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当前,人类已经进入了信息社会,而信息社会是以三C作为支撑,一C作为基础的社会。二C,即计算机(Computer),通信(Communication),消费类家电产品(consume),以及作为三C的基础的另一个C-元器件(Components)。目前,计算机除CPU外,已经被光电设备所包围,包括光电信息输入/输出,信息存储,信息显示,这些外围设备的价值已经大大超过了计算机本身。当前,没有任何通信手段的速度和容量可以与光纤通信相妣美,可以说,如果没有光纤通信,就不可能有信息高速公路概念的提出,光纤通信是现代网络化社会的基础。消费类家电产品中,光电产品占了相当大的比例,如VCD,DVD,数码像机,摄像机,传真机,复印机,安全监测设备,各种各样的玩具,以及不久将进入家庭的数码电视,可视电话,保健与医疗仪器,充满了现代人的家庭空间。人们往往注意了最终的产品-计算机,电话,电视,数码像机,DVD,激光打印机等等,往往忽略了这些产品的共同基础-各种各样的元器件。比如,我们天天上网,但是绝大多数人不知道网络信息是通过光纤传输而来的,更不知道激光光纤以及各种各样的有源无源器件对光纤通信的重要性了。本文将从上述观点出发,概述光电产业的各个方面,包括光电材料与元器件,光电输入/输出,光纤通信,光存储,光显示,以及激光及光纤应用等的国内外发展概况,当前及未来的市场,一些发展动向。由于人们逐渐认识了光电产业的重要性,因此,全国掀起了一片“光谷热”。本文将从较为深的层次探讨“光谷热”,提出发展我国光电产业的若干思考。比如,某权威报纸常常报道2010年世界光电产业的市场为5万亿美元,根据是什么?我想,“光谷热”就是这样“抄”起来的。又比如,不仅在我国,而且在国外,也有一个较为普遍的现象,一个企业,一个县,一个省市,一个部委,乃至一个国家领导人的更迭,就有一个新的“施政方针”,但是,如果把这一方针去干预一个产业的发展,而不是由市场需求去引导,那这就十分危险,就是说,政府在产业发展中,应当扮演一个什么样的角色的问题,是追求一时的政绩,还是需要永久持续发展的问题?一方面需要加强领导,但另一方面又不能包办。其他,诸如“抄”光谷,“买”光谷,“创”光谷?上游,中游,下游?近期,中期,远期?扬长避短,与扬长补短?引进,消化,吸收,到自主创新?人才,将帅之材?体制,机制,什么是光电产业发展合适的土壤?怎样融资?应当出台什么样的政策措施?等等,等等。本文将就这些问题,阐述自己的一些观点,引发起各方人士广泛地讨论。  相似文献   

<包装世界>,我喜欢您, 一瞧见您的封面,就感到一股艺术之美,设计之美,科技之美,图像之美,版式之美,……您的神采脸庞,吸引了我的目光,冲击了我的视觉,引起了我的兴趣,激发了我的情感,……美丽动人的<包装世界>,我,怎能不喜欢您!  相似文献   

随着我国的发展,电力企业的机遇与挑战在不断增加,市场竞争越来越激烈,但是,目前一些电力企业存在影响自身经济发展的问题,如:缺乏竞争意识,缺乏信息化财务管理,管理模式单一等,使电力企业的市场竞争力降低,不仅影响电力行业的发展,还制约着国家的经济发展,一些电力企业的财务管理理念落后,经济效益无法提高,所以,电力企业应该对这些问题重视起来,加快财务管理的脚步,跟上时代的步伐。  相似文献   

