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去过创意市集的人都说,去那里玩会上瘾。如果你是创意市集的热衷分子,那么在后海的烟袋斜街,一个永不落幕的立体式创意市集等待着你,那就是“有声有设”创意店。  相似文献   

仔细搜寻,你会发现每所大学附近都有很多特色店铺。这些店铺风格迥异,个性鲜明,经常吸引很多非学生客户前来光顾。朵朵的“指尖芭蕾”就是这样一间布艺店。  相似文献   

她们爱它,不单因为流行、前卫、更因为每一款都是独一无二的手工创作。就像一场狂野的私奔,只为它因你存在。  相似文献   

不要问我从哪里来.我的故乡在远方。为什么流浪?流浪远方.流浪……有人来了,但又走了;有人来了,但却就此停留,生活因为旅行而改变.拉姆就是其中之一。  相似文献   

他们制作布偶、CD、T恤。还有手绘的牛皮信封,所有的产品都围绕着一个共同的形象——木乃伊。  相似文献   

还记得台湾偶像剧《命中注定我爱你》么?喜欢纪存希(阮经天饰)的女孩儿们自然不会忘记他的家传手工皂“传承”,那种即便是婴儿也能放心使用的香皂,怎会不让人心动呢?  相似文献   

还记得台湾偶像剧《命中注定我爱你》么?喜欢纪存希(阮经天饰)的女孩儿们自然不会忘记他的家传手工皂“传承”,那种即便是婴儿也能放心使用的香皂,怎会不让人心动呢?  相似文献   

传说中,女娲为了补天,从天下的凡石中精心挑选了九九八十一块合适的石头。用神火修炼,终于炼成了五彩神石,用来补上了天空的窟窿,才使倾盆的大雨止息了下来。天下苍生才得以存活。  相似文献   

孙凝异 《中国搪瓷》2010,(11):34-35
一幅长达22米、充满民间乡土喜气的剪纸《迎亲图》,无不勾勒出中国传统婚俗的美好。艺术的背后,是创作者走遍干山万水,参加无数婚礼的历程。  相似文献   

光圈 《中华手工》2010,(1):54-57
一座旋转木马要20年时间打造,它不为盈利,只为让更多人参与雕琢,把旋木上的每只动物像爱孩子一样爱护。参与制作的工艺师和设计师都是志愿者,不拿报酬只为兴趣,而维持这个庞大旋木的资金则来自社会的捐助和各个家庭的认养。奥尔巴尼铜戒旋转木马工坊是美国纽约奥尔巴尼小镇行人们的梦工场,一旦完成,这座历史小城将名声大噪。  相似文献   

沙俄时代精湛绝伦的手杖,泛着现代漆器温暖光芒的相机,钢琴造型的小物一起立于室内一角。他们不是什么神秘的物件,虽然造型各异,机关林立,却仍只是女人们随身携带妆点面容的粉盒。  相似文献   

At present, cis‐1,3,4,6‐tetranitro‐octahydroimidazo‐[4,5‐d]imidazole (bicyclo‐HMX, BCHMX) and ε‐2,4,6,8,10,12‐hexanitro‐2,4,6,8,10,12‐hexaazaisowurtzitane (ε‐HNIW, CL‐20) are a topic of interest from the attractive and the potentially attainable nitramines. They were chosen to be studied in comparison with 1,3,5‐trinitro‐1,3,5‐triazinane (RDX) and β‐1,3,5,7‐tetranitro‐1,3,5‐tetrazocane (β‐HMX). Marginal attention is devoted also to 4,8,10,12‐tetranitro‐2,6‐dioxa‐tetraazawurtzitane (Aurora 5). BCHMX, ε‐HNIW, RDX, and HMX were studied as plastic bonded explosives (PBXs) with elastic properties based on Composition C4 and Semtex 10 matrices. Also they were studied as a highly pressed PBXs based on the Viton A binder. The detonation parameters and sensitivity aspects of these nitramines and their corresponding PBXs were determined. Relative explosive strengths (RS) of these compositions are mentioned with mutual relationships between the measured RS values and some detonation parameters. These relationships indicate a possibility of changes in detonation chemistry of these mixtures filled mainly by HNIW. A sensitivity of RS‐CL20 (HNIW with reduced sensitivity) is reported and the new findings in the friction sensitivity are discussed.  相似文献   

