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Phosphoproteomics is a cutting-edge technique that can be utilized to explore adipose tissue (AT) metabolism by quantifying the repertoire of phospho-peptides (PP) in AT. Dairy cows were supplemented with conjugated linoleic acid (CLA, n = 5) or a control diet (CON, n = 5) from 63 d prepartum to 63 d postpartum; cows were slaughtered at 63 d postpartum and AT was collected. We performed a quantitative phosphoproteomics analysis of subcutaneous (SC) and omental (OM) AT using nanoUPLC-MS/MS and examined the effects of CLA supplementation on the change in the phosphoproteome. A total of 5919 PP were detected in AT, and the abundance of 854 (14.4%) were differential between CON and CLA AT (p ≤ 0.05 and fold change ± 1.5). The abundance of 470 PP (7.9%) differed between OM and SC AT, and the interaction treatment vs. AT depot was significant for 205 PP (3.5% of total PP). The integrated phosphoproteome demonstrated the up- and downregulation of PP from proteins related to lipolysis and lipogenesis, and phosphorylation events in multiple pathways, including the regulation of lipolysis in adipocytes, mTOR signaling, insulin signaling, AMPK signaling, and glycolysis. The differential regulation of phosphosite on a serine residue (S777) of fatty acid synthase (FASN) in AT of CLA-supplemented cows was related to lipogenesis and with more phosphorylation sites compared to acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase (ACSS2). Increased protein phosphorylation was seen in acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 (ACACA;8 PP), FASN (9 PP), hormone sensitive lipase (LIPE;6 PP), perilipin (PLIN;3 PP), and diacylglycerol lipase alpha (DAGLA;1 PP) in CLA vs. CON AT. The relative gene expression in the SC and OM AT revealed an increase in LIPE and FASN in CLA compared to CON AT. In addition, the expression of DAGLA, which is a lipid metabolism enzyme related to the endocannabinoid system, was 1.6-fold higher in CLA vs. CON AT, and the expression of the cannabinoid receptor CNR1 was reduced in CLA vs. CON AT. Immunoblots of SC and OM AT showed an increased abundance of FASN and a lower abundance of CB1 in CLA vs. CON. This study presents a complete map of the SC and the OM AT phosphoproteome in dairy cows following CLA supplementation and discloses many unknown phosphorylation sites, suggestive of increased lipid turnover in AT, for further functional investigation.  相似文献   

Characterization of the genes expressed in adipose tissue (AT) is key to understanding the pathogenesis of obesity and to developing treatments for this condition. Our objective was to compare the gene expression in visceral AT (VAT) between obese and normal-weight prepubertal children. A total of fifteen obese and sixteen normal-weight children undergoing abdominal elective surgery were selected. RNA was extracted from VAT biopsies. Microarray experiments were independently performed for each sample (six obese and five normal-weight samples). Validation by quantitative PCR (qPCR) was performed on an additional 10 obese and 10 normal-weight VAT samples. Of 1276 differentially expressed genes (p < 0.05), 245 were more than two-fold higher in obese children than in normal-weight children. As validated by qPCR, expression was upregulated in genes involved in lipid and amino acid metabolism (CES1, NPRR3 and BHMT2), oxidative stress and extracellular matrix regulation (TNMD and NQO1), adipogenesis (CRYAB and AFF1) and inflammation (ANXA1); by contrast, only CALCRL gene expression was confirmed to be downregulated. In conclusion, this study in prepubertal children demonstrates the up- and down-regulation of genes that encode molecules that were previously proposed to influence the pathogenesis of adulthood obesity, as well as previously unreported dysregulated genes that may be candidate genes in the aetiology of obesity.  相似文献   

