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德国3D手游巨商Fishlabs,在去年的这个时候就放出了一款极其炫丽的Blades and Magic演示视频,令不少玩家叹为观止。尽管早早在E3上展出,游戏还是没能如官方所称“2007年第一季度上市”。数次的跳票又让玩家对游戏类型与内容进行各种猜测,众说纷纭,游戏的神秘色彩增添不少。就在不少玩家淡忘之时,Fishlabs终于带着《魔法和利刃》姗姗来迟。就让我们看看这款吊了玩家足足一年胃口的游戏,如何来满足玩家的游戏欲望吧。[编者按]  相似文献   

<正>随着5G的发展,手机越来越被人们所依赖,将其称之为移动电脑毫不为过。而手机游戏则占据了手机使用的大部分时间。通讯技术的发展,手机设备的更新,忆往昔,手游曾从“贪吃蛇”、“俄罗斯方块”、“植物大战僵尸”、到“王者荣耀”等,经历了几个时代的变迁。游戏行业发展到今天,手游已经超越端游成为最大游戏市场。据ABI 2022年的调查显示,手机游戏用户将从26亿增长到2030年的39亿,特别是到2026年,将有85%的玩家首选在手机上玩游戏。  相似文献   

电脑游戏的玩家不知道《轩辕剑》,就仿佛开车的人不知道福特、丰田。这就是《轩辕剑》系列在PC游戏史上的历史地位。作为第一款中文界面的角色扮演游戏,1990年开始,大宇的《轩辕剑》系列就一直扮演着RPG世界的领军作品。其中最出色的无疑就是出货量甚至超过《仙剑》的《轩辕剑外传之天之痕》。时间过去了快十年,通过与大宇的合作,拉阔游戏终于在手游世界中也推出了同名游戏。对于那些《轩辕剑》的骨灰级玩家,这无疑是重温旧梦的大好机会。当然,这部手游也不能看成是PC版的简单复制,在不少细节处,还是显现出了设计者独特创意。  相似文献   

也许有玩家会问,什么是“哥谭”?其实“哥谭”就是纽约的别名,在著名漫画电影《蝙蝠侠》中蝙蝠侠活跃的舞台,便是那个以纽约为背景的“哥谭”市。实际上,本作的飚车场景并不仅仅限于“哥谭”,而是包括了世界各地多个著名的城市。如果是喜欢华丽画面的玩家,那么《哥谭赛车计划3》绝对是目前的首选游戏。早在本作发售之前,网络上流传的场景画和赛车画面就达到了几乎可以乱真的程度。这当然和XBOX360强劲的性能是分不开的,游戏中每部赛车使用的多边形甚至达到了令人吃惊的100000个!整整是XBOX版前作的10倍。无论是赛车的外部还是内部都得到了极好的表现,并且游戏中的各种赛道也制作得非常华  相似文献   

这是一款取材于著名作家Huber Dhardot系列小说“独处黑暗”,融合此系列小说中的“Nocturne”和“Running Man”制作而成的恐怖冒险游戏。如同玩家熟悉的“生化危机”和“恐龙危机”游戏一样,游戏中充满恐怖和血腥,冒险和刺激的场景,喜欢这类游戏的玩家可以亲身尝试一下。  相似文献   

以远古战争为题材的战略游戏历来受玩家的青睐,如Macrospace(现在的GLU)出品的“远古帝国”系列Ⅰ代和Ⅱ代, RLS(战祺)的类型加上不错的素材,到现在还受相当多玩家的欢迎。近一段时间不断“妙冷饭”的Gameloft,终于按捺不住,推出该公司史上第一款,同时也是手游史上难得的即时战略游戏。  相似文献   

在最受玩家欢迎的游戏中,由Ac-tivision公司所推出的《文明帝国》可以说是一套极有名的游戏,而该游戏第三代《Call toPower》比起前两代的《文明帝国》,无论在图形上还是在内容上都有相当的创新,尤其是内容方面,该游戏的设计以全新的角度来经营游戏的玩法,使游戏更符合具有现代意识的玩家们的要求。  相似文献   

