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Stilts are elevated tools that are frequently used by construction workers to raise workers 18-40 inches above the ground. The objective of this laboratory study was to evaluate the potential loss of postural stability associated with the use of stilts in various foot placements. Twenty construction workers with at least 1 year of experience in the use of stilts participated in this study. One Kistler™ force platform was used to collect kinetic data. Participants were tested under six-foot-placement conditions. These 6 experimental conditions were statically tested under all combinations of 3 levels of elevation: 0″ (no stilts), 24″ stilt height and 40″ stilt height. SAS mixed procedure was used to evaluate the effect of different experimental conditions. The results of the multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and repeated measures of univariate analyses of variance (ANOVAs) demonstrated that stilt height, foot-placement direction, and foot-placement width all had significant effects on the whole-body postural stability. This study found that the higher the stilts were elevated, the greater the postural instability. A stance position with one foot placed forward of the other foot produced greater postural instability than a position with the feet parallel and directly beneath the body. This study found that placement of the feet parallel and directly beneath the body, with the feet positioned a half shoulder width apart, caused a greater amount of postural sway and instability than one and one-and-half shoulder width. This study also found that construction workers using the stilts could perceive the likely postural instability due to the change in foot placements.  相似文献   

Postural stability has been shown to be impacted by footwear and task performed. This study analysed the impact of two military footwear, standard boot (STB) and minimalist boot (MTB) on postural stability, before (PRE) and after (POST) a load carriage task. Sixteen participants were tested for postural stability using sensory organisation and motor control tests on Neurocom Equitest?. Postural sway, equilibrium scores and postural latencies were analysed using a two-factor repeated measures ANOVA: boot type (STB-MTB)?×?time (PRE-POST) load carriage task. Significantly greater postural sway variables, lower balance scores and slower postural latencies were seen in STB and POST load carriage conditions (p?<?.05). The results suggest that MTB exhibited greater balance compared to STB in balance conditions that rely on somatosensory feedback and that balance is lowered after a load carriage task. Decrements in postural stability could be attributed to boot design characteristics and muscular exertion due to the load carriage task.

Practitioner Summary: Maintaining optimal postural stability is crucial in military. Impact of military footwear types and load carriage task on postural stability are addressed. Findings provide footwear design and physical exertion implications on postural stability leading to potential interventions that reduce postural stability decrements; thereby, reducing potential falls and fall related injuries.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop anti-heat stress clothing for construction workers in hot and humid weather. Following DeJonge’s functional clothing design process, the design situation was explored, including clothing fabric heat/moisture transporting properties and UV protection and the aspects of clothing ergonomic design (mobility, convenience, and safety). The problem structure was derived from the results of the surveys in three local construction sites, which agreed well with the task requirements and observations. Specifications were consequently described and 30 commercially available fabrics were identified and tested. Fabric testing data and design considerations were inputted in S-smart system to predict the thermal functional performance of the clothing. A new uniform prototype was developed and evaluated. The results of all measurements suggest that the new uniform which incorporated fabrics with superior heat/moisture transporting properties and loose-fitting design could reduce the workers’ heat stress and improve their comfort and work performance.

Practitioner Summary:

The construction workers’ uniform currently used in Hong Kong during summer was unsatisfactory. Following DeJonge’s functional clothing design process, an anti-heat stress uniform was developed by testing 30 fabrics and predicting clothing thermal functional performance using S-smart system. The new uniform could reduce the workers’ heat stress and improve their comfort and work performance.  相似文献   

Manual handling of plasterboards in order to construct interior building walls is a risk factor for musculoskeletal complaints. Unfortunately, mechanical lifting aids to reduce the physical workload are impractical for this task. Therefore, the effect of smaller plasterboards on productivity, work demands and workload was evaluated in an exploratory study among experienced construction workers (n=4-8) at the worksite. The dimensions and weight of the conventional and smaller plasterboards (PB) were: PB120 (2440 x 1200 x 15 mm; 33 kg) and PB90 (2440 x 900 x 12.5 mm; 20 kg), respectively. Productivity was defined as meters of plasterboard mounted. Work demands were assessed by means of real time observations of tasks and activities. Workload was determined using continuous heart rate monitoring and subjective judgments of perceived workload. Productivity and total work time per working day did not differ between PB120 and PB90. Duration of mounting (29% increase) and anchoring (26% increase) were longer for PB90 than PB120. Duration of lifting, carrying and turning over plasterboards, and percentage of heart rate reserve showed no difference between PB120 and PB90. A majority of the workers preferred PB90. For the last two reasons and because PB90 weighs approximately 40% less than PB120, PB90 seems preferable. The workload in both conditions, however, was considered high.  相似文献   