自进入21世纪以来,社会经济迅猛发展,市场经济体制发生了根本性的变革,电力企业作为国家经营中的支柱产业,在新的经济形势下也发生了变化。现如今,电力企业的经营方式越来越多样,经营主体不断增多,企业之间的竞争变得异常激烈,电力营销作为以销售和服务为主的机构,必须坚持改变原来的营销战略,坚持以客户为导向,不断完善自己的服务质量。众所周知,想要在激烈的比拼中取得主动权,就必须占领市场,拓展客户群,但是传统的电力营销方式还存在很多问题,营销模式不符合市场运行的标准,导致市场经济与拓展之间的脱节,不利于保证电力的平稳安全供应,也会影响企业的可持续发展。针对这样的情况,我国电力营销单位必须稳定住自己的市场,拓展客户群体,树立自身的良好形象,并结合营销实际找到其中存在的问题,提出有效的解决对策,促进电力营销工作更好的发展。  相似文献   

张伟杰 《硅谷》2014,(16):197-197
科技与经济的发展,使得我国的计算机技术水平得到了巨大的提高,同时,也在众多领域得到了应用和推广,可以说,现今社会,几乎所有的行业都无法离开计算机办公自动化系统,信息化时代的到来,使人们的工作和生活有了翻天覆地的变化,也大大的提高了工作的效率和质量,但是,一直以来计算及网络一直存在一定的安全隐患,计算机与因特网密不可分,那么信息安全也就成为了人们所广泛关注的一个问题,因特网的开放性强,传输速度快,一些重要的文件或者机密信息,一旦发生泄漏,那么小到个人,大到一个企业,一个国家,都会面临严重的威胁,因此,在这样的形势下,计算机网路技术安全与网络防御就成为了人们所广泛关注的问题。  相似文献   

王丽敏 《硅谷》2010,(8):145-145
<正>教师,是一个神圣的称呼,自古以来,人们对于教师,都毫不吝啬他们的溢美之词,教师是春蚕,是园丁,是蜡烛,是人类灵魂的工程师,教师简直成了无所不能的神。这些浮华的光环,将教师推上了神坛,但是,在这许多耀眼的光环背后,教师只是人,而且是普普通通,  相似文献   

全球气候变化,威胁着人类生存及发展空间,威胁着经济的可持续发展,因此节能减排工作,受到了世界的广泛重视,中国作为世界经济体中不可忽视的一部分,与世界经济的相关度越来越高,改革开放后,中国不断要求经济的快速发展,忽视了生态环境的保护,造成了不良的影响,因此,近些年来我国不断加强环境保护和生态文明建设工作的进程,  相似文献   

王伟 《硅谷》2013,(8):74-74,48
在云计算的系统中,它们具有大量的节点,并且节点之间具有高耦合性的特点,根据这两个特征,提出了在参数的相空间中运用云计算系统。在这个转化和应用中,具体来说,就是把节点参数的变化,转化成参数相空间中的点的运动,同时还要利用这些大量的节点,在参数相空间中的有关运动,结合热力学中运动的相似性,来分析在相空间中,云计算系统的热力学参数,然后在这个参数相空间的基础上,来定义关于云计算系统的另一个动量相空间,从而建立一个基本理论的模型,这个模型是有关云计算相空间的分析方法的。最后,根据建立起的这个模型,再建立起相空间的调度算法。到最后的验证阶段,是通过仿真对比试验,证实相空间的分析模型,可以对云计算系统的工作状态进行有效的分析表述,以及进行相空间的调度算法。  相似文献   

培养幼儿的动手操作能力,是幼儿教育的重要内容,对幼儿全面、和谐发展且有深远的意义,因此,对幼儿进行动手操作能力的培养是为了适应未来社会的需要,我们培养的是未来社会的建设者,他们应该热爱劳动,具有一定的劳动技能。幼儿时期,加强培养幼儿的动手操作能力,正是未来的劳动奠定良好基础。孩子的智慧在他们的手指尖上,“手是思维的镜子,是意识的培育者,是智慧的创造者”。幼儿手部肌肉活动越多、越丰富、越精细,就越能开发幼儿大脑的潜能,促进智力的发展。在操作活动中,幼儿往往需要克服困难,相互帮助,团结协作,才能完成任务。因此,幼儿动手能力的培养有利于幼儿不怕困难,团结友爱,乐于助人等良好品德的形成。但如何培养幼儿的动手操作能力,是我们广大幼教同行共同探讨和研究的问题,以下是我园根据《纲要》精神,把培养幼儿动手操作能力渗透在日常教育生活活动中的几点做法:  相似文献   

