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The development of fast chiral analysis for use in comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography in which a short second dimension enantioselective capillary column provides a route to precise measurement of chiral ratios of enantiomers is described. Retention times as short as 8 s are reported for (+/-)-limonene, with adequate enantioseparation maintained (Rs approximately 1.0) on a 1-m cyclodextrin derivative-coated capillary column. Sufficiently fast elution on the second column was achieved by using GC/ MS in which the subambient pressure (vacuum outlet) conditions promote increased diffusion coefficients and higher component volatility; a 4-fold reduction of second-dimension retention time was observed, as compared with ambient pressure outlet conditions. The enantiomeric distribution of several monoterpene compounds in bergamot essential oil is reported as a demonstration of the method. Total analysis time of the target components was approximately 8.5 min.  相似文献   

A porous layer open tubular (PLOT) silica gel column was used together with subcritical CO2 as the mobile phase to effect the group separation of polar oxygenated compounds. Aliphatic and aromatic compounds were shown to elute together. This group was followed by ethers and aldehydes, which were separated from compounds containing an alcohol functional group. Compounds with a carboxylic acid moiety could also be eluted from the silica gel. The group separation obtained when a silica gel PLOT column is used together with subcritical CO2 was also demonstrated to be valuable as the first dimension of a comprehensive two-dimensional SFCxGC analysis where the GC analysis in the second dimension is performed with a fast and independently heated temperature programmed gas chromatograph. With this combination of SFC and GC, many of the oxygenated compounds, routinely found in petroleum samples, could successfully be separated and identified.  相似文献   

A method producing simultaneously three retention indexes for compounds has been developed for comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography by using a dual secondary column approach (GC x 2GC). For this purpose, the primary flow of the first dimension column was equally diverted into two secondary microbore columns of identical geometry by means of a three-way flow splitter positioned after the longitudinally modulated cryogenic system. This configuration produced a pair of comprehensive two-dimensional chromatograms and generated retention data on three different stationary phases in a single run. First dimension retention indexes were determined on a polar SolGel-Wax column under linear programmed-temperature conditions according to the van den Dool approach using primary alcohol homologues as the reference scale. Calculation of pseudoisothermal retention indexes in both second dimensions was performed on low-polarity 5% phenyl equivalent polysilphenylene/siloxane (BPX5) and 14% cyanopropylphenyl/86% dimethylpolysiloxane (BP10) columns. To construct a retention correlation map in the second dimension separation space upon which KovAts indexes can be derived, two methods exploiting "isovolatility" relationships of alkanes were developed. The first involved 15 sequential headspace samplings of selected n-alkanes by solid-phase microextraction (SPME), with each sampling followed by their injection into the GC at predetermined times during the chromatographic run. The second method extended the second dimension retention map and consisted of repetitive introduction of SPME-sampled alkane mixtures at various isothermal conditions incremented over the temperature program range. Calculated second dimension retention indexes were compared with experimental values obtained in conventional one-dimensional GC. A case study mixture including 24 suspected allergens (i.e., fragrance ingredients) was used to demonstrate the feasibility and potential of retention index information in comprehensive 2D-GC.  相似文献   

Rapid, comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatographic (GC × GC) separations by use of a microfabricated midpoint thermal modulator (μTM) are demonstrated, and the effects of various μTM design and operating parameters on performance are characterized. The two-stage μTM chip consists of two interconnected spiral etched-Si microchannels (4.2 and 2.8 cm long) with a cross section of 250 × 140 μm(2), an anodically bonded Pyrex cap, and a cross-linked wall coating of poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS). Integrated heaters provide rapid, sequential heating of each μTM stage, while a proximate, underlying thermoelectric cooler provides continual cooling. The first-dimension column used for GC × GC separations was a 6 m long, 250 μm i.d. capillary with a PDMS stationary phase, and the second-dimension column was a 0.5 m long, 100 μm i.d. capillary with a poly(ethylene glycol) phase. Using sets of five to seven volatile test compounds (boiling point ≤174 °C), the effects of the minimum (T(min)) and maximum (T(max)) modulation temperature, stage heating lag/offset (O(s)), modulation period (P(M)), and volumetric flow rate (F) on the quality of the separations were evaluated with respect to several performance metrics. Best results were obtained with a T(min) = -20 °C, T(max) = 210 °C, O(s) = 600 ms, P(M) = 6 s, and F = 0.9 mL/min. Replicate modulated peak areas and retention times were reproducible to <5%. A structured nine-component GC × GC chromatogram was produced, and a 21 component separation was achieved in <3 min. The potential for creating portable μGC × μGC systems is discussed.  相似文献   