This study aimed to (1) quantify the respective physical workloads of bar bending and fixing; and (2) compare the physiological and perceptual responses between bar benders and bar fixers. Field studies were conducted during the summer in Hong Kong from July 2011 to August 2011 over six construction sites. Synchronized physiological, perceptual, and environmental parameters were measured from construction rebar workers. The average duration of the 39 field measurements was 151.1 ± 22.4 min under hot environment (WBGT = 31.4 ± 2.2 °C), during which physiological, perceptual and environmental parameters were synchronized. Energy expenditure of overall rebar work, bar bending, and bar fixing were 2.57, 2.26 and 2.67 Kcal/min (179, 158 and 186 W), respectively. Bar fixing induced significantly higher physiological responses in heart rate (113.6 vs. 102.3 beat/min, p < 0.05), oxygen consumption (9.53 vs. 7.14 ml/min/kg, p < 0.05), and energy expenditure (2.67 vs. 2.26 Kcal/min, p < 0.05) (186 vs. 158 W, p < 0.05) as compared to bar bending. Perceptual response was higher in bar fixing but such difference was not statistically significant. Findings of this study enable the calculation of daily energy expenditure of rebar work.  相似文献   

Understanding the traffic patterns of construction workers on high-risk construction sites is important for implementing behaviour-based safety management. However, safety risks in worker trajectories are a complex system with high uncertainty. This resulted in few studies focusing on analysing the spatial–temporal risk in workers' trajectories from a systematic perspective. This study designs a new framework to explore the spatial–temporal patterns of safety risks in the trajectories of construction workers based on complex network theory. First, an integrated site safety risk classification method by combining hazard sources and group trajectory distribution is developed to accurately describe the spatial distribution of site risks. Second, a new complex network chronnet is used to construct complex networks containing risk information for spatial–temporal analysis. Finally, key risk areas and risk transition patterns are identified through the analysis of network measures. The study also developed a computational program that allows the network to be constructed and analysed in real-time. The feasibility and effectiveness of the method are verified through a case study. The results show that the method can reveal the risk distribution at the micro level, and explore the risk clustering and transition features in worker trajectories at the macro level. The study allows for an accurate analysis of dynamic risk patterns in construction workers' trajectories from a systematic perspective. It can also provide theoretical and practical support for personalized and adaptive behaviour-based safety management for construction workers.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of warning and lifting-induced fatigue on trunk muscle activity and postural responses to sudden loading. Thirty-one male subjects were subjected to sudden loading of a hand-held box with and without prior warning, before and after either lifting-induced fatigue or light callisthenic exercises. Results showed that warning did not alter the level of trunk muscle activity prior to sudden loading. Following warning, there was a reduction in all muscle and joint onset latencies and the magnitude of hip and knee flexion. Although fatigue did not influence muscle and joint initiation, it did negate the effects that warning had on reducing joint displacement. These findings indicate that warning prior to sudden loading may enhance postural responses, reduce ranges of joint motion and increase stability. However, the benefits of prior warning for reducing ranges of joint motion may not be present when a person is fatigued. Sudden unexpected loading and fatigue arising from manual handling practices in the workplace have been identified as contributing factors to the risk of low back injury. Findings from this study provide information that is important for the design of interventions intended to reduce the incidence of manual handling-related back injuries.  相似文献   

