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We present a refined entanglement concentration protocol (ECP) for an arbitrary unknown less-entangled four-electron-spin cluster state by exploring the optical selection rules derived from the quantum-dot spins in one-sided optical microcavities. In our ECP, the parties obtain not only the four-electron-spin systems in the partial entanglement with two unknown parameters, but also the less-entangled two-electron-spin systems in the first step. Utilizing the above preserved systems as the resource for the second step of our ECP, the parties can obtain a standard cluster state by keeping the robust odd-parity instances with two parity-check gates. Meanwhile, the systems in the rest three instances can be used as the resource in the next round of our ECP. The success probability of our ECP is largely increased by iteration of the ECP process. Moreover, all the coefficients of our ECP are unknown for the parties without assistance of extra single electron-spin, so our ECP maybe has good applications in quantum communication network in the future.  相似文献   

We present an efficient protocol for concentrating an arbitrary four-electron less-entangled cluster state into a maximally entangled cluster state. As a two-step entanglement concentration protocol (ECP), it only needs one pair of less-entangled cluster state, which makes this ECP more economical. With the help of electronic polarization beam splitter (PBS) and the charge detection, the whole concentration process is essentially the quantum nondemolition (QND) measurement. Therefore, the concentrated maximally entangled state can be remained for further application. Moreover, the discarded terms in some traditional ECPs can be reused to obtain a high success probability. It is feasible and useful in current one-way quantum computation.  相似文献   

We put forward an efficient entanglement concentration protocol (ECP) for arbitrary less-entangled NOON state. In the protocol, we resort to the weak cross-Kerr nonlinearity to complete this task. Different from other ECPs, this protocol can be reused to get a high success probability. We do not need to know the exact coefficients of the initial state. Moreover, we even do not need to know the exact photon number of the initial NOON state. This protocol may be useful and convenient in the current quantum information processing.  相似文献   

We present an efficient protocol to concentrate arbitrary less-hyperentangled multi-photon W states to the maximally hyperentangled multi-photon W state with parameter-splitting method and linear optics elements. Compared with previous entanglement concentration works, the present protocol does not need two copies of partially entangled states or the ancillary single photon. Moreover, we discuss the feasibility of the setups of the protocol, concluding that the present protocol is feasible with the current technology. Thus, the protocol may be more meaningful in practical quantum information applications.  相似文献   

提出了一种新的量子身份认证协议,该协议以Bell态为传输载体,利用Bell态纠缠交换和Bell基测量对通信用户进行身份认证。两个Bell态的传送过程中不需要做任何的幺正变换,只需要执行Bell基测量和按位异或运算就可以实现信息的传输。整个过程中,量子载体操作简单且容易实现。此外,也验证了此协议的正确性。  相似文献   

为了提高量子密钥分发的可行性、安全性和效率,在通信双方间通过构建经典信道和量子信道,提出了一种基于Bell态与其纠缠性质的量子密钥分发协议.该协议可行、安全、简单有效,通过严格的数学推导证明了窃听者不可能获取密钥而不被发现.此外,得出了该协议效率与安全的数学模型,并通过MATLAB仿真分析了协议效率与安全的关系.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a quantum private comparison protocol based on entanglement swapping, where two distrustful parties can compare the values of their secrets with the help of a semi-trusted third party. The protocol can determine not only whether two secrets are equal, but also the size relationship between them. The two parties can deduce the comparison result based on the keys shared between them and the announcement of the third party. Others including the third party will learn nothing about the values of the secrets, as well as the comparison result. The security of our protocol is analyzed. Furthermore, all the particles can be reused in the same protocol model theoretically. So our protocol is efficient and feasible to expand in network service, which in turn gives a solution to the left problem in Lin et al. (Quantum Inf Process, doi:10.1007/s11128-012-0395-6, 2012).  相似文献   

