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矿产资源作为国民经济建设的重要资源,长期以来不断开发利用,带动了经济的发展,但一些不法企业在利益的驱使下,对矿产资源存在过度开采、滥挖滥采现象,尤其是部分小型露天矿山存在超层越界现象。对露天矿山超层越界开采的预防与治理进行分析,介绍了如何预防露天矿山超层越界开采,列举了预防方法 :明确采矿原则;积极落实实地核查责任;建立动态检测库。根据露天矿山超层越界开采的现有状况提出了治理的有效举措:对矿山进行整顿关闭和金属资源开发整合,从根本上治理露天矿山超层越界开采现象。  相似文献   

电铲是金属和非金属矿山的主要设备,是露天矿山采矿的大型设备,是露天矿山采矿必备的设备之一,其设备的运转好坏直接影响到生产工作是否正常开展,生产计划的完成与否。因此,如何加强对电铲维护和保养,对大大降低电铲故障的发生率和延长电铲的使用寿命以及提高生产效率都有着极其重要的意义。本文着重介绍WK—4A型电铲提升传动系统的常见故障及诊断方法,为金属非金属矿山大型设备日常维护、保养、管理作借鉴。实现金属非金属露天矿山采矿生产计划的完成提供了必要的保障。  相似文献   

露天矿山开采具有较高的开采效率,但由于开采面比较大,因此对矿山周围的生态环境破坏也较严重,必须采用生态修复技术实现对露天矿山的生态修复。文章总结了废弃露天矿山的治理工作的难点和问题,分析露天矿山的常见污染类型,针对生态修复技术的应用、修复过程中的管理方法进行研究,帮助技术人员更有效利用露天矿山生态修复技术,解决露天矿山生态问题,强化对矿山的生态建设,解决露天矿山开采后的生态问题。  相似文献   

随着社会的不断发展和进步,矿山开采规模得到了前所未有的发展。针对上述背景对于露天矿山开采工艺技术与装备现状进行研究,分别分析了露天矿山开采工艺与露天矿山开采装备的现状,为提高露天矿山开采提供了更好的发展提供了基础。  相似文献   

将露天矿山的电气安全作为研究主体,介绍了露天矿山的生产特点以及各种常见的电气安全事故,简要分析了常见露天矿山电气安全事故发生的原因,从管理与技术两个方面提出了保障露天矿山电气设备与线路安全运行的具体措施。  相似文献   

伴随着国民经济的不断提升,社会生产对于各种矿产的需求量也逐渐增多,在这一基础上,对于露天矿山的边坡稳定性进行深入的分析,对于提升采矿工作效率具有十分重要的促进作用。鉴于此,文中围绕露天矿山边坡的稳定性开展了研究,首先概述了露天矿山边坡的稳定性,其次分析了露天矿山边坡稳定性影响因素,包括岩体特征及结构影响、人类采矿活动影响、风化及植被影响以及露天矿山地表水影响,最后提出了防止露天矿山边坡稳定性灾害的相关办法,旨在提升露天矿山的开采稳定性。  相似文献   

随着我国工业化进程的不断推进,对露天矿山生态环境进行治理是一个十分重要且紧迫的任务。我国矿山资源种类繁多,规模不一,形成了不同类型的露天矿山。随着我国矿山企业兼并与矿山生态修复项目日益增多,废弃露天矿山修复治理难度逐渐增大,目前废弃露天矿山大都由于资源开采引起地质灾害频发且危害严重。由于我国开采过程中产生了大量固体废弃物导致了露天采矿资源闲置,对废弃露天矿山生态保护修复治理工作也逐渐提上日程。文章简要介绍了露天金属矿山环境保护修复技术内涵和特征,主要针对不同类型矿山生态修复技术展开研究。  相似文献   

露天矿山的开采工作处理中,当前已经开始广泛采用现代化的新型技术,实现对于露天矿山的有效管理。基于对露天矿山技术使用要点的分析,本文探讨了露天矿山工程中可采用的现代化新型技术类型,并在此基础上探讨了这类新型技术的使用方法,从而让现代化新技术可以在露天矿山的运行过程中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