作为游戏玩家的至尊之选,G19游戏键盘是罗技公司的预级力作,其集合了罗技多项先进的游戏技术,在造型上继承了罗技G系键盘的一贯风格,而其造工之精细更是瑞士精致工艺的鲜活呈现,充分突显了游戏玩家的绝世品位。G19拥有全彩可倾斜液晶显示屏,可以实时显示角色状态,并在私人信息送达后提醒玩家,显示有用的战斗信息。同时,G19配有12个可自由编程的游戏功能键,并为每个键配备了3个程序指令,让用户总计可设置36个可编程宏定义键。此外,G19还具备背光功能,用户可根据个人喜好自由选择背光颜色,让玩家即使在黑暗中也可以轻松使用,成为游戏玩家的顶级之选。  相似文献   

最近看到一篇玩家的帖子,对目前的手机网络游戏提出了12大建议,大致是希望手机网游像《魔兽世界》一样出色,如此这般的建议洋洋洒洒数千字,旁征博引。作为一个玩家将自己的游戏感受以及希望用这种方试提出来,认真而执著的劲头着实让人感动。我将他的文章转给一些手机网游运营商看,一致的回复是,等3G到来时手机网游完全可以像《魔兽世界》一样丰富而好玩。不过《魔兽世界》也有自己的问题,最近玩家网吧猝死事件, 使得网络游戏防沉迷提案再度成为热门话题。不过我想手机网游应该不存在这样的问题,一块手机电池的电力最多不过4个小时,即便如此还是要提醒各位手游玩家:游戏好玩,但一定不要过度沉迷其中,毕竟健康最宝贵! 我们的活动再有一期就要结束了,如果你喜欢哪款游戏,不妨发短信支持你喜欢的游戏,投票者将有机会获得《游戏先锋》送出的超级大奖, 奖品包括苹果iPod shuffle随身听、诺基亚百万像素拍照手机以及索尼PSP掌上游戏机。根据短信投票情况,我们将评选出每月“最佳人气手机网络游戏”,年底累计得票最高游戏将获得“2005最佳手机网络游戏”称号。  相似文献   

如果说男性玩家更喜欢火爆刺激的游戏类型的话,那么画面简单且人物造型可爱的游戏则更容易赢得女性玩家的青睐。《魔法炮弹》就是这样一款游戏,游戏的类型和经典游戏泡泡龙非常相似,不过在游戏中被“炮轰”的对象却变成了并不安分的青蛙。  相似文献   

随着移动通信技术的迅猛发展,LTE作为目前移动通信系统的主要演进方向,越来越多的用户使用其网络业务。本文就以网络游戏业务的随机接入过程中信令优化为叙述重点。首先介绍了网络游戏业务,然后结合网络游戏业务的特点和随机接入的信令流程,找出在随机接入信令中影响网络游戏业务的时延参数,并进行信令参数优化。  相似文献   

We conducted a research project to determine how various information and communication technologies (icts) are perceived by young people. A major focus of this investigation was the mobile telephone, but we also looked at other personal technology such as email, television, postcards, wristwatches and portable entertainment technologies. We used a technique known as the semantic differential (sd) to collect our data, us college students were solicited for their responses to bipolar adjectives with the aim of gaining insight into their “folk views” of these technologies. For comparison purposes data were also gathered from a sample of South Korean students as well as from students in Namibia and Norway. Although the data are potentially subject to serious questions as to their validity and reliability, they appear to be preliminary evidence suggesting that there is a perhaps surprising convergence in young people’s views towards icts. This convergence may take place widely varying cultural and historical backgrounds of users and potential users.  相似文献   

