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用户流通 技术交流 专家点评如何设置导入Word日期数据的格式Q一年前,我曾经利用W o r d的合(Merge)功能,将一份Access2000数据库表格记录导入到5份不同的Word文档中,总页数为100页,其中包含了一些来自于Access数据库的“日期/时间”型数据,是以dd/mm/yy(日/月/年)格式显示的,我当时使用的Word版本为2000。2005年,我换了一台新电脑,它安装的是Word2002。我感觉Word合并功能的设置方式似乎发生了一些改变,从Access中导出的“日期/时间”型数据都是以美国时间的格式——mm/dd/yy(月/日/年)——显示的。我仔细地翻阅了Word2002的帮助文…  相似文献   

EXCEL支持多种数据格式,如数值、日期、时间、分数、百分比以及货币格式等.一般情况下,这些格式已能满足用户的使用要求,但对某些特殊的格式要求,如控制用户输入、强调重要的数据、创建条件显示等,就需要用户使用自定义格式功能来完成了.使用EXCEL自定义格式的方法为:先选中单元格区域;再选择菜单栏上的“格式/单元格”;在“数字”标签的“分类”列表框中选择“自定义”;再在“类  相似文献   

由于世界上国家众多,所在位置不同,文化背景不同,日期格式、时间格式、货币格式、数字表示方法等存在差异。为此,Windows XP提供了地区设置功能。设置的方法是:在“控制面板”的“分类视图”中单击“日期、时间、语言和区域设置”项目。弹出“日期、时间、语言和区域设置”窗口。  相似文献   

Q1有没有简单方法让XP右下角显示星期?答:当然有,进入控制面板,经典模式下进入"区域与语言选项",在弹出的设置窗口中依次点击"区域选项→自定义→日期",在最下面的"长日期格式"设置如下:长日期格式:dddd yyyy’年’M’月’d’日’,然后确定即可。  相似文献   

2000年即将来临,长期困扰电脑界的2000年危机即将爆发,但至今仍没有一个具体有效的解决方案,令许多业界人士惶惶不安。不过,一些Macintosh的用户们却可以高枕无忧了,因为苹果电脑已经公开宣布,2000年危机对Macintosh机完全没有影响,所有Mac用户将可以顺利过渡到二十一世纪。 众所周知,“2000年危机”是一个历史遗留问题:现在我们大部分人使用的电脑,在处理日期上都沿用了一套两位表示系统,最典型的就是MM/DD/YY(月份/日期/年份)的表达方法。这种日期格式用“98'’表示1998年,电脑在处理日期时,会因为98大于  相似文献   

ORACLE的SQL*FORMS能很快生成满足用户要求的格式(FORM),是很理想的开发数据库4GL工具。但它对日期(DATE)类型的数据自动校验存在着某些局限性,影响了用户的使用。本文所示的解决方法已在SCO XENIX,MS-DOS及Sun OS SQL*FORMS2.0上调试通过,得到满意的效果。一、问题的提出 SQL*FORMS对日期类型字段提供了自动校验功能,以保证用户按正确格式(DD-MON-YYA,或MM/DD/YY或DD/MM/YY)输入日期。SQL*FORMS对不同于标准格式的输入日期经过自动校验,认为是  相似文献   

PhotoShop作为一个图像处理的专家级软件,其支持的图形格式也非常多.在这些格式中,有些是我们常见的BMP、JPG等格式,而另外还有一些则是比较专业的格式.笔者借此短文介绍PhotoShop常用的图形格式及其属性,希望能对大家有所帮助.  相似文献   

