行了实验,10项常见属性上的精度均有提升。  相似文献   

周塔  邓赵红  蒋亦樟  王士同 《软件学报》2020,31(11):3506-3518
利用重构训练样本空间的手段,提出一种多训练模块Takagi-Sugeno-Kang(TSK)模糊分类器H-TSK-FS.它具有良好的分类性能和较高的可解释性,可以解决现有层次模糊分类器中间层输出和模糊规则难以解释的难题.为了实现良好的分类性能,H-TSK-FS由多个优化零阶TSK模糊分类器组成.这些零阶TSK模糊分类器内部采用一种巧妙的训练方式.原始训练样本、上一层训练样本中的部分样本点以及所有已训练层中最逼近真实值的部分决策信息均被投影到当前层训练模块中,并构成其输入空间.通过这种训练方式,前层的训练结果对后层的训练起到引导和控制作用.这种随机选取样本点、在一定范围内随机选取训练特征的手段可以打开原始输入空间的流形结构,保证较好或相当的分类性能.另外,该研究主要针对少量样本点且训练特征数不是很大的数据集.在设计每个训练模块时采用极限学习机获取模糊规则后件参数.对于每个中间训练层,采用短规则表达知识.每条模糊规则则通过约束方式确定不固定的输入特征以及高斯隶属函数,目的是保证所选输入特征具有高可解释性.真实数据集和应用案例实验结果表明,H-TSK-FS具有良好的分类性能和高可解释性.  相似文献   

将极限学习机算法与旋转森林算法相结合,提出了以ELM算法为基分类器并以旋转森林算法为框架的RF-ELM集成学习模型。在8个数据集上进行了3组预测实验,根据实验结果讨论了ELM算法中隐含层神经元个数对预测结果的影响以及单个ELM模型预测结果不稳定的缺陷;将RF-ELM模型与单ELM模型和基于Bagging算法集成的ELM模型相比较,由稳定性和预测精度的两组对比实验的实验结果表明,对ELM的集成学习可以有效地提高ELM模型的性能,且RF-ELM模型较其他两个模型具有更好的稳定性和更高的准确率,验证了RF-ELM是一种有效的ELM集成学习模型。  相似文献   

The fuzzy inference system proposed by Takagi, Sugeno, and Kang, known as the TSK model in fuzzy system literature, provides a powerful tool for modeling complex nonlinear systems. Unlike conventional modeling where a single model is used to describe the global behavior of a system, TSK modeling is essentially a multimodel approach in which simple submodels (typically linear models) are combined to describe the global behavior of the system. Most existing learning algorithms for identifying the TSK model are based on minimizing the square of the residual between the overall outputs of the real system and the identified model. Although these algorithms can generate a TSK model with good global performance (i.e., the model is capable of approximating the given system with arbitrary accuracy, provided that sufficient rules are used and sufficient training data are available), they cannot guarantee the resulting model to have a good local performance. Often, the submodels in the TSK model may exhibit an erratic local behavior, which is difficult to interpret. Since one of the important motivations of using the TSK model (also other fuzzy models) is to gain insights into the model, it is important to investigate the interpretability issue of the TSK model. We propose a new learning algorithm that integrates global learning and local learning in a single algorithmic framework. This algorithm uses the idea of local weighed regression and local approximation in nonparametric statistics, but remains the component of global fitting in the existing learning algorithms. The algorithm is capable of adjusting its parameters based on the user's preference, generating models with good tradeoff in terms of global fitting and local interpretation. We illustrate the performance of the proposed algorithm using a motorcycle crash modeling example  相似文献   

Hierarchical TSK fuzzy system was proposed to approach the exponential growth of IF-THEN rules which named “fuzzy rule explosion”. However, it could not get better performance in few layers for instability of TSK fuzzy system, such that hierarchical TSK fuzzy system suffers from bad interpretability and slow convergence along with too much layers. To get a better solution, this study employs a faster convergence and concise interpretability TSK fuzzy classifier deep-wide-based integrated learning (FCCI-TSK) which has a wide structure to adopt several ensemble units learning in a meantime, and the best performer will be picked up to transfer its learning knowledge to next layer with the help of stacked generalization principle. The ensemble units are integrated by negative correlation learning (NCL). FCCI-TSK adjusts the input of the next layer with a better guidance such that it can quicken the speed of convergence and reduce the number of layers. Besides, leading with guidance, it can achieve higher accuracy and better interpretability with more simple structure. The contributions of this study include: (1) To enhance the performance of fuzzy classifier, we mix NCL and stacked generalization principle together in FCCI-TSK; (2) To overcome the phenomenon of “fuzzy rule explosion”, we adopt deep-wide integrated learning and information discarding to accelerate convergence and obtain concise interpretability in the meantime. Comparing with other 11 algorithms, the results on twelve UCI datasets show that FCCI-TSK has the best performance overall and the convergence of FCCI-TSK is also examined.  相似文献   

针对TSK模糊模型的学习是多约束和多目标优化问题,提出TSK模糊模型分解为两类不同的种群,协作共同进化的模型学习方法.论述了所涉及的相关问题,包括各种群的编码及其不同的进化计算,各种群个体的合作及其适应值评估策略,模型的后件参数估计方法.该方法要求先验知识少,收敛速度快,能形成简洁的模糊模型,最后以函数近似为例说明了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