The risk of falls from height on a construction site increases under conditions which degrade workers’ postural control. At elevation, workers depend heavily on sensory information from their feet to maintain balance. The study tested two hypotheses: “sensory enhancement” – sub-sensory (undetectable) random mechanical vibrations at the plantar surface of the feet can improve worker’s balance at elevation; and “sensory suppression” – supra-sensory (detectable) random mechanical vibrations can have a degrading effect on balance in the same experimental settings.Six young (age 20–35) and six aging (age 45–60) construction workers were tested while standing in standard and semi-tandem postures on instrumented gel insoles. The insoles applied sub- or supra-sensory levels of random mechanical vibrations to the feet. The tests were conducted in a surround-screen virtual reality system, which simulated a narrow plank at elevation on a construction site. Upper body kinematics was assessed with a motion-measurement system. Postural stability effects were evaluated by conventional and statistical mechanics sway measures, as well as trunk angular displacement parameters.Analysis of variance did not confirm the “sensory enhancement” hypothesis, but provided evidence for the “sensory suppression” hypothesis. The supra-sensory vibration had a destabilizing effect, which was considerably stronger in the semi-tandem posture and affected most of the sway variables.Sensory suppression associated with elevated vibration levels on a construction site may increase the danger of losing balance. Construction workers at elevation, e.g., on a beam or narrow plank might be at increased risk of fall if they can detect vibrations under their feet. To reduce the possibility of losing balance, mechanical vibration to supporting structures used as walking/working surfaces should be minimized when performing construction tasks at elevation.  相似文献   

Among healthcare workers, shiftwork (mostly if nightwork is also included), ageing and work-related stress may be factors leading to impaired health. Such risk factors may also operate in interaction, resulting in an even increased harm for health. The present study aims at evaluating these relationships in a sample of 1842 hospital workers in Northern Italy. Subjects were mainly women, 33.1% were aged > or = 45 yr, and they were almost evenly distributed between dayworkers and rotating shiftworkers (nights included). Shiftwork was associated with poor sleep, while it was protective against gastrointestinal disorders, poor work ability and job dissatisfaction. Work stress was the risk factor with the highest relevance for poor health. Ageing was associated with lower physical health. Few significant interactions were observed. Shiftwork with nights and high work stress significantly interacted in increasing the risk for poor sleep. The "healthy worker effect" may have played a strong role in study findings.  相似文献   

This research investigates the use of modern electronic communication management systems, and how these systems affect the success of construction projects in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The research starts with a literature survey, and a brief background on how the communication mechanism works; how using these systems influence relationships amongst the project stakeholders, and consequently the projects success. Two case studies are introduced, followed by an analysis of results and conclusions.The first case study, based on action research, employs interactive tools to collect the evidence, including interviews, surveys, document review, and feedback on progress. The study uses success criteria from construction projects in the UAE, previously identified by the authors. This case study has revealed an organisational transformation trend, from functional, towards matrix and project structures. These types of change are taking place after the implementation of project electronic communication management systems into the client organisation, and are enhancing chances of project success.The second case study takes into consideration the co-existence of the new modern project electronic communication systems with the other traditional communication media. It has been shown that such an arrangement works both for the strategic benefit of the projects, and the projects stakeholders.In the areas of improvements to schedule and project control, the current research results are in agreement with pertinent published literature and research findings. However, the benefits for quality control during the design and construction phases of the project, in addition to potential improvements in the health safety and environment (HSE), remain debatable.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to investigate the associations between an activity logbook and the RT3 accelerometer and to assess whether the RT3 can discriminate activity levels in healthy adults. Ten participants completed two trials wearing an RT3 accelerometer over a 4–6 h period and completed a detailed activity log. Results showed a poor correlation between the RT3 in moderate activities (r = 0.22) in comparison to low (r = 0.52) and hard (r = 0.70) from the logbook. A significant difference was found in average RT3 vector magnitude (VM) counts/min in each activity level (p < 0.0001). Discriminant analysis demonstrated that an RT3VM counts/min value of approximately 500 was found to have high sensitivity (88%), and specificity (88%) for discriminating between low and moderate activity levels from the logbook. This study found that accelerometry has the potential to discriminate activity levels in free living. This study is the first to investigate whether tri-axial accelerometry can discriminate different levels of free-living activity recorded in an activity logbook. The RT3 accelerometer can discriminate between low and moderate physical activities and offers a methodology that may be applicable to future research in occupational settings.  相似文献   

