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纸作为一种古老的传递媒介,在信息虚拟化传播的今天,面临着前所未有的挑战。但是有创意的人,会为纸来一次“逐末不舍本”的革新实践,就算真正面临“穷途末路”了,另一条道也已开始。  相似文献   

<正>好朋友熊玫,是超级熊粉,从小到大,自己买的、别人送的熊已占据地家半壁江山,可她每次过生日,指定的礼物必定还是熊。我想送地一只有新意的熊。逛街买礼物,竟然发现了一家DIY小熊店。老板指着架子上一只只憨态可掬、造型各异的小熊告诉我,这都是她自己缝制的。我连夸老板好手工,想必一定是专业人士吧。老板却说,她只是一个初出茅庐的  相似文献   

好朋友熊玫,是超级"熊粉",从小到大,自己买的、别人送的熊已占据地家半壁江山,可她每次过生日,指定的礼物必定还是熊。我想送地一只有新意的熊。  相似文献   

在沙坪坝商圈华宇广场的东南角,一家原汁原味的印巴手工品店吸引了我的目光。  相似文献   

长“头发”的长椅;用纸折成家具;蝶儿飞;简易的cosine  相似文献   

在沙坪坝商圈华宇广场的东南角,一家原汁原味的印巴手工品店吸引了我的目光。  相似文献   

长“头发”的长椅;用纸折成家具;蝶儿飞;简易的cosine  相似文献   

瑞士:1997年9月22日的有机农业条例(910.18)修正草案(2页);1997年9月22日的联邦经济部(FDE)有机农业条例(910.181)修正草案  相似文献   

侯正光说,木码的意思是“木头的密码”。距离绞尽脑汁想出这个名字的时刻已经过去6个年头了。  相似文献   

侯正光说,木码的意思是“木头的密码”。距离绞尽脑汁想出这个名字的时刻已经过去6个年头了。  相似文献   

Three kinds of memory help herbivores track changes in the environment. The first is the collective memory of the species with genetic instructions that have been shaped by the environment through millennia. This includes skin and gut defense systems. Auditory and visual stimuli and sensations of pain impinge upon the skin defense system that evolved in response to predation. The taste of food and the sensations of nausea and satiety are an integral part of the gut defense system that evolved in response to toxins and nutrients in plants. The second kind of memory in social mammals is represented by the mother, a source of transgenerational knowledge, who increases efficiency and reduces risk of learning about foods and environments. The third kind of memory is acquired by individual experience. Postingestive feedback from nutrients and toxins enables individuals to experience the consequences of food ingestion and to adjust food preference and selection commensurate with a food's utility. The three memories interact, each linking the past to the present, and collectively shape the present and future of every individual. Thus, the dynamics of foraging involves appreciating the uniqueness of individuals and subgroups of animals, each with their own genetic and behavioral history, and recognizing that foraging behaviors may not be stable, optimal, or even predictable in the conventional sense.  相似文献   

龚磊  李波 《粘接》2009,(6):18-20
题记:他自学成才,一边工作,一边进入夜校就读,仅用一年半的时间就拿到了高中毕业证,并克服难以想象的困难,系统自学了大学化学;他独辟蹊径,在从事技术研发中,屡屡遇到行业内难以破解的技术难关,成功开创了用物理方法解决化学问题;他后发制人,一个不是最早出发的人,却在行业内遥遥领先,为民族汽车工业的发展做出了突出贡献,并成为荣获中国汽车工业领域颁发的“杰出人物奖”殊荣的人,稳稳地坐着中国汽车领域胶粘剂企业的头把交椅。在他面前,没有攻克不了的难题。他就是三友(天津)高分子技术有限公司总经理——李士学。  相似文献   

Adenosine is a ubiquitous endogenous modulator with the main function of maintaining cellular and tissue homeostasis in pathological and stress conditions. It exerts its effect through the interaction with four G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) subtypes referred as A1, A2A, A2B, and A3 adenosine receptors (ARs), each of which has a unique pharmacological profile and tissue distribution. Adenosine is a potent modulator of inflammation, and for this reason the adenosinergic system represents an excellent pharmacological target for the myriad of diseases in which inflammation represents a cause, a pathogenetic mechanism, a consequence, a manifestation, or a protective factor. The omnipresence of ARs in every cell of the immune system as well as in almost all cells in the body represents both an opportunity and an obstacle to the clinical use of AR ligands. This review offers an overview of the cardinal role of adenosine in the modulation of inflammation, showing how the stimulation or blocking of its receptors or agents capable of regulating its extracellular concentration can represent promising therapeutic strategies for the treatment of chronic inflammatory pathologies, neurodegenerative diseases, and cancer.  相似文献   

Abstract. We develop extensions of the Dickey–Fuller F‐statistics for the joint null hypothesis of a unit root that allows for a break in the innovation variance. Our statistics are based on the modified generalized least squares (GLS) strategy outlined in Kim, Leybourne and Newbold [Journal of Econometrics (2002) Vol. 109, pp. 365–387] that requires estimation of the break‐date and corresponding pre‐break and post‐break variances. We derive the asymptotic distribution of the new F‐statistics, tabulate their finite sample and asymptotic critical values, and present finite sample simulation evidence regarding their size and power.  相似文献   

Through a retrospective examination of the author’s half-century immersion in physical organic chemistry, an attempt is made to identify some broader currents in the field. Among these are the cyclical nature of physical organic chemistry, the persistence of research themes, the driving force of new instrumentation, paradigm shifts in theory, greater computational power, enhanced time resolution of experiments, and the export of mechanism-based analysis to other foci of contemporary science.  相似文献   

邵婧 《陶瓷研究》2014,(6):12-17
“志于道,据于德,依于仁,游于艺”孔子的这一名言可以说是李家正艺术生涯的全面写照。伫立在李家正的画作前,你定会感受到那种豪放、劲挺和气势磅礴的气概。而采访中所见的李家正其人,却给人感觉朴质、谦逊和儒雅,以及岁月积淀给他留下的几分淡定与从容。秋高气爽,我与他在一个安静的午后坐下来漫谈艺术、文学、人生。谈及自己的从艺经历,李家正于细微处见宏大、平凡处见雅量,让人心生敬意。  相似文献   

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