This paper explores the use of ethnographic research to help companies design, build, and implement products and services that meet the stated and unstated needs of consumers. Although many products enjoy an international presence in the global economy, the market is far from homogeneous. Cultural practices and beliefs strongly influence the meaning and, consequently, the usage of products. If a product is not culturally resonant, the product may not be adopted by consumers - no matter how technologically advanced or innovative the product may be. Specifically, this paper explores mobile phone, and advanced network I-mode adoption in Japan. Research methodologies used in the case study are described, including how these techniques elucidate the various social and cultural processes that influence adoption. In order to develop wireless and other mobile communication solutions that are culturally, emotionally, and technically satisfying for users, the current “ global paradigm” must be reconsidered. Incorporating anthropology into the design process is a crucial first step in helping telecommunication companies define their next generation of products and services in the mobile communications arena.  相似文献   

Technology-aided ubiquity and instantaneity have emerged as major goals of most information technology providers and of certain classes of users such as “road warriors”. New mobile technologies promise genie-in-a-bottle type near-magical qualities with anytime, anywhere access to information and services. While the complex science, systems, and economics of such technologies receive considerable attention from industry executives and researchers, the social and cultural aspects of these technologies attract less attention. This paper explores the oft-contradictory promises and pitfalls of anytime, anywhere technologies from a cultural standpoint. It makes suggestions for reinterpreting these technologies for greater human good.  相似文献   

In this tutorial, we provided a comprehensive overview of coalitional game theory, and its usage in wireless and communication networks. For this purpose, we introduced a novel classification of coalitional games by grouping the sparse literature into three distinct classes of games: canonical coalitional games, coalition formation games, and coalitional graph games. For each class, we explained in details the fundamental properties, discussed the main solution concepts, and provided an in-depth analysis of the methodologies and approaches for using these games in both game theory and communication applications. The presented applications have been carefully selected from a broad range of areas spanning a diverse number of research problems. The tutorial also sheds light on future opportunities for using the strong analytical tool of coalitional games in a number of applications. In a nutshell, this article fills a void in existing communications literature, by providing a novel tutorial on applying coalitional game theory in communication networks through comprehensive theory and technical details as well as through practical examples drawn from both game theory and communication application.  相似文献   

This study draws on the uses and gratifications framework to examine expanded use of a hybrid medium—the mobile phone—for mass communications and entertainment. Results of a telephone survey of 208 users show different motivations predict diverse uses of the mobile phone. Instrumental use motives drive the use of the mobile phone for news-seeking and Web-surfing. Further, the motive of pass time is significantly linked to playing video games via the mobile phone. In addition, the high-tech mobile phone enabled users to be more active: the more intensively people use mobile phones for voice calls, the more likely they will be to use mobile data services. Thus, the hybrid mobile phone bridges interpersonal and mass communication. Finally, younger users are more likely to use mobile phones for getting news and entertainment. Implications for the industry and recommendations for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Central to the problem of theory development in group communication is the inconsistent frame of reference evident in small group research which often overlooks the overt study of communicative behavior. Process–oriented definitions of two key terms—“group” and “task”—provide a theoretical perspective which considers communication central to group research. “Group” is defined as a system of interstructured behaviors—interacts and double interacts—which form predictable patterns through time. A group “task” is a decision–making task for which no externally correct decision exists and whose completion, therefore, is dependent on acceptance. Thus, it is concluded that the task and socio–emotional dimensions of a group are inseparably interdependent in that both are grounded in the process of group formation and maintenance. Guidelines are recommended for direct observation of connnunicative behavior in future research. The guidelines are directed toward the cumulative development of new knowledge grounded in empirical research.  相似文献   

随着人类社会的发展,各种各样的媒体技术被广泛应用在生活、生产、军事等领域。在教学上,许多媒体正在发挥着越来越重要的作用,不断地将更多“新”的传播媒体引入教学应用,为教育传播的发展提供了巨大的机遇。“新媒体新技术”是一个相对的概念,新媒体新技术是建立计算机网络、数字化基础上的,为人民生活提供的不仅仅是新闻信息,更重要是在各个领域都发挥了举足轻重的作用,深受民众喜欢。  相似文献   

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