In this paper, an efficient genetic algorithm (GA) to generate a simple and well defined TSK model is proposed. The approach is derived from the use of the improved Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm (SPEA-2), where the genes of the chromosome are arranged into control genes and parameter genes. These genes are in a hierarchical form so that the control genes can manipulate the parameter genes in a more effective manner. In our approach, we first apply the back-propagation algorithm to optimize the parameters of the model (parameters of membership functions and fuzzy rules), then we apply the SPEA-2 to optimize the number of fuzzy rules, the number of parameters and to fine tune these parameters.Two well-known dynamic benchmarks are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm. Simulation results show that our modeling approach outperforms some methods proposed in previous work.  相似文献   

One of the problems associated to linguistic fuzzy modeling is its lack of accuracy when modeling some complex systems. To overcome this problem, many different possibilities of improving the accuracy of linguistic fuzzy modeling have been considered in the specialized literature. We will call these approaches as basic refinement approaches. In this work, we present a short study of how these basic approaches can be combined to obtain new hybrid approaches presenting a better trade-off between interpretability and accuracy. As an example of application of these kinds of systems, we analyze seven hybrid approaches to develop accurate and still interpretable fuzzy rule-based systems, which will be tested considering two real-world problems.This work has been supported by the spanish cicyt project tic2002-04036-c05-01 (keel).  相似文献   

This study proposes a hybrid robust approach for constructing Takagi–Sugeno–Kang (TSK) fuzzy models with outliers. The approach consists of a robust fuzzy C-regression model (RFCRM) clustering algorithm in the coarse-tuning phase and an annealing robust back-propagation (ARBP) learning algorithm in the fine-tuning phase. The RFCRM clustering algorithm is modified from the fuzzy C-regression models (FCRM) clustering algorithm by incorporating a robust mechanism and considering input data distribution and robust similarity measure into the FCRM clustering algorithm. Due to the use of robust mechanisms and the consideration of input data distribution, the fuzzy subspaces and the parameters of functions in the consequent parts are simultaneously identified by the proposed RFCRM clustering algorithm and the obtained model will not be significantly affected by outliers. Furthermore, the robust similarity measure is used in the clustering process to reduce the redundant clusters. Consequently, the RFCRM clustering algorithm can generate a better initialization for the TSK fuzzy models in the coarse-tuning phase. Then, an ARBP algorithm is employed to obtain a more precise model in the fine-tuning phase. From our simulation results, it is clearly evident that the proposed robust TSK fuzzy model approach is superior to existing approaches in learning speed and in approximation accuracy.  相似文献   

Robust TSK fuzzy modeling for function approximation with outliers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (TSK) type of fuzzy models has attracted a great attention of the fuzzy modeling community due to their good performance in various applications. Most approaches for modeling TSK fuzzy rules define their fuzzy subspaces based on the idea of training data being close enough instead of having similar functions. Besides, training data sets algorithms often contain outliers, which seriously affect least-square error minimization clustering and learning algorithms. A robust TSK fuzzy modeling approach is presented. In the approach, a clustering algorithm termed as robust fuzzy regression agglomeration (RFRA) is proposed to define fuzzy subspaces in a fuzzy regression manner with robust capability against outliers. To obtain a more precision model, a robust fine-tuning algorithm is then employed. Various examples are used to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach. From the simulation results, the proposed robust TSK fuzzy modeling indeed showed superior performance over other approaches  相似文献   

This paper proposes a three-layered parallel fuzzy inference model called reinforcement fuzzy neural network with distributed prediction scheme (RFNN-DPS), which performs reinforcement learning with a novel distributed prediction scheme. In RFNN-DPS, an additional predictor for predicting the external reinforcement signal is not necessary, and the internal reinforcement information is distributed into fuzzy rules (rule nodes). Therefore, using RFNN-DPS, only one network is needed to construct a fuzzy logic system with the abilities of parallel inference and reinforcement learning. Basically, the information for prediction in RFNN-DPS is composed of credit values stored in fuzzy rule nodes, where each node holds a credit vector to represent the reliability of the corresponding fuzzy rule. The credit values are not only accessed for predicting external reinforcement signals, but also provide a more profitable internal reinforcement signal to each fuzzy rule itself. RFNN-DPS performs a credit-based exploratory algorithm to adjust its internal status according to the internal reinforcement signal. During learning, the RFNN-DPS network is constructed by a single-step or multistep reinforcement learning algorithm based on the ART concept. According to our experimental results, RFNN-DPS shows the advantages of simple network structure, fast learning speed, and explicit representation of rule reliability.  相似文献   

TSK fuzzy function approximators: design and accuracy analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fuzzy systems are excellent approximators of known functions or for the dynamic response of a physical system. We propose a new approach to approximate any known function by a Takagi-Sugeno-Kang fuzzy system with a guaranteed upper bound on the approximation error. The new approach is also used to approximately represent the behavior of a dynamic system from its input-output pairs using experimental data with known error bounds. We provide sufficient conditions for this class of fuzzy systems to be universal approximators with specified error bounds. The new conditions require a smaller number of membership functions than all previously published conditions. We illustrate the new results and compare them to published error bounds through numerical examples.  相似文献   

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