We investigate the effects on column efficiency of methanol, acetonitrile, ethanol, and 1-propanol used as modifiers in packed-column SFC. C-18, phenyl, and cyano columns were used with both nonpolar and polar solutes. For highly retained nonpolar solutes, addition of modifier significantly increased apparent column efficiency, especially for the C-18 column. For polar solutes, the presence of modifier dramatically improved retention and efficiency with an apparent efficiency dependence on modifier type and amount. Temperature and pressure effects on efficiency were also studied.  相似文献   

A novel comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatograph has been developed that utilizes differential flow modulation. This technique uses a 6-port valve to collect effluent from a primary column and periodically inject the effluent into a secondary column. The flow in the secondary column is kept 20 times larger than the flow in the primary column so the contents of the sample loop can be flushed into the secondary column in 5% of the collection time. Peaks widths at half-maximum of approximately 0.06 s are generated for a 1.0 Hz secondary injection frequency. Sensitivity is not compromised, as 80% of the sample passes through both columns and reaches the detector. This simple yet effective technique has been used to analyze mixtures of alkanes, alkenes, aldehydes, alcohols, aromatics, esters, and ketones with high speed and high resolution.  相似文献   

A supercritical fluid chromatograph was interfaced to a mass spectrometer, and the system was evaluated for applications requiring high sample throughput. Experiments presented demonstrate the high-speed separation capability of supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) and the effectiveness of supercritical fluid chromatography/mass spectrometry (SFC/MS) for fast, accurate determinations of multicomponent mixtures. A high-throughput liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) analysis cycle time is reduced 3-fold using our general SFC/MS high-throughput method, resulting in substantial time saving for large numbers of samples. Unknown mixture characterization is improved due to the increased selectivity of SFC/MS compared to LC/MS. This was demonstrated with sample mixtures from a 96-well combinatorial library plate. In this paper, we report a negative mode atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) method for SFC/MS suitable for most of the components in library production mixtures. Flow injection analysis (FIA) also benefits from this SFC/MS system. A broader range of solvents is amenable to the SFC mobile phase compared with standard LC/MS solvents, and solutes elute more rapidly from the SFC/MS system, reducing sample carryover and cycle time. Finally, our instrumental setup allows for facile conversion between LC/MS and SFC/MS modes of operation.  相似文献   

An on-line multidimensional supercritical fluid extraction/microcolumn liquid chromatography/capillary gas chromatography system (SFE/LC/GC) has been developed and applied to the quantitative determination of trace levels (parts per billion) of chlorpyrifos insecticide in grass field samples. This system provides all the advantages of an on-line multidimensional system, including increased resolving power, high sensitivity, quantitation, precision, and automation potential. Off-line analysis of the grass extracts by GC with an electron capture detector yielded a complex chromatogram from which it was difficult to quantitate the chlorpyrifos, but analysis of the extract by LC/GC yielded a simple chromatogram from which chlorpyrifos could be quantitated. On-line SFE/LC/GC resulted in reduced sample preparation with the grass extract being deposited directly on the LC microcolumn via an impactor interface, followed by the LC/GC separation. The reproducibility of the on-line SFE/LC/GC procedure was studied and found to yield a relative standard deviation of 10.8% for the determination of chlorpyrifos insecticide in grass field samples at a concentration of 160 ng/g. Using this method, the entire analysis including extraction, clean-up, and gas chromatography required less than 0.1 mL of organic solvent.  相似文献   