Lipid accumulation in the human liver seems to be a crucial mechanism in the pathogenesis and the progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). We aimed to evaluate gene expression of different fatty acid (FA) metabolism-related genes in morbidly obese (MO) women with NAFLD. Liver expression of key genes related to de novo FA synthesis (LXRα, SREBP1c, ACC1, FAS), FA uptake and transport (PPARγ, CD36, FABP4), FA oxidation (PPARα), and inflammation (IL6, TNFα, CRP, PPARδ) were assessed by RT-qPCR in 127 MO women with normal liver histology (NL, n = 13), simple steatosis (SS, n = 47) and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH, n = 67). Liver FAS mRNA expression was significantly higher in MO NAFLD women with both SS and NASH compared to those with NL (p = 0.003, p = 0.010, respectively). Hepatic IL6 and TNFα mRNA expression was higher in NASH than in SS subjects (p = 0.033, p = 0.050, respectively). Interestingly, LXRα, ACC1 and FAS expression had an inverse relation with the grade of steatosis. These results were confirmed by western blot analysis. In conclusion, our results indicate that lipogenesis seems to be downregulated in advanced stages of SS, suggesting that, in this type of extreme obesity, the deregulation of the lipogenic pathway might be associated with the severity of steatosis.  相似文献   

In recent decades, the obesity epidemic has resulted in morbidity and mortality rates increasing globally. In this study, using obese mouse models, we investigated the relationship among urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA), metabolic disorders, glomerular filtration rate, and adipose tissues. Two groups, each comprised of C57BL/6J and BALB/c male mice, were fed a chow diet (CD) and a high fat diet (HFD), respectively. Within the two HFD groups, half of each group were euthanized at 8 weeks (W8) or 16 weeks (W16). Blood, urine and adipose tissues were collected and harvested for evaluation of the effects of obesity. In both mouse models, triglyceride with insulin resistance and body weight increased with duration when fed a HFD in comparison to those in the groups on a CD. In both C57BL/6J and BALB/c HFD mice, levels of serum uPA initially increased significantly in the W8 group, and then the increment decreased in the W16 group. The glomerular filtration rate declined in both HFD groups. The expression of uPA significantly decreased in brown adipose tissue (BAT), but not in white adipose tissue, when compared with that in the CD group. The results suggest a decline in the expression of uPA in BAT in obese m models as the serum uPA increases. There is possibly an association with BAT fibrosis and dysfunction, which may need further study.  相似文献   

Adipocyte iron overload is a maladaptation associated with obesity and insulin resistance. The objective of the current study was to determine whether and how adipose tissue macrophages (ATMs) regulate adipocyte iron concentrations and whether this is impacted by obesity. Using bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs) polarized to M0, M1, M2, or metabolically activated (MMe) phenotypes, we showed that MMe BMDMs and ATMs from obese mice have reduced expression of several iron-related proteins. Furthermore, the bioenergetic response to iron in obese ATMs was hampered. ATMs from iron-injected lean mice increased their glycolytic and respiratory capacities, thus maintaining metabolic flexibility, while ATMs from obese mice did not. Using an isotope-based system, we found that iron exchange between BMDMs and adipocytes was regulated by macrophage phenotype. At the end of the co-culture, MMe macrophages transferred and received more iron from adipocytes than M0, M1, and M2 macrophages. This culminated in a decrease in total iron in MMe macrophages and an increase in total iron in adipocytes compared with M2 macrophages. Taken together, in the MMe condition, the redistribution of iron is biased toward macrophage iron deficiency and simultaneous adipocyte iron overload. These data suggest that obesity changes the communication of iron between adipocytes and macrophages and that rectifying this iron communication channel may be a novel therapeutic target to alleviate insulin resistance.  相似文献   

Previously, galectin-1 (GAL1) was found to be up-regulated in obesity-prone subjects, suggesting that use of a GAL1 inhibitor could be a novel therapeutic approach for treatment of obesity. We evaluated thiodigalactoside (TDG) as a potent inhibitor of GAL1 and identified target proteins of TDG by performing comparative proteome analysis of white adipose tissue (WAT) from control and TDG-treated rats fed a high fat diet (HFD) using two dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) combined with MALDI-TOF-MS. Thirty-two spots from a total of 356 matched spots showed differential expression between control and TDG-treated rats, as identified by peptide mass fingerprinting. These proteins were categorized into groups such as carbohydrate metabolism, tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, signal transduction, cytoskeletal, and mitochondrial proteins based on functional analysis using Protein Annotation Through Evolutionary Relationship (PANTHER) and Database for Annotation, Visualization, Integrated Discovery (DAVID) classification. One of the most striking findings of this study was significant changes in Carbonic anhydrase 3 (CA3), Voltage-dependent anion channel 1 (VDAC1), phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein 1 (PEBP1), annexin A2 (ANXA2) and lactate dehydrogenase A chain (LDHA) protein levels between WAT from control and TDG-treated groups. In addition, we confirmed increased expression of thermogenic proteins as well as reduced expression of lipogenic proteins in response to TDG treatment. These results suggest that TDG may effectively prevent obesity, and TDG-responsive proteins can be used as novel target proteins for obesity treatment.  相似文献   