The study investigated the effects of using a lower body prototype exoskeleton (EXO) on static limits of stability and postural sway. Measurements were taken with participants, 10 US Army enlisted men, standing on a force platform. The men were tested with and without the EXO (15 kg) while carrying military loads of 20, 40 and 55 kg. Body lean to the left and right was significantly less and postural sway excursions and maximal range of movement were significantly reduced when the EXO was used. Hurst values indicated that body sway was less random over short-term time intervals and more random over long-term intervals with the EXO than without it. Feedback to the user's balance control mechanisms most likely was changed with the EXO. The reduced sway and relatively small changes in sway with increasing load weights suggest that the EXO structure may have functioned to provide a bracing effect on the body.  相似文献   

This paper presents the application of path planning in construction sites according to multiple objectives. It quantitatively evaluates the performance of three optimisation algorithms namely: Dijkstra, A*, and Genetic algorithms that are used to find multi-criteria paths in construction sites based on transportation and safety-related cost. During a construction project, site planners need to select paths for site operatives and vehicles, which are characterised by short distance, low risks and high visibility. These path evaluation criteria are combined using a multi-objective approach. The criteria can be optimised to present site planners with the shortest path, the safest path, the most visible path or a path that reflects a combination of short distance, low risk and high visibility. The accuracy of the path solutions and the time complexities of the optimisation algorithms are compared and critically analysed.  相似文献   

Virtual Reality (VR)-based training has gained attention from the scientific community in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry as a cost-effective and safe method that eliminates the safety risks that may impose on workers during the training compared to traditional training methods (e.g., in-person hands-on training, apprenticeship). Although researchers have developed VR-based training for construction workers, some have recruited students rather than workers to understand the effect of their VR-based training. However, students are different from construction workers in many ways, which can threaten the validity of such studies. Hence, research is needed to investigate the extent to which the findings of a VR-based training study are contingent on whether students or construction workers were used as the study sample. This paper strives to compare the effectiveness of VR-based training on university students’ and construction workers’ knowledge acquisition, trust in the robot, and robot operation self-efficacy in remote operation of a construction robot. Twenty-five construction workers and twenty-five graduate construction engineering students were recruited to complete a VR-based training for remote operating a demolition robot. We used quantitative analyses to answer our research questions. Our study shows that the results are dependent on the target sample in that students gained more knowledge, whereas construction workers gained more trust in the robot and more self-efficacy in robot operation. These findings suggest that the effectiveness of VR-based training on students may not necessarily associate with its effectiveness on construction workers.  相似文献   

An empirical study examined the impact of prototype fidelity on user behaviour, subjective user evaluation and emotion. The independent factors of prototype fidelity (paper prototype, computer prototype, fully operational appliance) and aesthetics of design (high vs. moderate) were varied in a between-subjects design. The 60 participants of the experiment were asked to complete two typical tasks of mobile phone usage: sending a text message and suppressing a phone number. Both performance data and a number of subjective measures were recorded. The results suggested that task completion time may be overestimated when a computer prototype is being used. Furthermore, users appeared to compensate for deficiencies in aesthetic design by overrating the aesthetic qualities of reduced fidelity prototypes. Finally, user emotions were more positively affected by the operation of the more attractive mobile phone than by the less appealing one.  相似文献   

Driving may be detrimental to health, with one hypothesis suggesting that driving may elicit an acute stress response and, with repeated exposures, may become a chronic stressor. The present study examined the stress response to driving and the effectiveness of a prior exercise bout in dampening this response. Twenty healthy adults performed three tasks: control, driving and exercise plus driving. Heart rate (HR), heart rate variability (HRV), blood pressure (BP) and cortisol were measured to quantify the acute stress response to each condition. Data indicated a stress response to driving: HR was elevated and HRV was reduced during the driving task compared with control. HR was elevated and HRV was reduced comparing the exercise plus driving with the driving condition. BP and cortisol were not different among conditions. The potential of interventions, such as exercise, to counter daily stressors should be evaluated to safeguard long-term health.