Amperometric detection at a naked platinum microelectrode is shown to be compatible with pressure-programmed packed capillary column supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) using carbon dioxide modified with as little as 1% acetonitrile. Amperometric detection in modified carbon dioxide is, hence, possible without addition of salts, which otherwise may limit the stability of the chromatographic system. The detection, which can been based on either oxidations or reductions, is also compatible with the use of methanol as a sole modifier. Picogram amounts of ferrocene could be detected after separations both at a constant pressure and under pressure-programmed conditions. The detection limit for ferrocene, at a constant pressure of 200 atm, was found to be approximately 20 pg. The response of the amperometric detector was observed to increase with decreased mobile phase density and increased amount of added modifier. The injection of increasing amounts of analytes resulted in increased peak tailing, most likely due to the limited solubility of the oxidation products in the mobile phase. The influence of this effect was, however, small for the amounts of analytes relevent in capillary column SFC.  相似文献   

We report the first coupling of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC x GC) to online combustion isotope ratio mass spectrometry (C-IRMS). A GC x GC system, equipped with a longitudinally modulated cryogenic system (LMCS), was interfaced to an optimized low dead volume combustion interface to preserve <300 ms full width at half-maximum (fwhm) fast GC peaks generated on the second GC column (GC2). The IRMS detector amplifiers were modified by configuration of resistors and capacitors to enable fast response, and a home-built system acquired data at 25 Hz. Software was home-written to handle isotopic time shifts of less than one bin (40 ms) and to integrate peak slices to recover isotope ratios from cryogenically sliced peaks. The performance of the GC x GCC-IRMS system was evaluated by isotopic analysis of urinary steroid standards. Steroids were separated by a nonpolar GC1 column (30 m x 0.25 mm, 5% phenyl), modulated into multiple 4- or 8-s cryogenic slices by the LMCS, and then separated on a polar GC2 column (1 or 2 m x 0.1 mm, 50% phenyl). GC2 peak widths from a 1-m column averaged 276 ms fwhm. Steroid standard sliced peaks were successfully reconstructed to yield delta(13)C VPDB values with average precisions of SD(delta(13)C) = 0.30 per thousand and average accuracies within 0.34 per thousand, at 8 ng on column. Two steroids, coeluting in GC1, were baseline separated in GC2 and resulted in delta(13)C VPDB values with average precisions of SD(delta(13)C) = 0.86 per thousand and average accuracies within 0.26 per thousand, at 3 ng on column. Results from this prototype system demonstrate that the enhanced peak capacity and signal available in GC x GC is compatible with high-precision carbon isotope analysis.  相似文献   

A supercritical fluid chromatograph was previously interfaced to a mass spectrometer (SFC/MS) and the system evaluated for applications requiring high sample throughput using negative-mode atmospheric-pressure chemical ionization (APCI) (Ventura et al. Anal. Chem. 1999, 71, 2410-2416). This report extends the previous work demonstrating the effectiveness of SFC/MS, using positive ion APCI for the analysis of compounds with a wide range of polarities. Substituting SFC/MS for LC/MS results in substantial time saving, increased chromatographic efficiency, and more precise quantitation of sample mixtures. Flow injection analysis (FIA) also benefits from our SFC/MS system. A broader range of solvents is compatible with the SFC mobile phase compared with LC/MS, and solutes elute more rapidly from the SFC/MS system, reducing sample carryover and cycle time. Our instrumental setup also allows for facile conversion between LC/MS and SFC/MS modes of operation.  相似文献   

An instrument for comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC) is described using an electrically heated and air-cooled thermal modulator requiring no cryogenic materials or compressed gas for modulator operation. In addition, at-column heating is used to eliminate the need for a convection oven and to greatly reduce the power requirements for column heating. The single-stage modulator is heated by current pulses from a dc power supply and cooled by a conventional two-stage refrigeration unit. The refrigeration unit, together with a heat exchanger and a recirculating pump, cools the modulator to about -30 degrees C. The modulator tube is silica-lined stainless steel with an internal film of dimethylpolysiloxane. The modulator tube is 0.18 mm i.d. x 8 cm in length. The modulator produces an injection plug width as small as 15 ms.  相似文献   

