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徐馨 《苏盐科技》2004,(2):20-22
针对企业资源计划(ERP)的发展历程,对企业实施信息化方面的推动和实施ERP时企业需要注意的问题进行了阐述。  相似文献   

印刷企业的信息化管理:ERP   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着全球经济一体化及国际竞争的.加剧,印刷业也面临着激烈竞争。数字化大规模应用、生产周期缩短、印刷品种增多与印数下降,所有这些都使印刷企业的经营管理人员感受到巨大的压力。知识经济、网络技术和信息化对传统的管理观念和模式形成了极大冲击和挑战。毫无疑问,目前的印刷企业要想生存下去,只有创新管理才有出路。于是,建立一套科学的印刷企业管理系统势在必行。  相似文献   

本文浅谈有关造纸企业的信息化建设情况,并就企业的管理信息化中的企业资源计划(Enterprise Resource Plan)的适用性与若干应用原则作些探索.  相似文献   

简要分析了乳品行业的经营现状以及企业信息化中所采用计算机技术实现方式,引入企业资源计划的先进理念。首先,给出一种乳品企业ERP系统的总体设计的体系结构,系统主要包括管理信息分系统、办公自动化分系统、现场视频监视分系统、生产过程监控分系统和企业网站分系统。然后给出系统功能模型,具体指出管理分系统应包括各子系统的功能,指出设计ERP系统中采取的关键技术和解决方法。最后总结出解决乳品企业信息化应首先推选的设计模式和方法。  相似文献   

提出运用闭环商务智能(BI)来提升服装企业的市场竞争力,并对其与企业资源计划(ERP)的集成应用作了初步的分析。  相似文献   

郦铭 《浙江盐业》2004,(1):16-16,19
随着盐业集团化的进展,盐业企业管理工作向现代管理转变和向精细化经营方向发展将成为必然的要求和趋势,而管理工作的进步和转变,管理水平和手段的提升,将在相当程度上有赖于信息化工程的建设。  相似文献   

记者从今天在北京召开的中国电子商务金融与支付行业发展大会上了解到,由中国工商银行与中国电子商务协会共同发起的2007年“企业电子商务万里行”大型推广活动于1月30日起正式启动。业内人士认为,商业银行积极参与电子商务的推广,对于彻底解决电子商务发展中的支付瓶颈问题,让更多的企业了解和使用电子商务和电子银行产品,从而对我国电子商务和企业信息化的快速发展起到积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

分析目前粮食机械制造业信息化管理的特点和存在的问题,阐述了如何利用信息技术来提高粮食机械制造业的管理水平.  相似文献   

论电子商务对企业发展的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 信息经济与网络 从游牧时代的生产力向农业时代的生产力转变,从农业生产力向工业生产力方面转变,都是在物质型范畴内的转变;从农业、工业时代生产力向网络时代转变则是由物质型经济向信息型、网络型、知识型经济的转变,这是人类有史以来最广泛、最深刻的转变,更是一个难得的历史机遇。以信息技术和通信技术为代表的高新技术产业是国民经济的先导产业,是面向21世  相似文献   

张炜  陈杰  祝勇仁 《轻工机械》2008,26(2):108-112
为了使企业满足日益激烈的市场竞争,结合遗传算法,对企业的工作流程进行智能化分析和改进.提出了多资源约束下的流程管理技术,解决了有限资源和工期之间的矛盾.这种智能化的方法,为流程的改进提供了重要的决策依据.在理论研究的基础上,开发了PDM系统中的工作流程管理模块.  相似文献   

针织物油墨印花具有涂料印花的特点,同时还具有印花效果精细、花型清晰、手感好、对环境污染小的特点。中对18dtex、29tex汗布和棉毛及针织涤棉珠地网眼织物进行了印制效果的实验对比,得出:平织物印制的花纹轮廓清晰、色泽鲜艳、分布均匀且完全覆盖底布;棉毛织物较厚,吃色较多,反面防渗化性好;网眼珠地组织织物印刷效果差。  相似文献   

在普通四针道双面大圆机上开发新型组织是目前针织企业十分重视的问题。中具体介绍了在台湾佰龙公司生产的PLMD3B型双面圆机上开发珍珠网眼织物、提花网眼复合织物、立体阶条棉毛布、纯棉半菱形提花保暖布、立体方格棉毛布、纯涤纶网眼布的原料及编织工艺。  相似文献   