Excess adiposity is associated with chronic inflammation, which takes part in the development of obesity-related complications. The aim of this study was to establish whether subcutaneous (SAT) or visceral (VAT) adipose tissue plays a major role in synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Concentrations of interleukins (IL): 1β, 6, 8 and 15 were measured at the protein level by an ELISA-based method and on the mRNA level by real-time PCR in VAT and SAT samples obtained from 49 obese (BMI > 40 kg/m2) and 16 normal-weight (BMI 20–24.9 kg/m2) controls. IL-6 and IL-15 protein concentrations were higher in SAT than in VAT for both obese (p = 0.003 and p < 0.0001, respectively) and control individuals (p = 0.004 and p = 0.001, respectively), while for IL-1β this was observed only in obese subjects (p = 0.047). What characterized obese individuals was the higher expression of IL-6 and IL-15 at the protein level in VAT compared to normal-weight controls (p = 0.047 and p = 0.016, respectively). Additionally, obese individuals with metabolic syndrome had higher IL-1β levels in VAT than did obese individuals without this syndrome (p = 0.003). In conclusion, concentrations of some pro-inflammatory cytokines were higher in SAT than in VAT, but it was the increased pro-inflammatory activity of VAT that was associated with obesity and metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

The increased worldwide prevalence of obesity, insulin resistance, and their related metabolic complications have prompted the scientific world to search for new possibilities to combat obesity. Brown adipose tissue (BAT), due to its unique protein uncoupling protein 1 (UPC1) in the inner membrane of the mitochondria, has been acknowledged as a promising approach to increase energy expenditure. Activated brown adipocytes dissipate energy, resulting in heat production. In other words, BAT burns fat and increases the metabolic rate, promoting a negative energy balance. Moreover, BAT alleviates metabolic complications like dyslipidemia, impaired insulin secretion, and insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes. The aim of this review is to explore the role of BAT in total energy expenditure, as well as lipid and glucose homeostasis, and to discuss new possible activators of brown adipose tissue in humans to treat obesity and metabolic disorders.  相似文献   

Obesity is associated with extensive expansion and remodeling of the adipose tissue architecture, including its microenvironment and extracellular matrix (ECM). Although obesity has been reported to induce adipose tissue fibrosis, the composition of the ECM under healthy physiological conditions has remained underexplored and debated. Here, we used a combination of three established techniques (picrosirius red staining, a colorimetric hydroxyproline assay, and sensitive gene expression measurements) to evaluate the status of the ECM in metabolically healthy lean (MHL) and metabolically unhealthy obese (MUO) subjects. We investigated ECM deposition in the two major human adipose tissues, namely the omental and subcutaneous depots. Biopsies were obtained from the same anatomic region of respective individuals. We found robust ECM deposition in MHL subjects, which correlated with high expression of collagens and enzymes involved in ECM remodeling. In contrast, MUO individuals showed lower expression of ECM components but elevated levels of ECM cross-linking and adhesion proteins, e.g., lysyl oxidase and thrombospondin. Our data suggests that subcutaneous fat is more prone to express proteins involved in ECM remodeling than omental adipose tissues. We conclude that a more dynamic ability to deposit and remodel ECM may be a key signature of healthy adipose tissue, and that subcutaneous fat may adapt more readily to changing metabolic conditions than omental fat.  相似文献   