We present some different hyperentanglement concentration protocols (hyper-ECPs) for nonlocal N-photon systems in partially polarization-spatial hyperentangled states with known parameters, resorting to linear optical elements only, including those for hyperentangled Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger-class states and the ones for hyperentangled cluster-class states. Our hyper-ECPs have some interesting features. First, they require only one copy of nonlocal N-photon systems and do not resort to ancillary photons. Second, they work with linear optical elements, neither Bell-state measurement nor two-qubit entangling gates. Third, they have the maximal success probability with only a round of entanglement concentration, not repeating the concentration process some times. Fourth, they resort to some polarizing beam splitters and wave plates, not unbalanced beam splitters, which make them more convenient in experiment.  相似文献   

We propose a practical scheme to concentrate entanglement in a pair of unknown partially entangled three-atom W states in cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED). In the scheme, Alice, Bob, and Charlie at three distant parties can obtain one maximally entangled three-atom W state with the certain success probability from two identical partially entangled three-atom W states by local operations and classical communication. We propose the detailed process of entanglement concentration and analyze the experimental feasibility of the scheme.  相似文献   

量子纠缠是一些量子信息处理过程中必不可少的资源,研究量子态之间确定的或概率的纠缠转化的算法是量子信息理论里一项重要的任务。首先考虑了利用局域操作和经典通讯(LOCC)将双体量子纯态转化为混合双体态的算法,该方法算法简单,并且考虑了在催化剂的作用下,两双体纯态的纠缠转化的算法。  相似文献   

We propose an optimal entanglement concentration protocol (ECP) for nonlocal $N$ -electron systems in a partially entangled Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger (GHZ) pure state, resorting to charge detection and the projection measurement on an additional electron. For each nonlocal $N$ -electron system in a partially entangled GHZ state, one party in quantum communication, say Alice first entangles it with an additional electron, and then, she projects the additional electron into an orthogonal basis for dividing the $N$ -electron systems into two groups. In the first group, the $N$ parties obtain a subset of $N$ -electron systems in a maximally entangled state directly. In the second group, they obtain some less-entangled $N$ -electron systems which are the resource for the entanglement concentration in the next round. By iterating the entanglement concentration process several times, the present ECP has the maximal success probability, the theoretical limit of an ECP as it just equals to the entanglement of the partially entangled state, far higher than others. Moreover, this ECP for an $N$ -electron GHZ-type state requires only one additional electron, not two or more, and it does not resort to a collective unitary evolution, far different from others, which may decrease the difficulty for its implementation in experiment. When it is used for an $N$ -electron W-type state, $N-1$ additional electrons are required only.  相似文献   

In this study, the spin-momentum correlation of one massive spin- ${\frac{1}{2}}$ and spin-1 particle states, which are made based on the projection of a relativistic spin operator into timelike direction is investigated. It is shown that by using Non-Linear entanglement witnesses (NLEWs), the effect of Lorentz transformation would decrease both the amount and the region of entanglement.  相似文献   

By multiple realignments of density matrices, we present a new separability criterion for the multipartite quantum state, which includes the computable cross-norm or realignment criterion and the multipartite partial realignment criterion as special cases. An example is used to show that the new criterion can be more efficient than the corresponding multipartite realignment criteria given in Horodecki et al. (Open Syst Inf Dyn 13:103–111, 2006) and Shen et al. (Phys Rev A 92:042332, 2015).  相似文献   

In this work we study the entanglement of pure four-qubit quantum states. The analysis is realized, firstly, through the comparison between two different entanglement measures: the Groverian entanglement measure and the residual entanglement calculated with negativities. After, we use the last to measure the entanglement of several four-qubit states and the variation of the entanglement when the four-qubit state is processed by a two-qubit gate.  相似文献   