<正>如今,网购已成为许多年轻家长购买童装的主要方式之一,选择范围广,本地的、异地的,国内的、国外的,方便快捷,价格比商场、专卖店还要便宜,何乐而不为呢。但是,网购童装是看得见摸不着,光凭着店家的"全方位"介绍和"诱人"的图片,往往结果是差强人意,童装质量参差不齐,甚至是假冒伪劣产品,大多数家长也都有失望之极的购买经历,浪费钱不说,穿上质量不合格的衣服也损害孩子的健康。近几年,网购童装的投诉居高不下,让许多消费者  相似文献   

中国传统工艺振兴语境下的工匠精神   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈日红 《包装工程》2018,39(4):100-103
目的针对目前国家大力保护非物质文化遗产、倡导传统工艺振兴的语境下,如何传承和发扬好工匠精神,以促进当前我国非遗的保护和传统手工艺的传承与发展。方法以文献考据的方式,详细论述我国历史上不同时期关于工匠和工匠精神的解读,从古代"工"或"匠"到现代"大师"的演变,以及数千年来我国工艺文化传统所凝结成的大匠气度和大师境界,即将技艺臻于极致,将作品琢至完美的"工于技艺,匠心独运"的当代工匠精神。结论传承和发扬工匠精神须从政府加强指导、社会全力推崇、艺人珍视声誉等几方面形成合力,从而推动我国传统工艺行业的健康发展。  相似文献   

Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) powder is effectively processed by compression moulding due to its very high melt viscosity. Compression moulding involves application of temperature and pressure as a function of time. The pressure applied during processing has a significant influence on the part properties. The effect of pressure applied during compression moulding was studied by moulding parts at different pressures. Increase in the applied pressure causes increase in the melting and recrystallization temperatures. An increase in the pressure applied at the melt temperature (140°C) from 7.8 MPa to 15.6 MPa caused the crystallinity to increase from 54% to 61%, the stiffness of the moulded part to increase from 257 MPa to 435 MPa and oxidative index to increase from 0.055 to 0.059. Further increase in the pressure applied at the melt to 23 MPa caused the crystallinity to fall to 49%, the modulus to reduce significantly to 302 MPa and the oxidative index to change to 0.063. Increase in the pressure applied at the recrystallization temperature (91°C) from 38 MPa to 78 MPa increased the crystallinity from 54% to 65%, increased the modulus from 257 MPa to 279 MPa and increased the oxidative index from 0.055 to 0.065. Further increase in the applied pressure to 97 MPa, caused the crystallinity to drop slightly to 61% the modulus to reduce to 269 MPa, and the oxidative index to reduce to 0.057. The experiments showed that for obtaining maximum crystallinity and stiffness, the applied pressure should be within a narrow range. The highest recrystallization pressure (97 MPa) indicated the formation of extended-chain crystals in addition to the chain-folded crystals. The change in pressure applied at the melt temperature had a significantly greater effect on Young's modulus, as compared to change in pressure applied at the recrystallization temperature. Fourier transform–infrared spectroscopy analysis of the samples moulded at different pressures revealed that the increase in crystallinity and stiffness was accompanied by increase in oxidation within the part. By filling the die in a nitrogen atmosphere instead of air, the oxidation level in the moulded parts was reduced by almost 60%, without adversely affecting the crystallinity and the modulus. © 1998 Chapman & Hall  相似文献   