随着我国大型冶金露天矿山开采深度的不断增加,采矿场的空间变得越来越深、越来越小,冶金露天矿山的运输条件(特别是使用铁路运输的冶金露天矿山)日趋恶化,矿山的生产能力大幅度地降低,矿石的生产越来越困难。为了解决我国冶金露天矿山运输落后的这一难题,许多大型露天矿山逐渐采用了胶带机的自动化连续运输方式。  相似文献   

在露天矿山开采中,做好安全风险评价和分析,不但能够提高开采的安全性,保证开采过程风险可控,同时还能够确保露天矿山开采满足安全要求,避免露天矿山开采,因风险评价不合理和风险管控失误造成安全事故。在露天矿山开采过程中,影响安全的因素较多,做好露天矿山开采安全风险评价,对于提高露天矿山的开采安全性具有重要意义。因此,我们应当结合露天矿山开采实际,对安全风险有全面了解,并认真分析风险特性,制定有效的风险控制措施,使露天矿山开采的安全风险能够得到有效的识别、评价和控制。  相似文献   

鲁迅先生一生热爱美术作品,对版画中木刻兴趣尤甚.<野草>作为其"写心之作",亦呈现出一些与木刻版画一致的审美特征:一是具有木刻版画的色彩特征,多对比、多冷色,有阴郁的美感;二是具有木刻版画的力度特征,环境描写、人物刻画处处刀锋毕现,遒劲有力,有一种"力之美".  相似文献   

南钢45号钢的主要问题是铸坯和轧材裂纹率高,轧材易在热墩或热墩后的机加工过程中出现不同程度的开裂。究其原因是由于钢中大量的氧化物和硫化物夹杂使得其塑性、韧性及疲劳强度降低、加工性能变坏所致。因此,通过控制转炉终点碳质量分数和出钢过程温度、增加软吹氩时间、在LF炉中提前造白渣以及加强保护浇注等措施,降低了45号钢钢中夹杂物的数量,有效的避免了加工开裂。  相似文献   

Cancer of the cardia is traditionally discussed with cardiac cancer of the lower portion of the esophagus and upper gastric cancer invading the esophagus, and the specific characteristics of cancer of the cardia have never been clearly defined. We reviewed the outcome of 172 patients with adenocarcinoma of the cardia who had undergone radical surgery between 1949 and 1994 in the Division of Gastrointestinal Surgery of the Cancer Institute Hospital. The centers of the tumors were located within 2 cm above and below the boundary between the esophagus and the stomach, and their longitudinal diameter was less than 8 cm. We divided the patients into an early period (1949-1979; n = 79) and a late period (1980-1994; n = 93), and focused on the historical transition. There were no differences in patient gender or histology between the two periods. However, the late period was associated with fewer cases of esophageal invasion and shorter longitudinal diameter, as the age of the population advanced. The number of advanced cancers such as the localized and infiltrative type had decreased, and early cancer and early clinical stage had become more common, but despite the fact that the number of early cancers had increased, extended dissection, such as thoracic and paraaortic lymph node dissection, was performed more frequently. By clinical stage, the long-term outcome markedly improved in Stage I patient in the late period, and tended to improve in Stage II and III patients. This appears to have been attributable to the prevention of micrometastasis by extended dissection, although the number of early cancers is another major potential cause. There were no differences in the outcome of Stage IV patients between the two periods, and further advances in multimodality therapy must be awaited. The range of resection is basically proximal gastrectomy, and if there are adequate indications, the prognosis is favorable. In view of the status of lymphatic flow and lymph node metastasis, and long-term results, lateroaortic lymph node dissection is important. Since the number of early cancer patients has been increasing, if intraabdominal recurrence is prevented, intrathoracic lymph node dissection will contribute greatly to the outcome of such patients.  相似文献   

Health related quality of life and severity of psychopathological symptoms were evaluated in 90 patients with schizophrenia, hospitalized in a psychiatric ward in a day hospital or followed by the therapist in a community care center. No statistical differences were found in the quality of life evaluation between patients from all three settings. The quality of life did not correlate with the severity of schizophrenic symptoms. Older patients and those more frequently hospitalized were more pessimistic in evaluation of their quality of life. Health status transition, as compared to the situation one year before, correlated inversely with patients' age. Male patients as well as patients from schizophrenic families evaluated their quality of life as worse.  相似文献   