秦旭 《电脑》1995,(3):44-45
当今比较流行的计算机语言是TURBO系列,例如TURBO PASCAL、TURBO C、TURBO BASIC 等.大多数的程序员都喜欢用TURBO系列高级语言来编写各种应用程序.为了维护自己的软件版权,防止他人非法拷贝,程序员往往在程序中用日期函数去限制用户的使用时间和安装次数.由于在TURBO系列语言中的日期函数(GET-DATE)是用DOS INT 21H中的2AH号子功能完成的,调用的汇编语句为MOV AH,2AH;INT 21H,其机器码为B42ACD21,因此对于有经验的程序员这是一个漏洞,他们常常能用PCTOOLS中的FIND功能、DEBUG和SOUCER跟踪找到日期函数的机器码(B42ACD21),再用各种工具软件修改日期函数或加入空指令,从而使日期函数失效.例如早期的CCED软件用这种方法就可以解除使用日期限制.  相似文献   

胡斌 《电脑爱好者》1998,(19):49-50
《电脑爱好者》第14期刊登了一篇文章,在某网址可下载一个由澳大利亚人制作的测试人体生物节律的软件。我想,何不用EXCEL97制作一个人体生物节律测算模板呢?现将我的制作过程简要地告诉大家。出生日期 制作一个日期登记表(见图1),填写出生日期和计算生物节律曲线的日期。将C3、C4设置成自定义日期类型“yyyy”年“m”月“d”日“aaaa”,“aaaa”表示显示中文星期几,也可不要。将单元格C3,通过“数据”→“有效数据”→“设置”为有效条件日期型;将单元格  相似文献   

本文介绍了如何在Java B/S应用程序中,通过使用java.util.Locale对象作标志实现日期、时间、数字和货币格式的国际化,并通过java.util.Properties对象存储用户的个性设置来实现个性化的方案.  相似文献   

随着软件的发展和国际化,随之而来的软件质量问题也日益热门,而保证软件质量的最根本方式就是软件测试。软件测试是由专门测试组进行的一个正式的过程,在该过程中通过在计算机上运行程序考察一个软件单元、若干被集成的软件单元或整个软件包。所有相关联的测试是根据经批准的测试规程在经批准的测试用例上进行的。本文从软件测试人员、方法、工具等方面对软件测试进行全面的介绍。  相似文献   

随着软件的发展和国际化,随之而来的软件质量问题也日益热门,而保证软件质量的最根本方式就是软件测试。软件测试是由专门测试组进行的一个正式的过程,在该过程中通过在计算机上运行程序考察一个软件单元、若干被集成的软件单元或整个软件包。所有相关联的测试是根据经批准的测试规程在经批准的测试用例上进行的。本文从软件测试人员、方法、工具等方面对软件测试进行全面的介绍。  相似文献   

统计过程控制方法在软件测试过程分析中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
软件测试过程是软件生命周期过程的一个重要组成部分,测试工作的好坏对软件产品的整体质量有直接的影响。文章通过使用统计过程控制方法对一个典型软件测试过程的分析,指出了测试过程、开发过程和质量监控工具中存在的问题及其改进的方向。  相似文献   

ContextScientific software plays an important role in critical decision making, for example making weather predictions based on climate models, and computation of evidence for research publications. Recently, scientists have had to retract publications due to errors caused by software faults. Systematic testing can identify such faults in code.ObjectiveThis study aims to identify specific challenges, proposed solutions, and unsolved problems faced when testing scientific software.MethodWe conducted a systematic literature survey to identify and analyze relevant literature. We identified 62 studies that provided relevant information about testing scientific software.ResultsWe found that challenges faced when testing scientific software fall into two main categories: (1) testing challenges that occur due to characteristics of scientific software such as oracle problems and (2) testing challenges that occur due to cultural differences between scientists and the software engineering community such as viewing the code and the model that it implements as inseparable entities. In addition, we identified methods to potentially overcome these challenges and their limitations. Finally we describe unsolved challenges and how software engineering researchers and practitioners can help to overcome them.ConclusionsScientific software presents special challenges for testing. Specifically, cultural differences between scientist developers and software engineers, along with the characteristics of the scientific software make testing more difficult. Existing techniques such as code clone detection can help to improve the testing process. Software engineers should consider special challenges posed by scientific software such as oracle problems when developing testing techniques.  相似文献   