We consider a one-dimensional model of friction contact of two layers of different nature. The lower surface of the first layer is elastically fixed and the second layer is pressed to the upper surface of the first layer and moves along this surface with variable velocity. As a result of friction, heat is produced on the contact surface according to the Amonton's law. For known boundary and initial conditions, we pose the problem of evaluation of the friction coefficient and the intensity of friction heat flux according to given values of the vertical displacements of the upper surface of the second layer. The posed problem is reduced to the inverse contact problem of thermoelasticity described by the Volterra integral equation of the first kind. The solution of the problem obtained by the method of averaging of functional corrections enables us to study the time behavior of the indicated quantities for the entire period of interaction of the bodies and establish the dependence of the friction coefficient on the basic parameters of the process (sliding velocity, contact pressure, and temperature of the contact surface). The solution of the direct contact problem of thermoelasticity is used to perform the numerical verification of the proposed method for the solution of the inverse problem.  相似文献   

A new formulation and solution of the problem of calculation of orbits of best approach is discussed. A qualitatively analytical approach to the organization of observations of the motion of artificial Earth satellites is used that makes it possible to calculate and to allow for optimal celestial-mechanics conditions, and to eliminate the effect of systematic observation errors, the effect of the Earth's gravitational field, and other regular perturbations on the solution accuracy.Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 6, pp. 28–29, June, 1993.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the cause of failure of the shells of hydraulic hose crimped fittings. For the purpose of examination the damaged crimped shells, undamaged crimped shells and shells prior to crimping were used. Fractographic and metallographic analysis, including chemical microanalysis of inclusions, were performed to determine the cause of failure. For this investigation, optical and scanning electron microscopes and hardness measurement were used. Damaged crimped shells contained higher amount of inclusions compared to undamaged crimped shells and substantially differed in microstructure and hardness. Furthermore, different geometry of the cross section at outer edge containing more effective stress concentrators was observed on failed crimped shells. Based on microstructural observation in cross section, hardness measurements and analysis of inclusions, the conclusion is that cracking of the shells occurred mainly due to deviations in the manufacturing process, combined with lower quality of shell material. Modifications to the technology were suggested to prevent this kind of failure.  相似文献   

Oscillator noise is generally modeled by a power law spectral density. Thus it is possible to characterize different noise sources, each of them corresponding to a particular power law. The measurement of the contribution of these sources is necessary to know their origin and to remedy these causes in order to improve oscillator performance. Usually, an estimation of the different types of noise present in a signal is obtained by using a variance. However, the sensitivity of these variances differs for each type of noise and then limits this method. On the other hand, the use of several variances, each of them more sensitive to one type of noise, permits one to notably improve the measurement accuracy. The method suggested here uses as many different variances as there are types of noise to measure. The improvement of measurement accuracy of the noise coefficient is discussed in this paper  相似文献   

Leo Egghe 《Scientometrics》2005,62(3):321-328
In order to model the variable T (the age of citations received by scientific works) with data elaborated by the Institute of Scientific Information, we have used some of the instruments already developed in the survival models to this type of retrospective analyses in the presence of censored data. This analysis is used because, usually, the citations of ages greater than or equal to 10 years appear added together. For a set of journals related to the field of Applied Economics, we have explored which models fit better among those commonly used. Two different approaches to assess the goodness-of-fit for each selected model have been suggested: an analysis through graphical methods and a formal analysis to estimate the parameters of each model by the method of maximum likelihood estimation with data censored to the right.  相似文献   

等离子喷涂制备钢质涂布刮刀陶瓷涂层   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以涂层平面度为评价标准,通过正交试验优化等离子喷涂工艺参数,在普通蓝钢刮刀上制备Al2O3-20%TiO2涂层,并对涂层的显微形貌、结合强度和耐磨性进行了研究.结果表明:弧电流550 A,喷涂距离100 mm,走枪速度0.8 m/s时等离子喷涂制备的Al2O3-20%TiO2涂层平面度最优;涂层具有良好的结合强度和耐磨性,结合强度大于30 MPa;磨粒磨损机理为切削和脆性断裂或脱落磨损.  相似文献   

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