分析了橡胶装置干燥箱结构上存在的问题 ,提出了相应的改进方案。  相似文献   

The forces of surface interaction between glass batch components are considered. A comparison between capillary and gravitational forces for particles of different sizes at different stages of glass batch preparation is carried out. The dependences of capillary force on the volume of liquid and the distance between particles are discussed.__________Translated from Steklo i Keramika, No. 3, pp. 7 – 9, March, 2005.  相似文献   

沈白 《中华手工》2013,(7):24-25
以传承古代盒子文化为己任,以创新设计为原动力,当开·合将全副身心倾注于小小一方盒子之中,自然而然便成就足可传世的珍宝……今年年初的BAZAAR JEWELRY极品珠宝夜宴暨高级珠宝年度设计大赏可谓星光熠熠,当红影视明星、名媛、各界名流汇聚一堂。在会展现场,国际顶级珠宝固然是场中焦点,然而同时展出的开·合品牌的珠宝盒和手表盒同样惹人注目,与瑰丽华贵的珠宝交相辉映。这是开·合2013年度新品首次在公众面前亮相,在这场艺术盛宴上,独树一帜的造型、功能特点以及丰富的内涵,让所有人都  相似文献   

介绍一种利用互感器校验仪测试负载箱阻抗或导纳值的方法。从分析测试原理入手,详细图解如何具体利用广州羊城(或海纳)YC-52互感器校验装置实现对自身所带负载箱的测试。  相似文献   

冷制草浆瓦楞纸箱用快干淀粉胶   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
本文针对淀粉粘合剂应用现状,研制了一种冷制、快干、质量可调优、成本低的制胶新配方和工艺。介绍了制备方法,制备机理,PH值,氧化剂用量,糊化剂用量,干燥时间的优化控制等。  相似文献   

Sources of Apple Odor Attractive to Adult Plum Curculios   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We evaluated olfactory attraction of overwintered plum curculio (PC) adults, Conotrachelus nenuphar, to volatiles from extracts of host and nonhost plant tissues in the laboratory using a still-air dual-choice bioassay system. In experiments evaluating four different solvents, hexane and water proved to be better than dichloromethane and methanol for extracting nonpolar and polar attractive compounds, respectively, from host McIntosh apple tissues. Significantly more PCs were attracted to volatiles from hexane extracts of host wild plum fruit at bloom, and host wild plum and McIntosh fruit at two weeks after bloom, than to volatiles from hexane extracts of nonhost honeysuckle fruit at either phenological stage. In every case, for hexane-extracted or water-extracted volatiles from McIntosh apple tissues (twigs, leaves, or fruit) at seven phenological stages of development (pink through five weeks after bloom), greatest numerical responses were recorded to volatiles from extracts made between bloom and two weeks after bloom. We conclude that source material used to identify volatile components of McIntosh apple odor attractive to PCs should be collected between bloom and two weeks after bloom.  相似文献   

Aqueous extracts of three types of bird feces were attractive to laboratory-colony Mexican fruit flies in laboratory bioassays. Extracts of black-bellied whistling duck feces were chosen for further analysis. Duck feces extract was attractive to both sugar-fed and sugar-starved flies but was more attractive to sugar-fed flies. Protein deprivation of flies had no effect on their response. Duck feces incubated in water for 24 hr were more attractive than those incubated for longer periods. Duck feces extract was attractive at pH 5–9, but was most attractive at pH 9, indicating that more than one class of chemicals contributed to attractiveness of the feces. Major components of headspace of duck feces extracts collected by solid-phase microextraction and identified by GC-MS, GC-FID, and GC-FTD included ethanol, propanol, phenol, ammonia, low-molecular weight amines, and pyrazines. In general, chemicals containing nitrogen proved most attractive to sugar-fed flies. However, dimethylamine and 1-pyrroline were nearly equally attractive to sugar-fed and sugar-deprived flies. Two chemicals without nitrogen were attractive to sugar-deprived flies; none were attractive to sugar-fed flies. A synthetic mixture was prepared containing ammonia, methylamine, dimethylamine, trimethylamine, 1-pyrroline, phenol, and 2-ethylhexanol in amounts found in odor of duck feces extract. The synthetic mixture was 96% as attractive as duck feces extract to sugar-fed flies and 80% as attractive to sugar-deprived flies.  相似文献   

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