Samples from raw chill-stored vacuum-packed beef, lamb and venison or the meat processing environment, associated with a spoilage problem, but negative for Clostridium estertheticum using a specific real-time PCR test, were examined for other Clostridium spp. using direct 16S rDNA PCR-RFLP and sequencing. Of 291 samples tested by PCR, presence of clostridia was indicated in 123 and there was sufficient PCR product in 35 to be further investigated. Presence of Clostridium spp. was confirmed by RFLP and sequencing in 25/35 samples (11 of 14 incidents). Species detected in spoiled meat were (incidents): Clostridium tagluense-like (4), Clostridium putrefaciens (2), Clostridium algidicarnis (3), Clostridium frigoris/estertheticum-like (3) and Clostridium. gasigenes (2). More than one species was detected in some incidents. All of the above species have previously been associated with spoiled meat apart from the Cl. tagluense-like species. Clostridia were also confirmed in 4/7 samples from the environment, with two Cl. frigoris/estertheticum-like and two mesophilic species of Clostridium. Our study showed that, cold-tolerant Clostridium species other than Cl. estertheticum are occasionally associated with spoiled vacuum-packed meat, particularly lamb. Further studies are required to confirm the exact identity of the Cl. tagluense-like species and its role in meat spoilage.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study was carried out to detect intramammary infections caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae and to identify potential sources of this bacterial species in the environment of the cows. The study was performed in 6 well-managed Belgian dairy herds from May 2008 to May 2009. Monthly (n = 13), unused and used sawdust bedding samples as well as individual quarter milk and feces samples were collected from 10 randomly selected cohort cows in each herd. Cases of clinical mastitis of all lactating cows in the 6 herds were also sampled (n = 64). From the 3,518 collected samples, 153 K. pneumoniae isolates were obtained, of which 2 originated from milk (clinical mastitis cases). In feces (n = 728), used bedding (n = 73), and unused bedding (n = 73), respectively, 125 (17.2%), 20 (27.4%), and 6 (8.2%) isolates were found. The isolates were fingerprinted by means of pulsed field gel electrophoresis. In total, 109 different pulsotypes were differentiated, indicating a high degree of genetic diversity within the isolates. All isolates from unused bedding belonged to pulsotypes other than those from the other sources, suggesting that sources other than unused sawdust may introduce K. pneumoniae into the herd. Only 2 pulsotypes contained isolates originating from different sources. Pulsotype 10 was found in milk and used bedding and pulsotype 21 was found in feces and used bedding. The 2 milk isolates originated from 2 cows in the same herd but they belonged to a different pulsotype. The results indicate that K. pneumoniae can be prevalent in the environment without causing significant mastitis problems. Most cows were shedding K. pneumoniae in feces, substantiating findings under very different conditions (i.e., American dairy herds). Contamination of used bedding in the cubicles with K. pneumoniae from feces was confirmed, whereas unused bedding was not an important source of K. pneumoniae for the environment of the cows.  相似文献   

我国纺织工业电子商务化的前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张卓 《纺织导报》2001,(1):56-57
主要讨论了纺织电子商务的概念、特点;在我国纺织行业中实行电子商务的可能性和必要性;简单讨论了我国纺织工业电子商务化的前景。  相似文献   

The concept of geographical exclusivity prompted an exploratory survey with toasted woods other than oak to flavor wine. A total of 11 woods and oak (Quercus alba) were cut into chips 20 × 10 × 2.5 mm and toasted at 200 °C for 2 h (light toast) or 210 °C for 3 h (dark). Weight losses and changes in CIE color space were monitored. The toasted chips were infused in unoaked chardonnay (5 g L(-1)) for 2 wk. Parallel infusions were done with model wine (water, ethanol, tartaric acid) adjusted to pH 3.5. Ultraviolet absorbances due to infusion were recorded on the basis that that lignin compounds and their potential pyrolysates are based on phenolic structures that absorb in the ultraviolet range. Weight losses on light and dark toasting were highly variable between species as were color changes, suggesting potential for different flavor outcomes from chemical changes. Ultraviolet absorbance curves were also highly variable showing that different species yielded different quantities of potentially flavor-active phenolic compounds in real and model wine. More absorbing matter was extracted from the light toast treatments, and light toast oak, which demonstrated the greatest weight loss on light toasting, yielded the widest range of ultraviolet-absorbing matter. In an informal sensory trial with the 24 species/toast combinations infused in chardonnay all but one wood, Cupressus macrocarpa, resulted in flavors reminiscent of oaked wines. A hedonic consumer trial with 4 species and oak compared with uninfused chardonnay showed that each of the 4 had potential as a flavorant. Thus, woods unsuited to barrel construction could provide unrealized flavor opportunities in the wine industry, and could extend to flavoring spirits.  相似文献   

Effects of intramammary infections in herds 1) either not teat dipping or postmilking teat dipping with either 2) linear dodecyl benzene sulfonic acid, 3) chlorhexidine, or 4) iodophor containing products were determined. Duplicate quarter foremilk samples were collected once from all lactating cows in 16 herds, four for each practice. Mean percentage of quarters infected with Staphylococcus species other than Staph. aureus was 11.0 in herds not teat dipping and 7.2 in herds teat dipping. Prevalence of Staphylococcus species intramammary infections in herds teat dipping with linear dodecyl benzene sulfonic acid was comparable to herds not teat dipping and greater than in herds using chlorhexidine and iodophor. The predominant Staphylococcus species in herds not teat dipping was Staph. epidermidis (37.1%). Staphylococcus hyicus constituted 48.5% of total Staphylococcus species intramammary infections in herds teat dipping and 12.4% in herds not teat dipping. Differences were not observed among SCC for quarters infected with different Staphylococcus species. Application of germicidal teat dips appeared to have selectively altered both prevalence and distribution of Staphylococcus species intramammary infections.  相似文献   

A proportional hazards model was used to investigate the phenotypic effect of traits other than production (TOP) on true and functional longevity across purebred and crossbred Holstein-Friesian and Jersey dairy cattle in registered and commercial herds in New Zealand. The hazard function was described as the product of a baseline hazard function and the time-independent effects of age at first calving, heterosis, proportion of breed, period of last calving relative to herdmates, and TOP; a time-dependent effect of herd-year was also included. The influence of TOP on functional longevity was assessed by adjusting true longevity for the time-independent effects of production values as well as the time-dependent effects of deviation of milk, fat, and protein yield within contemporary group. All analyses were stratified by breed, and separate analyses were carried out for registered or commercial herds. All TOP were significantly related to true and functional longevity. Obvious differences existed in the relative influence of individual TOP on longevity in registered or commercial herds. Of the individual TOP describing the physical characteristics of the cow, the udder-related TOP exhibited the largest influence on functional longevity. Farmer opinion explained the largest proportion of variation in true and functional longevity among cows. In commercial herds, the risk of culling in cows with very low farmer opinion was 1.5 to 2.0 times that in cows with average or high farmer opinion.  相似文献   

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