Prolyl carboxypeptidase (PRCP) is involved in metabolic disorders by hydrolyzing anorexigenic peptides. A link between serum PRCP activity and obesity has been reported, but its origin/source is still unclear. Previously proven correlations between human serum PRCP activity and the amount of adipose tissue may suggest that adipose tissue is an important source of circulating PRCP. We investigated PRCP activity in visceral, subcutaneous adipose tissue (VAT and SCAT), skeletal muscle tissue and serum of lean and obese men with or without type 2 diabetes (T2D). Correlations between PRCP activity, metabolic and biochemical parameters and immune cell populations were assessed. PRCP activity was the highest in VAT, compared to SCAT, and was very low in skeletal muscle tissue in the overall group. Serum PRCP activity was significantly higher in T2-diabetic obese men, compared to lean and obese non-diabetic men, and was positively correlated with glycemic control. A positive correlation was observed between serum PRCP activity and VAT immune cell populations, which might indicate that circulating PRCP activity is deriving rather from the immune fraction than from adipocytes. In conclusion, PRCP activity was observed in human adipose tissue for the first time and serum PRCP activity is correlated with T2D in obese men.  相似文献   

Obesity develops early in childhood and is accompanied by early signs of adipose tissue (AT) dysfunction and metabolic disease in children. In order to analyse the molecular processes during obesity-related AT accumulation in children, we investigated genome-wide expression profiles in AT samples, isolated adipocytes, and stromal vascular fraction (SVF) cells and assessed their relation to obesity as well as biological and functional AT parameters. We detected alterations in gene expression associated with obesity and related parameters, i.e., BMI SDS, adipocyte size, macrophage infiltration, adiponectin, and/or leptin. While differential gene expression in AT and adipocytes shared an enrichment in metabolic pathways and pathways related to extracellular structural organisation, SVF cells showed an overrepresentation in inflammatory pathways. In adipocytes, we found the strongest positive association for epidermal growth factor-like protein 6 (EGFL6) with adipocyte hypertrophy. EGFL6 was also upregulated during in vitro adipocyte differentiation. In children, EGFL6 expression was positively correlated to parameters of AT dysfunction and metabolic disease such as macrophage infiltration into AT, hs-CRP, leptin levels, and HOMA-IR. In conclusion, we provide evidence for early alterations in AT gene expression related to AT dysfunction in children and identified EGFL6 as potentially being involved in processes underlying the pathogenesis of metabolic disease.  相似文献   

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a well-known reproductive syndrome usually associated with obesity, insulin resistance, and hyperinsulinemia. Although the first signs of PCOS begin early in adolescence, it is underexplored whether peripubertal obesity predisposes women to PCOS metabolic disturbances. To highlight that, we examined the impact of postnatal overfeeding-induced obesity, achieved by litter size reduction during the suckling period, on metabolic disturbances associated with visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue (VAT and SAT) function in the 5α-dihydrotestosterone (5α-DHT)-induced animal model of PCOS. We analyzed markers of insulin signaling, lipid metabolism, and energy sensing in the VAT and SAT. Our results showed that postnatally overfed DHT-treated Wistar rats had increased VAT mass with hypertrophic adipocytes, together with hyperinsulinemia and increased HOMA index. In the VAT of these animals, insulin signaling remained unchanged while lipogenic markers decreased, which was accompanied by increased AMPK activation. In the SAT of the same animals, markers of lipogenesis and lipolysis increased, while the activity of AMPK decreased. Taken together, obtained results showed that postnatal overfeeding predisposes development of PCOS systemic insulin resistance, most likely as a result of worsened metabolic function of SAT, while VAT preserved its tissue insulin sensitivity through increased activity of AMPK.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoids (GCs) are hormones that aid the body under stress by regulating glucose and free fatty acids. GCs maintain energy homeostasis in multiple tissues, including those in the liver and skeletal muscle, white adipose tissue (WAT), and brown adipose tissue (BAT). WAT stores energy as triglycerides, while BAT uses fatty acids for heat generation. The multiple genomic and non-genomic pathways in GC signaling vary with exposure duration, location (adipose tissue depot), and species. Genomic effects occur directly through the cytosolic GC receptor (GR), regulating the expression of proteins related to lipid metabolism, such as ATGL and HSL. Non-genomic effects act through mechanisms often independent of the cytosolic GR and happen shortly after GC exposure. Studying the effects of GCs on adipose tissue breakdown and generation (lipolysis and adipogenesis) leads to insights for treatment of adipose-related diseases, such as obesity, coronary disease, and cancer, but has led to controversy among researchers, largely due to the complexity of the process. This paper reviews the recent literature on the genomic and non-genomic effects of GCs on WAT and BAT lipolysis and proposes research to address the many gaps in knowledge related to GC activity and its effects on disease.  相似文献   