The fast separation of a mixture of 29 compounds by using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography is reported. Capillary column sets with shorter lengths and smaller inner diameter in both the first and second dimensions have been tested, for both fast chiral and achiral separations. Fast chiral separations, which included enantiomer separations of limonene, linalool, citronellol, and alpha-isomethylionone, were achieved within 23 min, which corresponds to approximately 2-fold faster than analyses under conditions previously considered as normal. Fast achiral separations, which do not have the restriction of requiring a minimum quality of chiral resolution, were obtained within 5 min, which is markedly faster than separations on the normal column set under conditions more commonly employed. The achiral fast GC x GC method used a 5 m x 0.1 mm i.d. first dimension column, interfaced to a 0.3 m x 0.05 mm i.d. second column, with temperature program rate of 35 degrees C.min-1; a modulation period of 1 s was employed. Peak widths at baseline on the first column were a little over 1 s, while modulated peak widths at half-height recorded with a flame ionization detector operating at 200 Hz were approximately 30 ms. The benefits and limitations of GC x GC for fast chiral and achiral separations are reported and discussed.  相似文献   

Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometry coupled with rapid chemometric analysis were used to identify chemical differences in metabolite extracts isolated from yeast cells either metabolizing glucose (repressed (R) cells) via fermentation or metabolizing ethanol by respiration (derepressed (DR) cells). Principal component analysis (PCA) followed by parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) in concert with the LECO ChromaTOF software located and identified the differences in composition between the two types of cell extracts and provided a reliable ratio of the metabolite concentrations. In this report, we demonstrate the analytical method developed to provide relatively rapid analysis of three selective mass channels (m/z 73, 205, 387), although in principle all collected mass channels could be analyzed. Twenty-six metabolites that differentiate repressed cells from derepressed cells were identified. The DR/R ratio of metabolite concentrations ranged from 0.02 for glucose to 67 for trehalose. The average biological variation of the sample extracts was 31%. This analysis demonstrates the utility and benefit of using PCA combined with PARAFAC and ChromaTOF software on extremely complex samples to derive useful information from complex three-dimensional chromatographic data objectively and relatively rapidly.  相似文献   

Development of a comprehensive, three-dimensional gas chromatograph (GC3) instrument is described. The instrument utilizes two six-port diaphragm valves as the interfaces between three, in-series capillary columns housed in a standard Agilent 6890 gas chromatograph fitted with a high data acquisition rate flame ionization detector. The modulation periods for sampling column one by column two and column two by column three are set so that a minimum of three slices (more commonly four or five) are acquired by the subsequent dimension resulting in both comprehensive and quantitative data. A 26-component test mixture and quantitative standards are analyzed using the GC3 instrument. A useful methodology for three-dimensional (3D) data analysis is evaluated, based on the chemometric technique parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC). Since the GC3 instrument produces trilinear data, we are able to use this powerful chemometric technique, which is better known for the analysis of two-dimensional (2D) separations with multichannel detection (e.g., GC x GC-TOFMS) or multiple samples (or replicates) of 2D data. Using PARAFAC, we mathematically separate (deconvolute) the 3D data "volume" for overlapped analytes (i.e., ellipsoids), provided there is sufficient chromatographic resolution in each of the three separation dimensions. Additionally, PARAFAC is applied to quantify analyte standards. For the quantitative analysis, it is demonstrated that PARAFAC may provide a 10-fold improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio relative to a traditional integration method applied to the raw, baseline-corrected data. The GC3 instrument obtains a 3D peak capacity of 3500 at a chromatographic resolution of one in each separation dimension. Furthermore, PARAFAC deconvolution provides a considerable enhancement in the effective 3D peak capacity.  相似文献   

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