软件质量控制的群体协同工作模型   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
当前软件的开发离不开协同工作。文章通过研究软件开发各个阶段中所存在的各种角色,着重引出了三组角色:质量保证组、开发组和测试组,并在详细分析它们在软件开发过程中的相互作用的基础上,提出了一个软件质量控制的群体协同工作模型。  相似文献   

文档在软件开发生命周期中至关重要,文档也是质量管理的需要,软件测试文档更是直接反应软件产品的质量。阐述了诸多公司在软件测试文档工程中存在的问题,并将发现的问题进行归类分析,提出了切实可行的软件测试文档管理方案。  相似文献   

Software plays an increasingly important role in complex systems, especially for high-tech applications involved in important fields, such as transportation, financial management, communication, biomedical applications and so on. For these systems, performances such as efficient operation, fault tolerance, safety and security have to be guaranteed by the software structure, whose quality in use is assuming a growing importance from the industrial point of view. The basic problem is that the complexity of the task which software has to perform has often grown more quickly than hardware. In addition, unlike hardware, software cannot break or wear out, but can fail during its life cycle (dynamic defects) [1]. Software problems, essentially, have to be solved with quality assurance tools such as configuration management, testing procedures, quality data reporting systems and so on [2]. In this context, the paper proposes a new approach concerning the automated software testing as an aid to maximize the test plan coverage within the time available and also to increase software reliability and quality in use [3]. In this paper a method which combines accelerated automated tests for the study of software regression and memory overflow will be shown, in order to guarantee software with both a high quality level and a decrease of the testing time. The software will be tested by using test sequences reproducing the actual operating conditions and accelerated stress level. Moreover the research wishes to define some parameters of the software life and to show the generality of the proposed technique.  相似文献   

Developers have learned over time that software testing costs a considerable amount of a software project budget. Hence, software quality managers have been looking for solutions to reduce testing costs and time. Considering path coverage as the test adequacy criterion, we propose using genetic algorithms (GA) for automating the generation of test data for white-box testing. There are evidences that GA has been already successful in generating test data. However, existing GA-based test data generators suffer from some problems. This paper presents our approach to overcome one of these problems; that is the inefficiency in covering multiple target paths. We have designed a GA-based test data generator that is, in one run, able to synthesize multiple test data to cover multiple target paths. Moreover, we have implemented a set of variations of the generator. Experimental results show that our test data generator is more efficient and more effective than others.  相似文献   

Domain analysis is an expansion of conventional requirements analysis. Domain analysis can support effective software reuse. However, domain analysis is time consuming and is limited to a particular application area. Analogical approaches to software reuse, on the other hand, often occur across domains. Analogical problem solving is a process of transferring knowledge from a well-understood base domain to a new target problem area. Analogy can facilitate software reuse for poorly understood problems or new application areas. Analogy shares similar concepts with reuse and some analogy theories have been applied to software reuse. However, current research on software analogy often overlooks the importance of analysis for the base domain and does not consider some critical aspects of analogy concepts. Reuse must be based on high quality artifacts, especially reuse across domains. This paper presents an approach to integrate domain analysis and analogy methods. In our view, domain analysis and software analogy have complementary roles. Domain analysis is regarded as a process to identify and supply necessary information for analogical transfer. Software analogy can provide the analyst with similar problems and solutions to reuse previous domain analysis knowledge or artifacts for a new domain. This paper presents case studies to demonstrate the increase of efficiency in applying the approach. Evaluation of the approach from various perspectives is also reported.  相似文献   

软件在装备保障领域中占有重要的地位,软件的质量及开发效率直接影响到装备的保障效益。文章讨论了装备保障领域软件的主要特点,及在当前软件开发中存在的问题,介绍了软件重用技术的主要特征,研究了软件重用技术在装备保障领域中应用的总体方案及指导思想,并给出了实际应用的例子。  相似文献   

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