The cardiovascular effects of a partially purified extract of fish oil, enriched in the n-3 series fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), were studied in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR-SP) fed with high- and low-sodium diets during 5 weeks. Addition of salt to the low-salt control diet at a level commonly found in human food items (6% NaCl of the dry weight of the diet) produced a remarkable rise in blood pressure, an increase in left ventricular weight-to-body weight ratio (LVH-index) and an increase in kidney weight-to-body weight ratio (RH-index). Fish oil (20% of the dry weight of the diet) did not significantly influence the blood pressure or LVH-index or RH-index during the low-salt control diet. However, fish oil completely prevented the remarkable rise in blood pressure and clearly antagonized the rise of both LVH- and RH-indices, induced by the high-salt diet. The fish oil supplementation increased the levels of the polyunsaturated fatty acids of the n-3 series and decreased those of the n-6 series in plasma and kidney, irrespective of the salt content of the diet. Fish oil lowered serum thromboxane B2 concentration by approximately 75%. During the high-salt diet, fish oil markedly decreased water intake and urine volume, and increased urinary sodium concentration by about 60%. Our findings show that, in addition to an antihypertensive effect, fish oil also decreases LVH and RH. These effects appear to be due to an improved ability to excrete sodium and could be explained by the observed changes in the fatty acid composition and metabolism.  相似文献   

A statistical analysis was performed on 40 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue and mouth floor, which could be followed for 6 months or more after initial treatment in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, School of Medicine, Keio University during the 14 years from 1983 to 1996. The 5-year survival rate determined by the Kaplan-Meier method for each stage was 100% for Stage I, 77.8% for Stage II, 60.0% for Stage III and 44.4% for Stage IV. Thirteen suffered a relapse after initial treatment and patients with relapses among them have all survived after the subsequent salvage surgery. In contrast, in nine patients with cervical relapse, however, the 5-year survival rate was 11.1% with an unfavorable prognosis. This confirmed that suppressing cervical relapses is important for treating tongue and floor mouth cancers. The treatment strategy in our department is characteristic of positive enforcement of prophylactic neck dissection in the surgery and introduction of neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) in the chemotherapy. Prophylactic neck dissection was performed in the 17 patients and no relapse was observed on the side of prophylactic neck dissection. NAC was performed on 26 patients in consideration of suppressed minute metastases and preserved function and 24 determinable cases were statistically analyzed. Among patients who had received NAC, the oral function was successfully preserved without surgical intervention in six patients both patients who showed complete response (CR) and four out of 14 patients who had a partial response (PR) following NAC. This may indicate that the oral function could be preserved in those patients who exhibited CR following NAC, but that preservation could be difficult in patients who exhibited PR. In addition, concerning the accumulated 5-year survival rate in relation to the effect of NAC, responders (CR + PR) accounted for 90.9% and non-responders (no change + progressive disease following NAC) for 15.0% with a very good outcome noted in the responder group. These figures suggest that responders may have a significantly good prognosis in the multivariant analysis including additional background factors before treatment as well. Accordingly, the present therapeutic measures for non-responders must be reexamined and performed more carefully and accurately as compared with those for responders.  相似文献   

The authors describe the technics of a wide local electrocoagulation which was used in the treatment of 42 malignant tumors of the rectum: 27 adenocarcinomas and 15 malignant villous tumors. This not disabling technic, avoiding colostomy, is generally harmless even in old and poor risk patients. The mortality rate was 7 p. 100 in the adenocarcinomas series, nul in the malignant villous tumor series. The five year survival rate was 66 p. 100 in the first series and 80 p. 100 in the second. One third of the patients bearing adenocarcinomas developed recurrences, among which some were treated either by large surgery, iterative electrocoagulation, or radiotherapy after colostomy. The indications depend on the size and the site of the tumor. Electrocoagulation is found possible only for T1 or T2 tumors of the posterior and lateral walls of the rectum, provided that they are located at less than 10 cm from anus and above the sphincter.  相似文献   

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