The squashed entanglement is a fundamental entanglement measure in quantum information theory, finding application as an upper bound on the distillable secret key or distillable entanglement of a quantum state or a quantum channel. This paper simplifies proofs that the squashed entanglement is an upper bound on distillable key for finite-dimensional quantum systems and solidifies such proofs for infinite-dimensional quantum systems. More specifically, this paper establishes that the logarithm of the dimension of the key system (call it \(\log _{2}K\)) in an \(\varepsilon \)-approximate private state is bounded from above by the squashed entanglement of that state plus a term that depends only \(\varepsilon \) and \(\log _{2}K\). Importantly, the extra term does not depend on the dimension of the shield systems of the private state. The result holds for the bipartite squashed entanglement, and an extension of this result is established for two different flavors of the multipartite squashed entanglement.  相似文献   

We propose a new way for quantifying entanglement of multipartite entangled states which have a symmetrical structure and can be expressed as valence-bond-solid states. We put forward a new concept ‘unit.’ The entangled state can be decomposed into a series of units or be reconstructed by multiplying the units successively, which simplifies the analyses of multipartite entanglement greatly. We compute and add up the generalized concurrence of each unit to quantify the entanglement of the whole state. We verify that the new method coincides with concurrence for two-partite pure states. We prove that the new method is a good entanglement measure obeying the three necessary conditions for all good entanglement quantification methods. Based on the method, we compute the entanglement of multipartite GHZ, cluster and AKLT states.  相似文献   

提出了一个基于打印机管理模型的量子群签名协议。利用量子纠缠特性,打印机群组成员Alice可以代表群组进行签名,打印机管理员Bob可以证实签名来自该群组,但是不能够确定是哪一位成员进行了签名。如果出现了争议,群管理员Trent可以追踪到非法打印者。不同于现存的经典群签名协议和量子签名协议,本协议在实现签名群属性的同时,具有无条件安全性,能够在电子选举和电子商务中得到广泛应用。  相似文献   

We propose an efficient entanglement concentration protocol (ECP) for nonlocal three-atom systems in an arbitrary unknown less-entangled W state, resorting to the Faraday rotation of photonic polarization in cavity quantum electrodynamics and the systematic concentration method. In the first step of the present ECP, one party in quantum communication performs a parity-check measurement on her two atoms in two three-atom systems for dividing the composite six-atom systems into two groups. In the first group, the three parties will obtain some three-atom systems in a less-entangled state with two unknown coefficients. In the second group, they will obtain some less-entangled two-atom systems. In the second step of the ECP, the three parties can obtain a subset of three-atom systems in the standard maximally entangled W state by exploiting the above three-atom and two-atom systems. Moreover, the preserved systems in the failed instances can be used as the resource for the entanglement concentration in the next round. The total success probability of the ECP can therefore be largely increased by iterating the entanglement concentration process several rounds. The distinct feature of our ECP is that we can concentrate arbitrary unknown atomic entangled W states via photonic Faraday rotation, and thus it may be universal and useful for entanglement concentration in future quantum communication network.  相似文献   

At first, the ability of pure states as an entanglement catalysts for transformation between 2 × 2-dimensional mixed states is discussed. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the transformation between 2 × 2-dimensional rank 2 mixed states by entanglement-assisted LOCC operations (ELOCC) are then presented. In addition, the method to construct an entanglement catalyst for transformation between 2 × 2-dimensional rank 2 mixed states is illustrated by an example.  相似文献   

A recent paper (Chuan Wang in Phys Rev A 86:012323, 2012) discussed an entanglement concentration protocol (ECP) for partially entangled electrons using a quantum dot and microcavity coupled system. In his paper, each two-electron spin system in a partially entangled state can be concentrated with the assistance of an ancillary quantum dot and a single photon. In this paper, we will present an efficient ECP for such entangled electrons with the help of only one single photon. Compared with the protocol of Wang, the most significant advantage is that during the whole ECP, the single photon only needs to pass through one microcavity which will increase the total success probability if the cavity is imperfect. The whole protocol can be repeated to get a higher success probability. With the feasible technology, this protocol may be useful in current long-distance quantum communications.  相似文献   

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