Adipose tissue dysfunction is strongly associated with obesity and its metabolic complications such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. It is well established that lipid-overloaded adipose tissue produces a large range of secreted molecules that contribute a pro-inflammatory microenvironment which subsequently disseminates towards multi-organ metabolic homeostasis disruption. Besides physiopathological contribution of adipose-derived molecules, a new paradigm is emerging following the discovery that adipocytes have a propensity to extrude damaged mitochondria in the extracellular space, to be conveyed through the blood and taken up by cell acceptors, in a process called intercellular mitochondria transfer. This review summarizes the discovery of mitochondria transfer, its relation to cell quality control systems and recent data that demonstrate its relevant implication in the context of obesity-related adipose tissue dysfunction.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) serves as a central factor in hydrolysis of triacylglycerol and uptake of free fatty acids from the plasma. However, there are limited data concerning the action of LPL on the regulation of milk fat synthesis in goat mammary gland. In this investigation, we describe the cloning and sequencing of the LPL gene from Xinong Saanen dairy goat mammary gland, along with a study of its phylogenetic relationships. Sequence analysis showed that goat LPL shares similarities with other species including sheep, bovine, human and mouse. LPL mRNA expression in various tissues determined by RT-qPCR revealed the highest expression in white adipose tissue, with lower expression in heart, lung, spleen, rumen, small intestine, mammary gland, and kidney. Expression was almost undetectable in liver and muscle. The expression profiles of LPL gene in mammary gland at early, peak, mid, late lactation, and the dry period were also measured. Compared with the dry period, LPL mRNA expression was markedly greater at early lactation. However, compared with early lactation, the expression was lower at peak lactation and mid lactation. Despite those differences, LPL mRNA expression was still greater at peak, mid, and late lactation compared with the dry period. Using goat mammary epithelial cells (GMEC), the in vitro knockdown of LPL via shRNA or with Orlistat resulted in a similar degree of down-regulation of LPL (respectively). Furthermore, knockdown of LPL was associated with reduced mRNA expression of SREBF1, FASN, LIPE and PPARG but greater expression of FFAR3. There was no effect on ACACA expression. Orlistat decreased expression of LIPE, FASN, ACACA, and PPARG, and increased FFAR3 and SREBF1 expression. The pattern of LPL expression was similar to the changes in milk fat percentage in lactating goats. Taken together, results suggest that LPL may play a crucial role in fatty acid synthesis.  相似文献   

Fatty acids containing a cyclopropane ring in their structure (cyclopropane FA) have been found in a wide variety of bacteria, a number of protozoa, and Myriapoda. Little is known about cyclopropane FA in mammal, especially in human tissues. The present study deals with the identification of cyclopropane FA in adipose tissue and serum of humans and rats. Fatty acids extracted from the adipose tissue and serum obtained from obese women during bariatric surgery were methylated and analyzed on GC–MS. We have identified: cyclopropaneoctanoic acid 2-hexyl, cyclopropaneoctanoic acid 2-octyl, cyclopropanenonanoic acid, and 2-[[2-[(2-ethylcyclopropyl)methyl]cyclopropyl]methyl] acid in human adipose tissue. We confirmed the presence of cyclopropaneoctanoic acid 2-hexyl by derivatization of FA extracted from human adipose tissue to picolinyl esters. Cyclopropaneoctanoic acid 2-hexyl was the main cyclopropane FA (approximately 0.4 % of total fatty acids in human adipose tissue, and about 0.2 % of total fatty acids in the serum). In adipose tissue cyclopropaneoctanoic acid 2-hexyl was found mainly in triacylglycerols, whereas in serum in phospholipids and triacylglycerols. The cyclopropaneoctanoic acid 2-hexyl has also been found in serum, and adipose tissue of rats in amounts comparable to humans. The content of cyclopropaneoctanoic acid 2-hexyl decreased in adipose tissue of rats maintained on a restricted diet for 1 month. In conclusion, we demonstrated that cyclopropaneoctanoic acid 2-hexyl is present in human adipose tissue and serum. Adipose tissue cyclopropaneoctanoic acid 2-hexyl is stored mainly in triacylglycerols and the storage of this cyclopropane FA is affected by food restriction.  相似文献   

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