Practitioner Summary: this study confirms that driving induces a stress response, with the exercise intervention providing mixed results (an increase in cardiovascular measures and a decrease in cortisol measure trending significance). Given the known consequences of stress and evidence that exercise can mitigate acute stress, further evaluation of exercise interventions is recommended.  相似文献   

A community of highly qualified employees is desirable for the workforce to become a competitive business advantage, improving and sustaining corporate health. Currently, the scientific literature is limited on information comparing the assessment of expert and qualified workers for the employee–work environment interface. Such information would be valuable for industrial managers to obtain and act on the different perspectives of its workers for business improvement and survivability. A primary objective of this study is to explore the perspectives of expert and qualified workers on the quality of the employee–work environment interface in a manufacturing enterprise. This investigation was performed in a production department in a small manufacturing enterprise. Two expert workers participated in the study, with each being in the company for 30 years and having performed all jobs in the production department as well as supervisory and line management responsibilities. A total of 13 qualified workers from day and night shifts were used in the study, with the great majority of workers possessing 10 or more years of on-the-job experience but not acquiring the same specialised knowledge required for operating the technological resources in the department. The work compatibility methodology was used to assess the quality of employee–work environment interface for both expert and qualified workers. Both expert and qualified workers provided similar trends in terms of their compatibility assessment of experienced and acting work domains. In general, the compatibility levels for the day shift were poorer than those obtained for the night shift for acting work domains. The similarities in assessment between the expert and qualified workers were much closer for factors impacting job performance at the task and immediate surrounding levels (i.e. physical and mental task content, physical environment). There were greater differences at the macro level, that is, at the process and enterprise levels, in terms of organisational/social/technological environment. This is particularly noted for the organisational environment. The compatibility values obtained for the experienced domains mirror those obtained for acting domains. The overall workload was assessed as requiring major redesign during the day shift and needing added responsibilities for the night shift according to both expert and qualified workers. The assessment of qualified workers is comparable with that of expert workers for the job content and immediate surroundings. Differences are more observed for process- and enterprise-based factors; thereby, providing company management different perspectives in order to devise organisational strategies conducive for optimum human and corporate health and pointing to the probable interactions of the different systems impacting individual and enterprise performance.

Statement of Relevance: This research examines similarities and differences between qualified and expert workers in their assessment of the worker–work environment interface. The contribution to improved understanding of the complex interactions of human-at-work and enterprise systems should be beneficial to organisations in their quest to remain competitive in a global economy.  相似文献   

With the advent of Web 2.0, the number of IT systems used in university courses is growing. Yet research consistently shows that a significant proportion of students are anxious about computer use. The quality of first experience with computers has been consistently mentioned as a significant contributor to anxiety onset. However the effect of users’ first experience on system related anxiety has not to the authors’ knowledge been researched using controlled experiments. Indeed little experiment based research has been conducted on the wiki user experience, specifically users’ evaluations and emotional reactions towards editing. This research uses usability engineering principles to engineer four different wiki experiences for novice wiki users and measures the effect each has on usability, anxiety during editing and on anxiety about future wiki editing. Each experience varied in the type of training spaces available before completing six live wiki editing tasks. We found that anxiety experienced by users was not related to computer anxiety but was wiki specific. Users in the in-built tutorial conditions also rated the usability of the editing interface higher than users in the non-tutorial conditions. The tutorial conditions also led to a significant reduction in wiki anxiety during interaction but did not significantly affect future editing anxiety. The findings suggest that the use of an in-built tutorial reduces emotional and technological barriers to wiki editing and that controlled experiments can help in discovering how aspects of the system experience can be designed to affect usability and anxiety towards editing wikis.  相似文献   

The subjective discomfort caused by the seat would affect the judgements of discomfort for the seated subjects. However, there have been few studies concerned with the discomfort on the rigid seat in static states, especially for a relatively long duration. This paper investigated the subjective discomfort caused by a rigid seat and a cushioned automobile seat for an hour. Twelve students (eight males and four females) rated the overall discomfort on a category-ratio scale and the local body discomfort on a 6-point rating scale every 10 min caused by two seats in two separate days. The static discomfort increased with increasing time, and the rigid seat caused greater discomfort than the cushioned seat. The local discomfort on the back dominated on the automobile seat, whereas the local discomfort on the buttock area dominated on the rigid seat. We established the empirical equations to predict the relations between the discomfort and duration of the two types of seats, for benchmark in the future studies on vibration and noise discomfort.  相似文献   

It is well-known that exponential stabilization of a neutral system with unstable difference operator is only possible by allowing for control laws containing derivative feedback. We show that closed-loop stability of a neutral system with unstable open-loop difference operator obtained by applying a derivative feedback scheme is extremely sensitive to arbitrarily small time delays in the feedback loop.  相似文献   

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